Anger grows after synagogue arson attack in Melbourne | 6 News
Anger grows after synagogue arson attack in Melbourne | 6 News
Sharri Markson giving the bastards a nice kick in the arsecrack: The fire-bombing of a busy synagogue in Australia in…
Ethot SIMP CRYPTO SCAM PIPELINE Black Pigeon Speaks Summary: The video discusses the rise and fall of a social media…
mem December 7, 2024 6:29 pm I understand that not one Labor Party sitting member has come out and distanced…
Conscience? ALP? 0.o
This is simply a distraction squirrel, introduced so that we waste our time in respectful, rational, compromise-filled debate, while our opponents set fire to our shoelaces, and gradually work their way upwards.
It is designed so that there will be no outcome. Regardless of the quantity or quality of input, nothing we do will placate or win-over the parents of the distraction squirrel.
I haven’t been watching the most anticipated Olympic Games since whenever, and I have quarantined myself from most of the News-CoV-2 sources of infection, so I must ask, “What is that?”
Yes…well, long before we got to this point biological roles – mother, father – had to be deemed a sociological construct.
Now their irrationality is coming home to bite them.
It won’t last; it was always going to be a bridge that could’nt bear the weight of the ideological freight they wanted to carry over it.
You cannot avoid the biological facts, two X chromosomes result in a completely different human body to one X and one Y. Denying this fact is so far out there it is not even in a neighbouring galaxy.