Weekday Reading #11

Remembering Trans Deaths Rightly (The American Conservative)

So I decided to research each of that year’s deaths, including by searching publicly available information on local news sites, scouring court records, and calling homicide departments (as necessary). What I found belied the narrative of the LGBT groups—a narrative used to pursue political ends even sympathetic Americans might reasonably reject.

In reality, very few—if any—of that year’s victims could be said to have succumbed to outright bigotry of the kind advocates rightly decry. Rather, most seemed to have died in gang-land disputes, domestic- and intimate-partner disputes, drug disputes, and other such violence that sadly plagues low-income minority communities across the land, especially in inner cities.

Vax Has Slight But Waning Edge In Old But Harms The Young (W M Briggs)

Let’s switch to the youngest, the 10-59 year olds. Again, it’s a pity ONS didn’t bust this out into, say, 24 and younger and those from 25-59. Because it’s almost certainly (we know from our own CDC data) the case that those around 24 or 25, or maybe slightly older, will be just like the other groups.

We have to recall in this graph that many, say, 17 and younger were not vaxxed at all in January, and only increasingly are now.

Well, it’s plain. The unvaxxed have lower death rates than the two-shot vaxxed. The two-shot vaxxed are in as bad a shape as those with just one shot after three weeks. Bad news.

This is an absolute confirmation the young should not be blanket vaxxed.

Select Committee Covering Up Police Brutality on January 6 (American Greatness)

Further, both the Medical Examiner’s office and D.C. Metropolitan Police Department continue to refuse to release pertinent information related to her death. Boyland’s mother told the Gateway Pundit that the coroner is withholding her full autopsy report; D.C. police have denied numerous requests for body-worn camera footage, claiming the recordings are part of an “ongoing investigation and criminal proceeding.”

As I reported last week, a new court filing details a shocking account of police brutality inside the lower west terrace tunnel on January 6 where Boyland died. Dozens of police officers clad in full riot gear were stationed there, ostensibly to stop protesters from entering the building. But emerging evidence suggests a more nefarious purpose—officers used the tunnel as a bunker of sorts to launch a gruesome offensive against American citizens on federal property.

Whistleblower Videos Capture Pennsylvania Election Officials Destroying Evidence (The Federalist)

The complaint, filed by Delaware County residents, Ruth Moton, Leah Hoopes, Gregory Stenstrom, as well as the Friends of Ruth Motion campaign, prevented both detailed alleged violations of state election law during the November 2020 election and claims of a conspiracy after the election to hide the numerous problems and illegalities that occurred during the last presidential election.

While the minutia of the election law recited in the complaint may escape the public’s notice, allegations that the defendants conspired to destroy or alter election data, materials, and equipment, “to prevent the discovery of the fraudulent results of the November 3, 2020 election, and the violation of various state and federal election laws,” when coupled with the videos, may finally awaken the sleeping masses to the cause of election integrity.

A May 21, 2021 request for 2020 election data and information submitted to Delaware County under Pennsylvania’s Right to Know Law served as an impetus for the alleged conspiracy and cover-up, as the complaint told the story.

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November 24, 2021 4:48 pm

It should be stressed that the vaccine doesn’t do anything to protect the elderly either.

In younger cohorts the decision to vaccinate is an ideological (or coerced) one – it has little to do with the current health status of the patient. There are issues with age stratification of those vaccinated vs unvaccinated in that 10-59 cohort but for the most part the “twice as likely to die if you’re vaxed” should be valid.

On the other hand, 99.9 per cent of old people worship vaccines and the *only* older people not getting the jab are the ones that are so weak that they’re literally likely to die in the next week or two.

Cassie of Sydney
November 24, 2021 4:52 pm

Re. the nonsense that is “trans”….the best comment I’ve ever read was in yesterday’s Australian about how JK Rowling has had to contact police after three transgender rights activists tweeted a photograph of her house that revealed her address in Edinburgh.

“On this issue, I agree with Rowling, that the broad socio-political concept that transgender activists say constitutes being a woman is absolute rubbish. Any politician, public figure, medical specialist or journalist who supports the transgender view is supporting a lie.

A woman is an adult human female, period. Biology is the reality which defines gender. There can be feminised men and masculine women, but they will always be the gender they were born with, it is emphatically present in every cell of their bodies.

The notion that womanhood is something else, is being pushed through political means and socially through the cancel culture to diminish what a woman really is.

We women are losing our dedicated safe spaces, losing equal playing fields, losing our voice thru being threatened with physical assault if we extol the reality?!?!

It is preposterous and dangerous.”

