No, it wasn’t me, but I can appreciate art.
A close second to a good Downfall video.
No, it wasn’t me, but I can appreciate art.
A close second to a good Downfall video.
don’t ever because the left never sleeps
Ranga: It was a 2009 or 2010 5 series wagon 530 M. It had 190K on the clock and I…
Didn’t the Churchill have a much lower gear ratio in reverse? Meaning the tank could reverse up a hill that…
Genuine question: When an EV runs out of charge, does it go slower and slower until it dies out, or…
@bennyjohnson Holy Smokes The New Trump Cabinet just Assembled for their first group photo and it literally looks like team…
There’s a Facebook group “HSC Discussion Group 2021” with over 38k members, lotsa students, this video has also been posted there, and the posters are all ripping Gladys a new one. Looks like she has pissed off quite a few soon-to-be-voters.
Awesome stuff. Love it. Brilliant.
If I had friends, I’d tell them about this.
This is gold
If your a software geek, the best downfall video is “Hitler uses git”
Gets better with every viewing.
All Australian Coastal Capital Cities should be bulldozed into the sea.
Think of the need for fish breeding grounds.
Imagine the tourism potential of showing underwater cities.
Imagine the taxation savings!
All Capital Cities need to be isolated as completely separate States from the rest of the Country because they do not represent anyone.
Where is the Dictator Dan version? He was there first.
My exact first thought…other than how good it is.
Brilliant. But remember, as Palashczxxuk told us yesterday, every child under 12 WILL DIE from covid if the borders are opened. To his credit, Chris Uhlman on Nine called out this disgraceful lie in the strongest terms I’ve ever heard from a political commentator.
Reminds me that Ardern woman in her first election campaign claiming that hundreds of thousands of NZ children were starving in homes across the country and blaming John Key for it.
There are some truly horrible human beings in politics.
Berejiklian: the Aussie-mandias
I met a traveller from a far LGA,
Who said—“Two vast and cankled legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on display,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Berejiklian, fury on wings;
Heed you my words, ye nothings, and comply!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, dusty and dry
The lone and level flagstones stretch far away.”
Should be And wrinkled lip, and sneer of old cliche,
I’m baaaack!
I just had to watch this again. And again.
This type of subversive humour could be a brilliant tactic for any 10% competent political opposition.
Seeking a 10%er seems to be the stuff of fantasy these days though.
This has been getting plenty of rotation with US conservative bloggers.
It’s bloody brilliant!!!!
Goodness, that escalated quickly.