What he means is that the media are filled with political fools from one end to the other

He doesn’t even add that there is a strong possibility that the election was stolen. He is focusing on the absolute stupidity of those who wished to see Donald Trump lose and Joe Biden win. And this was with virtual unanimity the media, not just in America but across the world.

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Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 31, 2021 7:07 am

Nigel Farage deserves a medal for his tireless efforts. When recently a woke presenter kneeled on camera the entire viewership of GB News left. The whole lot: the next ratings number was actually zero viewers. Then Andrew Neil talked Farage into doing the show and immediately the viewership recovered. And is rating its socks off compared to the BBC and Sky equivalents from what I’ve seen in the Express.

As for usurper Joe, the elites wanted him and they are getting exactly what they wanted. Unfortunately what they want is not what they people want. And the elites have been sucked into this amazing constellation of crazy beliefs which they can’t get out of, since any one of them who points out that global warming isn’t a threat, or Covid is not that bad, or that masks don’t work or that the Left is racist or that socialism fails every time it is tried, they then get immediately anathemized and lose their place amongst the elite class. It’s a powerful mechanism to keep the herd together.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
August 31, 2021 7:40 am

Rita Panahi ran some clips last night showing Biden asleep when meeting someone in the Oval Office, at a press conference saying ‘I’m not allowed to answer questions, but go ahead?’ Question asked. ‘I’m not answering that and walking off’. If he truely loves his country he would resign. Even he must know he is not up to the job. What was the stat the other day? Biden fronting 8 press conferences to August compared to Trump 50+ and Obama 100+. MSM complained at the time Trump wasn’t at their beck and call enough. Farage observations are spot on.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 31, 2021 8:15 am

On Mark A’s Lame Pics there is are a whole lot of random (or select, who knows) other memes. Not very good because they are progressive ones.

But it does offer an insight to the progressive mind.

The first one lists Trump’s ‘insanities’ such as supposedly trying to shift a hurricane with a sharpie on a map etc, to argue that his voters have no business mocking Biden’s sanity.

Might work if questions regarding Biden’s sanity were purely along party political lines, but his own supporters and MSM boosters are doing it too.

And added to this is the claim that Republicans in 30 states are removing voting rights. Except of course they are doing the opposite – they are protecting people’s votes from being cancelled out by a fraud.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 31, 2021 8:21 am

If he truely loves his country he would resign.

Jill and the Bernie bros won’t let him. He’s ‘way too useful.

That’s where Hunter comes in. All the activists need to do is threaten prosecution of Hunter for his various crimes, which are many and including some very serious long sentence ones. Plus stripping of the Biden family wealth.

So he’s stuck, and so is America.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 31, 2021 8:37 am

Bruce of N

A minor pedantic point.

There is nothing “elite” about those who claim the right to rule (not govern) us. They are generally pretty mediocre intellects.

Perhaps refer to them as the “so-called elites”?

August 31, 2021 8:54 am

Even “conservative” Chris Kenny says this in a column today.

That Trump was a poor loser and made outlandish claims about the 2020 election being “stolen” is beyond doubt.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 31, 2021 8:54 am

The problem of Hunter was known before the election. Publicly too. So the public is primed and would not be surprised at a scandal arising from that quarter.

The MSM was very careful to keep quiet about what was on the various computers he lost and the observations of people who knew him. If the MSM was to broadcast what we already know – giving it the legacy media’s imprimatur (which I think Democrat voters still trust) then it would be “All over red…uh…red…uh…you know…the thing.”

But I don’t think it is dangled in front of Biden for its coercive power. I think he is just not sufficiently there. I am not even sure he is enjoying the Presidency. Being in a state of perpetual confusion, not being able to give answers he doesn’t have to questions he doesn’t understand, would be very taxing. Watching everyone around him in animated discussion but where he can only hear ‘blah-blah-blah’ as if in a strange language only until all those people nod in agreement, and only then have someone come up to him and speak in English, “You must say this. You must avoid saying that, and that, and that. OK? Understand?” would be very unsettling.

(BTW, I love how they have tried to model Jill after glamorous Melania, not after spatially formidable Michelle Obama.)

