Australian media blockades the truth

As I write this there’s a convoy of trucks that are effectively blockading Ottawa, Canada. It has been brewing for a week now and has been pretty hard to miss but then, I don’t take any of my news from local news sources.

On Friday I worked with my business partner who is a very clever Elec Eng who takes his news from ABC, Ch7 or Fairfax. When I asked what he thought of the Canadian truckies, he just looked at me with a complete blank.

He’d never heard of it … not even a whisper.

So today I did some Googling (for what that’s worth) and confined the searches to Australian sites. Tried Microsoft Edge too but I got nothing except for a single mention from

Media blackout.

How is it that such a significant event is effectively wiped from the Australian consciousness?
All of them … all at once?

CBC News in the US reckons it’s the Russians of course.

So how does everybody feel about being lied to on a national scale?

Are we feeling safer yet?

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January 30, 2022 3:06 pm

Try saying to him “Has the penny dropped yet?” and walk away.

January 30, 2022 3:07 pm

The Great Reset has been going on for some time.

January 30, 2022 3:10 pm

it isn’t on fox news or CNN either.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 30, 2022 3:13 pm

Just did a search using Bing (on MS Edge). Lots of mentions, including video.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 30, 2022 3:15 pm

PS, but generally o/s sites.

January 30, 2022 3:25 pm

I pretty much go to Breitbart first thing in the morning to find out what’s going on in the world. The Canadian trucker convoy, amongst other world issues, has been covered for days.

January 30, 2022 3:28 pm

Pretty certain “Outsiders” on Sky featured the truckie convoy this morning.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
January 30, 2022 3:36 pm

PS. This is the entire article. Weak as p1ss.

Hundreds of truckers pour into Ottawa to protest vaccine requirements
Protesters arrive at Parliament Hill in Ottawa for the “Freedom Convoy” against Covid-19 vaccine mandates on January 29, 2022
Hundreds of trucks and thousands of people blocked the streets of central Ottawa on Saturday as part of a self-titled “Freedom Convoy” to protest vaccine mandates required to cross the US border.
The protest originated last week in western Canada, where dozens of truckers organized a convoy to drive from Vancouver to Ottawa to demonstrate against Covid-related restrictions, particularly a vaccination requirement for truck drivers.

January 30, 2022 3:38 pm

There’s a convoy on its way to Canberra as we speak, due to arrive there tomorrow morning (Monday). I daresay there’s nothing about that on the MSM either. The numbers are smaller, as are the crowds cheering along the road, but they are there.

What impressed me about the Canadian convoy, is that the drivers are doing this in their winter, with unpleasant road conditions (to say the least!), and the public supporting them in what look to be tens of thousands along the way are also out there in clearly freezing conditions – but they’re there and cheering days and night, waving flags and signs that have obviously taken a lot of work in many cases.

Graham Hood, the former Qantas pilot who quit or was sacked rather than take the jab, is posting updates on his farce book page. He’s going along as a private citizen, not involved in the protest or any part of the oraganisation. He’s just going along to be there. Apparently a lot of truck drivers are not in trucks, as they’re not owner-drivers so don’t own the truck, so less trucks than the Canadian outfit.

Apparently there are similar convoys getting together in other countries as well. Again, you’d not know about it if you didn’t follow alternative media. Same with the Freedom Day rallies around the world. Lotus Eaters had a segment overnight about those.

January 30, 2022 3:41 pm

Mak Siccar says:
January 30, 2022 at 3:34 pm
Just added a couple of hours ago. How really, really slack.

“Hundreds” of truckers???? There might be only “hundreds” in the immediate vicinity of their parliament, because they can’t fit them all in – the apparently tens of thousands of trucks that made up the convoy.

Lying bloody media! And of course, no comments allowed on that very brief story. Cowards!

January 30, 2022 3:43 pm

Protest in Aus as well as Bushkid highlighted. Craig Kelly has picked it up:

I saw references to it last night by someone who commented the organisers have a non public facebook page and are on Telegram. Strange as it’s as if they don’t want the coverage or simply expected the media to not ignore them.

