They got DeSantis we got Dissemblance

I watched part of a recent press conference of Ron DeSantis introducing Florida’s new surgeon general. “No more noble lies,” he said, speaking of Covid. Apparently, in Florida at least, people can handle the unvarnished truth.

And what about ignoble lies, I thought, when thinking of Australian health authorities.

On 28 October in Victoria twenty-five people were reported to have died of Covid. How many were vaxxed, a reporter asked. We have that information but are not giving it out, came the reply. So far as I know, the intrepid reporter did not follow up. Nothing much is ever followed up anymore unless it’s to do with baseless conjecture about the historical sex life of a conservative politician or a catholic priest.

It’s quite important to know whether vaccinations are preventing deaths.

An ABC report dated 15 October revealed that 36 of the 49 aged-care residents who had died of the Delta strain in NSW were fully vaccinated. Seems interesting. But it’s all going on under the radar.

Andrew Bolt who revealed himself on air to be a “vaccine believer” – the first time I have come across this kind of descriptor since Julia Gillard revealed that she was a climate-change believer –admirably expressed curiosity about the reticence of those paid by the public purse to tell the public what they knew. Of course, there are such things as state secrets, but the circumstances of deaths from Covid hardly fall into that category.

I suspect foul play. Dissemblance-cum-deceit is afoot. It seems likely, does it not, that it would have been trumpeted from the rooftops; if all, or the overwhelming majority, of the twenty-five people who died had been unvaccinated. Public health gurus would have danced on their graves. Those rascally unvaxxed deserve everything they get; bar them from hospitals etc.  

With no-one remotely resembling DeSantis in our political class, anywhere in Australia, we can look forward to an unremitting diet of dissemblance and deceit, whether on Covid or climate change or on anything else of note. The Australian people can’t handle the truth. Government and main opposition parties are at one when it comes to that; and they can rely on the tame media.  

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Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
October 31, 2021 4:13 pm

I say again,
I love my County. I despise our Governments.

October 31, 2021 4:16 pm

The Melbourne protests, over the forthcoming ‘unlimited’ powers to be bestowed upon our Chairman, are becoming quite significant. Not that you’ll see any of it on the MSM, even when a Sudanese refugee calls out the despotism that it implies.

This legislation is coming about because it’s a given that the vaccines don’t work and it’s in preparation for more ‘pandemic’ control once the mutant virus become public. I wonder if Scomo will have the gonads to intervene when Victoria threatens to become another Hermit Kingdom?

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
October 31, 2021 4:19 pm

I think that perhaps Donald Horne might have given too high a ranking those who run Australia, they’re not second-rate — they’re simply rank and don’t rate at all

Cassie of Sydney
October 31, 2021 4:30 pm

“Nothing much is ever followed up anymore unless it’s to do with baseless conjecture about the historical sex life of a conservative politician or a catholic priest.”

Quite so. However I will take my hat off to Sharri Markson, not someone I am particularly enamoured with but…but…she has done some real investigatory journalism, journalism that has all but disappeared, into the origins of Covid and for that investigatory journalism she’s been smeared and ridiculed by the Marxists at their ABC, Nine, The Guardian and so on.

I sound like a broken record but the real problem in the west is the MSM.

October 31, 2021 4:31 pm

Fortunately, NSW is being much more open:

Not surprisingly, in the week to 16Oct almost 80% of cases in health care workers are fully vaccinated, ~10% one shot (presumably 10% no shots).

In the general population, 25% are aged 0-11, 15% fully vaccinated, ~15% partial, 40% ‘no effective dose’ (no dose or < 21 days after first dose)

Comparing hospitalisation rates with cases a week or two back, vaccination seems to halve your chance of hospitalisation (~12% of cases, 6% of those hospitalised, while the unvaxxed are 40% of cases and 60% of hospital cases)

For deaths – 12% are fully vaxxed, which is the same number (12%) of total cases. .. presumably there's some age bias going on (more elderly are vaccinated), but it ain't proving anything wonderful about the vax!

Not surprisingly, there are zero deaths ages 0 – 11. Despite 12k cases since June.

October 31, 2021 4:34 pm

So…..the last of their feeble excuses for these hastily promoted “vaccines” has disintegrated. Even if it doesn’t prevent infection, doesn’t prevent transmission…they promised ….. it WOULD prevent serious illness and death, particularly in the aged and infirm.

Oh no, it doesn’t!

October 31, 2021 4:48 pm

We have been lied to consistently. By the government, by the media, by so-called ” health professionals”. Any credibility they think they have or ever had has disappeared up Jeanette Youngs arse.

