There was a good poster in The Week In Pictures not long ago that showed pictures of GWB, Clinton, Obama,…
There was a good poster in The Week In Pictures not long ago that showed pictures of GWB, Clinton, Obama,…
Tony Abbott was rubbished by the mostly left media for saying that in the ME it tended to be bad…
The IDF has no problem with females in the Military.
That’s the often misnamed Hard Talk show on BBC. It’s hard on conservatives, soft on liberals.
Democrat polling shows their reputation and standing are in the gutter. Bill Maher laments that there may never be another…
Heard today that the Feral Government collects $1.40 in tax from smokers … per cigarette! Rsoles.
It’s for your own good, peasant.
Short late bookshop-bonehead anecdote time.
Local bootique bookshop, specializing in eco-catastrophe, coffee table glossy and misery memoir. Hip DINK behind the counter had the cliche red Guevara shirt on. I don’t know why- cos I’m usually unfailingly polite and honest- but I said, “You know, as a gay man, I find that Guevara shirt pretty hard to put up with.”
Slightly baffled metrosexual tw*t starts up with some pinko commie drivel about “Erm well acksherly Che Guevara is seen as a liberating hero for all indigenous peoples and against the greed and cruelty of the Catholic Church-”
I cut him off- with my eyes! I have what my (loving but otherwise too damn cheeky) kids call “Dad Voice Resting Face”- and just said
“You. Don’t know jack. About Ernesto Guevara.”
Held his gaze for a beat and a half, turned and left.
I don’t imagine he was in any way shamed into looking critically into Guevara. Given the shirt routine is junior-high shallow in the first place.
*I’m careful not to ape the “My mate Che” bullsh*t. See also terrorist bombing mastermind Nelson “Mandiba” Mandela and rabid racist Mohandas “Mahatma” Ghandi, more recently kleptocrat “Doctor” Mandarlwuy Yunupingu and junta shotcaller “Mamasan” Suu Kyi.
*I’m also not gay.
Lefties have some horrible people as heroes.
Arseholes tend to congregate together.
This piece from The Age would be at home in any centre-right newspaper.
He’s doing a lousy job of it.
I’m not going to subscribe to The Age just to read one article. Particularly one that tells me what Russia wants.
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Mark Knight #2.
Peter Broelman.
Brett Lethbridge.
Patrick Blower.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich.
Gary Varvel.
Lisa Benson.
Ben Garrison. Spot on!
“Aux armes, citoyens!”
Great Britain has just broken the sound barrier as it plumets into the depths of Marxist Hell.
Look back a year. Could anyone have predicted this social catastrophe hanging over Britains head?
Thanks Tom.
Some fairly graphic pictures in the links.
Meanwhile the West continues to harbour the crocodile hoping it will get eaten last, but eaten it will be.
Thats hard to stomach, sick to watch. Like the slaughter of christians in Africa. Nuke the lot.
Tony Abbott was rubbished by the mostly left media for saying that in the ME it tended to be bad guys versus more bad guys.
What’s the point of having trillions of dollars worth of ships aircraft and armies if we don’t use them against our enemies?
I certainly don’t want them in the ranks, I’d prefer them in the factories. However there’s a nasty little voice in my head saying “This is the flip side of invading our men’s clubs and public bars.”
There aren’t enough women in prisons, either.
The insane proposition that males and females are indistinguishable isn’t really believed by anyone, it’s just convenient rhetoric for justifying encroachment by women on male turf. So taking it seriously by sending women off to war is what the feminist loons deserve.
The IDF has no problem with females in the Military.
Democrat polling shows their reputation and standing are in the gutter. Bill Maher laments that there may never be another Democrat President.
But right on cue, Stephen Sackur gives a soft interview to former French PM Dominique de Villepin, who says that the American people “will wake up” and realise that they must take back their democracy. Que?
That’s the often misnamed Hard Talk show on BBC. It’s hard on conservatives, soft on liberals.
There was a good poster in The Week In Pictures not long ago that showed pictures of GWB, Clinton, Obama, and Hillary, all talking to Putin on separate occasions. No problem there. But if Trump does it, it’s bad. Another cartoon by Gary Varvel reflected that Clinton and Obama both at least claimed to be trying to curb wasteful expenditures, but when Trump does the same he gets called a horrible dictator.
John Lennon’s Give Peace A Chance went down a treat with the chattering leftist classes, and others, but when Trump says it the usual suspects give it the thumbs down.