Cassie of Sydney
January 30, 2022 3:48 pm

I’m surprised you’re surprised MT! This media blackout encapsulates perfectly the MSM in 2022….they refuse to report on anything that goes against their preferred narrative and if they do, the smears immediately begin…..far-right, white supremacist, fascist, neo-Nazi, anti-vaxxers, Covid deniers etc…these are all the MSM’s go to descriptors. It is no different here. Remember how only last year the MSM covered the Melbourne protests and remember how they smeared the protesters.

It is no different in the UK and Europe.

I often wonder what to do with the MSM. In Canada the boy who likes to wear blackface PM has bailed out the CBC and other media organisations so that now these corporations are servants of the leftist state and they’re media mouthpieces for the Canadian Liberal government. Before the last Canadian federal election back in September 2021, the Canadian MSM refused to give any airtime to Maxim Bernier’s People’s Party of Canada…the only true opposition in Canada, the so called “Conservative Party of Canada” makes our Liberal/National parties look positively right-wing. The only alternative MSM in Canada is Rebel News. It does God’s work but everyday it’s smeared by the left and even fools on the right who should know better. I suspect the fools on the right are jealous of Ezra Levant….who’s been fighting the progressive left for almost two decades.

I no longer read much of the MSM, I’ve even given up on the Oz newspaper. I do read the Daily Telegraph, I get the local news from the Telegraph and it doesn’t annoy me as much as the Oz, which is going fully woke.

But the MSM in general needs to be destroyed, obliterated, disappeared. Almost all journalists are now “activist” scum. The only solution is to stop buying/subscribing and then the Marxist journalist scum, who now dominate journalism at the various MSM outlets, will see just how dependent they’re on market forces because they’re bleeding readers.

Cassie of Sydney
January 30, 2022 3:49 pm

The MSM is the enemy of the people.

Ivan Denisovich
Ivan Denisovich
January 30, 2022 3:58 pm

This media blackout encapsulates perfectly the MSM in 2022….they refuse to report on anything that goes against their preferred narrative

Been that way for a while. One example:

January 30, 2022 4:00 pm
January 30, 2022 4:05 pm

CBC News in the US reckons it’s the Russians of course.

Are they being blamed for rampant inflation as well?

January 30, 2022 4:05 pm

Sadly, it is not just mainstream media that neglects the full spectrum of information available in this modern age. These days you have to go searching for data (let alone “the truth”) yourself. And in this age of the pursuit of trivia, few do.

Maybe I am getting old and grouchy, but reading even Quadrant today I found cause to vent my spleen at the failure of well educated people to examine data themselves. In a comment on an article which seemed to me to underrate the damage of the last two years to freedom of speech, I wrote the following:

The manner in which this virus – very probably re-engineered in the Wuhan lab – has exposed the fault lines in western society is historic in its proportions. Put quite simply – the failure of so many who have received a comprehensive education to critically examine the “scientific” dogma surrounding COVID19 is breathtaking.

I can understand that many (including myself) lack a detailed grounding in microbiology, and were initially at the mercy of those who are. Nonetheless, we have had two years in which to establish a basic understanding of immunology and virology. At the very least, the “gatherers of information” amongst us have had ample time to establish the plethora of opinion in scientific circles. That commentators can still claim that there is unanimity in the world of virology and immunology regarding the efficacy and long term safety of the new genetic “vaccines” is astonishing. There are literally tens of thousands of doctors, pathologists and medical practitioners in all fields who have signed petitions such as the Great Barrington Declaration and the more recent Rome Declaration who implore governments to cease the vaccination program immediately.

I have lost faith in so many institutions and organisations in the last two years. But the worst is that I have lost faith in the ability of modern education to equip us for the onslaught of the false flags of modern technology.

