At last, some honesty…but a sad reflection

From the esteemed National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance, an article released a couple of days ago, titled: 

Under-12s are increasingly catching COVID-19. How sick are they getting and when will we be able to vaccinate them?

In this article we have such statements as these:

“But where does that leave children under 12? We know they’re making up a large proportion of new infections in Australia’s current outbreaks, which was not the case last year.”

“Throughout the pandemic, fortunately, we’ve seen children are very unlikely to get severely unwell or die from COVID-19.”

“Cases are on the rise among children in New South Wales, but to date this hasn’t been accompanied by a large increase in paediatric hospitalisations.”

“While the Delta variant is more infectious than other strains of the coronavirus, and more kids are becoming infected, there’s not a scientific consensus at this stage that it’s causing more severe disease in children.”


“One of the complications of COVID-19 is long COVID where a person experiences lasting symptoms such as breathlessness, anxiety and “brain fog” (reductions in attention and concentration). Reassuringly, a recent study found only a small proportion of children had symptoms beyond four weeks after their initial COVID infection, and almost all children had recovered by eight weeks.”

but then, here it comes:

“What about collective benefits? Will vaccinating young children reduce transmission in the community and improve our herd protection?”

“High vaccine coverage in the community will also benefit children by reducing the need for lockdowns and school closures, which we know can have negative effects on their education, socialisation and mental health.”

Most parents I know would give their lives to protect a child. In fact, I knew one that did, and it wasn’t even his own child.

Even after admitting that Covid (Delta) remains an extremely small risk to children, despite rising cases numbers, these ‘adults’ seem intent on exposing them to unknown long term risks of a new vaccine, in the drive for some mythical ‘Herd Immunity’ measure. I call it unnecessary, cowardly and even exploitative. 

Has there ever before been a vaccine given to children, that wasn’t specifically for their direct benefit, but rather ‘for the greater good’, and to free them from government imposed tyranny?

It’s a poor reflection of where our society is…not that I needed much more proof.

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September 2, 2021 9:41 pm

I’m all for it.


Every political, bureaucratic, Big Business, Big Government, Big Union, Big Academia, Big MSM.. whatever proves that they and their entire families have had the ‘jab’.

Yea, to the very last.

Has Greg Hunt and his entire gene line and related had the ‘jab’?

September 2, 2021 9:43 pm

When will they start drip feeding vaccines into new born babies?

September 2, 2021 10:42 pm

there’s not a scientific consensus at this stage that it’s causing more severe disease in children.”

this is tosh. There is clear evidence the young are not affected by this disease.

September 2, 2021 10:47 pm


I agree with your sentiments. This whole process is sucking the life out of our young, and potentially harming them, in order to scrounge some extra months for the elderly.

High vaccine coverage in the community will also benefit children by reducing the need for lockdowns and school closures

This is a repulsive statement. “Its your own fault your locked up!”

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
September 2, 2021 11:00 pm

“High vaccine coverage in the community will also benefit children by reducing the need for lockdowns and school closures, which we know can have negative effects on their education, socialisation and mental health.”
The idea that our rulers could write this sentence without burning shame makes my f*cking blood boil.

September 3, 2021 1:08 am

In some circles there used to be a ‘formula’ for taking over a country which was mainly based on how actual communist insurrectionists were observed operating in European, South American and African countries.

Firstly, you foment a ‘disaster’ or catastrophe that terrifies and concerns the local populace;

Secondly, you capture and control the means of communication both internal and external of your target country;

Thirdly, you send out ‘peace keepers’ to put down and control any dissenters to your aims, by any means whatsoever;

Fourthly, you so disrupt the local economy that the ‘citizens’ acquiesce to you for aid; and

Fifthly, you appeal to the UN international community for help to fix your countries problems.

On a scale of 1 to 5 above, where is Australia?

September 3, 2021 6:33 am

“While the Delta variant is more infectious than other strains of the coronavirus, and more kids are becoming infected, there’s not a scientific consensus at this stage that it’s causing more severe disease in children.”

