Guest Post: BBS – Is there a payoff for the PM in his unholy alliance with State Labor?

It has taken me some time for the penny to drop in the cosying up of the Prime Minister to the State Premiers, for I kept thinking what does Scott Morrison gain in continuing to provide protection for the worst of state government excess imaginable who have continued to undermine his position throughout most of the pandemic?
Then I recalled how politically burnt to a cinder Morrison was looking mid year because of the “slow vaccine roll out,” which Sally McManus cuttingly called a “stroll out.”  Morrison’s electoral chances would not be good, if that stroll-out did not quickly become a stampede. Taking a look at Federal-State relations meant realising that while the Feds have the money, the States have most of the infrastructure, both legal and physical, to solve any logistical headache.  This means that for the vaccine roll out to succeed, the States are absolutely necessary. Without the States and that mafia-like contingent of <strike>second</strike> third rate premiers, there could be no efficient jabbing of arms.  However, there was one more factor required to draw this mRNA and Viral Vector vaccine sausage-making factory together; enter Lieutenant General John Frewen as <em>Vaccine Supremo</em> (h/t Yes Minister).

When Lieutenant General Frewen took over the vaccine roll out everything ramped up, including the belligerence of the States in creating Health Orders designed to bludgeon citizens to get jabbed.  Simultaneously, Frewen counter-balanced this heavy hand with jingly marketing ploys for the more delicate sensibilities – most notably in the <em>Arm yourself</em> campaign stuff and how important the vaccines were for the individual’s, their family’s and the community’s health and all undergirded by the continuing necessity of face nappies to ensure ongoing fear, compliance AND in-crowd status messaging.  What in fact this is, is a classic “good cop, bad cop,” scenario with General Frewen in the role of the former and the states playing the latter.
In NSW, mid year, Gladys Berejiklian went the 180 and closed down most of western and south-western Sydney as well as the construction sector completely for two whole weeks, after saying time and again that “cases didn’t matter, it’s all about hospitalisations.”   Later, Victoria, Western Australia, and QLD, ramped up compliance with Health Order mandates for vaccine take-up for entire business sectors.  Even the Federal Government assisted the exercise by signalling to business to deny access to their premises under property laws to the unvaccinated, including their own workers, or those who were unwilling to reveal private medical information to a third party.
All of these factors together enabled the PM to continue to proclaim that the government does not mandate jabs, even while mandates for vaccinations revved up and continued without delay all around the country.  The PM’s positioning here could be understood as not just a sop for the more naïve of conservative voters, purist States’ Righters in the Coalition who presumably are less interested in the rights of the individual and more interested in invisible lines on a map, but also those constitutionalists who would be concerned about S51 and the mandating of vaccinations.
And the payoff?  Well, the State Premiers moved up the pecking order to <em>National Cabinet</em> status with all that national media attention, which has further cemented their positions in their parties and as the saviours of their residents.  And for the PM, his aim to shake off the Opposition’s and others’ claims that he was too slow to get the nation vaccinated.  “Look at that dynamo, General Frewen go, will ya?” says the PM as he adjusts his <em>Let’s go <strike>Brandon</strike> Morrison</em> aviator sunnies.  It remains to be seen, however, whether his strategy has worked.  Never mind that to save his political skin he’s thoroughly shafted the nation in the racking up of massive debt.  But more importantly in a free country, the damage he and his government has inflicted on our individual freedoms, especially the right to informed consent and bodily integrity, both have become sacrificial lambs to political expediency.

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December 3, 2021 4:37 pm

enabled the PM to continue to proclaim that the government does not mandate jabs, even while mandates for vaccinations revved up and continued without delay all around the country

The man is a tin eared tone deaf moron. A prime example has been watching him desperately try to walk back the fascism he’s enabled those tinpot tyrants to inflict on the populace.

It is your fault entirely, Morristeen. No amount of sanctimonious “look, this really needs to finally stop” whining will obscure that fact.

You may be staggeringly stupid, but a significant proportion of your soon to be erstwhile constituency are not.

December 3, 2021 4:45 pm

FYI, HTML tags still there without the effects.

An ex army mate knows Frewen. He isn’t very complimentary about the bloke but not surprised he has managed to rise to the top of the pile.

As for Morrison, for all the kowtowing he has done where has it got him? Staring down what is looking like a nasty election defeat. He has all the judgement of Turnbull.

