Daniel Andrews’ Victoria: “a sadistic experiment with unintended consequences”

I hate to dwell on Daniel Andrews but he represents a measure of incompetence and stupidity that will be hard for any future premier to exceed. However, I am drawn to all this again by Nick Cater’s article in The Oz today whose title sets the scene: The tyranny of ineptitude drives more to the streets.

I will stick to the highlights, but Andrews is a sad example of how fear and uncertainty can make absolutely anyone an apparent refuge, even when he has overseen the worst record anywhere in Australia, perhaps even across the world, shaded only by the devastating results achieved by Andrew Cuomo in New York (from whom Andrews may well have copied much of what he has done). All this is from Nick.

Lockdowns are a sadistic experiment with unintended consequences.

On Friday, 127 days, 87,000 cases, 9.2 million jabs and 460 deaths later, Andrews revoked the mask rule. There was no explanation or attempt to hide behind the fig leaf of health advice. If there was any advice, it would have contradicted the advice on which he claimed to be acting when he imposed mandatory mask wearing four months ago.

With more than 9000 active cases in the now unmasked community, Victorians are 530 times more likely to run into an infected person than they were in the middle of masked-up July.

Lockdowns did nothing to halt the spread of the virus; indeed, the number of people infected in the past four months of the pandemic in Victoria is four times larger than the number infected in the first 14 months.

Andrews’ brutal style of politics can allow for no admission of defeat or personal culpability. It demands a steady supply of scapegoats, the so-called idiots but for whom the virus would now be under control.

Andrews’ zero-Covid promise of July turned out to be utterly worthless and the pain he inflicted was degrading and ineffective.

Idiocy has assumed many forms in Andrews’ rhetoric in the past 20 months.

Today’s idiots are those who exercise their right not to consent to taking the vaccine. In doing so they are denying themselves the benefits the vaccine bestows but that hardly makes them idiots. They simply may be distrustful, and the more coercive public health measures become, the more sceptical they become….

Our intelligence has been insulted and our lives disrupted by these buffoons, safe behind their laptops, churning out executive orders, randomly enforced, that run to 83,000 words across 254 pages in Victoria, none of which has been endorsed by the elected parliament.

The social fabric is disintegrating as police are conscripted to enforce these garbled decrees that change on a whim. Police officers are calling in sick or resigning in disgust, uncomfortable with the declining public trust in the uniform they were once proud to wear. The permanent expansion of executive power Andrews seeks with the extension of emergency power legislation will further entrench the tyranny of ineptitude that is driving Victorians on to the streets.


I will finish with two comments from the paper.

How any intelligent reasonable Victorian, regardless of their political persuasion, can honestly believe Andrews and his government has performed well is frankly “unfathomable”. I just don’t get it.

But what does that say about Victorians, if Andrews goes on to win the election?

It’s the Melbourne Syndrome.

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Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
November 24, 2021 12:10 am

I’m pretty sure 76,3% of his stats are made up.

November 24, 2021 3:25 am

If we ever get out of this alive, Andrews will go down in history as Australia’s worst ever leader. A tyrant. If there is any justice in the world, he will spend the rest of his days rotting in prison.

November 24, 2021 3:29 am

I’m ready to wager on his win, it’s in the bag.
No opposition to speak of, and some people in my own family would vote for him because “he made us safe”.
I can’t understand and given up arguing, all it achieves is, to spilt up the family, not worth it.

November 24, 2021 4:08 am

“he made us safe”.

He who gives up freedom for safety, deserves neither.

November 24, 2021 4:32 am

Stockholm syndrome can be the only explanation.

November 24, 2021 5:30 am

If federal and state elections were held on the same day those who move across the borders would suddenly have to make a choice. Then again it is said that the Qld. electral office uses the Dominion voting machines.

November 24, 2021 6:42 am

Agree completely with Cater.
I was in Footscray yesterday. Many people choosing to remain masked up* and quite a few without passports being turned away from stores.
I was with someone who has suffered enough with Dan’s Inferno and entered a large store with a passport screenshot.
*assume they believe the risk is there. Iirc the primary school masks mandate remains. Poor kids.

Perfidious Albino
Perfidious Albino
November 24, 2021 7:37 am

Andrews is responsible for way more deaths than that if you count the suicides.

November 24, 2021 7:46 am

Are you sure the consequences are unintended?

If they were unintended, then this would have all stopped long ago.

November 24, 2021 7:54 am

The official opposition in Vicco is part of the problem as is the case in all the states. Palmer’s idea of abolishing the states looks better everyday.