It is preposterous, dangerous and sinister.

November 24, 2021 4:58 pm

I remain bewildered that a miniscule proportion of the population (the ‘trans’) wield, apparently unopposed, such disproportionate power in politics, social life, and sport.

November 24, 2021 5:45 pm

I remain bewildered that a miniscule proportion of the population (the ‘trans’) wield, apparently unopposed, such disproportionate power in politics, social life, and sport.

You can thank the worst, most parasitic mind pathogen ever to appear on planet Earth, the wonderful concept of post-modernism. The greatest load of academic shite foisted on students across the globe.
Now we simply MUST believe them and not our lying eyes lest they come after us, righteous in their mentally deranged minds.

November 24, 2021 7:23 pm

I had a trans death in my last harvester.

It was replaced under warranty.

November 24, 2021 7:41 pm

Damon says:
November 24, 2021 at 4:58 pm

I remain bewildered that a miniscule proportion of the population (the ‘trans’) wield, apparently unopposed, such disproportionate power in politics, social life, and sport.

It’s only temporary, while they are useful as a tool.
The next distraction squirrel will be the self-esteem of vegetables discarded pre-market. Or something else.
The idea with distraction squirrels is to throw them repeatedly, and change or destroy by an accumulation of almost-immeasurable increments.
The trans will be replaced, as they replaced some other category.
The damage done in the meantime, however, will appear trivial. What you see is not, in the long term, what you get.

November 24, 2021 7:56 pm

That second story, the American Greatness article by Julie Kelly about a potential second fatal crowd victim in the 6 Jan Capitol riots, is worrying, to say the least.

November 24, 2021 8:26 pm

I remain bewildered that a miniscule proportion of the population (the ‘trans’) wield, apparently unopposed, such disproportionate power in politics, social life, and sport.

It’s for the exact same reason that the “minority” who question vaccines are treated so viciously.

Trans “rights” promote the power of the state aka helping communism. Bodily autonomy rights are bad for the state aka bad for communism.

Just like the Right always follows the Left initially on every story only to realise – too late – that it’s all lies, the Right have followed the Left on vaccines for hundreds of years and are only just now realising (too late of course) the horrors that entails.

Cassie of Sydney
November 24, 2021 8:33 pm

“It’s only temporary, while they are useful as a tool.
The next distraction squirrel will be the self-esteem of vegetables discarded pre-market. Or something else.”

The next distraction? It has already started….it’s called normalising “minor attraction”…in plain English it’s called the normalisation of pedophilia.

November 24, 2021 11:38 pm

Reminds me of the whole Matthew Shepherd fiasco a few years back. He was a pole-smoker who was killed in a drug deal gone bad, but the always trustworthy media slanted it to make it appear to be a hatecrime.

And most of these “transgendered” are simply sexually confused kids who want to identify with a victim group to obtain social oppression points.

November 25, 2021 1:23 am

My interpretation of the past few years is that the Left has adopted a strategy of fighting one battle at a time, and moving on when victory is assured. A few years ago we had the campaign for same-sex “marriage”, and a co-ordinated campaign by the GayBC and other pressure groups persuaded the people of Australia that we would be a nation of homophobes unless we voted Yes in the referendum. The latest campaigns are about trannies, and now Covid.

Can anyone here predict the next atrocity that the Left will inflict on us?

November 25, 2021 2:58 am

Arthur – pedophilia acceptance.

Robert the Irish Scot
Robert the Irish Scot
November 25, 2021 6:29 am

Megan said,

“Post modernism…greatest load of academic shite…”

Totally agree Megan, grab yourself a copy of ;

Gertrude Himmelfarbs’ “On Looking into the ABYSS, Untimely Thoughts on Culture and Society”

An excellent read on where so much has gone completely off the rails in society today.

Robert the Irish Scot
Robert the Irish Scot
November 25, 2021 6:33 am

One I am waiting on delivery of is;

Dr Gad Saads’ book, “The Parasitic Mind, How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense”

Watched a short session with this Dr recently and he hits the nail on the head with regards to us standing up before it is too late.

November 25, 2021 7:28 am

I remain bewildered that a miniscule proportion of the population (the ‘trans’) wield, apparently unopposed, such disproportionate power in politics, social life, and sport.

It is simply a bat for the left to whack their opposition with. It is not about legitimatising ‘trans’ it is about de-legitimising conservatives , right wing and libertarians.

It is the means to power. But it isn’t going to work. Most people see it for what is and the compassion felt for other previous promoted groups like gays or indigenous, isn’t present.