December 3, 2021 4:46 pm

It’s always possible that Scotty is supplicating his NWO masters. Everything is a chess game.

December 3, 2021 5:35 pm

He’s a moron out of his depth (like Albo would be any better – possibly worse WRT selling us out to the CCP under the guise of anti-raycis!! waffle). However, he’s playing both sides (citizens vs the State) off against each other hoping he’ll come out smelling like roses.

But more importantly in a free country, the damage he and his government has inflicted on our individual freedoms, especially the right to informed consent and bodily integrity, both have become sacrificial lambs to political expediency.

Sorry, but any illusions I harboured that Australia was a free country have long since gone. Australia is peopled by brainwashed cowards led by self serving feckless scumbags.

WolfmanOz (just existing in Melb. now)
December 3, 2021 5:58 pm

Nah . . . he’s a gutless coward who was spooked by the reaction he got with his vacation during the bushfires.

His sole aim was to share the handling of the pandemic so he could avoid any personal blow-back. The result was the enabling of increased power (excesses) and profile of the state premiers at the expense of himself and the federal govt.

He’s a weak man with no principles that he’d be willing to defend.

December 3, 2021 6:05 pm

Turnbull knew what was coming and got out of the way.

Morrison never had a clue.

The fall guy.

December 3, 2021 6:10 pm

Turnbull engineered his own defeat!

pull the other one.

December 3, 2021 6:30 pm

Don’t forget this: Morrison & Co. initially opted to make the rollout a Federal responsibility in order to gain electoral kudos for its expected success. It was a disastrous decision because, as you point out, only the states have the infrastructure and experience required to deliver on such a massive operation.

It was only when the “strollout” (Macquarie Dictionary’s word of the year for 2021, btw) started to go pear shaped that Morrison realised he needed the states’ assistance to reach his targets, and urgently.

As usual, it all comes down to placing short term political advantage over what is best for citizens.

One would like to think that Greg Hunt is going because he is taking his share of the blame for all this, but somehow I doubt it – there is more likely a nice sinecure on offer atm.

December 3, 2021 6:39 pm

For all of his brown-nosing of the premiers it’s got him absolutely nowhere, and lost him countless conservative voters and almost certainly any chance of being re-elected.

December 3, 2021 6:50 pm

For all of his brown-nosing of the premiers it’s got him absolutely nowhere, and lost him countless conservative voters…

“The qualitative evidence is they don’t matter. The sum of a more centrist approach outweighs any alleged marginal loss of so-called base voters.”

I see no evidence they’ve repudiated that approach in the six years since.

December 3, 2021 7:06 pm

Scomo has proved he’s an absolutely gutless , pathetic bastard.
The liberals will get their just desserts next year. All totally self inflicted. Useless scum.

John Brumble
John Brumble
December 3, 2021 7:16 pm

Dover- “Flying Pigs” response to himself above without remembering to change the sock name is instructive.

Chris M
Chris M
December 3, 2021 7:48 pm

All of these factors together enabled the PM to continue to proclaim that the government does not mandate jabs

God will send Smirko to the really hot and dark part of heaven for lying, poisoning and robbing Australians. “Oh it’s not hell Smirko and you are not compelled to go there, it’s those demons that are assisting you there, for your own good”

December 3, 2021 8:19 pm

John Brumble says:
December 3, 2021 at 7:16 pm

Dover- “Flying Pigs” response to himself above without remembering to change the sock name is instructive.

How could I when you have appropriated John Brumble!

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
December 3, 2021 8:55 pm

Yeah – and all the political explanations about Scummo also hold true for the rest of the West governments….

December 3, 2021 9:23 pm

“John Brumble”

Have you ever checked out the story of how Photios/Morrison ‘won’ his political electorate???

Roger W
Roger W
December 3, 2021 10:19 pm

…and then Labor promises to ramp up “emissions” by 43% by 2030 (no double entendres, please).
Do you think Albo is a Manchurian Candidate?

December 3, 2021 11:31 pm

I think Albo is Mussolini’s son.

December 3, 2021 11:55 pm

Very good post BBS. Spot on.

As usual, it all comes down to placing short term political advantage over what is best for citizens.

The arsewipe is not alone in that, however in doing so, he has done more damage to Australian citizens than all the other PMs put together. It is appalling what is happening in Australia right now.