Ivan Denisovich
Ivan Denisovich
January 30, 2022 4:29 pm

they refuse to report on anything that goes against their preferred narrative and if they do, the smears immediately begin…..far-right, white supremacist, fascist, neo-Nazi, anti-vaxxers, Covid deniers etc…these are all the MSM’s go to descriptors.

Tim Blair:

mighty 70-kilometre truck convoy has arrived in the Canadian capital of Ottawa, where it has been joined by thousands of people opposed to vaccination mandates…..

The Washington Post, as you might expect, condemned the drivers as fascists…..

Whatever. This seems a little closer to fascistic:

Nova Scotia bans gatherings along highway in support of trucker freedom convoy…..

Justin Trudeau has run away:

Amid security concerns, Trudeau and his family have been moved from their home to an undisclosed location in the nation’s capital, sources said…….

January 30, 2022 4:43 pm

RE the Canadian Truckie Fightback:

This inspiring note to Heather Heying (Bret Weinstein’s wife) from a follower in Ontario describes this Truckie Cavalcade which might just change history:


First, thank you for covering the convoy.

In my rural northern Ontario city of barely over 50,000, 7,000 people spontaneously showed up on the side of the road yesterday. It was a blistering -38°C (with windchill).

This happened simultaneously and without any central planning, everywhere across the country. The national press was stupefied. A friend of mine who reports for one of the big two TV networks popped out of the Facebook shadows the day before, to accuse me of attacking her personally for posting about the truckers. The Freedom Convoy and all, it’s no good, very bad deeds, it’s “everything wrong with Canada.”

This thing has struck a nerve here. Literally overnight millions of people are talking about real things again. But in such an abrupt way, it’s odd, like they were suddenly turned on after having been flash frozen for the last two years.

If I had to pick a tipping point that led to this moment, I would have to say it was three weeks ago when the Premiere of Quebec threatened to tax the unvaccinated. I think this seemed like a strange solution to many people. Especially in context. In the previous month Quebecers had to simultaneously accept a number of conflicting ideas: they had to defend their own vaccine privileges being revoked; they had to choke on the bizarre narrative “breakthrough infections give you immune superpowers”; they had to accept that a runny nose was an actual threat; and they had to convince themselves that it was normal to require an additional highly effective vaccine in order to regain access to “privileges”, that were just taken away after their last highly effective vaccine. All over the Christmas holidays.

My most ardent covidian friends began to privately convulse over the letdown. It was cathartic. I am not even sure how many people put it all together, it just seemed to be too much nonsense in too small a time span. It sparked a collective short circuit. People started getting mad, including at the Premiere and Prime Minister. It was scary at first, because there was no hope at the time. You could feel the magnetic needle of public opinion trying to orient around something resembling a reason or a fault. And many of us felt like we didn’t want the narrative to find us first. We were already barred from public life and every new restriction felt closer to home. Stories of the unvaccinated Quebecers shopping from plexiglass cages were circulating in social media. We hoped the data that showed the vaccines weren’t very effective would be amplified sooner and louder to outweigh the Prime Minister’s and Premiere’s increasing vilification of our class.

This fear turned to resolve. Many people cranked up the data amplification: the online debates, the email lists, the parallel conversations. The moment I heard of the Trucker’s Freedom Convoy I focused all my attention there. This was something we could believe in. The amorphous hope train was coming to town. In a matter of hours the story started building an unbelievable following online. Six hundred thousand people joined just one Facebook group.

The narrative of the truckers was beautiful and tragic. The same people who we all believed had taken an enormous risk to their lives in early 2020 to feed the country during peak Covid hysteria, were now being fired for doing exactly what they were called heroes for last year. It made no sense.

Now they, the forlorn heroes—the western Canadian cowboys—were going to ride into town and slay the dragon, and all for us. It was almost too good to be true. But they were exactly the heroes we needed and not a moment too early. I still can’t believe how close we were just last week to collapsing under the weight of our own despair.

And just like that the media turned its attention from the “resistor next door” onto them. They were vilified.

