Guest Post: Bar Beach Swimmer – Where to for Christian Porter?

Worn Out (sketch), Vincent van Gogh
Christian Porter is a bit like the “I’ll say nothing if you take me last” conservative; a strategy that he must now know does not work.  In fact, all it does is prime the ABC and its tag-team – twitter and the leftist ferals on it – to commence the hunt until inevitably, the prey succumbs, as happened to Porter.
At the time of his exoneration by the High Court, Cardinal Pell, the most senior Australian Catholic and well known conservative commentator, received no support from PM Morrison, or from Porter, the Commonwealth’s Attorney General.   Yet this was the most high profile case in many a long year and without precedent in the Australian Criminal Justice System, and therefore the case should have justified some form of response from the Government.  

By deliberately choosing to offer support to victims of child sexual abuse – yes, no doubt, the Cardinal would have agreed with the PM’s support for the victims of this most heinous of crimes – Morrison – and Porter -were shown to have plumbed a new low in right-of-centre politics; for they were supporting by implication Pell’s accuser; someone for whom the truth was shown to be extremely flexible and whose veracity was demolished in the High Court.
Suggested by Morrison’s statement on that day was continued doubt of Pell’s innocence at the moment of his release.  And whether in that statement there was design, or not, – I’m giving both men the benefit of the doubt despite many misgivings – in being uttered in that way, and at that time, when the Cardinal’s vindication should have enabled one of those two high representatives of the Australian Government to rightly speak of the mighty achievement of the Rule of Law in the administration of justice in this country, that moment was allowed to pass.  
Pell’s experience, like Porter’s, after him, began with the ABC’s “investigative” journalists.  In each case, both men’s lives were radically damaged by unsubstantiated claims of the most shocking type.
On the political right-on-centre, a politician’s return to backbencher status gives him/her licence to discuss without limitation and range widely over the political and policy landscape.  That freedom to discuss a variety of subjects should provide Porter with a new and important interest for his future in politics. 
(Again, I give Porter the benefit of the doubt. I know I’m being generous, but it even took Maggie some years to form in her own mind the policies that finally she took into Number 10 and that would improve the lives of the British).
If this political setback is to be the making of Porter, pursuing the ABC’s method of engagement with conservatives would be a good start, for his recent experience with that juggernaut has given him special insight.  Were he to do so, it would be of great benefit for all Australians and ultimately for the good of the ABC.

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WolfmanOz (just existing in Melb. now)
WolfmanOz (just existing in Melb. now)
September 22, 2021 4:11 pm

The chances that Christian Porter would be like Matt Canavan would be buckleys and none.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
September 22, 2021 4:15 pm

Yes, you are being generous BBS.
I will continue using a metaphorical “spit” when I hear his name, until he turns the corner you are hoping for.

September 22, 2021 4:17 pm

When someone has paid your enemies a billion dollars a year to attack you, the depth of their power is very destabilising when they destroy you.
As a miner,
As a target shooter,
As a conservative,
As a farm worker,
As a man,
As a heterosexual,
As a Christian,
As a contractor,
As a taxpayer,
In all these identities I have experienced rolling artillery barrages from the billion-dollar-a-year Death Star ABC.
The only way to combat them is to be part of an organisation with armour and power. BHP for instance, can shoot back.

September 22, 2021 4:17 pm

Christian Porter is a bit like the “I’ll say nothing if you take me last” conservative…

He might be…if only he was a conservative.

They’re hard to find in the Liberal Party these days.

That’s the trouble with being a “broad church” – the congregation’s beliefs tend to get diluted down to the lowest common denominator.

September 22, 2021 4:19 pm

By which I mean, that Porter most likely hasn’t got the warfighting urge to coopt the Turnbullised Liberal Party and actually destroy their enemy.

September 22, 2021 4:46 pm

The fact that he’s in the liberal proves that he is a gutless prick with no principles.

Cassie of Sydney
September 22, 2021 4:50 pm

“On the political right-on-centre, a politician’s return to backbencher status gives him/her licence to discuss without limitation and range widely over the political and policy landscape. That freedom to discuss a variety of subjects should provide Porter with a new and important interest for his future in politics. “

Great piece BBS…however I must disagree with the above. This is no longer applicable to the Liberal party. Yes, it once did have a proud tradition of backbenchers speaking up but no longer. Ask Craig Kelly and George Christensen. If Porter was to speak up…and I don’t think he has it in him…he’ll be silenced by Scummo.

