Pretty unaustralian if you ask me. I was hoping for the perfect combination of two Australian icons. Didn’t happen.
Pretty unaustralian if you ask me. I was hoping for the perfect combination of two Australian icons. Didn’t happen.
Probably ring ins from PNG or Indonesia. Get out the shottie and demand loyalty tests. And if they fail, Maggie…
Has the Chicken Kiev not been recently downgraded to a Nugget?
Now that’s a rip off. The green ones are my favourite too.
I also have a copy of this one somewhere. The book, that is. This Top Ender fellow seems to know…
Best to have a manservant prewarm it in winter though.
Well pop your “manservant” out and lets take a look.
while I was treated as though I had a highly contagious, highly virulent disease.
You have testicles.
Testicles cuse pregnancy
Therefore you are carrying 9 months & 18 years of suffering for the wenches.
If any of the other jurisdictions thought that the legislation is unconstitutional, don’t you think they would have challenged it in the High Court?
Jesus wept.
First 8 pages of today’s West Australian full of ‘Lets Go Mark!’
Also 42 degrees of heat. And that’s without the popular fury.
Wish me well, Cats- I’ve got to go shunt in this weather this afternoon… 🙁
Oh dear. Mr. Gold standard make international news for the wrong reasons again. Granted it’s the daily mail, but still.
This is why Johanna is not just theoretically wrong. She is substantively wrong because a court of superior record has ruled on the matter.
There’s one final word on the “National Cabinet is just a meeting idiocy.”
These people -always woefully low info on the actual status of the “National Cabinet” battle – suggest, that it would be perfectly fine and legal for the PM to invite President Xi Jinping into the Commonwealth under a “Cabinet”, let’s call it the Chinese Australia Co-Prosperity Sphere Cabinet, and under the full protection of the Commonwealth law, each week form the Commonwealth’s legislative and, even more dangerous, it’s regulatory agenda via edicts, in those “meetings” (hey they’re just ‘meetings’, ‘we’re just talking here nothing wrong with that!’ what is government but ‘just meetings’??), because the constitution doesn’t say it’s not illegal to do that and it’s only a matter of taste that he doesn’t.
And all this with a backdrop of black clad “police” and governments beating the absolute shit out of the Australian everyman, on behalf of and based entirely on the decisions being made in those ‘just meetings’.
I mean. Really.
That is just unfuckingbelievable! What the hell has happened to intelligence, logic, common sense even? McClown stood there and obfuscated, twisting the truth so hard it bled, even spruiking outright falsehoods … and these morons can only bend over and say “Please, sir, may I have some more?”
Weep for me my country.
The new law is so bad you probably want it passed. The current situation would require very high level arguments about ultra vires, jurisprudence and original intent.
So why have they suddenly stopped beating up and shooting people, and have not done so in Viktoristan (or any other state for that matter) since late October, Struth-sock?
Or are you just going to say it’s all being suppressed?
Ive seena couple of comments wondering why the media seem so happy to play along with the smooth brains, state and federal over covid.
2 main reasons as I see them.
.1: They have to do nearly no work. They just parrot ‘elf releases and add a touch of ‘hair on fire” speculation and knock off early for the day.
.2: 1/2 or more of their advertising funding is now coming from government & associated bodies.
Its self interest, the other horses havent even left the stall.
You’re glowing.
That laptop has more lewd (child-“stuff”) evidence on it than Hunter’s. I’ve heard from some MPs it would bring the whole government down, even though it was Phil Edman’s laptop (a Lib).
The CCC sequestered it for obvious purposes and then went to Court against the President of the Legislative Council (Labor) over the laptop being “parliamentary privilege.” They’ve signed an MoU to start working on how they might approach the matter. So, no action…
The thing is stix, NSW Health were making delegated legislation as Parliament was prorogued for roughly half a year. The Upper House could not review or reject anything.
That was indeed not the intent behind the State Constitution (1902) or Interpretation Act (1987).
The National Cabinet is just one of many problems with have with the deep state.
Who made up the alleged ‘sample’ population polled?
…was very weird watching the President of the LC (“Government”) take the CCC (“Government”) to Court (“Government”)…
I doubt we’ll ever get the truth.
Hey look! Razey’s back!
How’s that plan to move to Japan and get away from all the fake conservatives going?
Rex, it was just a radio poll that they’ve been running since about 5am this morning so plenty of room for error margin but I was still stupefied at the 80-20 leaning audience (not abc radio).
Albo supports that Sneakers chap in WA, who he says always makes the right decisions!
Albo says Sneakers is just the sort of fascist he likes.
Anthony Albanese says WA Premier Mark McGowan ‘has always made the right call’ following border announcement (Sky News, 21 Jan)
Misspelling. Should be “Premier Mark McGowan ‘has always made the Reich call’”.