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
November 24, 2021 8:09 am

Don’t attribute to stupidity what can be attributed to malice.
Dan is a wicked man, you know that by his fruits, Dan knows that too.

November 24, 2021 8:12 am

Agree Judge. Also I don’t believe anyone with a BA from Monash could ever be any good. It wasn’t called the sewer for nothing.

Davey Boy
Davey Boy
November 24, 2021 8:20 am

he represents a measure of incompetence and stupidity

you forgot leftist malice

November 24, 2021 8:26 am

yes spite and malice- hatred of productive people

Bar Beach Swimmer
November 24, 2021 8:30 am

And seems to own every major arm of the State of Victoria.

November 24, 2021 8:46 am

So has everyone forgotten how Newspoll got the federal election completely wrong? The poll is done online involving a little over 1000 people with apparently 50% break-up between country and city. A small bias in the choice of respondents or how the questions are asked can make a huge difference.

Botswana O'Hooligan
Botswana O’Hooligan
November 24, 2021 8:58 am

When a bloke like Cater calls people like me idiots for refusing a potion that doesn’t protect us from contracting the so called virus, doesn’t stop us from spreading it if we contract it, idiots for questioning various politicians about why the government indemnifies the manufacturers and the medical profession against legal action if a recipient is maimed or killed, then people like us aren’t bloody idiots for caring about our bodies and health, Mr Cater is the bloody idiot and another reason to cancel ones sub to the Australian newspaper. Apart from the above, as a Roman Catholic Mr. Cater should be ashamed of himself for advocating the use of a substance containing foetal matter and gives the impression a being a lip service Catholic.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
November 24, 2021 9:09 am

What is happening with this shamdemic is against science. We are a society of luddites, chicken little quislings and totally inadequate leaders.
Dan Andrews and a lot of his mates deserve jail, if not more.
Can’t see it happening though.
Shame. He is a skidmark on the jocks of humanity.

November 24, 2021 9:15 am

If labore do win the next election in Victoria it will be solely due to the exodus of sane people from there over the 12 months or so (remember, no one was allowed to even leave there until about this time last year).

As for that grotesque deformed jug eared imbecile, he must be held to account for his crimes against humanity. The people he’s brutalised must not allow him to just slink off into the ether without consequence.

I don’t even live in Victoria and I’ve had to put with his monstrous totalitarian idiocy being foisted on me, via that equally vile cowardly fascist slag, Beryl “gold standard” Gladyschlocklian (who must also be held to account).

Insane power drunk quisling fascist mongrels.

November 24, 2021 9:18 am

So has everyone forgotten how Newspoll got the federal election completely wrong? The poll is done online involving a little over 1000 people with apparently 50% break-up between country and city. A small bias in the choice of respondents or how the questions are asked can make a huge difference.

Yes true. Newspoll and newcorpse may have had some credibility many years ago but not any more. In fact their conduct in the last 2 years has been beneath contempt. Just propaganda for the establishment along with heaping scorn on anyone with some independent thought. Notice too how there are fully on board with the gobull warming hoax- they had a special wrap around a few weeks ago. Fuck the murdochs. They are not our friends.

November 24, 2021 9:21 am

But they voted out labor in SA and got more of the same. Same in NSW in 2012. Often there is no point in voting at all.

I’ll certainly cast a vote in the Vicco LC. In the LA probably not unless UAP runs someone but I think they a federally focused.

November 24, 2021 9:29 am

This is a very stupid paragraph and typical of Cater, whose arguments often reflect some sadly muddled thinking – oh and idiots as used in the first sentence below should be in quote marks.

Today’s idiots are those who exercise their right not to consent to taking the vaccine. In doing so they are denying themselves the benefits the vaccine bestows but that hardly makes them idiots. They simply may be distrustful, and the more coercive public health measures become, the more sceptical they become…

The “vaccine” bestows zero benefits and is a serious immediate risk to the health of many of those forced to receive it. I am sick to death of gutless dishonest maggots in the braindead lamestream meeja (including supposed conservatives) refusing to point out this indisputable statement of the bleeding obvious.

You are complicit in this global mengelesque obscenity, you dirtbags.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
November 24, 2021 9:29 am

I suspect that even at conception, and certainly ever since, Dan Andrews has been viewed as an unintended consequence.

And also wistful sighs of “What if…”

For all sad words of tongue or pen,
The Dannest are these: What might have been…

November 24, 2021 9:29 am

The only Liberal who is any in Victoria is Bernie Finn. One is better none I suppose.