October 31, 2021 5:09 pm

The damage and total devastation these scumbags have inflicted on the Australian people has to be recognized and they MUST be prosecuted for it. They cannot be allowed to just walk away from this.
Utter scum.

October 31, 2021 5:12 pm

I wonder if Scomo will have the gonads to intervene when Victoria threatens to become another Hermit Kingdom?

“Spineless” isn’t a strong enough description of the PM.

Carpe Jugulum
Carpe Jugulum
October 31, 2021 5:20 pm

Victoria twenty-five people were reported to have died of Covid.

Thats incorrect, they reported as having died with covid’

Cause of death could have been anything, you are being lied to in a subtle way.

Cassie of Sydney
October 31, 2021 5:29 pm

““Spineless” isn’t a strong enough description of the PM.”

Correct….Scumbag Morrison is to blame for a lot of this…he is a disgrace.

1. Scumbag Morrison empowered the likes of Andrews and McClown with his disastrous “national cabinet”…born out of Scumbag Morrison’s desperate desire to be liked by progressive scum after the bushfires.
2. Scumbag Morrison contributed to the spread of fear…and absurd fear is the real contagion here…not the virus.
3. Please note that Scumbag Morrison has said nought…..NOUGHT….about what has ensued in Victoria under Dicktator Dan.

Scumbag Morrison is a disgrace. As I’ve written before here, now that Scumbag Morrison has fallen for the great scam of “net zero emissions”, I look forward to the Liberal party having “net zero seats”….after the next election.

The Liberal party must be destroyed….it is beyond redemption. It has been on life support since September 2015, it now needs to be euthanised…with the help of the Liberal base it despises. I can’t wait.

October 31, 2021 5:44 pm

3. Please note that Scumbag Morrison has said nought…..NOUGHT….about what has ensued in Victoria under Dicktator Dan.

True, Cassie.
Morrison had the ideal opportunity to call a Royal Commission after the hotel security fiasco in Victoria last year, which led to 801 deaths.
It could well have torpedoed Dictator Dan’s career (and maybe brought down the government), but no, ScoMo squibbed it.
Let’s face it, the only people who would have attacked the PM for calling a Royal Commission would be Labor, the Greens, and most of their supporters, who were never going to vote for the Libs under any circumstances anyway.

I have little doubt that if the alternative happened – the federal government had been Labor, and it had been a LNP government in Victoria, the federal Labor government would have called Royal Commission.

October 31, 2021 6:53 pm

I wonder if Scomo will have the gonads to intervene when Victoria threatens to become another Hermit Kingdom?

Since Scomo has enabled this whole horror show from the beginning (and not just Victoria) I seriously doubt that.

October 31, 2021 9:39 pm

Sporting goods stores should be sold out of baseball bats.

October 31, 2021 10:19 pm

I’m still more angry at the little scum who make a living hitting social media with Pro-Jab bullshit and those who take up jobs as Covid Marshalls & other Jackbooted Stasi-esque filth.

It’s because of them (constantly around, ready to publicly abuse and officially dob in anyone who questions the Govts), that too many were too silent for too long and let Govts get their Totalitarian Critical Mass.

Funny to, how no one disputes that there’s a massive professional army of online propagandists working social media like little demons, faithfully selling Globalist Agenda Items & and sneering down all opposition as “conspiracy theorists”, but it’s never any of the Pro-Jab pushers people ‘socialise’ with online, it’s always ‘other people’.

October 31, 2021 10:59 pm

the real problem in the West is the MSM

Which is why, given that it can’t be shut down, if you’re going to have an ABC it has to be a rigourous, straight-arrow organisation, subscribing to traditional notions of fairness, accuracy and balance. And by balance I don’t mean

Poland has accused Germany of mounting an invasion.

Herr Hitler has denied the charge, saying it must just be a few rootin’ Teutons out for a romantic picnic.

By balance, if you have the Prune-Faced Putz hosting Media Watch, he has, say, Gerard Henderson at the other end of the desk disputing his claims and raising media outrages of his own.

People might even watch that sort of thing.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 31, 2021 11:06 pm

For deaths – 12% are fully vaxxed, which is the same number (12%) of total cases. .. presumably there’s some age bias going on (more elderly are vaccinated), but it ain’t proving anything wonderful about the vax!

Age and comorbidities, a potent mix for Covid deaths, and something which Andrews refuses to give out data on. This sort of thing is why there can be no trust in the public health statistics, they are being outrageously compromised as in that example, for sheer political manipulation.

