TGA in bed with Big Pharma

How convenient

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June 12, 2023 8:32 am

I’m convinced this is why Novavax approval was held up.

June 12, 2023 8:47 am

It’s worse than that. The real driver is not ‘Big Pharma’. That is a side show.

These arrangements and influences of Big Pharma have been in play for 20+ years around the world, yet we never saw the level of corruption, collusion and wilful destruction of western civilisation and humanity in all those years, compared to what we saw hit us in 2020.

The sheer insanity that was implemented to deal with a ‘virus’, in such a coordinated manner around the world, supported by governments and inter-goverment panels, corporations, main stream media, and regulatory bodies is far beyond the influence and control of big pharma.

You need to look at the WEF/WHO and other key international policy groups their enablers. The big hedge funds and their enablers, the BIS and those with massive wealth beyond our comprehension.

This is not about big bad nasty companies wanting to make more profit. This is a simplistic nonsense.
This is way beyond profit. This is about control…..and it doesn’t end here….

June 12, 2023 8:54 am

I’m convinced this is why Novavax approval was held up.

Quite: this was a vax campaign from the start, and an *mRNA* vax campaign at that. Everything was geared to that, throughout the western world – the purpose of the lockdowns was to create fear and co-erce people into taking the vax to get their lives back.

*EVERYTHING* else was disallowed:

– no exemptions – not for any of the usual reasons (patient refuses, already immune, pregnant, child, not at risk of the disease, allergic reaction to earlier shot … etc etc etc)
– no alternative treatments
– no recognition of natural immunity

It was just get vaxxed, and revaxxed and revaxxed again.

Novavaxes ‘Nuvaxovid’ was much closer to proven technology, and a locally grown product to boot, but it wasn’t the mRNA type that was being pushed, yet it was held up until it didnt matter anymore. SA even nuked the Novavax trial by removing the exemption for those in the trial from getting the mRNA shots – thats right, even if you were in the Novavax trial, you still had to get the mRNA shots, destroying the scientific validity of the Novavax trial and forcing many of the subjects to drop out.

Something very evil went on here …. and I doubt we have seen the last of it.

June 12, 2023 9:29 am

More rich material for a Royal Commission into the covid response.

Which is why neither side of politics is pushing for one.

Meanwhile, the enabling laws remain in place at federal and state level.

June 12, 2023 10:03 am

In a comment on the ABCess thread yesterday, I used the word Collusion.

In a legal context, it may not be provable that The State colluded with private enterprise (in a cartel-like manner, excluding competition), the outcome of which was enormous profits – consisting of taxpayer funds – to the same private enterprises.

However, a ‘community’ definition of the same concept, collusion, may be utilised in a non-legal context.

June 12, 2023 10:06 am

SA even nuked the Novavax trial by removing the exemption for those in the trial from getting the mRNA shots – thats right, even if you were in the Novavax trial, you still had to get the mRNA shots, destroying the scientific validity of the Novavax trial and forcing many of the subjects to drop out.

Wanton criminality. Trust the science my arse!

June 12, 2023 10:08 am

Meanwhile, the enabling laws remain in place at federal and state level.


This is about control…..and it doesn’t end here….

Something very evil went on here …. and I doubt we have seen the last of it.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 12, 2023 10:13 am

Got to wonder how much big pharma dosh goes to the AMA and the Pharmacy Guild of Australia, since they both fell over themselves to anathemize ivermectin and HCQ too.

Bar Beach Swimmer
June 12, 2023 11:29 am

FD says:
June 12, 2023 at 10:06 am

SA even nuked the Novavax trial by removing the exemption for those in the trial from getting the mRNA shots – thats right, even if you were in the Novavax trial, you still had to get the mRNA shots, destroying the scientific validity of the Novavax trial and forcing many of the subjects to drop out.


Wanton criminality. Trust the science my arse!

That was Petrovsky’s Covax trial. But as Petrovsky said, Novavax was built with conventional technology, like Covax.

No science in it, Dot. Just abject inhumanity and total culpability.

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 12, 2023 11:42 am

Some Blood work the other day, told my LDLs were way high and I had high Total Cholesterol.
Come back in 3 months and we’ll put you on a Pill [Statins] if it hasn’t improved.
Did a little alternative research on the Net, my ratios are all good, but my Total Cholesterol is actually close to dangerously low, even tough it’s 2.13 times the recommended healthy level.

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 12, 2023 11:53 am

Big Sick has been telling lies since the days when Heroin was in Cough Syrup.
Ancil Keys was a Doctor on the make back in the Forties when Big Sugar funded him to study the burgeoning rates of Cardiovascular Disease [caused by high sugar intake].
Anyway, he came up with the Cholesterol Hypothesis and Big Sick has been crying all the way to the bank ever since.
Anyway, Keys recanted in 1996, he said High Cholesterol is only a problem if you’re a Rabbit or a Squirrel.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
June 12, 2023 1:57 pm
June 13, 2023 4:09 am

Hey guys. Don’t become hysterical nutters….Paying fees etc is NOT control. THEY control the fee-payers FFS!

All govt departments….Feds, State, Local…… have all manner of fees for we citizens….and for businesses….to get licences, permits, approvals, registrations etc etc. This does NOT mean we citizens are ordering the various agencies to dance to OUR tune.

Question: which has the most oversight, regulation and “control”; an individual car owner / driver paying a single vehicle rego each year (say $500) or a very large transport company with hundreds of trucks paying multiple millions per year? Isn’t it the transport company being constantly checked for weight, speed and log-book infringements despite them “funding” the transport depts? well?

Bar Beach Swimmer
June 13, 2023 10:08 am

Mantaray, 96% of the TGA funding. And lo and behold, the character assassination of ivermectin & hydroxychloroquine.

On vehicles, do the states’ RTAs force drivers to buy only a certain kind of tyre, lubricant etc, and refuse registration if they buy something else?

June 14, 2023 9:33 pm

Manta, you are off the track.
It’s not fees that are the problem. The problem is that the pharma companies fund, and therefore control, almost all the research. Even the regulators do very little real research, they mainly just review the information given to them by the manufacturers. The manufacturers determine what research is done, and what results are published.
Armed with that, they use the regulators as a marketing tool.
This model has served us very badly with this epidemic.
You should remember that early on a Dr Zelenko in NY announced that he had found an 80% reduction in hospitalisation with a protocol including early treatment with HCQ. For that he got run out of town.
Others found a similar result using Ivermectin, then it was banned. After clinical observation noted that asthma patients were underrepresented in hospitalisation it was found that Budesinide seemed to give an 80% reduction too. It never even got a look in. All private research had been effectively prohibited.
You should remember that the Big Stick that they threatened us with was that if we didn’t all get vaxed the hospitals would be flooded. And here they were suspending the registration of doctors who were telling them how to cut hospitalisation by 80%.
As written and repeated above, something very evil has been going on here.

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