Pandemic of the Unvaxxed?

In context of debate about Omicron, Israel’s Coronavirus Commissioner Professor Salman Zarka suggested that compulsory vaccination needs to be considered. Separately, in the same Jerusalem Post article, it was noted that only two cases of Omicron had been confirmed, both fully vaccinated. One with AstraZeneca; the other with three (yes three) Pfizer shots.

Just watching Fox News. The first case in the United States has been reported. You guessed it, fully vaccinated. But hold on, the President of the United States says that vaccination (and masks of course) is key to fighting Omicron.

“I’m confused.”

“Don’t be confused they want to prevent unvaxxed people getting very sick and occupying scarce hospital beds.”

“Really. Then is this a pandemic of the unvaxxed?”

Latest figures from the UK. Patients admitted to hospital with Covid in the four weeks from mid-October to mid-November. Total 9,174; unvaccinated 3071. A higher rate among the unvaxxed, OK; but people not rates fill up hospital beds.

“I’m still confused.”

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December 2, 2021 4:25 pm

What would be absolutely fantastic would be if you good stop going out of your way to propagate this fucking myth, that there’s this get your knickers in a knot thing happening.
Our own government is killing it’s.own people by denying them treatment. An absolutely massive scandal. You don’t seem to give a SHIT.

December 2, 2021 5:14 pm

The story about the effectiveness of the vaccine just gets stronger and stronger. Earlier reports, from organisations committed to the vaccine, did not have such encouraging summaries; summaries which play into the calls for compulsory vaccination.

Please keep in mind that the COVID-19 vaccine surveillance reports have been the cause of much wailing and gnashing of teeth in the pro-vax crowd. They didn’t accept the figures, and demanded that the responsible people clean up their act. Now, as if by magic, the number comprehensively support the vaccine story, and all is well with the world. That, it seems to me, is enough to compromise the surveillance reports. This is the world we live in.

What a pity that Steve McIntyre is getting older. A Vaccine Audit blog would be very useful. It’s worth noting that long-ago-won battles were rejoined in the lead-up to Glasgow, with renewed attacks on M&M’s analysis of the hockey stick, and on the Climategate email dumps.

December 2, 2021 5:23 pm

I have the feeling after reading all your comments about the so-called pandemic for the last couple of years that you’re struggling.
No way you could begin to accept the people”governing” could do what they’ve done. But they have.
My conscience speaks to me,not the collective. I listen. That’s who I am.

December 2, 2021 5:37 pm

In context of debate about Omicron, Israel’s Coronavirus Commissioner Professor Salman Zarka suggested that compulsory vaccination needs to be considered.

In the context of debate about Omicron, has anyone asked South Africa about hospitalisations and deaths?

I believe the answer in each case is zero.

December 2, 2021 6:14 pm

In the context of debate about Omicron, has anyone asked South Africa about hospitalisations and deaths?

I believe the answer in each case is zero.

And yet there are people (including governments and medical authorities!) here and overseas hysterically running around like headless chooks, as though the world is going to end.

December 2, 2021 6:22 pm

Breaking: Two Years and 5.2 Million Deaths Later Chinese Doctors Admit They Have the Antibody That Can Neutralize All Strains of COVID

December 2, 2021 6:45 pm

I’m not sure how many have received the letter from ‘the Australian government‘ imploring people to get vaccinated and boosted, but what caught my eye in the letter was that 151 million additional doses had been ordered.

With a population of ~26 million, we need an additional 151 million vials of poison?

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
December 2, 2021 8:22 pm

With a population of ~26 million, we need an additional 151 million vials of poison?

Whether we need them or not is moot – we will definitely be paying for them.

December 2, 2021 8:44 pm

Whether we need them or not is moot – we will definitely be paying for them.

What concerns me far more is that booster shots will be virtually forced on us in Dictator Dan’s Victoria.

December 2, 2021 9:17 pm

Because shutup

December 2, 2021 10:04 pm

“I’m not sure how many have received the letter from ‘the Australian government‘ imploring people to get vaccinated and boosted, but what caught my eye in the letter was that 151 million additional doses had been ordered.”

I didn’t bother opening it. It resides in the bin where it belongs.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
December 2, 2021 10:33 pm

I supposed the credulous and craven are soiling themselves again.

December 3, 2021 1:21 am

There’s no way these figures from the UK could be manipulated, right?

