Our political leaders should not be able to make decisions on vaxxination

Who are any of the political leaders in Australia to tell any of us that we must get vaxxinated? These are political cyphers who for the moment lead governments, but are otherwise of no distinction. But now, of all things, the problems with the vax have crossed into the mainstream press, The Wall Street Journal no less: Covid-19 Vaccines and Myocarditis Link Probed by Researchers

As U.S. health authorities expand use of the leading Covid-19 vaccines, researchers investigating heart-related risks linked to the shots are exploring several emerging theories, including one centered on the spike protein made in response to vaccination.

Further discussed at Instapundit where there is a long and detailed comments thread. This one particularly interested me, but how could I ever find out if it’s true?

The vax raises your A1C levels [the measure of sugar in one’s blood]. Enough it would push me from the pre-diabetic range to full blown diabetes. You know, you’d almost have to conclude the dreaded covid vaccine side effects weren’t studied before the decision was made to give everyone the jab before the dreaded covid didn’t kill us.

Just like this.


There really needs to be a diabetic exemption from the vax aside from everyone under 17 years of age.

And then there is this quite fascinating story: California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s whereabouts remain unknown. He was supposed to go to COP26, took his booster shot and hasn’t been seen in public for something like the last ten days. 

So again, who are these politicians to tell us whether we should get vaxxed? You might therefore look at this from The Australian Spectator: Just the facts: coronavirus in Australia by the numbers – updated. Very long but worth every second, but will take you to the final paras.

Covid-19 is not a death sentence. In Australia it has a case fatality rate of just over 1%, meaning that the vast majority of those who test positive will not die. Covid-19 is a virus that poses risks specifically to the elderly and those with existing comorbidities, and extremely negligible risk to those below 60. The vast majority of those who have died with Covid-19 in Australia are over 80 years old and have pre-existing illnesses. 

Sensible precautions should be directed towards minimising the risks to those in the at-risk categories. If others outside of those at risk categories also wish to engage in the same precautions then they should be free to do so. Otherwise, Australians should be free to go about their lives without the significant burden of extreme wide-ranging restrictions. All Australians should be free to make an informed decision about how to manage the risks to their health and safety arising from Covid-19. We should especially be free to decide whether or not to receive a Covid-19 vaccination without coercion or the threat of being stripped of our jobs and ability to earn a livelihood for ourselves and our families. 

Exactly so.

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Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 9, 2021 9:17 pm

Our leaders should be held down and vaccinated over and over, since that’s effectively what they are doing to us.

National COVID booster program begins (Skynews Australia, 8 Nov)

John Bayley
John Bayley
November 9, 2021 9:30 pm

This is NOT about a virus.

It is about bringing in a totalitarian system.

If you feel threatened by Covid, by all means, feel free to draw your own ticket in the clottery.

But know that your submission, whether via the current crop of ‘vaccines’, the expected new types (Novavax etc), or via buying a fake vaxx certificate, will NOT lead to life going back to the ‘old normal’.

Over the decades, we have allowed the government parasites to regulate every small part of our lives and businesses. We pay them taxes for the ‘privilege’ of being told what we can and cannot do.

Are we finally ready to say ‘ENOUGH IS ENOUGH’?

Because not doing so will see a repeat of the old horrors, complete with concentration camps.

Mark my words.

Rob MW
Rob MW
November 9, 2021 9:37 pm

Informed consent:

Doctor – so what can I do for you today
Patient – I’m thinking of getting the covid vax and looking to getting some info on it.
Doctor – Well the information says that it is safe, effective and the benefits outweigh any risks.
Patient – So what’s in it ?
Doctor – I have no idea, I don’t know. The manufacturers and the government won’t tell us.
Patient – Ok then, stick the vaccine up your arse. Let me know when you can tell me what’s in it and I’ll come back and we’ll discuss the risks and the benefits.

