Persecution Without Objection

Bolt to Dean expressing surprise that medical apartheid, segregation, selective persecution, had gone so smoothly in Sydney. Presumably he meant that there had been no riots in the streets. People throwing themselves in front of race horses.

Dean to Bolt explaining that social media had carried a lot of objections and that Perrottet was on record as objecting to segregation and would soon end it. End of story really.

All quiet in Shanghai. What’s that about the Uighurs?

Jews herded up you say? Well, it passed without any fuss in meine town.

Medical apartheid, Sydney style, is mild compared with selective persecutions throughout history. But persecution it is just the same. And people not affected look the other way. No prominent principled conservatives around – no need for anyone with even an ounce of the courage of Dietrich Bonhoeffer – to rail against the mindless injustice of it all. I’m alright Jack, stuff you.

Even if the episode ends without further persecution of the unvaxxed; it is a forever-stain on Australia. And it makes it that much easy to single out dissidents for special treatment in the future. Those perimeter-secured, purpose-built, quarantine camps are ready and waiting. It can’t happen here? It has already.

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Bar Beach Swimmer
October 14, 2021 1:32 pm

It is frightening just how easy it’s been for governments throughout the country to “remove” thousands of Australian citizens for having different opinions about how they will manage their individual health matters. With no debate, politicians and unelected health bureaucrats have moved the nation into very unsafe territory. Autonomy and the right to privacy are in tatters. What do all our laws stand for if none of them actually protect us from government overreach and the risk of totalitarian rule?

October 14, 2021 1:33 pm

Bolt to Dean expressing surprise that medical apartheid, segregation, selective persecution, had gone so smoothly in Sydney.

On the same night Bolt interviewed Josh Frydchickenberger*, where the latter warned against the dangers of marginalising certain groups in society, all while very obviously not realising that he sounded like an utterly clueless hypocritical moron.

The liberals truly are scum.

*He was talking about the late Eddie Jaku.

October 14, 2021 2:13 pm

No matter how much research I’ve tried to do, no matter how many people I ask, no one can explain what vaccinated people have to fear from the unvaccinated. It should be the other way around. Both can be carriers, the former should be protected.

Cassie of Sydney
October 14, 2021 2:16 pm

“Medical apartheid, Sydney style, is mild compared with selective persecutions throughout history. But persecution it is just the same. And people not affected look the other way. No prominent principled conservatives around – no need for anyone with even an ounce of the courage of Dietrich Bonhoeffer – to rail against the mindless injustice of it all. I’m alright Jack, stuff you.”

I agree…..but as I wrote yesterday, I strongly suspect that Rowan Dean, Alan Jones and a few others at Sky would agree about the medical apartheid but they have been silenced. We are living in truly totalitarian times.

I’ve come to the conclusion that everyone should just vote for Palmer’s party.

Cassie of Sydney
October 14, 2021 2:22 pm

“no need for anyone with even an ounce of the courage of Dietrich Bonhoeffer”

Here in NSW there has been one conservative, one true Menzies’ Liberal who has spoken up….and his name is Craig Kelly. In Victoria there is David Limbrick and Tim Quilty.

Cassie of Sydney
October 14, 2021 2:24 pm

I feel that the day where we have to separate from mainstream society is inching closer. We will be the new recusants.

local oaf
October 14, 2021 2:25 pm

I’ve come to the conclusion that everyone should just vote for Palmer’s party.

I’ll vote PHON or Palmer, if I have the option that is.
I live in the safest labor seat in Australia and sometimes green is the only option part from lab/lib.
Could be voting informal for the first time in my life.

Cassie of Sydney
October 14, 2021 2:37 pm

“I live in the safest labor seat in Australia and sometimes green is the only option part from lab/lib.
Could be voting informal for the first time in my life.”

I would never ever vote Green. I live in Wentworth, I will vote informal in the lower house (unless the Lib Dems run a candidate) but I look forward to voting in the senate. I want the cross bench of the senate to be a smorgasbord of PHON, Lib Dems and UAP….so they can make life difficult for the Albanese government.

But just watch the Liberals preference the Greens in Wentworth ahead of any Lib Dem or UAP candidate.

The Liberal Party of Australia = SCUM.