@ Lysander-
A radio poll, done on the spur of the moment, while people still gripped in Karen-panic and groupthink and not yet truly aware of the ramifications, may not be entirely accurate.
I think it would quite reasomable to expect a 20-30% slump in approvals, once the West Australian has been read at smoko, discussed at lunchtime and Kerry Stokes’ new editorial direction has been given a good circulating on the evening news.
In the meantime, quiet vox-popping amongst the rest of the proles out there shows mass discontent and even seething…
VicJack Inc have charged the copper responsible for the ‘sling tackle’ of the bloke at Flinders Street station, according to The Hun.
He got blistered with recklessly causing injury, unlawful assault and common law assault.
The common law assault charge is significant, because it’s taken the option to have the matter heard in a summary jurisdiction (ie, the Magistrates’ Court) away.
He’ll end up in the County Court, where the head sentence penalties for these offences are waaaaaay bigger than anything the lower courts can hand out.
Sorry Rex I gotta run so can’t respond in full but Stokes and McClown are still best maaaaaaaaates. Many I’ve spoken to support him (ugh!)… but again, hardly authoritative data but West Aussies have really surprised (“disappointed”) me.
A radio poll, done on the spur of the moment, while people still gripped in Karen-panic and groupthink and not yet truly aware of the ramifications, may not be entirely accurate.
95% to 5% it is then…
Maximum smooth brain caring for us by locking us up.
Keep nasty wrinkle brains from the east away.
“Rex” whoever you are, not sure why you’re speaking so much lately but you’ve been smacked twice already by me. Do you really want to keep going?
The free and uncensored opinion, of a Labor voter, who has never held their grandchildren, and won’t be holding the grandies anytime soon, makes interesting listening..
Interesting prediction re course of Omicron from US specialist in infectious diseases:
“Notes from a call earlier with Edward Ryan MD, Director of International Infectious Disease Service at Massachusetts General Hospital:
1. Close to 100% of the positive cases in MA are Omicron. Delta is almost completely gone from New England.
2. This surge will peak sometime between 1/10 and 1/21 and then begin a quick downhill journey of two to four weeks.
3. We will end up with a 20-50% positivity rate.
4. February will be clean up mode, March will begin to return to “normal”!
5. Omicron lives in your nose and upper respiratory area which is what makes it so contagious. It isn’t able to bond with your lungs like the other variants.
6. The increased hospitalizations should be taken with a grain of salt as most of them are secondary admissions (i.e. people coming in for surgery, broken bones, etc. who are tested for COVID).
7. We won’t need a booster for omicron because they wouldn’t be able to develop one before it’s completely gone and we’re all going to get it which will give us the immunity we need to get through it.
8. COVID will join the 4 other coronaviruses we deal with that cause the common cold, upper respiratory infections, RSV, etc. It will become a pediatric disease mainly affecting young children with no immunity.
9. About 40% of those infected will be asymptomatic
10. Rapid tests are 50-80% sensitive to those with symptoms, only 30-60% sensitive to those without symptoms.
11. Contact tracing is worthless because we’re all going to get it and there’s no way we could keep up with it.
12. We are fighting the last war with COVID and should be pivoting back to normal life, but society isn’t quite ready for it yet.
13. There is no need to stay home from work or to be a hermit unless you’re immunocompromised or 85 or older, but he does recommend staying away from large gatherings for the next six weeks.
The First Ministers Council needs to be taken to a referendum for our permission to hold secret non accountable men and women who have proved to be incompetent inhumane who refuse life saving treatment to the dying ,viciously authoritarian who introduced Storm trooper Police brutality that was shown across the world if not by Australias MSM . We would wake up one day and find Qld,Victoria NSW and WA are now part of the Chinese Communist Party.
Obamas Presidential papers can now be accessed as the 5 year period (since his last day) has now concluded.
Should be interesting…
Not as interesting as Biden’s notes when Trump uses the latest Scotus brain fart to release them all to the public. Won’t that be fun? I hope he doesn’t accidentally burn down the White House on 19 Jan 2025 whilst conflagrating every bit of paper and every USB stick in the building.
I’m going to have to revise my estimation of rural West Australians downwards a looooong way, if the likes of Rex is their guy.
Tried that, I have the bass covered, anyone wanna play treble?
Poor Struth-sock. As intolerant of dissent as its Thought-Leader.
We woke up one day and found Qld,Victoria NSW and WA are now part of the Chinese Communist Party.
“Code Brown” excuse. Nice. But I’m not sure I can hold it that long.
Speaking of which. Is Casino an OK place to live as a family with kids? I looked on real estate dot com the other day and it seems like that’s the closest place to the ocean in NSW that we can afford.
