Ms Deeming stands tall amid the dross

Moira Deeming is back. Reportedly, the vote in the Liberal’s party room was 23 to 4. Who are the Gang of Four this time around? I don’t know. Nor do I know who the other ten are who previously voted to keep Deeming out just eight days before; apart from Pesutto. Nor do I know who the nineteen were in May 2023 who voted to expel her; apart from Pesutto.

Here is what I do know. The Victorian Liberal Parliamentary Party, as expected of today’s Liberal parties, federal and state, is full of wishy-washy, pantywaist, global warmists who would probably have great difficulty earning the same crust outside of politics.

Politicians of all stripes, for the most part, are wretched people, having at best Groucho’s principles and usually none at all to speak of. But give me a Marxist, communist, socialist, Labor apparatchik or even a deluded Greenie any day of the week rather than those godawful Liberals oozing sanctimony.

What did Deeming do to earn the displeasure of her feckless colleagues. Among other normal things, she objected to drag-queen story-time and the attendant perverted sexualisation of children, and to the invasion of women’s spaces and sports by men comporting themselves as women. Exactly why is that not common decency and common sense writ large?

Take a step back and try to imagine (wildly) a situation in which a woman objecting to a hairy-arsed man flaunting his genitalia in her dressing room is punished for objecting. Yet, apparently, that is where the Liberal’s party room was, and where fourteen members still were some days ago, and where four members still are today. Amazing!

Jacinta Allan and her merry band of hapless Victorian socialists will likely get kicked out next time around. But don’t hold your breath, a Trumpian or Mileish or Orbánian or Reaganesque or Thatcherite party will not be filling the breach. Being realistic will save dashed expectations, which lead to depression, which leads to despair and despair always disappoints. HNY.

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December 28, 2024 6:21 pm

That is the problem Peter, the SFL’S don’t know what they stand for and neither do do we.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
December 28, 2024 6:28 pm
Reply to  GreyRanga

Not quite right, as I know what I stand for.

December 28, 2024 8:33 pm
Reply to  Mak Siccar

I meant we don’t know what the SFL’S stand for either.

December 28, 2024 7:40 pm

The gliberals, labore and the greenfilth.

When three extreme left political parties are barely enough*, especially if you’re an Ozzie forced to vote for such dross.

*Four if you count the national agrarian socialists.

December 28, 2024 8:53 pm

Deeming is a distraction. Her antics have created another ridiculous clown car act in the Liberals that only benefits Labor. Abbott, Credkin, deeming and co remind me of the old Labor left. They spend all their efforts on fighting inside their party and none of attracting votes. Disgraceful.

December 29, 2024 6:26 am

Who were the 13 who voted to kick her out the other day? Pesutto we know about. Surely they need to go, too. Disgusting creatures. As for Jeff Kennett, deeply disappointed in him.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 29, 2024 6:31 am

A majority of American voters voted for Donald Trump in November. Every one of those voters would know that Trump rejects the climate hoax and intends to “drill baby drill”.

The mystery is why, when it’s so clear that their own voters likewise reject the hoax, the Liberal Party doesn’t do likewise. Especially when it is becoming very clear the extreme pain that climate policies inflict upon the Australian economy.

December 29, 2024 10:53 am

half the country depends on the gov to make ends meet

December 29, 2024 10:17 am

Sad that a middle of the road sensible woman like Deeming is considered ( by the left ) as far right. Progressivism certainly crept up in the shadows while the rest were playing in the sun.


December 29, 2024 10:48 am

Do the Liberals ever wonder why many voters are looking elsewhere? The Libs keep moving to the left in the hope of picking up some Labor voters but in doing that they P*$$ off some of their base.
I haven’t voted for the Libs for over 10 years. I see no reason to return to the fold. They have shown very little common sense and are full of out of touch woke elites.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 29, 2024 5:18 pm

Take a step back and try to imagine (wildly) a situation in which a woman objecting to a hairy-arsed man flaunting his genitalia in her dressing room is punished for objecting. Yet, apparently, that is where the Liberal’s party room was, and where fourteen members still were some days ago, and where four members still are today

And that tells you everything you need to know of the calibre of the Liberal Party.

December 30, 2024 7:38 am

There is something else She tried to get into Federal party but was rejected . I have heard something to do with husband

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x