Fair (Work) Lady says it all

“The statements by politicians that those who are not vaccinated are a threat to public health and should be “locked out of society” and denied the ability to work are not measures to protect public health. They are not about public health and not justified because they do not address the actual risk of COVID. These measures can only be about punishing those who choose not to be vaccinated. If the purpose of the PHOs is genuinely to reduce the spread of COVID, there is no basis for locking out people who do not have COVID, which is easily established by a rapid antigen test. Conversely, a vaccinated person who contracts COVID should be required to isolate until such time as they have recovered…All Australians should vigorously oppose the introduction of a system of medical apartheid and segregation in Australia. It is an abhorrent concept and is morally and ethically wrong, and the anthesis of our democratic way of life and everything we value.”

Fair Work Commission Deputy President Lydall Dean. Minority decision Fair Work case 27 September. Wonderful; nothing more need be said.  

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October 1, 2021 9:40 pm

It is an abhorrent concept and is morally and ethically wrong, and the antithesis of our democratic way of life and everything we value.

But to fascists it’s just common sense.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
October 2, 2021 12:34 am

It was never about health. But those failed doctors successful career pencil pushers have never had so much power. Never again. And the position of health Minister should only be given to a politician with a working brain and some humanity.

Rafe Champion
October 2, 2021 7:02 am

Thank you Peter Smith, that minority decision needs to be widely known among the public.
How many people know about it?
See the previous post about the critical function of public opinion, but the public has to be informed. The media are not our friends.

Mark M
Mark M
October 2, 2021 8:23 am

Police arrested this teacher for protesting the vaccine mandate today (Oct 1) in Melbourne.

She was part of the #reclaimtheline group rallying nationwide.

Most of the teachers were wearing masks.

Some say they are “fully vaccinated”.

They were all socially distanced.


Shy Ted
Shy Ted
October 2, 2021 8:56 am

They are not about public health and not justified because they do not address the actual risk of COVID.

Ah yes, all those people with no symptoms.

If the purpose of the PHOs is genuinely to reduce the spread of COVID, there is no basis for locking out people who do not have COVID, which is easily established by a rapid antigen test

No it isn’t, there is no test for the illness that doesn’t exist.

Conversely, a vaccinated person who contracts COVID should be required to isolate until such time as they have recovered…

It’s not a vaccine. Convid doesn’t exist and there is no test for it.

All Australians should vigorously oppose the introduction of a system of medical apartheid and segregation in Australia. It is an abhorrent concept and is morally and ethically wrong, and the anthesis of our democratic way of life and everything we value.

Including pollies, MSM et al?
Are we getting our money’ worth from the FWC or is it just a money pit for mates.

Budget $125,000,000.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
October 2, 2021 8:56 am
  1. Abbotts real problems were inside the Lieboral party room. If Spud gets up hopefully he will just ignore them. I’m…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x