October 14, 2021 2:46 pm

The only thing that will stop them is a court or a commission (!), another election or a dwindling membership base or poll. There are many in Victroria that voted for this type government. Go figure. I wonder how many are still supportive as they stomp on sec. 10(c) of the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 in an effort to deny individual choice and assert the need for the obligatory needle.
We do need principled people but they are sadly lacking. I note that Rand Paul got stuck into Fauci and referred to classical liberal values, such as choice! And then there is Reiner Füllmich and his team; they will do some damage, but this will be at a level beyond provincial Victoria or NSW.

October 14, 2021 3:28 pm

In my eyes one of the biggest problems on the horizon is the creation of a class of smart criminals. Nonconformists. Through no fault of their own. People who have paid taxes their whole life. Always tried to do the right thing who are now told they are a second class citizen. Solely for exercising freedom of choice.Any politician who thinks this will end well is a moron obviously.

Making an underclass of the only people who appear to be thinking ensures criminals with brains.
The untermenschen do actually think.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
October 14, 2021 3:28 pm

I object.
Don’t push me to far.

October 14, 2021 3:29 pm

.. and the scariest part is the general backing from Joe public.

“send them to the camps, you say?.. sounds like a plan!”

October 14, 2021 4:03 pm

“I live in the safest labor seat in Australia and sometimes green is the only option part from lab/lib.
Could be voting informal for the first time in my life.”

After the last election the Electoral Commission redrew the seat(s) where I live & so after 28 years of living in McMahon I was moved into to Fowler. McMahon covers 98% of Fairfield .. I live near Fairfield, shop in Fairfield and use gummint services in Fairfield ..
Fowler covers Liverpool, I very rarely go near Liverpool other than passing thru on the way elsewhere .. I live closer to Blacktown than Liverpool & even Parramatta, tho further away, is easier to reach than Liverpool yet I am now a voter in Fowler ..

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 14, 2021 4:20 pm

Cassie of Sydneysays:
October 14, 2021 at 2:24 pm
I feel that the day where we have to separate from mainstream society is inching closer. We will be the new recusants.

Go back to the earlier post that covered this.

Become separate from, but remain within, society. Organise your small group of like-minded people, support each other by helping with kids and chores, meeting together to provide mutual support and reinforcement of your principles.

Becoming hermits on a mountain top will not work. Few have the skills to do so these days, and you need a large group to try. Such a group will attract unfavourable attention. Use wider society as the source of the resources you need to stay together as a group.

October 14, 2021 4:27 pm

The Liberal Party of Australia = SCUM.

You won’t get any argument from me, Cassie.
The federal Libs (especially ScoMo) have failed and betrayed every conservative in Australia.
The Victorian Libs have failed and betrayed every conservative in Victoria (where I and most of my family have the misfortune to live in these evil days).
Libs, federal and state are both complicit with Andrews (and other state premiers) being able to get away with what he has, along with three so-called “independent” scumbags in the Upper House here.
ScoMo has the power, or the resort to the courts, to curtail the premiers’ excesses and flagrant human right violations, but being the utterly spineless creature he is, has done nothing!

I will never vote for the Libs again, state or federally.
And voting for the Greens has never, and never will be an option for me.

Cassie of Sydney
October 14, 2021 4:32 pm

“Boambee Johnsays:
October 14, 2021 at 4:20 pm

Except…the day will come, not too far away, when conservatives, Christians, Jews and anyone who refuses to conform to progressivism will be prevented from getting a job in the public service, in policing, in hospitals, in public schools, in large corporations, in parliament and so on. Whilst they might not be able to lock us up, they will prevent us from doing and speaking. We will have no public voice, no access to the media etc.

I know this all sounds bleak….but this exactly is what happened to refuseniks and Christians in Soviet Russia and eastern Europe. And we’re seeing it happen here already with cancel culture. If you refuse to conform, you will be smeared, you will be ridiculed, you will be ostracised, you will be visited by the police, you will be expelled and you will be silenced.

Cassie of Sydney
October 14, 2021 4:33 pm

“Boambee Johnsays:
October 14, 2021 at 4:20 pm

Except…the day will come, not too far away, when conservatives, Christians, Jews and anyone who refuses to conform to progressivism will be prevented from getting a job in the public service, in policing, in hospitals, in public schools, in large corporations, in parliament and so on. Whilst they might not be able to lock us up, they will prevent us from doing and speaking. We will have no public voice, no access to the media etc.