One would like to think that Greg Hunt is going because he is taking his share of the blame for all this, but somehow I doubt it – there is more likely a nice sinecure on offer atm.

Possibly, but more likely he doesn’t want to sit on the opposition bench. He knows what’s coming.

December 4, 2021 12:14 am

One would like to think that Greg Hunt is going because he is taking his share of the blame for all this, but somehow I doubt it – there is more likely a nice sinecure on offer atm.

Hunt was bought with an international award of leadership excellence by the UN/WHO mafia . My guess is that he now realises that he has been done over and hates himself. It is no excuse and he should be condemned as much, if not more, than those that orchestrated this covid evil.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
December 4, 2021 1:35 am

Frewan should be hanged.
Traitorous fascist careerist.

December 4, 2021 4:18 am

Who is the current head of the OECD????

Do Australian Taxpayers know how much money they pay to support useless anti-Australian fknuckles???

December 4, 2021 6:38 am

Morrison knew he had to rely on the states for the vax rollout. National Cabinet was his “brilliant” idea to facilitate it and he though he could pull it off. It was a monumental political mistake and anyone could have predicted that the venal Labor Premiers would use it to their advantage. Use of the armed forces paid off in the Victorian aged care debacle but was not employed early enough or wisely later on.

Like leaders throughout the western world he fell in with the panic. I don’t necessarily condemn him for that – lots of us did. But he did not readjust his position early enough – nor did he seek more diversity in medical advice when he had the ample capacity to do just that. The advice of Tom Borody & others on Ivermectin was coming through as early as mid 2020. It could have been an early stop gap measure if he had responded quickly before the Pfizer contract (we dont know much about the AZ contract) stopped the options.

That would have been leadership in the true Aussie spirit of independence and solid decision making. He just lacks it all & it is now there for all the punters to see, if they can.

When he first assumed leadership of the Libs I thought it was a good choice because he represented “Middle Australia”. Maybe he does & we are in real trouble. Blessed if I know, I am that depressed.

But Dutton is probably the best choice now.

December 4, 2021 6:42 am

PS re Ivermectin. If it had have been trialled here late 2020 – it would have been a game changer, & we could have led the bloody world.

December 4, 2021 6:58 am

Surely we’ll end up with an even more feral senate.

Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
December 4, 2021 8:23 am

Petros says:
December 4, 2021 at 6:58 am
Surely we’ll end up with an even more feral senate.

My dream is that the minor conservative parties (One Nation et al) hold a majority in the Senate. I don’t believe the old controlling votes thing will work as the LNP and ALP are virtual carbon copies of each other and will vote (especially on Coronavirus rules) in lockstep.

The minors need to be able to decimate them at every opportunity.

December 4, 2021 8:34 am

The man is a tin eared tone deaf moron. A prime example has been watching him desperately try to walk back the fascism he’s enabled those tinpot tyrants to inflict on the populace.

Or a total sellout from the start. How would he have acted differently in that case?

December 4, 2021 8:43 am

Hunt was bought with an international award of leadership excellence by the UN/WHO mafia . My guess is that he now realises that he has been done over and hates himself.

The former Strategy Manager or whatever of the WEF? You must be joking. No, he’s done his job and is now looking forward to his reward. Before Covid he was pushing “Climate Change” for all he was worth. A total traitor and thick as thieves with Turnbull.

Cassie of Sydney
December 4, 2021 9:02 am

“Surely we’ll end up with an even more feral senate.”

A “feral senate”……..too tame. I want a nuclear senate…filled with PHON, Lib Dems and UAP. Let’s be clear here, the days of the nice functional two party system is gone. I want an Albosleazy government to face what the LNP have faced over the last eight years except this time I want a senate on uber steroids. This is my dream….I want Australia to be ungovernable for the next three years… Italy. I want a senate that’s hostile, ungovernable, unworkable, unwoke, turbulent, feral, that won’t just give Sleazy, Plibbers, Frank Wong, Skank Keneally and all the rest of the scum a hard time, I want them shaking in their fucking boots every time they fly to Canberra. It’s called payback. I want the Liberals and Nationals, what remains of them, to sit, rue and ponder what the fuck they did to deserve this…to realise that the right-wing, conservative libertarian voter is angry and that’s why the LNP are left with barely a quorum on the senate benches.

