Guest Post: mem – Amongst the political fall-out in Victoria are we witnessing a rising star?

I watched the recently appointed Victoria Shadow Attorney-General, Matthew Bach, being interviewed by Peta Credlin on Sky News. He spoke calmly and authoritatively about the current impasse in Parliament concerning the Andrews pandemic Bill. It was the first time that I have heard him speak in his new position. It is also the first time that I’ve heard any politician address the potential implications for Victorians if the Bill doesn’t pass. What a breath of fresh air. Certainly great leadership potential. Or was I just dazzled by his media presence?

Victorian Shadow Attorney-General Matthew Bach says the Andrews government is working really hard to “pressure” crossbench MPs in the upper house to pass its controversial pandemic laws.

“There are 11 crossbench MPs in the upper house where I sit,” Mr Bach told Sky News host Peta Credlin.

“Initially, starting six months ago, the government negotiated with just three consistent Labor voting crossbenchers.

“But they got the numbers wrong, because of course Adem Somyurek, the former disgraced Labor minister, is also entitled to sit in the Upper House and he’s come out to say that he’ll vote against the legislation.

“My message to my crossbench colleagues is: stay strong, listen to your constituents, do what’s right first and foremost to your constituents and for the people of Victoria.” Continued here.

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Cassie of Sydney
November 27, 2021 8:13 am

““Initially, starting six months ago, the government negotiated with just three consistent Labor voting crossbenchers.”

Hmm, I wonder who they were and are, most likely the three diablos…..the whore, the mendicant and the ratter.

Chris M
Chris M
November 27, 2021 8:26 am

Only Jesus can save Victorians now.

November 27, 2021 8:27 am

…three crossbenchers – the Greens’ Dr Samantha Ratnam, Reason Party’s Fiona Patten and Animal Justice MP Andy Meddick

Even the Three Stooges had more integrity, sense, decency and strength of character.

Cassie of Sydney
November 27, 2021 8:31 am

“Even the Three Stooges had more integrity, sense, decency and strength of character.”

Indeed. Mendicant Meddick, the great “progressive” last week used parliamentary privilege to smear Avi Yemeni, a Jew, as a “Nazi”.

November 27, 2021 8:52 am

It never ceases to amaze me that there are enough voters supporting these idiots such that they can win office.

And these Leftist idiots always resort to ridiculous smears, calling Jews Nazis and black conservatives white supremacists.

November 27, 2021 9:03 am

Certainly great leadership potential. Or was I just dazzled by his media presence?

One swallow does not make a summer. This is the eternal optimism that will get us though this. More than likely its the train coming the other way not the light at the end. He can afford to say these things being in the upper house. We will see?

John A
John A
November 27, 2021 9:40 am

Cassie of Sydney says: November 27, 2021 at 8:31 am

“Even the Three Stooges had more integrity, sense, decency and strength of character.”

Indeed. Mendicant Meddick, the great “progressive” last week used parliamentary privilege to smear Avi Yemeni, a Jew, as a “Nazi”.

Well, at least he had to eat crow and “walk back” his (ab)use of his daughter’s fracas with a bystander for political purposes.

Ed Case
Ed Case
November 27, 2021 9:52 am

It appears Tim Smith is a Pom who was earmarked for a high flying career in Australian Politics.
When he hit a bump in the road, he bailed out back to Mother England.
There’s been a few of those.

Ed Case
Ed Case
November 27, 2021 9:55 am

Avi Yemeni invades people personal space, then claims victimhood when they react.
If he’s setting out to blackwash conservatives, he’s doing a good job.

November 27, 2021 10:03 am

Tim Smith, for all his boyish enthusiasm for driving fast cars when pissed as 40 men, at least had some fight in him.

So what does Matthew Guy do when Smith gets in trouble? Tells him to get out of parliament, thereby removing a major threat to his position as opposition leader after he loses the next election.

Tens of thousands of infuriated Victorians will gather today to oppose the government. The Opposition not only won’t be there, he’ll disavow those of his parliamentary colleagues who are.

Tells you everything.

November 27, 2021 10:19 am

It’s good to see such journalists as Avi Yemeni covering what the MSM will not and showing what is really happening. He’s become very well known, liked and respected (even by unionists). The fact that he’s hated by every idiot Leftist in Australia is telling.

Ed Case
Ed Case
November 27, 2021 10:21 am

These Marches are heavily infiltrated by Socialist Alliance.
If one of Guy’s gals shows up, there’ll be clowns with nooses there too and someone to take the picture.
Ditch The Witch all over again, which was a disaster for Tony Abbott’s career.

November 27, 2021 10:26 am

It never ceases to amaze me that there are enough voters supporting these idiots such that they can win office.

Do they tho? .. or is it just a case party preferences being swapped around reulting in being elected with bugger-all votes .. Lambie & Hanson Young, Federally are, not so fine, examples of this ..

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 27, 2021 10:42 am

Ed Casesays:
November 27, 2021 at 10:21 am
These Marches are heavily infiltrated by Socialist Alliance.
If one of Guy’s gals shows up, there’ll be clowns with nooses there too and someone to take the picture.
Ditch The Witch all over again, which was a disaster for Tony Abbott’s career.