November 24, 2021 9:44 am

It’s the Melbourne Syndrome.

Not so, I’m afraid.

Andrews – already Australia’s most subversive premier -was re-elected with an increased majority in 2018 and is reportedly set to increase that majority again next year (we’ll see). This indicates not the circumstantial emotional response of Stockholme syndrome but a more deeply seated approval of Andrews and the Victorian Labor Party before his handling of the “pandemic”.

Andrews has not been perceived by these people as a captor or an abuser through the “pandemic” but as a strong leader keeping them safe. If the price for being kept safe thus was a surrender of civil rights and liberties, most were prepared to cough up.

With Andrews you are getting into third world banana republic strongman territory down there.

WolfmanOz (just existing in Melb. now)
WolfmanOz (just existing in Melb. now)
November 24, 2021 9:52 am

The imbecile scum that is Andrews may get re-elected in Nov’2022 – who knows.

But I remain confident, to quote Gandhi below, that eventually Andrews will be held to account for the misery and destruction he was wrought.

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it–always.”

November 24, 2021 10:07 am

Stockholm syndrome can be the only explanation.

I see the support for Andrews and his vaxx policy as steming from:

a) Fear that he was wrong / unwillingness to accept I was fooled (I took the vaxx trusting him and given the growing negative health effects means I’m at risk / was fooled ) ergo he must be right…

b) Need to get rid of COVID (I need this to go away so I can get my life back) and (given we have already trashed freedom / democracy) might as well keep the strong leader who can eliminate the infection vector (the unvaxxed) and I can get my freedom back…

November 24, 2021 10:11 am

But I remain confident, to quote Gandhi below, that eventually Andrews will be held to account for the misery and destruction he was wrought.

Undoubtedly; history teaches us that. Hitler’s Thousand Year Reich only lasted 13 years.

All tyrants eventually over-reach.

The question is what price will he pay? He’s very adept at covering tracks (which is one reason why I don’t believe he’s stupid, as Steve Kates keeps repeating).

November 24, 2021 10:12 am

Andrews is the worst but what’s good about Pole-mole, Parrothead or Sneekers? The problem is the political class. In all cases there is an opposition you wouldn’t piss on if they were on fire.

November 24, 2021 10:18 am

…is reportedly set to increase that majority again next year…

I think there’s hope. He’s right royally pissed off the tradies, only the CFMEU head shed is on his side, and then there are the others like the shop unions, lots of small businesses and families in general.

Those continuing protest in Melbourne are a rare indication that the general populace has had enough. Only the likes of the Vic pubic service, disinformation (once called teacher’s) union and similar will be supporting him.

There is an undercurrent of significant hatred towards Andrews. That much is evident.

Slim Cognito
Slim Cognito
November 24, 2021 10:31 am

All incumbents have proven themselves unworthy. We should have term limits to prevent career politicians.

All elections from now on must turf out all sitting members and install a new mob. How bad could it be?

November 24, 2021 11:13 am

Andrews will come adrift because it will be proven that he and other members of his cabinet have broken the law or perverted the course of justice. Just think of the following:
Lawyer X
Overland and police
The red shirts
The Pell case
The hotel security contract
You can’t keep this many hot issues under wraps without someone spilling the beans. He will come to grief because he has made enemies in his own party.

November 24, 2021 11:24 am

…is reportedly set to increase that majority again next year…

I think there’s hope. He’s right royally pissed off the tradies, only the CFMEU head shed is on his side, and then there are the others like the shop unions, lots of small businesses and families in general.

Those continuing protest in Melbourne are a rare indication that the general populace has had enough. Only the likes of the Vic pubic service, disinformation (once called teacher’s) union and similar will be supporting him.

There is an undercurrent of significant hatred towards Andrews. That much is evident.

That was about the most spectacular political own goal I’ve seen in Australian politics (as an under 40YO). The few times I’ve been able to stomach seeing the wanker anywhere near any construction projects, I’ve noticed the conspicuous absence of any tradies. Reckon he’s shot himself in the foot there.

November 24, 2021 11:26 am

Hope so Mem. Remember too how St Steve Bracks and Hulls stacked the judiciary. Very much a quiet revolution paving the way for Andrews.

November 24, 2021 11:29 am

He will come to grief because he has made enemies in his own party.

Most likely; but he’s also got the dirt on them.

Reckon he’s shot himself in the foot there.

They need a plausible alternative party to vote for if they’re to abandon the ALP.

The QLD coal miners who sent Bill Shorten a message had two alternatives to choose from. What are the alternatives down there? Because they won’t vote Liberal.