McGowan is nervous. Dan is nervous. The sheep are nervous.
Something big is happening.
I have?
Screaming denunciations, name-calling and immediate resorting to what you think are withering excorations of my breeding and psyche because I’ve dared to call your grand pronouncements into question are not ‘smackings,’ Struth-sock.
After all, WA farmers are still supplying their food to market here, stabs or not. Every one member of this ‘junta’ you proclaim are oppressing us into oblivion are on the nose and failing to even keep their own administrations afloat. Change (and not just omicron) is in the air and the best you can do is screech apoplectically at me for pointing out that the meme informing your latest raison d’etre is soooo early 2021…
Go back to screaming incoherently at old people for being old, Twostix. You were on more solid ground there.
It’s over.
Jan 21, 2022
Paul Joseph Watson
The end is nigh.
I’d like to see the questions the pollsters asked to obtain this number. I reckon I could get a very different number if I wrote the questions.
So McGowan is turning WA into North Korea. This is madness. He is committing the political equivalent of pissing one’s pants to keep warm on a cold night. OMG is already circulating in Perth and is out of the government’s control – see the “mystery” source of one infection from yesterday (and all of those customers of the rub-and-tug massage parlour exposure sites, many of whom will also be “mystery” sources or vectors that create countless “mystery” sources). The proverbial horse has bolted, Mark. Closing the barn door now won’t help.
The ol’ reliable tools that maintained Fortress WA and McGowan’s popularity – lockdowns, masks on everywhere and vaxxing everything in sight – aren’t going to work this time. OMG is too infectious. Can Mark maintain his popularity when infections are soaring and obviously out of control? He’s going to look pretty stupid if he doesn’t change course, and soon. There are too many parts of the world, including other states in Australia, that are on the other end of the OMG wave, and everyone can (or soon will) see what is happening there, compare what is happening here, and want to know why McGowan is doing this.
It is indeed.
I am disappointed that instead of being excited and joyous, that many of the folks who have warned and feared of ‘big things’ happening for the last 2 years are now beside themselves with rage because it isn’t panning out the way they wanted it to.
Me? I got the marshmallows and long sticks out… 🙂
You’re back, your sides, your front; you brought them all with you!
Last night and today’s papers indicate he’s already lost.
I’d say we may well have a new Premier inside of a year. 2 at most.
Try to get this out of your head: the most popular video in human history, Baby Shark.
Which do you insert into the pollie first?
No, Tom!
US SoS Anthony Blinken spent the day “cleaning up after his boss” in regard to Biden’s “minor incursion” blunder.
Surely there needs to be tighter elastic on his Depends.
Care of David Thompson, peak narcissism with a side order of Manson eyes.
I’m not wasting a perfectly good marshmallow stick on a politician!
Not even a marshmallow for that matter (Unless they ask nicely, of course)…
It strikes me that McGowan is unduly hindering commerce with other states in the federation. Perhaps the HC will remedy this given the changed circumstances. In the meantime, I think the other states should take retaliatory measures against WA.
Other countries who feel disadvantaged by McGowan’s restrictions should take retaliatory measures as well.
Any guesses as to who?
Oi reckon that Dan and McGoOn are both the type that will burn the house down rather than relinquish their power over the serfs of their state.
Which means that both states will be like a dead roo on the Mitchell highway in midsummer.
Serbia revokes Rio Tinto’s lithium mine licences.
Serbia revokes Rio Tinto’s lithium mine licences.
Aye Nye.
The moment just needs a little more picking. Once folks on both sides are angry enough and the calls start getting made, then the time is ripe for a Constitutional lawsuit.
The work piece is discolouring in the political heat. It has not yet started to brighten and glow cherry red…
I see your baby shark and raise you raspberry jam eating possum shanty. Not so much the ear worm but more likely to induce a second viewing.
How dare they make such capricious, arbitrary and obviously punitive decisions? They’ll probably have the nerve to claim they acted so that anti-Australian sentiment would not be inflamed.
Of course, we never do things like this.
I’ve met a number of the current WA ALP Members and ministers thru the WA Rail 150th Anniversary last year, but while most of them are really quite personable, they are pretty unrememeberable.
About the only name that might have household cut-through is Rita Saffioti. And she has enough special projects and other ministerial appointments and things that foisting the Premiership on her, I think, would be personally catastrophic.
Lady does too much useful work of actual, practical governance away from the public spotlight.
Haha, good Djoke.
Woke company loses license to woke metal mine in woke EU because ScoMo wokely cancelled the Djoker’s visa. What a fine conga line of arseholes!