Cassie of Sydney
September 22, 2021 4:54 pm

Once upon a time the Liberal party had mavericks like Wilson Tuckey, Steele Hall and others. No longer. Scumbag Morrison doesn’t like dissent….he’ll even side with Labor against one of his own.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
September 22, 2021 4:54 pm

The monstrous women will forever frame him as accused ropist just as they continue to deny 7-0. He should run as an independent and publicly support UAP with preferences.

September 22, 2021 5:07 pm

Scumbag Morrison doesn’t like dissent….he’ll even side with Labor against one of his own.

Cassie, do you know what was Morrison’s stance re Bettina Arndt amid all the flak she copped from the left last year?
I recall quite a few conservatives (who I no longer have any respect for) taking the left’s side against her last year.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
September 22, 2021 5:27 pm

No guts and no glory. No sympathy from me. Another Turnbullian flawed character.
Church going hypocrite. And spits on the Australian flag. Quite literally. A total grub. Running at 4th worst Prime Minister this century.
All those dreadful women? Soon to be so yesterday.

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
September 22, 2021 5:32 pm

Porter’s electorate of Pearce WA has been split ( August 21), with most of the previous rural areas to the eastern region re-allocated to the giant electorate of Durack.

Porter held Pearce at the last election with a slim 3.8% margin.

Without the usual large National and Lib vote from the hived off country booths, he will be at the mercy of the gazillion expat “anti Tory” Poms who infest the far northern suburbs of Perth.

It will be a miracle if he manages to hold the seat.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
September 22, 2021 5:34 pm

Cassie, do you know what was Morrison’s stance re Bettina Arndt amid all the flak she copped from the left last year?

The lantern-jawed ham-fisted fake Christian PM is the leader of the parliamentary Liberal party — he was all for the censuring of a private citizen by the Senate of our Commonwealth Parliament in fact I think one Senator wanted to abstain and was not permitted to do so by Scummo — he is a treacherous piece of work, cannot stomach him in any way, and please note that does not mean I think Mr Rub’n’Tug is any better, I wish the two would simply vanish from our polity.

September 22, 2021 5:35 pm

Thanks for the local knoweldge, Pedro.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
September 22, 2021 5:38 pm

Excellent post Bar Beach Swimmer – immediately to mind comes Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s little quatrain – Retribution:

Though the mills of God grind slowly,
Yet they grind exceeding small;
Though with patience he stands waiting,
With exactness grinds he all.

Porter is getting some of that exactness good and hard, and deservedly so.

September 22, 2021 5:47 pm

Thanks, Tinta.

Scummo — he is a treacherous piece of work, cannot stomach him in any way …

I think he proved that when he stabbed Tony Abbott in the back – the man who helped Morrison in his meteoric rise.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 22, 2021 5:58 pm

Porter’s electorate of Pearce WA has been split ( August 21), with most of the previous rural areas to the eastern region re-allocated to the giant electorate of Durack.

I’m one of those re-allocated to Durack.

Bar Beach Swimmer
September 22, 2021 6:18 pm

This is no longer applicable to the Liberal party. Yes, it once did have a proud tradition of backbenchers speaking up but no longer. Ask Craig Kelly and George Christensen. If Porter was to speak up…and I don’t think he has it in him…he’ll be silenced by Scummo

Thanks Cassie and everyone else for your great thoughts.

As Pedro noted up thread, Porter’s seat has been poleaxed. Perhaps his future in politics is a moot point now unless he can shoehorn himself into another “lib” seat.

But if he were to be re-elected, a focus on the modus operandi of the ABC may do more for the country than most anything else. And while I accept that Kelly and Christensen have been shafted by the supposed “Broad Church” of the SFLs, mostly it is because the Cult of Covid has become a new article of faith in the two main parties as well as almost everywhere else.

Yes, I have given him the benefit of the doubt. But in being scorched by this experience, almost to political destruction, like the West’s now universal awareness of the malevolence of China, his eyes must be fully open now.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 22, 2021 6:36 pm

Is there any evidence that Porter is, at heart, conservative? And that he kept this trait concealed, adopting the outward appearance of a more left wing figure?