November 24, 2021 11:30 am

Yes when pollimuppets turn up to my work location I do my best to disappear. Something urgently needs my attention.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
November 24, 2021 11:43 am

Daniel Andrews’ Victoria: “a sadistic experiment with unintended consequences”

It would be good if that’s all it is.

Does that explain the other premiers, the federal government and the various overseas governments all doing the same thing??

They are doing what their paymasters/puppet masters are instructing. – and it is definitely not for our benefit.

Once the people start dying in huge numbers & realise what the governments have done to them and start fighting back, then Scummo will use his recent legislation that allows foreign troops (CCP) on Australian soil to shoot Australians.

Hopefully, Europe blows up before this happens and we may avoid it.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 24, 2021 12:05 pm

Slim Cognitosays:
November 24, 2021 at 10:31 am
All incumbents have proven themselves unworthy. We should have term limits to prevent career politicians.

All elections from now on must turf out all sitting members and install a new mob. How bad could it be?

The public service would become the dominant force. I was a public servant for many years, I do not think that would be an improvement.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 24, 2021 12:07 pm

Fat Tony

Once the people start dying in huge numbers & realise what the governments have done to them and start fighting back, then Scummo will use his recent legislation that allows foreign troops (CCP) on Australian soil to shoot Australians.

By that stage, he won’t need any legislation, only a compliant police force a la VicStasi.

November 24, 2021 12:07 pm

Alternatives to Liberals in Victoria? Maybe the Lib dems, maybe UAP. They’ve at least been pretty vocal about the lockdowns and the mandates. Realistically though, Labor own the state. It’s corrupt as all hell, you don’t have to look very far at all to see it.
Longer term I’m looking to leave Australia, just like nearly everyone I’ve known who’s halfway switched on. At least in somewhere like Thailand the corruption is open.

November 24, 2021 12:27 pm

Until the putsch of 2020 I was very keen to move to US. Glad I didn’t. Not that I blame the American people.

November 24, 2021 1:19 pm

Only the likes of the Vic pubic service, disinformation (once called teacher’s) union and similar will be supporting him.

that’s 322,604 people on Dans payroll + their families.
Then there are many people like me who, even living in the POLICE ministers electorate, will not vote lower house at all. Preferential votes ends up with someone you wouldn’t spit on. Liberals, I’m talking about you. Your total absence of opposition will not be forgiven.
For those who say, hold your nose and vote against Labor anyway, stuff it. Victorians richly deserve what they get and I for one will delight in them getting it, good and hard.

Chris M
Chris M
November 24, 2021 1:33 pm

The only Liberal who is any in Victoria is Bernie Finn.

Bernard Finnigan?

November 24, 2021 1:50 pm

Dan Andrews is the head of a public service that is well established and even if government changed in victoria, nothing else would change. the vic police would be the same and just ignore what they don’t feel like doing. same as all the other branches, they know they are safe and their union connections would ensure they don’t need to change

the last time government changed in victoria, without a strong personality leading it, nothing else changed. the public service just ignored the ministers or advised them to do nothing, and without strong leadership who would back them up, the ministers folded. the media was silent on anything but attacks on government

the media barrack for Labor in victoria and agree with him on everything and they are hostile to anyone who disagrees. they don’t question him and if any journo dares to, they are attacked and no one else in the media stands by them

the media is the propaganda voice of the Labor victorian government and they love it and they love him

most people I know do not believe the media and are extremely suspicious of anything they hear or read.

the media were extremely unwelcome at the recent protests, for the same reasons. they regularly attack or dismiss any protests against the goevernment or dan andrews

our problem does not lie with an invisible opposition, it lies with a complicit media who choose to treat the government and opposition differently and make the opposition invisible

the opposition are active, but no one knows since it is almost never reported

November 24, 2021 2:01 pm

Police officers are calling in sick or resigning in disgust, uncomfortable with the declining public trust in the uniform they were once proud to wear.

-VIC Pol has been disgracing itself well before this Covid melodrama. Remember Pell and the lawyer x shameful episodes?

Okay, they weren’t down to the bobby on the street, but the banana republic type of corruption has been clear for a long time.

There is something rotten in the state in Victoria.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Border Closure

November 24, 2021 at 1:50 pm

Dan Andrews is the head of a public service that is well established and even if government changed in victoria, nothing else would change. the vic police would be the same and just ignore what they don’t feel like doing. same as all the other branches, they know they are safe and their union connections would ensure they don’t need to change

It can be changed alright.
When the ALP took government in Qld, after 40 yrs of National Party, the immediate past 20 yrs being under Joh Bjelke, they changed things, & changed them quickly.