I know this all sounds bleak….but this exactly is what happened to refuseniks and Christians in Soviet Russia and eastern Europe. And we’re seeing it happen here already with cancel culture. If you refuse to conform, you will be smeared, you will be ridiculed, you will be ostracised, you will be visited by the police, you will be expelled and you will be silenced

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 14, 2021 4:46 pm

It’s the blue eyes brown eyes thing writ on a national scale. And just as arbitrary and hateful.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 14, 2021 4:47 pm


You might well be correct, and life will become more difficult. But remember, in the end communism collapsed, at least in part probably because by rejecting a significant proportion of independent thinkers, eventually they contributed to their own economic breakdown.

October 14, 2021 4:49 pm

I never thought I would see the day when Australians would be hounded, persecuted, arrested, and jailed by the police, merely for comments on social media or for dissenting from the government line.
Those in jail truly are political prisoners; something which we once strongly condemned in other countries.

October 14, 2021 5:11 pm

only thing that will stop them is a court or a commission (!)

Yep …. but when i told my state MP that (the craven Josh Teague), he sent the police round to threaten me into silence (spoiler alert, Josh, I served in Iraq and Afghanistan, you are going to have to fo more to frighten me off)

John Bayley
John Bayley
October 14, 2021 5:14 pm

Why would anyone still think that there is any difference whatsoever between the major parties?

On a state level, it’s been a competition of just who can come up with the most oppressive, totalitarian BS. Now even the NT is trying to get on to the action:

Federally, ‘limp & useless’ does not even begin to describe the Liberals. Which is just what can be expected when a party discards its own principles and believes in nothing, apart from perhaps ‘being liked by the ABC’.

Read Etienne de la Boetie: Withhold consent. Passive resistance. Don’t give them your vote.
And yes, it may mean voting informal if/where there are no small party candidates.
So be it. Better than voting on the basis of ‘….but, but, they are still better than Labor’.
They are emphatically NOT.

October 14, 2021 5:17 pm

The LNP, both federally and in the states, has done a sterling job over the last few years in totally destroying itself. Virtually non-existent in WA and QLD, will be obliterated in VIC in the next election, cannot ever win in the ACT, shifted so far left in SA and NSW cannot be differentiated from Labor or the Greens, completely and utterly abandoned their base while spitting on them from a great height.
And somehow, somehow, their MPs and political advisors such as they are, actually believe (a) that they are better than the alternatives and (b) that their dogsh*t dumb climate change policies, the irretrievably dysfunctional National cabinet and appalling handling of the (non) pandemic will win them the next election.
I’ll have what they’re smoking, thanks.

October 14, 2021 5:39 pm

And yes, it may mean voting informal if/where there are no small party candidates.
So be it. Better than voting on the basis of ‘….but, but, they are still better than Labor’.
They are emphatically NOT.

As a longtime (now former) Liberal voter I couldn’t agree with you more.
The only thing is, the current Labor government in Victoria is irredeemably corrupt from top to bottom IMO, and is backed up by far the most politicised state police force in Australia, and a compliant MSM.

October 14, 2021 5:42 pm

Pommyal says:
October 14, 2021 at 3:28 pm
Any politician who thinks this will end well is a moron obviously.

Err.. No.

Even many intelligent, well informed, liberty-minded Cats are proponents of the “I’m all right Jack! Pull up the ropes!” attitude to the new apartheid.

How much more widespread is this attitude in the wider community?

Politicians have a fine reptilian self-serving locus, they know what they’re doing.

They know nothing will happen

Cassie of Sydney
October 14, 2021 5:56 pm

“Federally, ‘limp & useless’ does not even begin to describe the Liberals. Which is just what can be expected when a party discards its own principles and believes in nothing, apart from perhaps ‘being liked by the ABC’.”

Whilst those in the Labor party still like to talk about Chifley’s “the light on the hill” speech and go through the motions of wanting to look after the worker and all that jazz, the Liberal Party doesn’t even try to live up to any of Menzies core principles…let alone his speech of 1942 about the “forgotten people”….a speech which talked about basic liberal values such as individual liberty, aspiration, small business, religious freedom, nationalism and free speech. The modern day Liberal party doesn’t even try to hide its disdain for the Menzies speech. The truth is that the Liberal party of Australia, from the PM down to all state branches, is ashamed of middle Australia and those who vote for it…or used to…because I now think that Scumbag Morrison has nailed the coffin shut.