Mr Ed’s solution to the current troubles:

Whatever you do, don’t do anything which might give any sleazy member of the fascist left and their mates in the MSM to set up an opportunity for some bad publicity. Stay at home and post comments on a blog, but be careful, because they’re watching there too, and anything that might be taken out of context is a potential trap.

Mr Ed has taken out a franchise for selling white flags. And white T-shirts, so as to avoid any suggestion of association with anarchists.

Ed Case
Ed Case
November 27, 2021 10:45 am

The only way round it is to have just one vote each for a Senator, same as for the HoR.
Lambie might still get up, since she’s well known in the NW, but it’s curtains for the Greens.

November 27, 2021 10:51 am

Do they tho?

I understand that every candidate must receive a certain number of votes on their own to become eligible and candidates must have certain base support numbers to even be on the voting role.

Council elections are different and I know that in our shire, there are often candidates that have no chance of being elected and are merely on the electoral roll to get a few votes from people they know and then pass those votes onto their preferred candidate.

Ed Case
Ed Case
November 27, 2021 10:53 am

Boambee John says:

Whatever you do, don’t do anything which might give any sleazy member of the fascist left and their mates in the MSM to set up an opportunity for some bad publicity.

That’s about it.
Unless you enjoy seeing Matthew Guy endlessly apologising for Nooses, Gallows, threats of violence against women, etc.
Clancy O. Flowin his living room is none too bright but so long as Guy avoids the Own Goals, he’ll start to get the picture.

Boambee John
Boambee John
November 27, 2021 11:06 am

Ed Casesays:
November 27, 2021 at 10:53 am
Boambee John says:

Whatever you do, don’t do anything which might give any sleazy member of the fascist left and their mates in the MSM to set up an opportunity for some bad publicity.

That’s about it.
Unless you enjoy seeing Matthew Guy endlessly apologising for Nooses, Gallows, threats of violence against women, etc.
Clancy O. Flowin his living room is none too bright but so long as Guy avoids the Own Goals, he’ll start to get the picture.

So, apart from stay at home and do nothing, what practical actions do you suggest?

What prices are your white flags?

Ed Case
Ed Case
November 27, 2021 11:13 am

Victoria had political instability for 30 years until Bolte showed up..
The Labor Party learnt from his example and became successful by offering autocratic leaders.
By contrast, the Liberal Party in Victoria were embarassed by Bolte and selected self effacing leaders [and one galah] ever since.
Tim Smith was no Bolte, either is Guy, and this Bach hasn’t got the goods either.

Cassie of Sydney
November 27, 2021 11:33 am

November 27, 2021 at 10:19 am
It’s good to see such journalists as Avi Yemeni covering what the MSM will not and showing what is really happening. He’s become very well known, liked and respected (even by unionists). The fact that he’s hated by every idiot Leftist in Australia is telling.”

Being hated by the left, unions and the MSM….a badge of honour.

November 27, 2021 11:50 am

These Marches are heavily infiltrated by Socialist Alliance.
If one of Guy’s gals shows up, there’ll be clowns with nooses there too and someone to take the picture.
Ditch The Witch all over again, which was a disaster for Tony Abbott’s career.

Weakest excuse I have heard of for do-nothings lacking moral courage and not prepared to protest and back up their principles, because worried about “infiltration.”


November 27, 2021 11:52 am

Being hated by the left, unions and the MSM….a badge of honour.

And Mr Ed (9.55):

Avi Yemeni invades people personal space, then claims victimhood when they react.
If he’s setting out to blackwash conservatives, he’s doing a good job.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
November 27, 2021 11:56 am

24 hours later
I’d say your rising star just crashed and burned.

November 27, 2021 12:16 pm

I know little about Victorian politics, but my general approach to all present cogs in the machine (with possibly 2 or 3 exceptions) is: Here today, GONE tomorrow.

If you are in a position of authority & have not made any substantial (measurable) attempt to speak up, to initiate a rational debate, your position is UNTENABLE. You may exist, but you have not been PRESENT for us, those who gave you that authority. Therefore, to me, you are GONE. You do not exist either as an authority figure, or an individual deserving my respect. You are persona non grata.

In reality, I know the extensive purge that I feel is justified, will not occur.

Others may permit you who have spat me out like phlegm to kneel on the footpath & pretend you were always concerned about me.

But not me.
If you are here today, and you possess honour, dignity, grace; you must walk away tomorrow. Be gone.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
November 27, 2021 12:50 pm

Trust the Libs? That will work.

Cassie of Sydney
November 27, 2021 12:53 pm

“If he’s setting out to blackwash conservatives, he’s doing a good job.”

What the fuck are you talking about. Just fuck off you imbecile….actually you’re an insult to imbeciles.

November 27, 2021 6:29 pm

Police Violence in Sydney

This is disgusting. When there are tens of thousands of people, they hold back. When there are fewer they gang up and act like hoodlums against women and children.

November 27, 2021 6:30 pm

Wrong thread

  1. Today, in this hell we live in, the language of the penitent is no longer heard. Beyond unfashionable, it is…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x