Four in every Five of the top-tier of the public service were removed, as in.. sacked. (note, this is not Dept Heads, but the entire top tier.)
Anyone who did not tow the ALP line was put into an unserviced office in the suburbs & required to attend each day, despite no telephone, fax, or any work to do – they had to sit there for 8 hrs. (The most enduring hold-out lasted Six months before resigning)

In Vic, do the same. Don’t worry how many sackings, forced resignations.
Do not worry about reduced services from depleted depts, coz the services can’t get much worse than they are under the ALP.

Commence enquiries into police abuse of power back in the Andrews years, into health dept malfeasance, into anything you can think of.
Sack anybody with a taint to them. Don’t worry about cost, unlike ALP squandering, cutting out the dead wood is a once-off.
(Even if some win their unfair dismissal cases, they are still sacked & gone)

Rabz doctrine the state. Sack the bastards like you mean it.

The alternative is to operate with a public service & utilities that are white-anting to the nth degree.

November 24, 2021 2:27 pm

it lies with a complicit media who choose to treat the government and opposition differently and make the opposition invisible

True but the lieborals are too wishy washy at best. They reveal their true character when you see vicco lieborals in action federally eg Hunt, Ryan, Hume and Broadbent.

Agree that the meja are despicable and beneath contempt. The last one to lose me was Tom Eliot.

November 24, 2021 3:25 pm

The unions may be annoyed with Andrews but it would be unlikely they would side with the Libs, or anyone else. The interconnection (projects/money) between the unions and the ALP is simply too great. The ALP is the ‘life-blood’ of the union movement.

As for the MSM, their snivelling pathetic compliance in Victoria (and throughout Australia) has been a disgrace. In Queensland, ‘authority’ to attend the Premier’s press conference requires accreditation. Who controls that accreditation? The Premier’s media unit. No accreditation = no attendance.
Therefore, if accredited and taking the Premier to task is potentially an ‘accreditation threatening’ action because the media unit can/will withdraw that accreditation. And without accreditation, you are no use to your employer. (And let’s not kid ourselves that media types are filled with ethics ‘come what may’.) So, it follows that most media are too scared to probe too deeply lest they incur the wrath of the Premier and/or the media unit. I am not making excuses for the media – but their compliance with the official line has its roots in the prospect of loosing their job if they dig too deeply. (plus most media lean to the Left so Palacechook is their natural friend).

As for the people of Victoria, it is obvious that a substantial number despise Andrews and will happily vote anyone but ALP/Greens. But, Victorians seem to have had a predilection to vote ALP as far back at John Cain. Sure, the notable exception is Kennett but Labor have had a pretty good run (73% of the past 39 years have been under Labor). So, coupled with a weak Liberal alternative, I have strong doubts that Andrews is at serious risk in the next election.

November 24, 2021 4:15 pm

By dropping one word, the headline works even better.

Daniel Andrews: “a sadistic experiment with unintended consequences

November 24, 2021 4:46 pm

Andrews will increase his majority. The only opposition I hear is from people in business but half of them are on his side.
The PS , everyone else will vote for him.
No opposition to speak of .It is going to be a bloodbath of WA proportions.
And Cater was in a clumsy way using “idiots” ironically.

Ed Case
Ed Case
November 24, 2021 8:25 pm

All elections from now on must turf out all sitting members and install a new mob. How bad could it be?

Craig Kelly is a Sitting Member.
Okay to kick him out?

John A
John A
November 26, 2021 12:58 pm

From the Cater article:

With more than 9000 active cases in the now unmasked community, Victorians are 530 times more likely to run into an infected person than they were in the middle of masked-up July.

Where does that 530 figure come from?

On average, I have about a 1% chance of returning a positive PCR test result (aka “coming in contact with the virus”) based on 117,500 positive PCR tests across 21 months in a population of 6.8 million. I have never copped the annual flu in either the man-flu or regular variety and have never bothered with the annual flu shot. I eat well and healthily and stay reasonably fit. I thus consider myself at low risk of infection and re-transmission.

Yes, the original coronvirus affliction was serious but I maintain that the alternative therapies of HCQ, AZM and IVM would have been equivalent to the effectiveness of the pseudo-vaccines currently considered to be the ONLY therapy worth considering.

  1. Do they even know where the money for their salaries came from? I’d be sceptical it was even Russian. After…

  2. I see m0ron deflecting again, throwing out distraction squirrels while his DEI deviant team continue to ruin our economy and…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x