Author: MatrixTransform

  • Adult Human Female

    This is interesting to watch, especially if you can last the distance. Very interesting in parts. On the other hand, look at these people trying to put that genie back in the bottle. Like they never conjured it in the first place. The executive and judiciary will be next.

  • You’re the farm

    I was stooged again by the missus and ended up at Southland Shopping Centre on Sunday. She’s got a way of making lunch not seem like shopping and I fell for it again like the pasty I am. So there’s a new Japanese that seems nice and the missus told me about the robots that…

  • Revenge is a dish

    It’s not about Right and Left … It’s about Right and Wrong With hope Ian Cook will suck the oxygen right outta Dan’s hunchback lungs Shakespeare couldn’t have written such a delicious story LoL … My kingdom for slug

  • Australian media blockades the truth

    As I write this there’s a convoy of trucks that are effectively blockading Ottawa, Canada. It has been brewing for a week now and has been pretty hard to miss but then, I don’t take any of my news from local news sources. On Friday I worked with my business partner who is a very…

  • Keep it real

    A friend just went through a rough trot with the virus and she posted this up Facebook. Years ago, she came here as a 20yo from Bosnia without a word of English and I’ll wager she was on my father’s bus out of Portsea when she did. The size of her intellect and wit is…

  • Outside the People’s Republic

    We recently crossed into NSW for a family thing and what struck me most about life outside the walls was that despite the broad adoption of masking and QR kabuki, there was no wide-eyed fervour like there is in Vic. Sure, some places were stricter than others on QR and green tick-ish-ness but nonetheless we…

  • The Quest

    Thinking of my boy who now has the requisite 2 kids and a mortgage and yesterday’s constrained xmas visitation to the new flat which they’ve just taken possession of. We had to do the Rapid Antigen tests which were mandated or else we’d be the ones that ruined xmas. Of course, both the missus and…