This was the second galvanizing moment. The stories went: They weren’t heroes after all; they were every “ist” you could imagine; there were only 12 of them – no maybe a hundred, tops; they weren’t coming – the highways were closed; they were dragoons and thieves coming to rape your daughters in the night (no, seriously this was written). At every twist and turn we secretly questioned their resolve in the face of this ruthless onslaught.

Until, yesterday, just like you would expect in a movie, the crowds emerged at our highways and byways, and it became clear that despite the best efforts of the naysayers and mainstream press, Canadians would ignore the strange stories and cast their lot with the convoy, betting against the narrative. We waited for hours, our toes freezing, sharing gloves and stories of friends and family members being ridiculed, silenced and pushed out of society. The vaxxed and unvaxxed, working and unemployed, families and single people popped up with homemade posters and Canadian flags. Fear had given way to hope. We were not alone.

And after five hours of delays, the cavalry appeared down the highway, with flashing lights and blasting fog horns. They rolled in. And rolled and rolled. Literally thousands of trucks and truckers and vans and cars with flags and wagons and messages of hope from across the country, with bible verses of Jericho, and “Truck Trudeau” flags.

For nine hours straight we immersed ourselves in the electric and timeless moment. It kept on rolling. We were transported into the biggest, cheerleading, flag waving, poster shaking party you could ever want to be at. We shared moment after moment with our heroes and with each other. The names melted away, we were all very, very real. We screamed and cried and hugged strangers. We filled each other’s cups and promised without words that we will not go gently into the night. It was understood implicitly that we had each other’s backs and we were completely aligned for our common purpose, our freedom.

This is only the beginning of this moment and it is not nearly over, but there is no going back. I feel deeply that Canadians—led by our cavalry—were dragged across the Rubicon today.

And I also need to say something important. All my friends who have worked so hard at this thing and at creating a touchtone of truth, and resistance to fear, pushing back against the hysteria, spreading reasonableness during the last two years of othering, every single one of them listens to your podcast. You are our Radio Free Europe. Know that you have given us reason and hope and something real to hold on to when we were in our darkest hour. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Yours truly, Dan Arcand, Ontario, Canada

January 30, 2022 4:57 pm

I did my own search today (prior to even seeing this article) and came to the same conclusion. 100% local censorship. Clearly with Dan’s new proposed third, forth and fifth booster mandates (march, may, august) its important not to let any of the people know that others around the world are not putting up with this shit any longer. Its important too that we don’t know that there’s a smaller convoy of trucks heading to canberra. Imagine that. It the people found that out. Clearly the australian press and the various governments have a nice cosy mutual arrangement. Its almost as if when the government says a story is not to be covered then it is not covered.

Cassie of Sydney
January 30, 2022 5:00 pm

“Ivan Denisovichsays:
January 30, 2022 at 4:29 pm”

Just checked Tim Blair’s site (I comment there).

I’ve left a comment…

I’ve heard a rumour that Justin Trudeau is hiding away in black face?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 30, 2022 5:05 pm

This is why I didn’t replace my TV when it expired last March. The television news was useless, it failed to cover anything important and usually lied about the stuff it was covering. The information content was negative. The ads were the most honest things on it.

Fortunately there are many other news sources that I can go to, and if advertisers want to sell me stuff they can advertise on those sites. (Hint: don’t use Google Ads).

January 30, 2022 5:30 pm

A message to the MSM: “you can’t handle the truth!”

Ivan Denisovich
Ivan Denisovich
January 30, 2022 5:34 pm

I’ve heard a rumour that Justin Trudeau is hiding away in black face?


Ivan Denisovich
Ivan Denisovich
January 30, 2022 5:36 pm

That didn’t work. Was supposed to be lol.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 30, 2022 5:58 pm


Clearly the australian press and the various governments have a nice cosy mutual arrangement. Its almost as if when the government says a story is not to be covered then it is not covered.