December 3, 2021 7:22 am

The unvaxxed Covid victims may have slightly higher
admission rates.

They have none for Vax side effects.

Unlike guess who?

December 3, 2021 10:20 am

Without going into significant detail, I think there are several key points that can be drawn from the UK weekly report;

i) Much effort has gone into presenting data in a manner to make it tedious to interpret.
ii) Considering Tables 10a, b and 11: bearing in mind Table 3 from the CDC provisional covid death counts. What it now states to introduce ambiguity relevant to death from covid versus death with covid

For over 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate.

When it previously clearly indicate to the effect of ” only 6% of deaths had no other cause listed on the death certificate”. With the observation that globally, as per WHO directives, anybody and everybody that dies is being covid tested. That may or may not have something stuck in their nose. Leading to inferences on morbidity such as more than ever shootings are covid related deaths.

I hence tend to multiply the numbers of and subsets of death by 0.05 / 0.06 to gain an initial number of how many actual covid death without the co-morbidities. I note also that Tables 10a, b and 11 refer to death numbers collected over the term of “week 43 and week 46 2021”.

Then of course there’s that well known observation about the accuracy of PCR testing. Factoring in the tiny remaining numbers of deaths that are from covid and nothing else I can’t see the numbers of deaths within the three week-month, period being large enough to infer anything.

iii) I find the subcategorisation and limited discussion of “vaccine effectiveness” somewhat amusing. “Look- it works a bit”! The fundamental pieces of information missing from such a discussion is whether the data presented can present a clear picture of the difference in relative risk versus absolute risk of hospitalisation, illness and death for jabbed versus non-jabbed. As in these risk number and the differential of benefit gained are known in the first place from for example Pfizer’s pre-release clinical trials to be tiny proportions of a percent.

The benefit of gene therapy being statistically insignificant to individual or population morbidity and death with only (alleged) covid as the sole “cause”. Need all those shooting, car crash and sky-diving deaths as well as ll the long term chronic illness comorbidity as well as presenting data as per 100,000 ( Table 11) to approach any minuscule suggestion of benefit to jabbing at all.

In conclusion, I don’t know how the information presented in the report is evidence for much at all, other than 1) comparing Tables 10a and b: more people are likely to die in a 60 day period versus a 28.
2) Some tools were overpaid to write it.

December 3, 2021 10:31 am

Facts are irrelevant in this matter because in Clown World up is down etc, therefore vaccines that are ineffective are not only effective but our only way out of this mess.

Keep complying.

December 3, 2021 10:53 am

Peter, here is the graph that UKHSA used to publish with the current data. What they are publishing in toto is being distorted by under 18s, most of who have no access to the vax nor are they actually in danger from COVID. Look at the rate differences for the various age cohorts, most of who have higher case rates for the vaxxed v unvaxxed, effectively double between 40-80 years of age.

December 3, 2021 10:58 am

BTW, you can find the backstory of how the Office of Statistics Regulation muscled UKHSA to drop the offending graph when the data was no longer supporting the vaccine narrative here.

December 3, 2021 11:00 am

I have just been reading all the comments in the Adelaide Advertiser caning Senator Antic for not being a good boy and showing his vax papers… with the implication being he is a selfish unvaxxer putting all the good citizens at risk.

This, at the same time as the ‘Double jabbed’ Jay Weatherill is now ill after catching Covid at a Covid safe event a few days ago in Adelaide.

The cognitive disconnect here is breathtaking

John A
John A
December 3, 2021 11:49 pm

Lee says: December 2, 2021 at 6:14 pm

In the context of debate about Omicron, has anyone asked South Africa about hospitalisations and deaths?

I believe the answer in each case is zero.

And yet there are people (including governments and medical authorities!) here and overseas hysterically running around like headless chooks, as though the world is going to end.

To quote from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams:
The bowl of petunias only thought was “Oh no, not again!”

December 5, 2021 6:42 pm

Whether we need them or not is moot – we will definitely be paying for them.

Absolutely, paying for them is the most important piece of the kickback puzzle.

December 5, 2021 6:44 pm

This, at the same time as the ‘Double jabbed’ Jay Weatherill is now ill after catching Covid at a Covid safe event a few days ago in Adelaide.

I honestly hope the motherfucker dies, purely for the purpose of focusing peoples attention on the lack of effectiveness of these BS vaccines.

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x