Open Thread – Weekend 18 May 2024

The Bay of Yalta, Ivan Aivazovsky, 1885

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May 19, 2024 9:06 pm

Bons that ugly lefty woman is in advertising, in Sydney after leaving the US, couldn’t handle being ithere when the Maganificent Donald John Trump got elected. Don’t know if she is still here, probably scuttled back to cosy up to Sniffy Joe the Thief in Chief.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 19, 2024 9:20 pm

Chaotic scenes as pro-Palestine activists clash with police in Melbourne

By rachel baxendale

  • Victorian Political Reporter
  • 8:17PM May 19, 2024

Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan said the Israel-Hamas war was a “federal” problem, as protesters with heads wrapped completely in Palestinian scarves clashed with police outside state parliament, and Labor’s state conference was dominated by attacks on Israel.
Hundreds of police were forced to spend Sunday afternoon keeping the peace outside parliament, after a group of violent pro-Palestine protesters, yelling “intifada” and “from the river to the sea” ­rallied in opposition to a demonstration against anti-Semitism.
The chaos unfolded on Spring Street little more than 24 hours after pro-Palestine protesters had stormed the Victorian Labor Party conference, and the party had passed six anti-Israel motions. While Ms Allan said she was “disgusted” by protesters who “brought violence, homophobia and anti-Semitism to the front door of state conference” on Saturday – preventing some state ministers from entering and yelling a homophobic slur at one – she downplayed non-binding ­motions championed by her Socialist Left faction as a matter for the federal government.
“Foreign policy should be left to the federal government because Australia must speak in one voice on the world stage,” Ms Allan said. “My priority as the state’s Premier is maintaining a cohesive society where all Victorians are safe and respected.”
A spokeswoman for Anthony Albanese said motions at state Labor conferences were “a matter for the party”.
“The government position is very clear and longstanding,” she said.
The issue of Gaza did not feature at what was a much quieter conference on Sunday, although several dozen party members, including delegates who addressed the conference on other issues, chose to wear keffiyeh scarves in support of Palestine.

One motion demanded that the Albanese government support the “inalienable right of self-determination for the Palestinian people”; another called for the end to Israel’s “perpetual military occupation and human rights violations” in Gaza.
On social media, pro-Palestine protesters circulated a poster featuring a jackboot crushing a Star of David to promote their counter-rally ahead the of the “Never Again is Now” rally against anti-Semitism on Sunday afternoon.
As thousands of members of the Jewish community and their supporters, including the Christian founders of the “Never Again is Now” movement, politicians and religious leaders gathered for their rally, pro-Palestine protesters, some of whom covered all but their eyes with keffiyehs, congregated on the other side of a large police cordon, which included public order response and mounted brigades.
At one stage, the pro-Palestine protesters blocked off the ­northern-most entrance to the parliament train station, preventing members of the public trying to attend the rally against anti-Semitism from exiting the station and accusing them of “supporting genocide”

May 19, 2024 9:29 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha

May 19, 2024 6:47 pm

Reply to  132andBush

So %00 million dollars worth of aircraft is the only option?

Well we have to assume someone did the calculations. And it’s $450mill.

The jets are due to be delivered in July, replacing two 20 year old 737’s used by successive governments.

The new aircraft will be funded from unspent money in Defence’s 2023-24 budget, offering a saving of up to $100m over the cost of a 12-year lease.

If that’s the case it’s a big saving, given it would be a custom fit out with no doubt a lot of security and comms extras as well, and no doubt a service package.

It also hints that they don’t really get used much.

Last edited 4 months ago by 132andBush
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 19, 2024 9:30 pm

Evidently the barrel-stuffers in SA have introduced a new marketing campaign for tourism and whatnot.

The banner is:

‘It’s time, to go down south….

With your mouth.’

Brilliant. Packing bags as we speak.

May 19, 2024 9:52 pm

just to finish off the weekend with a Eurovision classic
Boomzi bomb, boomzi bang, welcome to Islam

May 19, 2024 10:30 pm

Lessons from COVID Totalitarianism

For those who long ago saw through Western governments’ calculated strategy of applying electric shock therapy to freethinkers while handing out toxic cookies to the perpetually-vaxxed, here is something else to ponder for the future.  What we experienced during COVID felt like pure insanity.  Medical doctors betrayed their ethical duties by pushing unnecessary and experimental medical treatments on young and healthy individuals without advising them of potentially catastrophic long-term side effects (otherwise known as obtaining informed consent).  Instead of encouraging people to go outside, engage in physical activity, get some sunshine, and breathe fresh air, municipal tyrants closed playgrounds, ticketed joggers, and trapped people indoors.  When cities such as New York began requiring “vax cards” to move around, a lot of worried people saw what was over the horizon and ran to their local farming store looking for seeds for their home gardens.  Amazingly, some of these stores closed their seed supplies to the public — ostensibly because COVID authoritarians wanted to curtail outdoor activity.  

They WILL try again.

The next time scientists release a bioweapon, Western governments will return to their 2020 mindset.  They will make a hard push for mandatory injections and digital vaccine passports.  They will cultivate citizens’ dependence on government services by limiting their ability to sustain themselves.  They do not want people growing their own food.  To fight totalitarianism, then, grow a freedom garden.

May 19, 2024 10:43 pm

Dr. John Campbell talking about the Scottish enquiry into Covid. He gives a very clear explanation of what DNR actually means.

“Do not Resuscitate”

May 19, 2024 11:41 pm

Apparently, Iranian military searching for helicopter carrying president and foreign minister after experiencing a “hard landing”.
We can only hope they’re okay. 🙂

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 20, 2024 1:00 am

I thought of issuing a warning to lower your expectations about Casablanca.
I think you will find Rabat and Fez more to your liking.
And Marrakesh if you go there.

Johnny Rotten
May 20, 2024 3:04 am

I thought of issuing a warning to lower your expectations about Casablanca.

It was a most excellent film. One of the best ever.

May 20, 2024 4:13 am
May 20, 2024 4:17 am

Already going nuts on twitter with claims of cloud seeding.

May 20, 2024 4:21 am

just got into Fez. We are in a riad. It’s rather posh, but not expensive by Aussie standards.

We went through a maze of streets, our baggage on carts, through a golden door to this.

May 20, 2024 4:22 am

The crash is on fast cycle on Al Jazeera.

May 21, 2024 1:34 am

We have to admit, all these Soros backed prosecutors, AG’s appear to be extremely competent lawyers.

Alvin Purple’s case, in New York, is working out really well. Cohen is their star witness.

HAPPENING NOW: Michael Cohen admits he stole from the Trump Organization.

@yasminv has the latest.

May 21, 2024 1:58 am

Milei seems to be everywhere. He was/is now in Spain giving a speech crucifying socialism. It doesn’t appear he’s that busy with his job, seeing all he has to do is close shit down, fire government workers and deregulate the economy.

May 21, 2024 11:29 am

wrong fred

Last edited 4 months ago by JC
  1. Sounds like a fallback job. No-one else wants the toxic bestard.Even this mob have got him on a fixed term.

  2. There you go 2nd stadium is near Harrup Park Country Club also close to the airport. Just been subject to…

  3. Cenk needs his nose driven into his head, ‘Shut up’: Douglas Murray clashes with Cenk Uygur over Israel-Hamas war

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x