The other day some Labor dickhead (Bowen I think) said “It’s time”. It’s fucking time alright. For too long Australia has been held hostage by a nauseating cabal of progressive and MSM scum, social media scum and limp, simpering cretinous Liberals and Nationals too scared of their own shadows. So, it’s time to smash the two party system, the LNP and Canberra politics in general to smithereens.

I don’t think I can be clearer. The days of being polite are GONE.

Cassie of Sydney
December 4, 2021 9:04 am

Sorry BBS…I meant to also write “great post”.

December 4, 2021 9:27 am

“…before the Pfizer contract (we dont know much about the AZ contract) stopped the options.”

If the contract does indeed specify “no treatments”, then when it was presented to him as “take it or leave it”, he should have made that information public – immediately, and with maximum contempt for such disgusting behavior. Fizzer/Moderna/AZ could and should have been the target of massive public outrage – they would have caved in, or forever been pariahs.
THAT, if such clauses exist, is biggest scandal – that no-one called them to account on it.

December 4, 2021 10:13 am

It has taken me some time for the penny to drop in the cosying up of the Prime Minister to the State Premiers, for I kept thinking what does Scott Morrison gain in continuing to provide protection for the worst of state government excess imaginable who have continued to undermine his position throughout most of the pandemic?

The problem is not Morrison. It’s what you think Morrison stands for and what you think he values.

Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
December 4, 2021 10:48 am

Cassie of Sydneysays:
December 4, 2021 at 9:02 am
“Surely we’ll end up with an even more feral senate.”

A “feral senate”……..too tame. I want a nuclear senate…filled with PHON, Lib Dems and UAP. Let’s be clear here, the days of the nice functional two party system is gone. I want an Albosleazy government to face what the LNP have faced over the last eight years except this time I want a senate on uber steroids. This is my dream….I want Australia to be ungovernable for the next three years… Italy. I want a senate that’s hostile, ungovernable, unworkable, unwoke, turbulent, feral, that won’t just give Sleazy, Plibbers, Frank Wong, Skank Keneally and all the rest of the scum a hard time, I want them shaking in their fucking boots every time they fly to Canberra. It’s called payback. I want the Liberals and Nationals, what remains of them, to sit, rue and ponder what the fuck they did to deserve this…to realise that the right-wing, conservative libertarian voter is angry and that’s why the LNP are left with barely a quorum on the senate benches.

The other day some Labor dickhead (Bowen I think) said “It’s time”. It’s fucking time alright. For too long Australia has been held hostage by a nauseating cabal of progressive and MSM scum, social media scum and limp, simpering cretinous Liberals and Nationals too scared of their own shadows. So, it’s time to smash the two party system, the LNP and Canberra politics in general to smithereens.

I don’t think I can be clearer. The days of being polite are GONE.

Well said Cassie. Carthago Delenda Est on roids.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
December 4, 2021 11:03 am

Too true. No more polite discourse from me.

December 4, 2021 11:06 am

I won’t be happy until the establishment party, ruling class tetropoly is preferably annihilated at every limb and at worst they become fringe parties, and never govern in their own right, as a coalition or ever again hold the balance of power.

Call it a mandate from heaven. I hope they find what they are looking for!

Bar Beach Swimmer
December 4, 2021 11:14 am

Hunt was bought with an international award of leadership excellence by the UN/WHO mafia . My guess is that he now realises that he has been done over and hates himself. It is no excuse and he should be condemned as much, if not more, than those that orchestrated this covid evil.

mem, I saw a short clip earlier in the week from August. It was a presser with Greg Hunt and the CMO. One of the journalists asked Hunt about a tweet that Craig Kelly had put out, which said ‘…that a ground breaking Oxford University Study had found that while moderating symptoms the jab had allowed a higher viral load in the nose which then creates super-spreaders.’ The look on Hunt’s face was on of shock.

Bar Beach Swimmer
December 4, 2021 11:43 am

That would have been leadership in the true Aussie spirit of independence and solid decision making. He just lacks it all & it is now there for all the punters to see, if they can

I think a leader can be an “everyman” type of person and still have leadership qualities. But what is imperative to be a leader is to have an undergirding ethos, which positions the leader on a range of concerns, not least of which is a willingness to stand up and be counted when all around are flailing.

The problem with Morrison is that there seems to be no policy position that he has championed during his political career – the boats was a job and the mechanism for it that he was given. (FFS he can’t even get the Religious Discrimination Bill over the line, despite his evangelical Christianity).