August 31, 2021 8:59 am

Meanwhile the snail continues

I told you there was a dead cat on the end of the line.

43,000 illegal ballots counted in DeKalb County.

Trump won Georgia!

August 31, 2021 9:04 am

They are generally pretty mediocre intellects.

Reminds me of Anthony Hopkins being asked to comment on politics:

“Actors are generally pretty stupid people. My opinion is not worth anything.”

August 31, 2021 9:05 am

The very concept of that foul syphilitic geriatric being propped up in the White House is an obscenity. The world is an increasingly dangerous place with him in there and we should be ready for this utterly illegitimate administration presiding over Afghanistan style disasters on an all too frequent basis for the remainder of its duration.

The situation is particularly concerning for this country, especially given we’re on our knees after 18 months of wholesale destruction of our society and economy.

“Interesting times” – you are now existing in them.

August 31, 2021 9:36 am

There is a long history of presidents appointing dreadful VPs as a disincentive for being removed themselves. That’s why Obama appointed Biden and now Biden (or his keepers) has found someone even worse as VP to safeguard his own position. And next in line after Harris is Pelosi so there’s no hope for anyone better at all for the rest of Biden’s term.

The liars here are not much different. If Albo goes it will be between Shorten or Plibbers to take over.

All those alternatives don’t bear thinking about.

August 31, 2021 10:30 am

The very concept of that foul syphilitic geriatric being propped up in the White House is an obscenity.

That’s for sure- grotesque is an understatement

August 31, 2021 10:47 am

Reporter: “Excuse me Mr President, I’m not on the list of your prescribed reporters, but I have to ask this:

The people who keep telling you that you, the elected President of these United States, are not ‘allowed’ to answer any questions on this or that subject … are those people elected by the American voter? If not, does that not mean that you and the rest of us citizenry are merely part of a vassal state?

In other words, Mr President, are we a sovereign democracy, or have be become just a pseudo-democracy beholden, thanks to you and your team, to some Insect Overlords?”

“Obviously my Over … the ones … you … you know the thing … I … I’m not allowed to answer that question. Thank you all …” (shuffle, shuffle…)

Cassie of Sydney
August 31, 2021 11:08 am

“He doesn’t even add that there is a strong possibility that the election was stolen. He is focusing on the absolute stupidity of those who wished to see Donald Trump lose and Joe Biden win. And this was with virtual unanimity the media, not just in America but across the world.”

The MSM in this country are no better, last night the always craven Andrew Bolt, supposedly conservative, smeared Donald Trump as “brash, erratic, untruthful” without any evidence. Then you’ve got that perpetual fool, Greg Sheridan, describing Trump, without any evidence, as “half mad”.

If Trump is “untruthful” and “half mad”…..I’ll still take him any day over the senile Sniffer in Chief currently residing in the WH.

Joe Biden did not win that election.

August 31, 2021 11:25 am

Add Tom Elliot (3AW) and that Kenny twerp to that list Cassie.

Cassie of Sydney
August 31, 2021 11:33 am

August 31, 2021 at 11:25 am
Add Tom Elliot (3AW) and that Kenny twerp to that list Cassie.”

Do you mean Chris Kenny? I don’t mind Kenny…he’s consistent and he’s not craven like Sheridan and Blot.

August 31, 2021 11:45 am

Wolfe above…

Even “conservative” Chris Kenny says this in a column today.

That Trump was a poor loser and made outlandish claims about the 2020 election being “stolen” is beyond doubt.

August 31, 2021 11:51 am

Thanks, Cassie – spot on.

Trump: “Everything woke turns to sh*t.”

If I were publishing a new Bible, I’d add that as a footnote to the Ten Commandments in Exodus.

Trump will be favourably quoted in books a thousand years hence (if we last that long.)

Nothing by Trump’s detractors will be.

September 14, 2021 1:54 pm

“Interesting times” – you are now existing in them.

A belligerent socialist state that runs concentration camps with attached crematoria, harvest organs, eyes neighbouring territory and frantically builds up military forces.

Have we seen this episode before? The ending feels somewhat predictable.

  1. Raising immunity? You have been exposing yourself to low doses of radiation and fallout by eating servo sausage rolls?

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x