November 25, 2021 8:36 am

We were recently advised about a new recruit to our (Vic public service) office. I noticed the manager kept referring to the person by name, rather than using pronouns where you normally would, and so while she was speaking I googled the new recruit and the current photo showed a severely androgynous young woman. The internet being what it is, it also had a photo of her from a few years ago, showing a normal-looking, pretty, feminine version of the same person. ‘Non-binary’ is just the new vegetarianism for confused young women. A wonderful GP I used to have (female) spoke, with savage disdain, of “young women who think they’re vegetarians”.

November 25, 2021 8:38 am

Experts: Vaccine Immunity Waning, Signs Israel Facing Fifth COVID Wave
The expert cabinet advising the Israel’s government said that the children’s vaccination drive would not be enough by itself to halt the spread of COVID

November 25, 2021 8:46 am

Early signs of an uptick in cancer rates

November 25, 2021 12:20 pm

“It is simply a bat for the left to whack their opposition with.”

It does this, yes. But it also changes the meaning of words – and by doing that, they can control what you THINK and SAY. That’s why they use “gender” (a linguistic term) rather than “sex” (a biological term).
And if they tell you an absurdity that is obviously a lie (“this man is really a woman”), then you look pretty stupid in a TV sound bite as you try to digest it and respond – you’re looking surprised and saying “What?” This is why they hate people like Jordan Peterson – he will call people by whatever moniker they like, as long as they ask nicely. But he refuses to be compelled to use any moniker – the state compelling speech is wrong, and the road to totalitarianism.

Winston Smith
November 25, 2021 12:32 pm

Sooner or later the Republicans will get back in power and lift the scab of the abscess that is the Democrat Party.

Winston Smith
November 25, 2021 12:38 pm


On the other hand, 99.9 per cent of old people worship vaccines and the *only* older people not getting the jab are the ones that are so weak that they’re literally likely to die in the next week or two.

That’s as ignorant a statement as any I’ve seen, Figures.
In our family of four, average age 72, only one has had the ‘vaccine’. That was so she and her husband could look after their grandchildren.

The chances of any of us dying in the next week – or even the next year are negligible.

November 25, 2021 12:39 pm

“Sooner or later the Republicans will get back in power and lift the scab of the abscess that is the Democrat Party.”

Only if the voters primary the establishment hacks like McConnell et al and put up populists who are prepared to address the real concerns of voters instead of being “Democrat lite” candidates who only slow the Dems down, never reverse anything.

Winston Smith
November 25, 2021 12:47 pm


That second story, the American Greatness article by Julie Kelly about a potential second fatal crowd victim in the 6 Jan Capitol riots, is worrying, to say the least.

Sooner or late, Muddy, the Republicans will get to the Presidency and dominate Congress. I would suggest it will be the next election – held and counted at gunpoint – both literally and figuratively.
The scab will be torn off this oozing wound on the US political body as the leaders of the Democrats, the FBI and the Justice Department are purged in a process not seen since the Nuremberg Trials.

I hope.

November 25, 2021 1:59 pm

Sadly, I don’t share your optimism, Winston. If the ‘Pubs (pronounced ‘pubes’) gain overwhelming power, they will do little, because (a) the elected Dems are elites, like them, and VIPs need to stick together for protection; and (b) they’ll want to be seen by Hollyweird and the Glossed Lips (the media) as compassionate and forgiving, because what we truly need is love and healing and …

What is needed – metaphorically speaking, of course – are multiple amputations. The FBI, for example, needs to be vaporised, and either rebuilt from the ashes, or its major roles distributed to other services.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 25, 2021 3:19 pm


And if they tell you an absurdity that is obviously a lie (“this man is really a woman”), then you look pretty stupid in a TV sound bite as you try to digest it and respond – you’re looking surprised and saying “What?”

Someone posted a good answer to this the other day.

Yes, but what is a woman?

Let them try to answer that without using any biological terms.

November 26, 2021 1:53 pm

“Someone posted a good answer to this the other day.”

Have a look at Ben Shapiro’s interview with Ron DeSantis – most especially the parts on dealing with the media.
If you have the facts on your side, and are prepared to inform yourself prior to the media meetings, you can put them in their place easily enough.

Winston Smith's Keyboard.
November 26, 2021 10:06 pm


What is needed – metaphorically speaking, of course – are multiple amputations. The FBI, for example, needs to be vaporised, and either rebuilt from the ashes, or its major roles distributed to other services.

You’se blokes should listen Winston a bit more often.
He’s bloody genius at this shit.
Well done, Muddy.

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  3. facing a litany of charges including numerous counts of sexual activity directed at another person. Rather an odd charge given…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x