The stolen climate debate

Richard Lindzen is probably the dean of climate science. In this very short video he explains how the real science of climate was stolen by three groups of people in defiance of the majority opinion of genuine scientists associated with the IPPC.

The reputable scientists who contribute to deliberations of the IPCC agree on the fundamentals – the climate has always changed, since the Little Ice Age there has been about one degree C of warming, life on earth depends on CO2 and CO2 makes a minor contribution to the beneficial warming that we have enjoyed lately. There is no way to accurately predict the future climate and its impacts. There is no prospect of catastrophic warming.

There is a difference between two sub-sections of that group. Some think that problems may arise if warming persists for a long time. The others have no worries at all.

So why all the fuss?

Lindzen identifies three groups on the fringe of the IPCC who convey the IPCC message to the world, based on the short summary that is produced by the IPCC secretariat when they shepherd the members of the panel as they hammer out the distorted version of the science for public consumption.

The three groups that end up holding the megaphone are activist politicians, the green NGOs and the media. Their careers and the success of their organizations are based on climate alarmism and their grip on politicians and the public has so far enabled bogus science to drive out the real thing. See the video and circulate it. Only five minutes!

Thanks to Cliff Boof in the comments for this great commentary on Twiggy Forest and the quest for wealth from green hydrogen! Not quite on topic but a great contribution to the current debate on RE rorts.

Helpful comments from Roger and Cassie, the video is a few years old and Lindzen focussed on the climate debate. Since then it has become more apparent that other groups are implicated, notably school teachers, the RE industry and behind them the world of finance and banking that can see rivers of gold from a carbon tax and all the other “investments” in short-term assets that would be stranded without subsidies and mandates. On top of the massive power of specific vested interests is the pervasive community support for the religion of environmentalism and the climate scare.

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October 15, 2021 1:55 pm

The three groups that end up holding the megaphone are activist politicians, the green NGOs and the media.

He’s left out the corporate entities and their investors who stand to make a lot of money from the “greening” of Western economies.

Swedish green energy corporates are behind Greta Thunberg, for example. That has been documented.

Cassie of Sydney
October 15, 2021 2:40 pm

“The three groups that end up holding the megaphone are activist politicians, the green NGOs and the media.”

You forgot another one Rafe…..activist teachers who’ve indoctrinated our young.

It cannot be said often enough or loud enough but here in Australia we’ve been let down by quisling Liberal and National scum. All of this climate alarmism and nonsense could have been effectively disputed and destroyed but instead of fighting, all we’ve seen is submission and those few who’ve been brave enough to stand up and critique and question are smeared and marginalised. For over a decade the Coalition sat back and did nothing whilst coal was demonised by climate fascists and the Coalition will do the same with gas. The war on gas has begun. Soon we’ll have no reliable energy. That’s the reality.

As I wrote this morning on the open thread, it’s all over. We’ve lost. Prepare yourself, the future is bleak.

Cliff Boof
Cliff Boof
October 15, 2021 2:54 pm

Their ABC has a clever piece by Ian Verrender about Andrew Forrest’s green hydrogen plans.
One thing you can say about Andrew Forrest is that he is no Elon Musk.

October 15, 2021 3:03 pm

It will all unravel soon enough when people get sick of hearing about catastrophic heating which fails to eventuate year after year. Down here in Victoristan, the ‘climate’ has been miserably cold and wet throughout autumn, winter, spring and now leading into summer. I don’t think we’ve had a year in our 10 years now in South Gippsland where we’ve gone through so much firewood, and it’s not yet over. And the previous summers have been anything but heat waves.

Old bloke
Old bloke
October 15, 2021 4:35 pm

bemused says:
October 15, 2021 at 3:03 pm

It will all unravel soon enough when people get sick of hearing about catastrophic heating which fails to eventuate year after year.

I don’t share your optimism bemused, we’ve been hearing about catastrophic anthropogenic global warming since the late 1980’s and even though nothing has changed, people still believe that lie.

We’re getting on towards 40 years of dire warnings about our pending doom, year after year we’ve been told that we have only five years left before we’re all fried, yet most people still believe this stuff.

October 15, 2021 6:50 pm

I don’t share your optimism bemused, we’ve been hearing about catastrophic anthropogenic global warming since the late 1980’s and even though nothing has changed, people still believe that lie.

The difference is that for most of the past 40 years people haven’t had to suffer blackouts and high electricity prices. That has changed and is getting worse and once we are all enjoying free energy, ie none most of the time, that’s when reality will set in and things will unravel.

October 15, 2021 7:18 pm

Regulatory imposts in many fields, including environment, workplace, water and energy etc. have increasingly ring-fenced centralised control.

October 15, 2021 9:32 pm

Pooh-liticians have one currency, votes.
Twiggy has one currency, dollars. Oh and an ego almost the size of the turds.

If iron ore prices drop too much, twiggy will get hemorrhagic shock syndrome.

Fortescue has the highest extraction cost of all the iron ore miners and do you think he doesn’t need taxpayer support to fly his new bullshit ventures?

He’s already sucked in Palletshucksy, God forbid NSW follows.

October 15, 2021 9:56 pm

If ever there was a time to fire a missile through this bullshit it is now. Imagine if Scomo from marketing announced that that the lieberals were to fund several small nuclear plants just to stabilize the system and keep our emissions down. Labor would be rooted, the Greens split and UAP turned at the pass. Would they do it? I like to think so but Scomo from marketing has no ticker and Photios and wifey too heavily invested in the RE lobby industry and subsidy hoovering. But one can dream.

October 16, 2021 4:47 pm

Mem, the ALP election ads will write themselves.

Dear [marginal electorate currently held with a wafer of votes by the LNP] voter, did you know that ScoMo plans to build a dangerous, leaky radioactive nuclear plant just like Chernobyl on the other side of the street from your children’s primary school? [video of a lovely little blonde girl playing on a swing set, image suddenly freezes, goes black and white before burning out/melting to a white screen with vote ALP, authorised by Yadda yadda].

Only a handful of Helen Lovejoys would need to change their vote to win it for the ALP.

If nuclear energy isn’t bipartisan, forget it.

Texas Jack
Texas Jack
October 16, 2021 5:19 pm

Morrison has only one track, and it goes like this:

Get Reelected At Any Cost

Not sure we should assume the Nationals have brains, but if Barnaby does he should realise it is not the job of the Nats to transform themselves into Climate Alarmists to help Dave Sharma and Jason Falinski hold leafy Harbourside seats. Better they hold seats in a close call than lose them in a loss.

Winston Smith
October 17, 2021 10:08 am

When the bill becomes due for the bullshit that has been thrown at us for 40 years, there’ll be no winners.
The clever dicks that think they are immune to the effects of the damage they’ve heaped on the Australian society, will be pulled from their lifeboats and perish with the rest of us.
That’s the lesson from history and they’ll have to relearn it.

  1. OK. I was about to say that pork pies are shithouse. Under the threat of being Immam-Granted, I will revert…

  2. Australia was built on this stuff. Same as Pomgolia. Just ask your Parents if they are still alive. My Mum…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x