Meme of the Day #50

h/t: Sal the Agorist

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Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 2, 2022 1:25 pm

In similar vein Surber today has ripper meme.


(From his Highlights of the News, 1 Jul)

Ed Case
Ed Case
July 2, 2022 2:31 pm

Look, Clarence is one of the good guys, but …
ya gotta wonder if he’s put the hard word on that new Judge yet.

July 2, 2022 3:23 pm


Ed Case
Ed Case
July 2, 2022 3:44 pm

Thanks, Rabz.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
July 2, 2022 5:26 pm

Hubris wouldn’t know what a Handmaid’s Tail was, even if she hiked up her bustle at him and spun it round like a propeller blade…


July 3, 2022 12:22 pm

Rex: I’d know it was a tale.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
July 3, 2022 12:42 pm

Rex: I’d know it was a tale.

Wot, like the rest of the thoughtless and threadbare Narratives you’ve been spouting on command since Roe fell over?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 3, 2022 1:35 pm

They don’t think it racist because they they know they themselves aren’t racist therefore nothing they say or do can be racist.

When they call a black person a house-nigger or a coconut, or how they should go back to picking cotton, that is one thing.

When someone on the right, who is therefore obviously a racist, says, for example, Maxine Waters is a loudmouth idiot, it is racism.

Trained Observer
Trained Observer
July 8, 2022 10:56 am

Thomas is only controversial for one thing, his idea of “original” interpretation. It’s hardly surprising, given that not much else in the world has its literal point of reference in the long past (religion being the most obvious). As he and his colleagues proceed with this project I expect that they will reap the whirlwind.

July 9, 2022 12:48 am

Rex: cuts like a razor.

  1. So these people who make up the World Economic Forum are still not in gaol, despite their complicity in the…

  2. Cope!I never said ….A few days ago, you incorrectly hit me with the accusation that I’m recycling phrases. Meanwhile, you’re…

  3. Probably fearful that people with red-green colour blindness would mistake green for red. Which would be understandable of course.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x