John A
John A
November 9, 2021 11:59 pm

From the original Speccie article:

Covid-19 is not a death sentence. In Australia it has a case fatality rate of just over 1%, meaning that the vast majority of those who test positive will not die.

As I wrote to the Speccie, not only that but total cases across the 21 months amount to about 1% of the population.

That is, I have on average a 99% chance that I will not even get the virus in the first place. The actual distribution is totally skewed (as well as the other homophone).

Furthermore, no CHO has ever explained why a positive “case” home-quarantined person does not pass on the “deadly” virus to every other member of the household. There really is natural immunity. It is NOT coming after the whole population.

November 10, 2021 12:28 am

It looks like Abidin’s mandate is facing some palpable resistance here in the States. Good.

November 10, 2021 6:57 am

I wish we had a ‘Bill of Rights’ or a Constitution the same as the US. Bidens mandates re vaxxing seem to be headed for the Supreme Court. Our constitution appears to be worthless. Didn’t our High Court say in the recent Palmer case on border closures that ‘absolute’ doesn’t mean absolute? In Quadrant Zimmerman has published several articles how much of the state and federal gov response has violated the constitution, I’ve been wondering why nobody has taken these arguments to court. Perhaps they know that it wouldn’t get up, that our High Court is fully on board with the govs and will blatantly rewrite and reinterpret the constitution to get the desired result. We’re doomed.

Mark M
Mark M
November 10, 2021 7:05 am

Queensland premier Anna Pluck-a-duck: the great uniter…

‘I’ve always said as premier, I am determined to unite Queenslanders and we have been united in our fight against this delta virus.

That’s why today I am announcing restrictions on unjabbed Queenslanders, locking them out of pubs, clubs, cafes, restaurants and … well … everywhere.

This will bring Queenslanders together.’


Pretty sure that is not the the meaning of unite.

November 10, 2021 7:10 am

This is the nub of the issue and, taking everything about the pandemic into account such as rushed approvals, legal indemnities, banning of alternative measures, constantly changing rules, lies by omission, that has made many wary about getting the jab.

It’s now the government providing personal medical advice, rather than doctors consulting with the patient. What makes things even more ominous, is that many doctors have been silenced. There is no longer a doctor/patient relationship, it’s a government/patient relationship. Can we sue for malpractice?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 10, 2021 7:38 am

I was pondering the role of politicians just the other day.

There have been conventional limits on pollies in the past, against which they have tugged and pulled and stretched, but all convention has been thrown to the wind and there is not a single thing they feel to be beyond their purview. Free speech, free movement, free association? You can have as much freedom as they will grant you (or, rather, as much of your freedoms up to the point they wrongfully mobilise the state against you).

November 10, 2021 7:47 am

Pfizer CEO Bourla: People Who Spread Misinformation on COVID Vaccines Are ‘Criminals’

What’s the bet that those words will come back to haunt him?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 10, 2021 8:00 am

But look at politicians. Look at how they are appointed – how they get into Parliament. It is not on merit like other jobs. It is a contest where they choose a party that will help to massage their image to win the candidate and the party a seat.

Their resumes are scant, they have no qualification, most of them have only worked for their party in lower roles, they are given money to paint a pretty picture of themselves, and it’s off to the races.

Based on that people are forced to vote for them or their carbon copy from the opposing party.

There is nothing in this that shows they have a higher morality, a love of the people, competence in forming or implementing ideas that shape the country, or anything really.

In fact, looking at the process it seems these are some of the last people to be trusted with anything. We have seen how clumsy they are with policies, how timid they are in front of the idiot press, how easily led by the nose by activist badgering and misinformation, how little they understand about economics, their ignorance of history, their dedication to flawed people on their own team over better people everywhere else etc. And this is exactly what the current process is designed to deliver. Their myriad failings overlooked for the sake of a warped virtue.

It winnows out the grain and keeps the chaff.