Weasel stuff, designed to bamboozle.

They can measure one aspect but the other requires “consensus”*? Give me a break. Either the children infected are sick and exhibiting a range of symptoms or they aren’t.

As for ooga-booga “Long Covid”, it sounds scary but also sounds exactly like a typical post-viral disorder which many, myself included, have suffered. Mine lasted for years until my immune system got back to normal. Chronic fatigue syndrome is soooo last millennium.

* this is getting as bad as “Peer review” for climate garbage.

Bar Beach Swimmer
September 3, 2021 7:53 am

As soon as the government began making the vaccines about protecting other people – “we’re all in this together” – more than for the protection of the individual, this was always going to be the end result.

While most deaths have been in the elderly, the mass vaccination program, includes age groups who are not at risk. If they too can be drawn up into the great “corona net” then so too can the kids. For it is the logical (read illogical) end game of what is really the new man/woman in the new world order: “the empathetic citizen.”

Angus Black
Angus Black
September 3, 2021 7:57 am

When I was a boy, and a child caught mumps, German measles etc every child in the neighbourhood was paraded through their bedroom – it was well understood that these diseases were mild in children, but much more problematic in adults (I well remember an aging great aunt catching mumps and it was no joke at all!).

Today we have effective vaccination for these which also includes measles (which is absolutely no joke at all at whatever age – both my wife and I caught that badly when we were children … weeks in a darkened room, shudder).

Nonetheless, the principle is long accepted. More importantly, recent extensive studies in Israel indicate massively (17-25 times) enhanced immunity levels in those who caught COVID and recovered than in those vaccinated.

While I understand that there are some children with severely compromised immune systems who are require protection from all infection, In the vast majority of cases we are doing our children no favours at by attempting to protect them from infection wth COVID.

Schools should not only have remained open over the last two years, if we’d really cared about the children, we should have actively sent the infected to school.

September 3, 2021 8:07 am

Schools should not only have remained open over the last two years, if we’d really cared about the children, we should have actively sent the infected to school.

Except the kiddies go home and infect grandma. This has been the beef of many – young lives compromised and damaged to protect the +60’s.

The logical move would gave been to immunise the elderly (purely voluntarily) and the infirm and simply let the thing travel through the community, slowly devolving into less lethal forms, while simultaneously developing treatments to ameliorate the worst symptoms. Instead, we’ve had media driven panic, based on the fear of death.

Add the political element, and we have a lethal cultural and economic cocktail that doesn’t appear to have any end in sight.

September 3, 2021 8:23 am

Except the kiddies go home and infect grandma. This has been the beef of many – young lives compromised and damaged to protect the +60’s.

This virus despite the communists attempts is doing what mild-moderate viruses often do, knock off the weak and frail. That’s how nature works, wether it’s predators or viruses

The government should focus on these people not spread the misery far and wide.

Angus Black
Angus Black
September 3, 2021 9:02 am

Except the kiddies go home and infect grandma. This has been the beef of many – young lives compromised and damaged to protect the +60’s.

I tend to agree with your comment – and of course it makes sense to allow the 60+ cohort the opportunity to accept a vaccination before encouraging/facilitating spread. The point at which the risk/reward analysis suggests vaccination is a personal choice.

Still, that point was reached many many months ago.

This, of course, is what we have done with the flu (and, indeed, MMR and all the rest of them) for decades.

September 3, 2021 9:07 am

The logical move would gave been to immunise the elderly (purely voluntarily) and the infirm and simply let the thing travel through the community, slowly devolving into less lethal forms, while simultaneously developing treatments to ameliorate the worst symptoms. Instead, we’ve had media driven panic, based on the fear of death.