I was watching Chris Kenny the other day and he interviewed that pompous git Andrew Bragg about zero emissions. Bragg represents everything that’s wrong with the Liberal party in 2021…he’s a smug, condescending, nasty and very mediocre inner-city elitist who doesn’t give a stuff about middle and working Australia, who cares more for trendy transgender issues than religious freedom or ordinary men and women struggling to pay skyrocketing electricity bills. Bragg doesn’t belong in the Liberal party, he belongs in the Greens, just like his fellow scum….Trent Zimmerman, Katie Allen, Dave Sharma and co.

I’ll enjoy election night in 2022….it won’t be pretty but I’ll enjoy it.

Robert the Irish Scot
Robert the Irish Scot
October 14, 2021 6:07 pm

John Bayley,

you suggested to read Etienne de La Boetie; “Without Consent”, an excellent read.

I would further suggest very strongly Etienne de La Boetie’s,
“The Politics of Obedience”
“Resolve No Longer to be Slaves, AND YOU ARE FREE”.

Both, so true particularly in this, the supposed 21st century.

When looking at the, ahem, much vaunted -so-called western civilisation , it reminds me of the dark ages and people being afraid of their own shadows with all the fear mongering and propaganda that has been spreading for the past 20 odd years AND especially every single day for the past 20 months.

Resilience and self respect for so many has been completely lost, not to mention the ability to THINK for themselves. So many are only interested in what the so-called media (in all its different modes) tells them.

October 14, 2021 6:07 pm

I’ll enjoy election night in 2022….it won’t be pretty but I’ll enjoy it.

Should I be given my papers to leave the Penal Colony of Vic, I’d be more than happy to join you in celebration. They totally deserve what’s coming.

Cassie of Sydney
October 14, 2021 6:13 pm

October 14, 2021 at 6:07 pm
I’ll enjoy election night in 2022….it won’t be pretty but I’ll enjoy it.

Should I be given my papers to leave the Penal Colony of Vic, I’d be more than happy to join you in celebration. They totally deserve what’s coming.”

Yes, come up….and we’ll enjoy together.

October 14, 2021 6:19 pm

Bragg doesn’t belong in the Liberal party, he belongs in the Greens, just like his fellow scum….Trent Zimmerman, Katie Allen, Dave Sharma and co.

Did you forget Matt Kean, Cassie?

WolfmanOz (just existing in Melb. now)
WolfmanOz (just existing in Melb. now)
October 14, 2021 6:43 pm

I was watching Chris Kenny the other day and he interviewed that pompous git Andrew Bragg about zero emissions. Bragg represents everything that’s wrong with the Liberal party in 2021…he’s a smug, condescending, nasty and very mediocre inner-city elitist who doesn’t give a stuff about middle and working Australia, who cares more for trendy transgender issues than religious freedom or ordinary men and women struggling to pay skyrocketing electricity bills. Bragg doesn’t belong in the Liberal party, he belongs in the Greens, just like his fellow scum….Trent Zimmerman, Katie Allen, Dave Sharma and co.

Yup I saw that too and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing – he sounded like a Greens spokesperson.

Federally the Libs will get smashed next year – they are so stupid that just have no awareness that they have totally pissed off their base who will desert them in droves.

local oaf
October 14, 2021 7:16 pm

When looking at the, ahem, much vaunted -so-called western civilisation

It seems a bit over-vaunted too, when you consider what it has given the world in the last 100 years.

1. Communism
2. Fascism
3. National Socialism
4. Industrial scale repression, torture, imprisonment, extermination and slavery resulting from 1, 2, and 3.

Western civilisation exhausted itself by the end of WW1 – we’ve been living in the decaying ruins ever since!

October 14, 2021 7:58 pm

It seems a bit over-vaunted too, when you consider what it has given the world in the last 100 years.

A fairer assessment would be that Western Civ has given us pretty much the only relief from these things in history…. and that these things are what happens when Western Civ is abandoned.

It is far easier to tear something down than to build a better alternative.

October 14, 2021 9:44 pm

it is a forever-stain on Australia

Australia has pretty much shit itself on the world stage, then rubbed it on its face.

