Allow health practitioners the freedom to speak honestly and openly

Let us assume, on really hardly any evidence at all, that our governments, state and federal, really are concerned for our health. But in a free society, there must be open and free discourse on every subject of interest to the community so that all sides of any question can be properly examined.

Which brings me to this: Petition EN3375 – AHPRA edict silencing health practitioners. It is a petition which reads as follows:

There is conclusive evidence [sighted AHPRA documents] that AHPRA has silenced health practitioners from raising concerns about the Covid-19 vaccine, and from raising all related concerns about this experimental gene therapy [called a vaccine]. There is also conclusive evidence that health practitioners have been threatened with dismissal, and with removal from practice, if they raise their concerns publicly and go against the main narrative.

We therefore ask the House to remove the AHPRA edict and allow all health practitioners the freedom to speak honestly and openly about their concerns. This is a matter of public safety and ethical obligation. There is growing global concern about the short, medium and long-term effects of the Covid-19 vaccine. Removing the AHPRA edict would also allow open debate about the other possible ways of treating Covid-19.

I merely bring this to your attention. Sign it as you see fit.

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October 8, 2021 7:24 pm

My difficulty is that I no longer trust my GP to give me the best advice. I am anaphylactic to an increasing number of drugs and have been in ICU for a life threatening reaction already this year for a supposedly safe drug. The stats so far show me that I am better off not risking the jab. So yes, un muzzle my GP, as perhaps I will trust him again. I will sign. What is there to lose?

October 8, 2021 7:58 pm

It’s not just Doctors. A Paramedic is currently being required to show cause why they should not be deregistered.

Their crime – reported by an anonymous dobber – was to “like” a social media post that was critical of some aspects of the vaccine rollout.

October 8, 2021 9:08 pm

If they have nothing to hide and are being honest, then they have nothing to fear from a frank, open discussion.
No wonder public trust in politicians and health authorities is at an all time low.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
October 8, 2021 11:30 pm

You will follow the party line. They brook no dissent.

October 9, 2021 7:32 am

It’s not just Doctors. A Paramedic is currently being required to show cause why they should not be deregistered.

Their crime – reported by an anonymous dobber – was to “like” a social media post that was critical of some aspects of the vaccine rollout.

So the Cult of Branch COVIDian Agenda now includes crushing freedom of conscience, as well as free speech.

What an awful country we have become.

John Bordiss
October 11, 2021 11:16 am

What happened to freedom of speech ?? Bring back all the Doctors that have been suspended.
Of all the Doctors I have visited in my life time Dr David Richards is the BEST. Give us back our Iluka Doctor. Shame on the Health Department Shame on our Politician’s .

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