Back in the 1960s and 1970s, the media were outraged by the very existence of the “D Notice” system, which blocked publication of matters affecting national security adversely. Now they are willing participants in a much tighter system of censorship.

Cassie of Sydney
January 30, 2022 6:18 pm

A functioning democracy requires an objective media and journalists that try to be objective. Now journalists proudly proclaim their leftist activism. They don’t even try to hide their ideological biases. They don’t report, they opine and pontificate. Everyday they choose their political sides….one side…..the left. They cover for progressive and leftist politicians. We see this everyday with our own MSM here…their ABC, SBS, the free to air channels, they don’t try and hide their bias towards the left. They ignore the sexual scandals and indiscretions on the left, but happily and rigorously focus on the sexual scandals and indiscretions of the right….be it Barnaby, Porter, Tudge and so on. The double standards are unbelievable.

January 30, 2022 6:26 pm

the MSM in general needs to be destroyed, obliterated, disappeared

Hiroshima and Nagasaki style, including of course, the frigging ALPBC and fringe collectivist lunatic outfits (BIRM) such as the (taxpayer funded) Conversation and the Gauirnad.

I make no apology for holding this view.

P.S. As for that loathsome blackface self fellating soyboy buying off the canuckistanian braindead lamestream meeja, that fat li’l narcissistic knobgobbler Rudd pulled off the same stunt in 2008. He gifted tens of millions of taxpayers’ money to the braindead commercial FTA TV channels, all of whom were financially on their last hind trotters at the time.

January 30, 2022 6:29 pm

all of which, FFS …

January 30, 2022 6:33 pm

This is why I didn’t replace my TV when it expired last March. The television news was useless, it failed to cover anything important and usually lied about the stuff it was covering.

Bruce, the one use of the MSM on TV is that it makes you ANGRY. VERY ANGRY. And although it is not good for my general health and love of life, it MOTIVATES me against this crap.

January 30, 2022 6:59 pm

Canada, UK, France, Germany, etc.

Did you hear of any of them on the Australian MSM?

January 30, 2022 7:02 pm

Seems AAP has it on the wire:

but of course your media outlet may choose what it wants. Home and Away ructions are more newsworthy.

January 30, 2022 7:18 pm

Over the last two years, I have heard a few times “my friend was so sick, never been so sick” bu tI never met anyone I know who had been sick at all, gone to hospital, or died. but everyone was afraid.
They were driven to fear by the virus.
But that fear has changed course, and now they are afraid of the jab, because people actually know or know of people how have died or become seriously ill from the jab.
Sticking the children was a bridge too far, and the ramifications of number three are frightening
The jab numbers for third dose and kids have both stalled in the mid 30%’s.
The media and the politicians will have to face it soon. They cannot continue. Every Day fewer people are prepared to listen to them.
Even the rabid believers only believe because they are terrified, and Chinese Whispers are more terrifying than lies.
So keep telling of deaths and illnesses. If you have names, use them.
Force the believers to reassess their fear of death.
They will die at their own hand from the Jab
They are hearing about the jab failure and are in denial, but they will turn.
Terrify them.

January 30, 2022 7:32 pm

As the convoy is around 45 MILES long, I’m surprised they can’t see it from space. Not easy to miss.

Bill From the Bush
Bill From the Bush
January 30, 2022 7:38 pm

Today I thought about this while pushing some drill lines through hard country. It
is a boring job so my mind wanders here and there.
I used to think the MSM were deliberately down playing or just plain denying these sort of stories because they are evil lying sacks of shit. I still think they are all of that however I now think they are doing it to protect the delicate Karen’s of the world from having to face the reality of their own subservience to the Covid cult. They cannot be allowed to see any thing that doesn’t fit the narrative, lest they momentarily blink and see the real world that most of us inhabit.

January 30, 2022 7:45 pm
Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 30, 2022 8:00 pm

I think this summarises the entire matter and our universal responses to it quite nicely.

And it’s done by a Canadian band, to boot! 😀

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 30, 2022 8:06 pm

Today I thought about this while pushing some drill lines through hard country. It
is a boring job

Sorry, but this couldn’t pass unremarked.