October 14, 2021 9:45 pm

Federally the Libs will get smashed next year – they are so stupid that just have no awareness that they have totally pissed off their base who will desert them in droves.

Yep, I will place them 100% last, with even the Greens above.

Perfidious Albino
Perfidious Albino
October 14, 2021 9:45 pm

Katie Allen is one of the worst in my opinion, albeit all those listed are amongst the worst. I have particular disdain for Allen, as a doctor, pushing the jab at every opportunity and acting completely at odds with the traditional sanctity of the doctor/patient relationship. Clearly sold out to Big Pharma a long time ago.

a reader
a reader
October 14, 2021 9:47 pm

I used to live in the electorate of Hughes. My federal member was Craig Kelly. My state member was the hopeless Melanie Gibbons who the liberals have tapped to run against him for Hughes. It was her partner that they tried to push through pre-selection to get rid of Kelly when he was in their feral Liberal party at the last election. It’s just pathetic

Cassie of Sydney
October 14, 2021 10:36 pm

“Katie Allen is one of the worst in my opinion, “

Agree. Did you see how Bolt this week called Allen out for her “reading material”. When interviewed by Bolt a few days ago, Allen proudly displayed two books behind her…and wait for it…one book was by the great destroyer of America…..Obummer and the other book by Bill Shorten’s mother-in-law….the ghastly Quentin Bryce. Yeah…Allen represents everything wrong with today’s Liberals.

October 14, 2021 11:27 pm

Pre-selection for the Liberal Party obviously needs to be far, far tougher in order to weed out leftists before they can infiltrate the party.
Too late now, the Libs have effectively destroyed themselves.

Bruce K
October 15, 2021 2:26 am

Despite dire predictions for the libs todays Essential Poll has Scumo at about 54% in popularity compared with Albersleazy with 39%. Those polled felt the libs were doing a good job of controlling the couf. The great majority of people in Oz ( and NZ ) dont seem to think for themselves. There is too much reliance on the msm and social media.

Cassie of Sydney
October 15, 2021 6:04 am

“Scumo at about 54% in popularity compared with Albersleazy with 39%”

Popularity means nothing at election time.

Mark M
Mark M
October 15, 2021 8:20 am

When premiers/prime ministers, and CHOs say that the covid jabs are safe and effective, and the best jab is the jab that is available now, have a listen to what John Skerritt (TGA) and Paul Kelly (CMO) has to say …

Make an informed decision.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 15, 2021 8:41 am

the ghastly Quentin Bryce

The only Sex Discrimination Commissioner to have ever suffered a successful complaint of sex discrimination?

October 15, 2021 9:20 am

I really have to laugh. My wife is fully vaccinated (first responder) and is trying to get her vaccination certificate. She has now been trying for several hours to connect online through MyGov, Medicare and Services Victoria (Services Victoria sends her to the wrong site) and none of them work.

Logging in is fine, but requires a two factor authentication code to proceed, which is sent via SMS. This fails constantly in both the MyGov and Medicare apps. Then she tried the help desk, but after who knows how long, gave up.

If the government wants the vaccinated to show a vaccination certificate, make it easy for people to get it. All they have done is make it incredibly frustrating; as always when it comes to anything devised by government. Holding off on vaccination may be worthwhile for many reasons.

October 15, 2021 9:25 am

Even if the episode ends without further persecution of the unvaxxed; it is a forever-stain on Australia.

Exactly this. I had the worst day I can remember on Monday just trying to come to terms with the fact that something like this could happen in Australia. I still can’t believe it.

Cassie of Sydney
October 15, 2021 9:52 am

“I really have to laugh. My wife is fully vaccinated (first responder) and is trying to get her vaccination certificate. “

I don’t wish to pry but are the jabbed and unjabbed allowed to sleep in the same bed? Has there been a government health edict about that yet? Can’t be too far away!

October 15, 2021 3:39 pm

I don’t wish to pry but are the jabbed and unjabbed allowed to sleep in the same bed? Has there been a government health edict about that yet? Can’t be too far away!

We’ve long realised if either of us is to get any sleep, sharing the same bed is not going to work. My wife thrashes about so much that I learned to block her flailing arms while I was asleep, else I’d have had my nose broken multiple times. I have photographs, for posterities sake, showing how her doona ends up after a night of ‘restful’ sleep.