Looking at the above it is clear politicians and their diabolical familiars should not be deciding if we can have freedoms, what we spend out money, how we bring up our children, what we say or believe, what medical advice we follow, what we put in our bodies, anything like this. Looking at the above they are simply, clearly, not qualified.

Except the party doesn’t think that matters.

Cassie of Sydney
November 10, 2021 8:18 am

“Mother Lodesays:
November 10, 2021 at 8:00 am”

Great comment ML

There is nothing in this that shows they have a higher morality, a love of the people, competence in forming or implementing ideas that shape the country, or anything really.

Quite so…..I would argue…

1. They have zero morality……as evidenced by Scumbag Morrison’s “net zero emissions” fantasy.

2. They loathe the people.

3. Each and everyone of them has zero competence in forming or implementing ideas that shape the country.

But perhaps they are just a reflection of modern Australia. Once upon a time Australia was served by men and women who, whilst they may have had personal failings (and that’s no crime), they did uphold a Judaic Christian morality, they cared about the people and they had some competence because they’d worked real jobs.

Here’s a classic example of the rot that’s infesting both parties…..the Liberal “frontrunner” for Tim Smith’s Kew seat…


Seriously, it makes you want to reach for the bucket.

November 10, 2021 8:21 am

Senator Canavan said the new mandates would not work, and would instead be complex and difficult to navigate for business owners and patrons.

“I’m not happy,” he told Today. “It’s ridiculous. It’s going to impose massive costs on small businesses.

“You have to check everybody’s papers when you get a cup of coffee.”

Senator Canavan criticised “freedom” language used by state premiers during the past 1eight months and called for the mindset to shift back to a “pre-pandemic” environment.

“Annastacia Palaszczuk yesterday said she was giving back or was rewarding us with our freedoms,” he said.

“I thought we got those freedoms when we were born in Australia.”

AMA backs Qld’s tough stance on unvaxxed

Queensland president of the Australian Medical Association Chris Perry has backed the state’s new tough laws for unvaccinated people, saying he firmly believes it will encourage people to go and get vaccinated.

“Life will be miserable without being vaccinated,” he told Today. “You won’t be able to get in anywhere and you won’t be able to hide.

“If you’re not vaccinated, it’s going to be very, very hard to maintain a job or to be able to go anywhere.

“People having weddings are going to have to weed out the unvaccinated. The pubs and the clubs are going to have to find out whether people are vaccinated before they allow them in. Otherwise their businesses will go bankrupt.”

Dr Perry also said doctors will be very hesitant to provide vaccination exemptions for patients in the face of strict auditing policies which could result in fines or being struck off if they fail to meet the government’s guidelines.

November 10, 2021 8:26 am

From the WSJ Article

Researchers aren’t certain why the messenger RNA vaccines are likely causing the inflammatory heart conditions myocarditis and pericarditis in a small number of cases.

Some theories center on the type of spike protein that a person makes in response to the mRNA vaccines. The mRNA itself or other components of the vaccines, researchers say, could also be setting off certain inflammatory responses in some people.

One new theory under examination: improper injections of the vaccine directly into a vein, which sends the vaccine to heart muscle.

The shots are supposed to be injected into the shoulder muscle, also known as the deltoid muscle. If the injection accidentally reaches a vein, it could lead to delivery of some of the vaccine to the heart through blood vessels.

Myocarditis describes inflammation of the heart muscle, while pericarditis refers to inflammation of the sac surrounding the muscle.

Covid-19 itself can cause both conditions. They have also been reported in a smaller number of people who got an mRNA vaccine, most commonly in men under 30 years and adolescent males.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 10, 2021 9:02 am


Here’s a classic example of the rot that’s infesting both parties…..the Liberal “frontrunner” for Tim Smith’s Kew seat…


Seriously, it makes you want to reach for the bucket.

Did you scan dowm that thread?

Look at the bit on Sutton leaving Parliament House, and the police escort (around a dozen) physically shoving pedestrians out of the way.

If he gets this treatment, what does TaliDan get?