As you know, calli, this was the early consensus at the old Cat as soon as it became empirically clear this thing was not the plague of death the media insisted it was. That we now have the deaths of people in their 90s who die with covid described as “tragic”by politicians and the media speaks volumes about where our society is morally and spiritually. If Xi’s intention – with the assistance of the supine WHO – was to expose the hollowness of the West – as some argue – he’s achieved his goal magnificently. The response to covid – not the virus itself – was a civilisational crisis and we failed.

Not Uh oh
Not Uh oh
September 3, 2021 9:24 am

Any information on reinfection rates for kids who’ve had the delta variant? Pretty low I’d imagine.

September 3, 2021 9:56 am

Either way, it has exposed the commitment the western nations have in defending certain rights, and the their casualty thresholds.

Precisely, Mater.

I don’t think the virus was deliberately released, although I don’t doubt the Chinese would do that if they deemed it necessary. But I do think that once it was out, Xi was determined to use it to his advantage. It certainly took the wind out of Trump’s sails, alas.

September 3, 2021 10:00 am

Like clockwork, the Age today runs a think piece on the front page saying: just because Andrews has now given up on the zer0-case strategy don’t you dare make the mistake of thinking the last year of lockdowns was somehow completely pointless.

And I also see that, with apparently zero fanfare, a drug treatment for mild COVID is being rolled out in Shepparton. B-but I thought drug treatments for COVID were unpossible! Only believed in by wild-eyed Facebook conspiracy loons!

September 3, 2021 10:01 am

If Xi’s intention – with the assistance of the supine WHO – was to expose the hollowness of the West – as some argue – he’s achieved his goal magnificently.

At the outset the news coming out of Wuhan / China were dire. People falling over in the streets, whole building complexes infected with doors welded shut, crematoriums with trains of dead backed up for miles, and mass burial pits dug all over the place.

None. Of. This. Was True.

It’s obvious the virus is a lot milder than the first news suggested. Nowhere else has what supposedly happened in China been seen… But the narrative has continued that it is worse than anything else, and has even been exacerbated [see Palazxcxzsk fear mongering]. The media will not admit they were wrong, the governments ditto and all complicated by the politicisation of the virus to damage Trump.

No one can take a step back. Probably coz the polling/focus groups say that there will be more votes lost by admitting mishandling/lying and so destroying lives and livelihoods through lockdowns etc. In fact having thousands dying of the virus gives the pollies cover: See how dangerous this is – we wuz right to kill the economy! [And – tin foil hat on – why every death is classified as being from the virus and not from the comorbidity (even people in paliative care are dying from the virus!), there is little or no treatment of the ill (aside of shoving the death tube in), and even prevention of investigation into possible prophylaxis (convalescent plasma / ivermectin etc)]

There is no honesty.

September 3, 2021 10:44 am

There’s an article in the Australian, “Covid-19’s legacy risks being a generational clash across Europe”.

By Bruno Waterfield
The Times
5:52PM September 2, 2021

The toxic after-effects of the Covid pandemic could include a turbulent new political age across Europe defined by a younger generation’s anger at being sacrificed for the old, researchers have said.

Europe is riven by hidden divides and scars from the pandemic that threaten to bring conflict between old and young in the years ahead, as well as between lockdown haves and have-nots, the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) think tank said after a study involving polling in 12 countries.

It identifies new political faultlines between those directly hit by the pandemic in the south and east, and those for whom it is a “gruesome spectator sport” in the wealthier north and west.

“The divisions that are becoming apparent across the continent could create a new political age in Europe as they burst into view,” said Ivan Krastev, one of the report’s authors and chairman of the Centre for Liberal Strategies in Bulgaria. “Differences are not just visible between countries. In many countries, societal tensions are bubbling to the surface.”

The new terrain is emerging as Germany and France prepare for elections, with mistrust of governments growing and mainstream parties being attacked as “new authoritarians” because of their lingering lockdown policies while populists, including the far right, have associated themselves with freedom.