Apart from a personal ethos, leaders must be able to learn as they go, but the lessons they learn have to be the right ones. Wolfman referred up thread to Morrison’s bushfire debacle – I can’t see any lesson that he learnt from that experience except to become more wily. Enter the announcement that property law could be used to deny people access to services and goods to get around the prohibition on civil conscription in the Constitution.

Lastly, he’s trashed the Constitution as he’s weakened the Federation. Today, South Australia announced a return to further restrictions for travellers from NSW and Victoria and Western Australia reinstituted a hard border with South Australia because of the “Moronic” variant (h/t to whomever worked that anagram out). How long will this go on? Well, at least until we have a true leader at the Federal level.

Bar Beach Swimmer
December 4, 2021 12:19 pm

My dream is that the minor conservative parties (One Nation et al) hold a majority in the Senate.

The other day on Sky, Andrew Clennell reported that QLD-LNP Senator James McGrath would be introducing a private members’ bill for optional preferential voting for federal elections (like what we have in NSW), which Clennell said was because of One Nation.

Last night on the McGregor Angle, Michael Kroger went the “full harpie” “screaming” about the risk if conservatives did not support the government, replying to McGregor who had introduced him with the statement that there was ‘an inescapable sense of decay’ coming from the government .

Kroger wheeled out that old chestnut of “we’re better than the other side” and went on to say to McGregor’s question about whether the Morrison government was a real conservative government, that conservatives needed ‘…to stop being so selfish; being so unrealistic…thinking that they could get everything from the government; there is no virtue in that.’ Then, he had a go at Campbell Newman, saying that Newman should come home to the LNP with the inference that Newman’s Lib-Dem candidature is of concern for the LNP up north. ‘With a mountain of these disillusioned conservatives – you’ll get Albo!’

Would be nice to look at the internal polling.

Bar Beach Swimmer
December 4, 2021 12:31 pm

The other day some Labor dickhead (Bowen I think) said “It’s time”. It’s fucking time alright. For too long Australia has been held hostage by a nauseating cabal of progressive and MSM scum, social media scum and limp, simpering cretinous Liberals and Nationals too scared of their own shadows. So, it’s time to smash the two party system, the LNP and Canberra politics in general to smithereens.

I don’t think I can be clearer. The days of being polite are GONE.

+lots Cassie.

Bar Beach Swimmer
December 4, 2021 12:38 pm

If the contract does indeed specify “no treatments”, then when it was presented to him as “take it or leave it”, he should have made that information public – immediately, and with maximum contempt for such disgusting behavior. Fizzer/Moderna/AZ could and should have been the target of massive public outrage – they would have caved in, or forever been pariahs

Kneel, Mater has posted about the “no treatments” change to the provisional authorisation of vaccines by the TGA.

Also, (I can’t post the link for some reason) there’s a clip from WION – which is an Indian TV news station – with a report on how Pfizer dealt with Argentine and Brazilian concerns over the possibility of adverse reactions to the vaccines. Do a search; it’s worth a look.

December 4, 2021 12:55 pm

BBS, I don’t watch Credlin anymore but my mum mentioned that even Credlin noted the Morrison Government has given up and isn’t even attempting to fight. Not only that the rats jumping ship is a sure sign. I’d say the internal polling is horrible, question is where is it going?

OPV, am a big fan. Least worst of the systems around. Should be the law of the land.

Bar Beach Swimmer
December 4, 2021 1:56 pm

On the weakness of the government, Credlin pointed out to James McGrath that Morrison won’t even test the Senate’s waters by introducing contentious bills to see how they go; remembering it gives them a DD trigger if a bill is rejected three times. McGrath did not dispute her; “gutless wonders,” hung in the air

But the government can’t even get the numbers in the party room as the “moderates” refuse to accept even legislation promised at the last election (the religious anti-discrimination bill). What this shows, as most of us on the Cat realised eons ago, the SFLs a full to the brim of non-Liberals, hence their present trashed position.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Border Closure

OPV, am a big fan. Least worst of the systems around. Should be the law of the land.

It should be fully optional, i.e. the voter may exhaust their vote at any point.
i.e. in a Nine candidate contest, currently the OPV choices are:
1/. Vote [ 1 ] for one candidate.
2/. Number every square, i.e. a fully preferential vote.

The choices should be:
1/. Number as many squares as you wish, from One square only, or Two, or Three, Four, Five, & so on, all the way if you wish.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x