Guest Post: MatrixTransform – Ask Your Doctor

I tried some subtle questioning of medical types in my sphere. Some of them MDs, also a nurse, an Osteo, a Neurologist, and a Dentist. Almost every time I ask about this COV thing and try to root out actual numbers, all I get are anecdotes.

Tall tales about how bad things are in London or

A typical response goes something like: My customer, is originally from Florida and her sister back there is an anti-vaxxer and now her mum is like … literally … dying *open brackets* OMG !! OMG !! OMG *close brackets*.

Imagine for a sec that you have access to Dr Prof Infectious Diseases chap from the hospital for Crushing Covid Cases. He has promised to answer all your questions regarding Covid and VX’nation and not as his customer.

No, no … because he cares.

What would be your questions?


All answers must :-

  • Not reach for anecdote
  • Not quote a news article
  • Not be arguments from authority
  • Not be based on a variation of “it’s my firm belief”
  • Non be based on a variation of “it’s for the greater good”
  • Just the facts, Ma’am

I’ll go first …

  1. If this virus is truly novel, why aren’t the Diamond Princess people all dead?
  2. The COV vaccines all work? Show me.
  3. If the COV vaccines only attenuate symptoms yet carry real risks, then what exactly convinced you to take that risk?
  4. Can you show me an actual risk matrix for all the VX options?
  1. Why do you drive a Tesla, mate?

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Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
September 15, 2021 10:16 pm

Excellent post.
We will never get to the bottom of this shamdemic. Too much money, reputations and the rest.
At least it has shown what absolutely appalling low life megalomaniac pig ignorant bottom feeding jelly backed populist dumb niaive egoistical lying inhumane utter bastards we have as leaders.
The media is just as bad.
A fly struck sheep looks better than the lot of them.
Fortunately I am ambivalent about the subject.

September 16, 2021 6:47 am

I notice that every airhead on the wireless is pushing vaccination hard. It’s like a coordinated campaign without any thought or reservation on effectiveness.

September 16, 2021 7:39 am

Imagine for a sec that you have access to Dr Prof Infectious Diseases chap

Wouldn’t happen.
“Are you a medical professional?” is the response if you question the path an ID Doc is taking.
I know this thanks to a miserable month in hospital last year, going from bad to worse because clay footed Infectious Diseases Specialists currently sit at the right hand of God.

September 16, 2021 10:30 am

Wouldn’t happen

not true

the tesla is real
and so is his offer
although the post is humouresque, this doctor is real
I will be giving this bloke my questions with the caveats including the tesla one

drives a tesla == saving the planet
convince you to VX == saving the planet

welcome to the post/post/modern where your personal prejudices are an impost on everybody else

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
September 16, 2021 11:09 am

My question would be very simple – “If you were my GP would you be prepared to give me a saline injection instead but record it as the real thing?” If the reply is “no” Dr Prof ain’t worth a bean.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
September 16, 2021 11:20 am

And on that theme the elf depts have a formula for policy development. Can’t give the work to those who can do, have done and are doing cos they’re too busy. So they give the work to those with the post-nominals who, mostly, have been studying rather than doing. When you do you realise that the vast majority of things just don’t work. In theory everything works but unless you do, you can’t imagine it won’t. All your life’ work out the window. When it doesn’t work you can’t recognise you don’t understand human nature so you project – you weren’t doing it right. So we need to do it again only properly this time. And even more properly the time after that. Look at any public health issue – smoking, drinking, violence, blackfellas, obesity et al. Behind each topic is a massive bureaucracy and many documents, all based on research. But the research has to meet exacting standards or it doesn’t pass intellectualism. Out of all this cherry-picked research comes a policy document which bears no relation to the real world and thus it fails. Why did it fail? Need to do more research to find out. And that completes the circle.

September 16, 2021 9:09 pm

Funny how often we hear “well I’ve had the jab and I feel fine”, as though their anecdote means something.

Funny, also, how many anecdotes we are hearing about health services struggling because “health professionals” are quitting rather than accepting mandatory vaccination.

Funny …. but I’m not laughing.

September 17, 2021 9:11 am

I had the same response from my MD. He’s from the subcontinent and quoted an anecdote about how deadly the pox has been in that part of the world. I didn’t voice it but I wanted to remind him that those people live in what’s effectively an open sewer.

September 17, 2021 12:32 pm

We will never get to the bottom of this shamdemic. Too much money, reputations and the rest.
At least it has shown what absolutely appalling low life megalomaniac pig ignorant bottom feeding jelly backed populist dumb niaive egoistical lying inhumane utter bastards we have as leaders.
The media is just as bad.
A fly struck sheep looks better than the lot of them.

Nice, Miss Anthropist.
Now please consider the Gun Buyback and ongoing impositions on legal firearm users, and how it is based on similar quality behaviour fro9m our betters.

November 24, 2021 2:27 pm

Dr Naomi Wolfe on Bannon said the Global Emperors want EVERYONE Vaccinated because they do not want a control group available to embarrassingly and compare and contrast.

How can it be informed consent (even if ALL the real data was available for decision making and not buried somewhere very hard to find) when it is that or loose your job? No mortgage repayments, no food for the kids. It really is coercion.

There is more and more pressure from all points to vaccinate. Like it is a last push through before the revolution. I am thinking my blood will be worth a lot, as unvaccinated blood, just as unvaccinated sperm is rumoured to be enjoying a golden age and rising prices in the USA. – Anecdotal – sorry, no linky.

November 24, 2021 2:44 pm

Apparently one reporter in the NT asks Chairman Gunner every conference – how many people are in ICU. They desperately scratch about trying to make it really bad. Once they were able to say they had to give someone oxygen! Like my dear o0ld mum has oxygen when she goes into hospital – and she doesn’t have ccp rubbish.

  1. Unis really do incubate and cosset truly vile people

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x