One hearty Guffaw to you, Bill from the Bush. Whether it was unintended or not. 🙂

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
January 30, 2022 8:30 pm
January 30, 2022 8:36 pm

January 30, 2022 at 7:45 pm
Oddly enough, New Daily has a decent story:


That’s the real problem with the media these days – papers got rid of 95% of their journalists.. they now just have activist monkeys pulling stuff off the wire.

January 30, 2022 8:39 pm

Until there are real world consequences for politicians beyond simply not being re-elected, there will be no change in how they simply laugh with contempt at the population.

Until our ‘dear leaders’ suffer punishments of a Mussolini style, there will be no change in their attitude towards the general population.

January 30, 2022 8:43 pm

The most fake news is the news that’s not reported.

January 30, 2022 8:45 pm


“A message to the MSM: “you can’t handle the truth!””

They are utterly adept at molesting it, though.

January 30, 2022 8:59 pm

Hundreds of trucks and thousands of people blocked the streets of central Ottawa on Saturday as part of a self-titled “Freedom Convoy” to protest vaccine mandates required to cross the US border.
The protest originated last week in western Canada, where dozens of truckers organized a convoy to drive from Vancouver to Ottawa to demonstrate against Covid-related restrictions, particularly a vaccination requirement for truck drivers.

Reported by self titled “journalists”.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
January 30, 2022 9:12 pm

Rex Anger says:
January 30, 2022 at 8:06 pm
Today I thought about this while pushing some drill lines through hard country. It
is a boring job

It may be boring, but necrophilia is dead boring…

duc de Normandy
duc de Normandy
January 30, 2022 9:20 pm


When they got away with Subprime they believed they could do whatever they liked. After that, no moral hazard, no moral anything; And they are doing it to us over and over.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
January 30, 2022 9:32 pm

Rabz Vicki (wicki) i too scream at the gaybc news channel 10 show with the clowns, – my wife tells me I am hard to live wif , so I go for a walk, when people ask me somefin and I reply I don’t watch the news they say I should get real and out of my bubble.

Bill From the Bush
Bill From the Bush
January 30, 2022 9:45 pm

As I edited my three thumb typing I noticed that, but I decided WTF and left it as is.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
January 30, 2022 11:05 pm

Media is now the running dog of the fascists.

January 30, 2022 11:49 pm

it isn’t on fox news or CNN either.

Yes, it is. Tucker Carlson had a major feature on the Canadian truckies protest on Friday (US time — Saturday in Australia), including the attempt by the Washington Post to gaslight the US with its now-infamous cartoon accusing the protestors of “fascism”. Link.

I have no doubt the Australian media is trying to gaslight the Australian public as the Australian news media’s coverage if the US is one long press release from the Democratic Party.

For example, the Seven network’s smear of the weekend Trump rally in Texas (carried on Sunday night Australian time) was so inaccurate it was comical.

January 31, 2022 12:14 am

More on the Washington Post‘s gaslighting here.

January 31, 2022 6:32 am

I rarely look at FTA TV but when I do it seems that over half the ads are either direct gov ads or semi gov bodies ads. When half your revenue is from the gov you’re not going to upset them. There needs to be strict limits placed on all gov funded advertising no matter whether it’s directly or indirectly funded. Can’t see it happening.

Dave of Gold Coast, Aust.
Dave of Gold Coast, Aust.
January 31, 2022 6:37 am

Gave up on Australian media nearly two years ago. Pretty sure they are paid not to report anything against the government narrative. I want to know why Australia, New Zealand and Canada are going in the opposite direction to the rest of the world. Even WHO says boosters do nothing yet we have Danger Dan pushing them and as for the PM, well any porky isn’t big enough.
I get my information from USA ad Britain on conservative websites like Whatfinger, Wayne Dupree, Breitbart, Daily Dispatch etc. They tell me far more than the complicit MSM in Oz.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 31, 2022 8:04 am

Miss Anthropistsays:
January 30, 2022 at 11:05 pm
Media is now the running dog of the fascists.