If Perrottet doesn’t stick by December 1 to remove all ‘social credit’ mandatory vaxx requirements from the NSW public health arena, then we shall know that very similar things are happening in NSW, given his statements, when becoming Premier, about the existence of natural freedoms. There is no argument to be made in public health terms for separating citizens on the basis of vaccination status, which is the thin edge of the wedge for many other arenas of digitally recorded (and rewarded) compliance to governmental edicts.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 31, 2021 11:14 pm

Trust in the mass media is at its nadir according to recent surveys in the US and the same thing applies in Australia if anyone cared to survey this. So-called ‘fact checking’ has become laughable and people are turning to a myriad of ‘elsewheres’ for information. Fragmentation of opinion is one result, not necessarily a bad thing, but there should be a place still for the mass media to provide some sense of direction according to taste and political persuasion; there is little of that in the Australian mass media right now. Everyone’s immediately on board with Net Zero 50 as the lemmings rush to the fore.
The ABC leading the charge.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 1, 2021 8:13 am

Part of the politicians conundrum is no matter what they want to say people will only hear what the media publishes.

If a tree falls in a forest with no one to hear it does it make a sound?

And this is one of the reasons politicians are so contemptible.

Then there are leaders. Not nominal leaders, accorded the term as a part of a job title, but real ones.

They say what they think and what they want, and the fight the politicians shy from leaders instead make their own.

Sure, in the US there is Fox and Newsmax, but the fact is that Trump’s, De Santis’ and Cruz’ messages reach all of America. The MSM carries it. Leaders wrangle with the media and get their message out. They exploit the media’s weaknesses. The media’s strengths are uniformity, solidarity, and ubiquity.

But these leave weaknesses, like cleavage planes in a crystal – strike in one direction and the thing is impervious. Strike from a different angle and a split slips through instantaneous and complete.

Uniformity means a a single, inflexible message. If the media lies or verbals then expose the lie. It makes them all liars. Challenge them. Demand proof. And let their silence do the talking. Solidarity means they will stick with a lie even when one of their number has been caught out. And they will stick with it long after it has been exposed. Having called out one leave them trying to pretend that they have did not hear, or bluster that they are above cavilling. Ubiquity means they cannot hide. Embarrass them on one place and it will be seen everywhere.

Hate him or loathe him, Howard was ready to take on the baying hounds of the media. They hated him, yet somehow he was able to get his message out and they were powerless.

Alas, we have no leaders at present. We are plagued instead by politicians.

November 1, 2021 8:17 am

Trump made excellent use of twitter, when he could, to end run around the msm.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 1, 2021 8:27 am

Trump made excellent use of twitter, when he could, to end run around the msm.

Yup. I thought that but forgot to include it.

That was precisely where he called them out.

And he did it with such relish, cutting right through their BS, that I truly believe it frightened them. The more they tried to intimidate him the more fun he seemed to have.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 1, 2021 8:43 am


Everyone’s immediately on board with Net Zero 50 as the lemmings rush to the fore.
The ABC leading the charge.

A smart government (Yeah, I know!) would confront Their ABC with its own propaganda. Mandate that Their ABC hit Nett Zero by 2030. Then quote its own crap back at it, about Ruinables being cheaper, identify the current energy costs in the ABC budget, and apply reductions to those costs each year until 2030, using their claims about the expected kwh cost of ruinables to set the new budget for energy costs. Also mandate the use only of EVs by that time (including for broadcast trucks).

Then stand back and listen to the bleating.

November 1, 2021 9:05 am

If Perrottet doesn’t stick by December 1 to remove all ‘social credit’ mandatory

Mrs D was talking to a friend in Tweed Heads yesterday. Friend is over 60 and is waiting for her 2nd AZ jab on Dec 7. Since the so called Freedom Day she is barred from 90% of shops, shops she could freely enter the day before. She has many friends in the same boat( she volunteers with both the RFS and SES and like her friends is only vaxxed so she can keep volunteering, and therefore waited until the last possible minute) She and her friends are furious and if Dom doesn’t keep his word it will be a long cold day in hell before Tweed Heads elects another Nationals MP

November 1, 2021 11:12 am

The web site details the the Australian Governments vaccine purchases and commitments. A quick add show in excess of 210M doses. Else where I can find that over 35M doses have been administered to Oct 2021. I have not been able to find why there is such a difference in these numbers.

November 1, 2021 12:44 pm

@ duncanm:

“Not surprisingly, there are zero deaths ages 0 – 11. Despite 12k cases since June”

Here’s a question:

Has anyone investigated the early days of those children?

How many were breast fed and how many were “formula” only?

There is ACTUAL science involved here.

“Cases”? As in actually certified by blood tests and correct analysis?

Once again:

PCR is a creative “statistical” process. The bloke who “invented” the procedure has had some slightly harsh things to say about its use in the Kovid Kaper.

  1. It didn’t work with me. I support Israel doing whatever to protect her citizens and reclaim the portion of her…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x