Botswana O'Hooligan
Botswana O’Hooligan
November 10, 2021 9:20 am

One giveaway about the safety of these substances is that the government indemnifies the pharmaceutical companies and associated medicos et al from legal action if a recipient is maimed or killed from them tho one supposedly take the govt. to court in an exercise in futility. Maybe the conspiracy theorists are right, there is one afoot although it may be a case of many governments just getting lucky with one of their minor stuff up’s and turning it into a giant all encompassing stuff up.

November 10, 2021 10:09 am

Our leaders should be held down and vaccinated over and over, since that’s effectively what they are doing to us.

Agreed, especially given the likelihood that significant numbers of them are “unvaxxed”.

The Beetrooter “inadvertantly” let that cat out of the bag recently.

John Michelmore
John Michelmore
November 10, 2021 10:21 am

But its not our elected politicians in many cases making these mandates; our politicians in SA have abdicated their responsibility by supporting Emergency Powers which allows our unelected Police Commissioner to mandate vaccines, even though he said months ago he would not do that. Guess what he changed his mind.
I’m aware of a policeman and his policewoman partner whom are under severe pressure to get vaccinated, or probably both loose their jobs and house as a result. He already has pericarditis and she wishes to become pregnant shortly. He has been refused a medical exemption.
What would you do? ScoMO said they were not mandatory. Pigs Arse!

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
November 10, 2021 10:28 am

Anyone work out who is actually pulling the strings of our political puppets yet?

Asking for a friend…

November 10, 2021 10:44 am

Dan Kaminsky died in San Francisco at the age of 42 on April 23, 2021. He had diabetes that was under control. (Alex Berensen)

Jen Psaki is also missing (doed covid hate rangas?

November 10, 2021 10:44 am

Ok, d is next to s, seal with it

November 10, 2021 10:51 am

It must be Pfizer, Fat Tony. The decisions only make sense if Pfizer is calling the shots (pun intended).

November 10, 2021 11:09 am

Elsevier, the world’s largest medical publisher, may face legal action for deletion of an accepted journal paper on increased adolescent myocarditis?
REMOVAL: Jessica Rose and Peter A. McCullough (1 Oct 2021), ‘A Report on Myocarditis Adverse Events in the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) in Association with COVID-19 Injectable Biological Products’, Current Problems in Cardiology, 101011.
ALT SOURCE: see [All 12 versions] PDF

November 10, 2021 11:39 am

“OldOzzie says:
November 10, 2021 at 8:21 am
AMA backs Qld’s tough stance on unvaxxed
The best thing about this whole, Communism Delivered to The World Via Covid, horror show, is that more people are finally waking up to why it was deadly insane to Worship Medical Professionals.

vlad redux
vlad redux
November 10, 2021 12:06 pm

I’d say it’s just like airbags; if they were something *you* wanted in your car because they were fun and enjoyable, they’d be banned because of the (occasional) death and injuries that they cause.

Modern politicians have two attitudes.

Re any side-effect of something they want to do to you, it’s “ah, well, nothing’s perfect and you can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.”

If there’s any side-effect of something you want to do, it’s banned.

November 10, 2021 12:20 pm


I wrote here about the fact that, unfortunately, the anti-covid vaccines do not reliably stop those who get them from either contracting or spreading covid. This negates the argument in favor of vaccine mandates and passports, since the real benefit of a vaccine is in reducing the severity of infection, not in preventing its spread to others.

But data released yesterday by the Minnesota Department of Health cast doubt on the effectiveness of the vaccines, even as to those who receive them. For the week ending November 8, 111 out of 168 newly announced “covid deaths”–66%–were among the fully vaccinated. Likewise, 347 out of 883 hospital admissions for covid (or with covid)–39%–were of the fully vaccinated. (Via Healthy Skeptic.) There is nothing unique about Minnesota, so I assume that these numbers are being replicated, more or less, elsewhere.