Then there might be hope that he will rise like a Phoenix from the flames of his fight with the ABC, all the left wing accretions burned away.

But is there any evidence that there is that little seed of conservatism in him to start with?

Cassie of Sydney
September 22, 2021 6:36 pm

September 22, 2021 at 5:07 pm
Scumbag Morrison doesn’t like dissent….he’ll even side with Labor against one of his own.

Cassie, do you know what was Morrison’s stance re Bettina Arndt amid all the flak she copped from the left last year?
I recall quite a few conservatives (who I no longer have any respect for) taking the left’s side against her last year.”

Scumbag Morrison said nothing….he would have been forewarned of the proposed censure motion (put forward by those two progressive skanks Keneally and Wong) that EVERY sitting Liberal and National senator, including so called conservative heroes like Amanda Stoker and Matt Canavan, and so called free speech warriors such as James Paterson (vomit) voted for.

But you know what was more unforgivable for me Lee? The fact that the IPA stood by and said nothing…NOTHING. They refused to get involved. This I know for a fact. Bettina Arndt received more help form Toby Young’s UK Free Speech Union in the UK (an organisation I’ve joined….the Free Speech Union actively helps people who are viciously silenced and cancelled by frenzied progressive mobs0. I’ve spoken to Bettina…..whilst she’s a strong woman, the lynching she endured last year has taken its toll…but she’s still out there, fighting for men’s rights.

Since the Arndt lynching, I can’t bring myself to renew my IPA membership….just like I decided after that censure motion…to never ever vote Liberal again.

It amuses me because John Roskam has been on Sky lately speaking up about culture wars and free speech but all I think about when I see him on television is….John, where were you last year when Bettina was lynched? You were MIA.

Angus Black
Angus Black
September 22, 2021 6:37 pm

The thing I find most disturbing is that Porter has been effectively sacked because his legal bills have been paid for by anonymous private citizens – entirely legal, entirely without any possible incitement to moral turpitude (he can’t do ‘em favours if he doesn’t know who they are) – while the ABC and their employees (who were – and admitted they were – in the wrong)) are able to pay all their legal bills (plus the pseudo-damages) using the public money extracted from an unwilling citizenry … and still are credited with holding the high moral ground.

As twisted logic goes, it’s right up there with “gender bending” as a physical rather than mental illness…and with all the associated child abuse.

September 22, 2021 6:45 pm

Thanks, Cassie.
I am always interested in your thoughts, which I can never recall disagreeing with.
I have great admiration for Bettina, particularly her standing up against the demonization of boys and young men, and despite all the abuse she cops from the left.
If conservatives and those on the right won’t stand up for their own, no one else will.
I have the greatest contempt for ScoMo.

Bar Beach Swimmer
September 22, 2021 7:07 pm

Mother Lodesays:
September 22, 2021 at 6:36 pm

M.L. possibly not.

September 22, 2021 7:57 pm

Where to for Christian Porter?

Oblivion and disgrace, not that I could care less.

His failure to prosecute his case against the ALPBC was disgraceful. A gutless, narcissistic cipher, which probably explains why the ALPBC went after him so hard.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
September 22, 2021 8:30 pm

Morrison’s ‘we believe you’ line on the apology day probably played an important part in the second jury’s deranged and appalling decision to convict Pell.

Which makes Morrison’s slimy behaviour even worse. I have no evidence for this, but I feel it in my bones that the corrupt and contemptible Stalinst political prosecution of Pell helped the Liberals at the 2019 election. How so? Because I suspect that there were many quiet Australians who smelled a rat in what the Andrews-Setka-Patten Stalinist pervert thuggocracy and its whores in the police and the OPP inflicted on Pell but were afraid to say so for fear of being vilified as ‘p3d0file protectors’. (Seven-Nilligan has yet to apologise to Gerard Henderson for calling him that.)

September 22, 2021 8:42 pm

Old Lefty, I spoke up for Pell on a number of occasions. The venom I copped was beyond zealotry and I watched others shuffle and look at their feet. The worst sad to say was from lapsed Cathilics…

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