October 15, 2021 9:57 pm

Oh Cassie, I’d be with ya on the UAP, if only Clive wasn’t there.

Flyingduk, I agree with you on pretty much all your posts.

Gilas, reptilians eh?

NB Why can’t I upvote atm? Am I in limbo?

October 15, 2021 10:22 pm

LOL after reading today I feel like this…

LOL remember the movie they did that was cameoed at the end of this vid, anyone up for a vicious burger or anakee ora with a correct polite English accent???

October 17, 2021 9:55 am

“Autonomy and the right to privacy are in tatters.”

I believe we should all take the view that proof of vaccination will not be presented – to anyone.
As per federal and state law, this is personal and private medical data – if you have a legal reason to ask for it, you also have a legal reason and legal means to obtain it elsewhere. So get it elsewhere if you can – and if you can’t get it elsewhere, you don’t have the right to demand it from me!

It is interesting to note that the federal privacy act includes exclusions for emergencies, however it also states that an emergency ends at the earliest of several conditions, one of which is 12 months from the declaration of that emergency. Undoubtedly there are similar provisions in the various states privacy legislation. I think we are past 12 months since the start of this pandemic debacle.

October 17, 2021 11:32 am

“There is too much reliance on the msm and social media.”

And many apparently do not realise just how much most social media (Farcechook and Twatter, eg) are going down the censorious totalitarian “right-think” path. Sure, at one time social media was a check on the MSM, but now they are worse, if anything.

At least the “big boys” are. Yes, you can use gab and gettr etc, but they are not what most use. (indeed, most don’t use it all)
How many “average” farcechook users know that Zuckerberg gave over US$400 million to partisan political use for the 2020 US election, almost as much as US federal gov for same, but non-partisan, purpose (IIRC, circa 420M Zuckerberg vs circa 480M Govco)?
How many average Twatter/farcechook users know that the Hunter Biden laptop story was suppressed on their platform (even in “private” messages!) for partisan political reasons, and with no evidence it was false?
The answer is very few. And most don’t care to know, nor to find out. Like the COVID debacle, they are willfully misinformed and don’t want to face the cognitive dissonance of reality. How else could you believe that forcing people to take a vaccine is required to prevent unvaccinated people from infecting the vaccinated? How else could you believe that a virus that >99% survive requires the destruction of the entire economy in order to save you from it? How else could you believe that spending $1 trillion on “income support” is better than spending $100 billion on more hospital facilities and staff? How else could you believe that injecting 15 year old males with a “vaccine” that is 6 times more dangerous to them than the disease it is meant to prevent is a good idea?
You can only believe these things if you accept the fear porn, if you ignore the actual numbers and logic and just react emotionally. They know fear will drive you, and harp on it.
What they fear is your lack of fear, because that will expose their duplicity.

This is why we are plagued with self aggrandising, narcisistic politicians with no care for the well being of the average punter, other than that said punter votes for them – the vested interests of the owners of information dissemination companies (MSM and SM both) and their paid-for politicians align nearly as well as the credit and debit lists for “unconnected” support organisations and said giants do. The Green blob started it, now the socialist media and big tech giants are onto it – bigger and better than the green blob could have ever hoped or expected. And the green blob is OK with it – as long as said giants support their cause. And they do support it, because it creates regulatory barriers to the entrance of any competition to any company they have their tentacles into – and that’s a lot.

“you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy” says the UN, WRT the “great reset”. Not as happy as the oligarchs that own everything, but happy just the same. Or, if not actually happy, you’ll say you are – or else you’ll be made very unhappy indeed. Comply or die – slowly and painfully, along with those you love. Back to glorious serfdom for you, fella-me-lad – for societies sake, to save the planet, and to keep you safe, of course. For your own good – because your betters know so much more than you and only have your best interests at heart. Rules for thee, but not for me – I’m too important, you need me to help you, I can’t be constrained as you are, or you might not get the help you need. The help you need because I caused the situation you find yourself in. Trust me – even though I obviously don’t trust you – it’s all for the best.

  1. That was very interesting, Bruce. I have read other pieces about deep malaise in China, and the proliferation of so-called…

  2. Sheik Ibrahim Dadoun says Mossad ‘manufactured’ Australia’s anti-Semitism crisisAlexi Demetriadi 1 hours ago Listen to this article 7 min A…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x