In a continent scarred by a history of authoritarianism and dictatorship, most recently in eastern Europe, a large number of Europeans – 75 per cent – say they feel less free after the pandemic. After 18 months of lockdown policies only 22 per cent say they still “feel free” in their daily lives, down from 64 per cent in 2019, indicating a significant new source of discontent. The “most glaring” division is between young and old, with most under-30s seeing themselves as “major victims” of the crisis. Almost two thirds of people over 60 say they have experienced no personal repercussions from Covid.
READ MORE:Delta variant stalking Europe|WHO monitoring new variant of interest|Europe moves to pre-Covid normal|Video shows real situation in Sydney

“Across Europe, governments were right to focus on saving the lives of the oldest, but this came at a cost,” Krastev said. “An entire generation feels that their future has been sacrificed.”

The gulf, which could herald intergenerational political upheavals similar to the 1968 revolt of postwar youth, becomes most clear with the question of who is to blame for the pandemic.

Growing mistrust of the authorities is prevalent as the pandemic erodes confidence among the young in the political system, the report concludes. A majority of Europeans over 60 blame individual behaviour for spreading the virus, but 49 per cent of people under 30 accuse “institutions and governments”.

A total of 43 per cent of those under 30 believe national governments introduced lockdowns as “an excuse to control the public” or to create the appearance that they were “in control of the situation”. The figure drops to 28 per cent for older Europeans.

As well as the new political faultlines, old geographical divisions have been reinforced between Europe’s rich north and poorer south and east. A majority of Europeans, 54 per cent on average, believe they have not been personally affected by the pandemic, rising to 72 per cent in Denmark. The opposite is true in Hungary, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Bulgaria and Italy, where majorities reported repercussions.

“Europe is today a continent of split experiences – stark divides have emerged that could be as serious as those of the eurozone debt crisis and the 2015 migration crisis,” said Mark Leonard, director of the ECFR.

The Times

This was, of course, entirely predictable, if not the point of the whole covid project.

There’s the usual “far-right” smear, but they’ve miscued by associating the “far-right” with freedom.

Most of the ‘oldies’ responding are quite indignant. Here’s a great comment by Macbeth, whose matbe the Macbeth that comments on the Cat occasionally?

16 hours ago
The unconscionably authoritarian Covid response is NOT saving the lives of the oldest. Not one life has been saved. Everyone still gets to die. About 15% of the oldest will lose their remaining months or possibly years. The oldest and most fragile are not really being “saved” at all; but the youngest are most certainly seeing their lives and futures being sacrificed.
In Australia, we have observed the European authoritarian response and turned it up to “11”. We have imprisoned entire populations, impoverished the young and future generations, and for what? So we can hide under the bed. Our Covid overlords are not thrust upon us from without; their petty dictatorships and fear mongering propaganda machines are what we have demanded. They are our creation. The petty tyrants have merely risen magnificently to the challenge of pandering to the lowest common denominators of fear and loathing – and have exceeded all expectations in delivering us freedom from our freedoms.

September 3, 2021 10:48 am

The response to covid – not the virus itself – was a civilisational crisis and we failed.

I use ‘crisis’ here not in the modern sense of a dangerous event or moment in time calling for an urgent response but in the biblical Greek sense of a trial or contest which results in a judgment.

The Beer Whisperer
The Beer Whisperer
September 3, 2021 1:06 pm

High vaccine coverage in the community will also benefit children by reducing the need for lockdowns and school closures

This is victim blaming of the highest order.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
September 3, 2021 3:46 pm

In the absence of constant contact with others, getting up to all the things kids get up to and doing extremely unhealthy things, current kids, future adults, will have shithouse immune systems. Klaus is going to get them one way or the other.

September 3, 2021 8:24 pm

This virus despite the communists attempts is doing what mild-moderate viruses often do, knock off the weak and frail. That’s how nature works, wether it’s predators or viruses

The government should focus on these people not spread the misery far and wide.

That would have been the logical and rational thing to do but where’s the fun in that? And no matter how dour and frowning Gladys and Kerry Chant look during the 11 o’clock media scrum they are having the time of their lives.

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x