Use thge correct Maoist language.

“Running dog lackeys of the reactionary fascist establishment.”

January 31, 2022 10:50 am

Those of you wanting up to date anti lefty Canadian commentary go to a great site, Small Dead Animals.

January 31, 2022 12:38 pm

“This is why I didn’t replace my TV when it expired last March.”

TV’s make good computer monitors – cheaper too.

January 31, 2022 1:00 pm

“A message to the MSM: “you can’t handle the truth!””

They covered this story – with a pillow, until it stopped breathing.

Ditto the UK removal of all COVID restrictions starting 1st Feb.
Ditto Denmark doing the same thing (maybe a different date though).

Did they cover Neil Young vs Joe Rogan, including Spotify’s removal of Neil Young’s songs from Spotify?
Ditto Joni Mitchel? (no result yet that I know of though)

Did any of them bother to watch the podcast itself? FFS, Malone said he was vaxxed himself! That he also had had COVID. That he doesn’t think mandates are a good idea, but the vax should be used for the at risk (elderly and infirm). That vaxxing kids should be stopped immediately. He was very specific and very careful about what he said, to the point where he even said he didn’t want people to get the wrong idea and that he was very concerned about this stuff. Not saying “No, you must resist”, but rather “This data is concerning”. Misinformation? From a man who has been involved in vaccine development and virology for decades? From the man who invented the mRNA vax tech itself? Yeah – don’t listen to him, listen to Fau-Xi – the man who ignored the rules about gain-of-function research, who made investments in China in this area, who said “don’t mask”, then “mask”, then “double mask” then “single mask”; who lied to congress; who is somehow avoiding being taken to task for said lying.

Piano wire and light poles are too good for ’em – crucifixion’s the go. Or buried up to their necks in wet sand below the hide tide line. In either case, the carcass left to birds and insects. It needs to be very, very clear that this sort of crap will never be accepted and that those who try it on will die very slow, painful and nasty deaths.

January 31, 2022 1:03 pm

…below the hide high tide line.


January 31, 2022 1:06 pm

Anyone know what the court invasion at the tennis last night was about ?

No, me neither.

“We’re not gonna show that type of thing.”

January 31, 2022 1:06 pm

I was speaking with a friend this morning and I asked him if he was aware of the Canadian truckies’ protest. He occasionally watches the TV news and reads the MSM news websites and had not heard a single thing about it. He sounded surprised when I described how big the protest was, so I asked him why has the Australian media ignored it and he said “I don’t know why”. I said to him that bias is not just in what the media says but in what they don’t say.

A Canadian fan of your site
A Canadian fan of your site
January 31, 2022 1:50 pm

I was going to point you to Small Dead Animals as well, but I was beaten to the punch. It is absolutely epic here in Ottawa, and today was a sunny -12 C so it’s warming up. Local news broadcasts are openly hostile, creating lies out of whole cloth in attempts to label them. Meanwhile it’s a huge party, spirits are up.

January 31, 2022 2:31 pm

“… if he was aware of the Canadian truckies’ protest. He occasionally watches the TV news and reads the MSM news websites and had not heard a single thing about it.”

The previous record for length of a vehicle protest was 5 miles.
The current one is in excess of 45 miles.
So if nothing else, should be in Guinness Book of records soon…

January 31, 2022 3:26 pm

I’d ban governments from using social media for anything and all government advertising in the mainstream media be restricted to a notice of a website address.

January 31, 2022 4:50 pm


The Fargo solution; but done “live” and slowly?

February 1, 2022 3:25 pm

Nothing in the Australian online

  1. Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare February 11, 2025 11:43 pm Here’s Dylan in 1976, Desire album. Black Diamond Bay. A favorite of mine,…

  2. Did it one night in a fit of let’s see, and liked it, it became very shiny and made me…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x