Weekday Reading #10

Martin Lichtmesz on the Dystopic Vaccinator Dictatorship of Austria (eugyppius)

Unfortunately, there can be no talk of any “Corona twilight” in Austria right now. Our government, under the leadership of the unelected shadow chancellor Alexander Schallenberg, has now ordered, in rapid succession, an escalating series of “tightened measures,” and their repressive character dwarfs all that that has preceded them. I published a detailed account for the magazine Freilich.

This escalation reached its climax today: All of a sudden, the government has announced a “full lockdown” beginning on Monday for all of Austria, as well as a “fixed” general vaccine mandate from February 2022 (coincidentally corresponding to the end of flu season)1. This also means forced “boosters” for everyone who thought they were finished after the first two jabs.

Public Religion in 2021?: What Hazony Said in Budapest (PostLiberalOrder)

Yoram and I approach the role of religion in public life from different confessional backgrounds. But both of us have faced a typical, tired line of questioning which goes something like this. “You talk a lot about why religion should be an important part of public life. But when religious attendance has declined, how do you intend to get from to b? And what’s the goal anyway—isn’t it . . . religious monoculture and rank oppression of religious minorities?!”

In Budapest Hazony made a forceful argument for publicly honoring and respecting Christianity in countries where Christianity is the cultural inheritance—even where church attendance itself may be low. Indeed, Hazony’s remarks at the MCC were one of the most passionate pleas for public Christianity, or for a political form of “cultural Christianity,” that I have heard. (For my own case made with Sohrab Ahmari & Chad Pecknold, see the American Conservative.)

This is a restoration, not a revolution (Speccie Oz)

Before the oppressive communist regime fell, the USSR was plagued by months of protests. Hundreds of thousands filled the cities of Soviet satellite nations. Their dictators fronted crowds, expecting to find the same praise and worship that decades of fear had accustomed them to. It was an exercise in delusion. Every civilisation has a tipping point where no amount of authoritarian power can overcome the masses.

If history’s most ruthless governments could not survive citizen outrage, what makes the West’s leaders think they will?

propagandistic praxis: the lifecycle of lies, through gaslighting, and on to acculturation (bad cattitude)

i was having a conversation with longstanding gatopal™ @elonbachman yesterday about what can be essentially termed as:

propagandistic praxisthe process by which lies about unpopular ideas are used to to make them seem unworrying and lead to their being ignored until they are already so widespread that you can claim they are normal, common, and even beneficial.

it’s the meme equivalent of tricking your immune system into not seeing a virus, reacting to a virus, and then, once it is overrun, embracing the virus as a form of new normal.

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November 22, 2021 3:13 pm

The MSM is now getting us ready for the return of the flu:

After two years of low cases, big influenza season is coming

Does that mean not just mandated COVID jabs on the way, but also mandated flu jabs? Are we going to face another ‘pandemic’?

November 22, 2021 3:23 pm

A very prophetic statement: Paul Harvey: If I were the Devil… -1965.

November 22, 2021 3:36 pm

Of course mandatory flu jabs are on the way. I’ve read articles saying that one of Fauci’s biggest regrets was that he couldn’t get enough Yanks to have the flu vax.
I won’t be surprised.
Shove that one up your arse too.

November 22, 2021 5:03 pm

Hazony’s remarks at the MCC were one of the most passionate pleas for public Christianity, or for a political form of “cultural Christianity,” that I have heard.

He’s far from the only figure making such a call.

Public Christianity seems to be making a modest come back.

New dawn or twilight?

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
November 22, 2021 5:10 pm

A chancellor of Austrian extraction being a totalitarian bastard. I’ve vaguely heard something along these lines before.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 22, 2021 5:28 pm

propagandistic praxis

This is why they hate Christians. The system works by playing on relativism. If they shift the zone of relativism to include whatever lie they tell then suddenly it is part of the canon of relativist belief.

But that doesn’t work on Christians since we operate from the Bible, which is pretty much unalterable (although some, like the Chinese, try from time to time). By being based on an absolute canon the lies do not work on us, and the zone can never be shifted to encompass them.

Thus we are hated and persecuted. I listened to a podcast about John the Baptist yesterday: a classic example of this. He told Herod he was sinning when he was having it off with his sister in law. Herod did what all elites just love to do – he arrested John to shut him up.

November 22, 2021 5:31 pm

The Gestapo ransacked her home. Judging by her looks, the Gestapo made a pretty big mistake. She’s extra cute and folks don’t like extra cute gals being bullied.

Sherronna Bishop, founder of America’s Mom — FBI raided her home with a battering ram and she was handcuffed in her front yard because of her political activism and support for Trump.

“I’m a very public figure. I make myself available to anyone who has questions, be it law enforcement, elected officials or regular everyday people… I have always been available, and yet they chose to come to my home in this way, break down my door, terrorize my family, and put me in cuffs, and I cannot help but think this was a major intimidation move because they did not do this with anyone else that was on that warrant.”


November 22, 2021 5:33 pm

propagandistic praxis, the process by which lies about unpopular ideas are used to to make them seem unworrying and lead to their being ignored until they are already so widespread that you can claim they are normal, common, and even beneficial.

That’s how they got mass immigration from alien cultures through.

November 22, 2021 6:37 pm

I learned today that, apparently without reference to their membership, the Queensland Bridge Association has decreed that all attendees (not just players) at their competitions must PROVE they have had two doses of an approved vaccine.

Too much heavy breathing.

November 22, 2021 7:33 pm

Love the substack commentary of Eugyppius. Really perceptive observations and great research. Everyone should follow him.

November 22, 2021 9:23 pm

“I learned today that, apparently without reference to their membership, the Queensland Bridge Association has decreed that all attendees (not just players) at their competitions must PROVE they have had two doses of an approved vaccine”.

The booster may be a bridge too far.

Boom tish.

November 23, 2021 6:41 am

Miss Anthropist says:
November 22, 2021 at 5:10 pm

A chancellor of Austrian extraction being a totalitarian bastard. I’ve vaguely heard something along these lines before.

Indeed, make no mistake the Anschluss /political union of Austria with Germany/ was not resisted on political grounds but on cultural.
Many regions speak a dialect of German but they also, hate the guts of the others.

Austria is a socialist state to this day, the question is only, which kind?
Sorry about this Austrian forumites, but it’s a fact, checked by FB and found to be true..

November 23, 2021 8:29 am

“I learned today that, apparently without reference to their membership, the Queensland Bridge Association has decreed that all attendees (not just players) at their competitions must PROVE they have had two doses of an approved vaccine”

I blame Trumps

  1. John H , Your link at 11am with Perun analysing the European defence capability to make up for the US…

  2. I’ve said it before. Attack Stevo ( Owner ) and Cash will snap. The PSI of his jaw is insane!…

  3. Jaw dropping 2 Ryan Routh, the man who tried to kiII Trump before the election, is deeply connected to Ukraine’s…


Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x