November 10, 2021 12:42 pm

…so I assume that these numbers are being replicated, more or less, elsewhere.

As in the case in a Belgium hospital where a doctor was being interviewed about COVID cases. Earlier in the year all ICU cases were unvaccinated patients, but today all ICU cases were fully vaccinated patients.

How is Australia going to address this when the fully vaccinated become the positive cases and the hospitalised? Will the unvaccinated be blamed?

November 10, 2021 12:46 pm

The pandemic response has been a rerun of the Milgram experiment, and we have failed.

November 10, 2021 12:47 pm

This is how confident the sheeple are of vaccines: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhXM-JsHCuI.

At least the crew took the right stance.

November 10, 2021 1:38 pm

“Let’s vax everyone, including the young and healthy”

or maybe not.. The French health authorities at least seems to be wising up (late, I know).


November 10, 2021 3:05 pm

John Michelmore says:
November 10, 2021 at 10:21 am
I’m aware of a policeman and his policewoman partner whom are under severe pressure to get vaccinated, or probably both loose their jobs and house as a result. He already has pericarditis and she wishes to become pregnant shortly. He has been refused a medical exemption.
What would you do? ScoMO said they were not mandatory. Pigs Arse!

THIS is what is bugging me the most. That doctors are not practicing appropriate caution when their patients, the very people for whom they are responsible, when that patient goes to them for medical services and advice, refuse to grant an exemption on medical grounds.

I know these edicts mean that any doctor writing exemptions for their patients on sensible medical grounds is subject to scrutiny and risks being disqualified (for practicing good medicine FFS!!) But why are they not banding together to object, to overturn that government-imposed edict? Why are they not telling the AMA and like bodies to get stuffed? Are they not doctors? Are they not medical professionals, whose reason for being doctors is the care and medical support of their patients, of fellow human beings? (Or am I being naive?)

It’s becoming an all too common theme related (first hand or at one remove) even just on this blog, that a person has their first jab, has a serious adverse reaction (up to and including a stay in ICU and poor recovery), yet their GP refuses to grant an exemption from a second or subsequent jab. Extrapolate that out to the whole population – how many people are being denied appropriate exemptions, thus being put at risk?

Anaphylactic shock is apparently the only “acceptable” reason to be excused having the jabs, and yet we hear of individuals who have suffered such a reaction being denied an exemption.

I frankly do not understand how any of this can possibly be the practice of good medicine.

The granting of indemnity to GPs and anyone else administering these jabs was the trigger for this disgusting state of affairs – and the blame for that lies squarely at the feet of the PM.

November 10, 2021 3:11 pm


Typo? Don’t worry about it, doed.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
November 10, 2021 3:16 pm

In WA, there is talk of workers mandated the gene therapies in order to not be sacked being eligible for Workers Comp if injury is proved.

But knowing what a bureaucratic nightmare that is, I suspect the only effective counter is class actions against the State and Federal Governments (the only legal remedy left) and the most emphatic turfing out of every incumbent government at the next election.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
November 10, 2021 5:55 pm

I just saw this on Twitter @BenDavisCP I don’t know how to link but this is the comment that caught my eye:

:I am driving a car with impaired vision because walking into an optometrist while unvaccinated poses too much of health risk. Good luck, everyone”

Fact check: True – I went to go into my local optometrist because I have blurred vision and a very weepy right eye which looked like it has a lesion inside lower lid, never had such a condition. I was masked and was about to do the code thing and noticed that the sign said I could not enter unless I was vaccinated.

We did sort things out but it was not a pleasant experience.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
November 10, 2021 5:59 pm

The granting of indemnity to GPs and anyone else administering these jabs was the trigger for this disgusting state of affairs – and the blame for that lies squarely at the feet of the PM.

At every rally against mandatory vaccinations there should be the complete and utter lambasting of the Prime Monster who is totally responsible for this debacle – he disgusts me

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
November 10, 2021 6:00 pm

But knowing what a bureaucratic nightmare that is, I suspect the only effective counter is class actions against the State and Federal Governments (the only legal remedy left) and the most emphatic turfing out of every incumbent government at the next election.

What are the effing unions doing on this?

November 10, 2021 8:09 pm

Rex, if what I have read above is true I’m tipping there will be a lot more than just the Government being sued. There’s bound to be Pfizer employees who are in the loop but uneasy and won’t go to their death beds with a heavy heart. That’s when it may unravel if one is saving for a rainy day so to speak.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
November 10, 2021 8:18 pm

I know these edicts mean that any doctor writing exemptions for their patients on sensible medical grounds is subject to scrutiny and risks being disqualified (for practicing good medicine FFS!!)

In Victoria they could go to jail. The “Health” Orders state very clearly that an “excepted person” isn’t anyone who might die or be hospitalised from the jab, it’s only people who are allergic to two very specific ingredients in the vaxxes – I seem to recall some official saying there’d probably be only half a dozen or so in the whole of Australia who’d qualify (though I can’t remember exactly who).

Bar Beach Swimmer
November 10, 2021 8:24 pm

‘This will bring Queenslanders together.’

This is exactly the same tactic as the NSW State Premier said the other day when he altered the 1 Dec date to 15 Dec or when the state attained 95% double dose.

NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet said the state would be “world leading” if it could reach the 95 per cent target.

“Everybody has done an incredible job to ensure NSW can ease restrictions in a safe and considered way earlier than we planned,” he said.

The Premier said delaying freedoms for people who hadn’t received the jab was to ensure the state could “open up safely”.

“Ultimately we want a united society and we believe moving that date back to December 15 will incentivise [people to get vaccinated],” he said.

“We are hopeful that we can get that rate up.”

All along, with every aspect of governments’ pandemic response, it’s been the same playbook. It doesn’t matter where you live. Why, is that? As far as this “unity” thang, is this the result of psychologists and those “nudge” politics?

Bar Beach Swimmer
November 10, 2021 8:44 pm

In WA, there is talk of workers mandated the gene therapies in order to not be sacked being eligible for Workers Comp if injury is proved.

Rex, Sal said on the OT, yesterday?, and I presume he was talking about QLD, that if a worker has the jab in his/her own time and has a significant side effect that ordinarily would be expected to qualify for WC, it won’t be accepted because it occurred outside of work hours.

Tinta, the other half is awaiting his union’s legal review of 1) how a health order can bring about a mandate but yet not be written/released for public view, and even though everyone must comply by 1 Dec for the first jab, and 2) announce that the health order is to “protect” a third party group, but require a wholly unrelated group – the employees of a business to comply. He’s pointed out to the union that the mandate, which the union announced it would support because it was a government rather than an individual employer mandate, is supporting non-union rather than its own members. Will anything turn up before the cut-off date – who knows?

Of course, the whole thing is like the three card trick…

November 11, 2021 4:15 pm

“But why are they not banding together to object, to overturn that government-imposed edict? “

The only effective way to do this is to “pull a politician” on them:

When appointed say “Things will remain unchanged for now, until we have more evidence.”

Then, in 2-4 weeks announce publicly first (ie, say it at a press conference without any prior warning to any politician) “I have thoroughly reviewed all the evidence at my disposal, and come to the conclusion that in my opinion mask mandates do nothing, that vaccinations should be reserved for those most at risk and anyone else who, on their own personal medical advice, wants to take them, but otherwise all lockdowns and mandates should be immediately removed. I now hand over the the premier to advise you on their plan moving forward.” ie, remove the cover of “experts say” and put all the responsibility back on elected official – where it belongs.

In the immortal words of Sir Humphrey Appleby: “After all, it’s necessary to be behind someone before you can stab them in the back.”

  1. Why the f*ck! is she allowing the legacy media hacks to dominate the press pack? Tell them to f*ck off!…..…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x