In breaking news:
Shit Towns of Australia
It’s an honour to announce TOWNSVILLE as the 2021 Supreme Shithole of the Year! The North Queensland crapper dominated this year’s Shit Town Power Rankings, and was also voted Queensland’s Shittest City and Australia’s Shittest City. What a year for Towntown.
Here are the final results of the Supreme Shithole poll:
Townsville: 36.5%
The entire state of New South Wales: 30%
Byron Bay: 20%
Mount Druitt: 13.5%
To all the suburbs, towns, cities and states that participated in our polls this year, better luck next time!
That was a lovely baritone.
Western Australia is being governed by the stupidest people in the world. And if we let them get away with it, this means we’re the stupidest people in the world.
Don’t know about real estate but apparently Casino has the best tasting water in oz.
Don’t have anything to do DV support groups but just curious as why would such a group be expected to lend support to the accused.
…it’s shit all the way down.
Honourable mentions to Brewarrina and Ashford.
To describe this as an … interesting … interpretation of constitutional history is bending over backwards to be polite. We must ‘tell people how they must act and when they are allowed to meet and in what context’. Really? This is Looney Tunes stuff. Off the planet.
Then we got this pearler:
Time for a Bex and a good lie down, twostix.
I have no idea how you manage to get practical politics so wrong. You have no idea of how the world works, not just now, but back through history.
You seem to suggest that politicians having meetings, whether with other jurisdictions internally or with international counterparts, should be made illegal, unless they are conducted on national television. Well, that can be done, but if you imagine that the real stuff will not occur elsewhere, time to get back to your My Little Pony collection.
By all means, criticise Our Betters, whom I have no more time for than you have. But if you seriously think that the nature of politics is going to change, I suggest that you also take up collecting Barbie.
(and all of those customers of the rub-and-tug massage parlour exposure sites, many of whom will also be “mystery” sources or vectors that create countless “mystery” sources)
If you cant trust skanks and their johns (and pimps) to maintain QR coding, ID all customers and not accept cash for gash who can you trust?
…in my day…
McGowan is nervous. Dan is nervous. The sheep are nervous.
Something big is happening.
Got a date?
Australia Day, when we’re all distracted by barbecuing?
[insert appropriate emoticon here]
That was horrible. Do not, repeat, DO NOT click on Tom’s Baby Shark link.
Sh*t! I’ll be hearing that in my sleep.
Happily, politicians can turn on a dime/the latest polling.
Over to you, West Australians.
Someone wrote that the Novac thing was a legitimate international incident, I.e much greater than simple visa / prominent sportsman being embarrassed by dumbo Australia.
I didn’t really see how, but it is.
Also I think it was “crazy” SRR who first advanced the “conspiracy theory” here that there was a Rio Tinto link to the Djockovic thing.
And here we are.
He became a major face of the protest in December. Then he’s noisily ejected from and humiliated in Australia as a “threat to public order” in January – which had both countries PM’s exchanging words and meeting, and now the mine is banned in Serbia a week later.
No coincidences in politics, especially not when thin skinned nasty little weasels are running things.
dover: please ban Tom at any time other than 4:00am – 5:00am.
Hm. If this keeps up, we may have to up sticks and leave WA. I wouldn’t mind a place with a bit of land somewhere in the kuhntreh. A few acres – enough to keep a couple of head of cattle for milking and meat, some chooks, maybe grow something if the climate is suitable. Be a bit more self-sufficient. The land wouldn’t have to be hyper-productive, but not an arid dustbowl, either. Not interested in tree-changer hotspots (probably can’t afford them, anyway). Doesn’t need to be close to cities, but not ridiculously far from a decent-sized town, either. Budget ~$500k. Any ideas?
And I suppose that the French are still plotting some almighty geopolitical revenge on us for cancelling their $90 billion rort?
Tit-for-tat politics is nothing new, Struth-sock. You clearly forgot the raft of tariffs and trade sanctions the Chunks dumped on us in a fit of pique this time last year. First over whatever we were deemed to have offended Beijing about. Then over the supposed origins of the coof.
Stay away from that nuffy brush. The fumes are doing your head no favours…
Something different.
One of the segments of Dark Tourism shows a gaggle of girls gushing over and excusing Jeffrey Dahmer.
And is apparently attracts a lot of hens night’s.
Way more sickening then some Mexican death cult.
Trust me…in 500 years the Serbs will still be talking about this.
@ OCO-
The belt from Armidale to Orange in NSW is perhaps what you want, if you can tolerate the cold and the frosts.
The Central West (Leeton-Griffith-Manildra) get cold in winter but not as frosty.
Or maybe consider the South Coast below Nowra and Bomaderry.
Never tried my possum on raspberry jam. Bluetongues love it though, they lick the jam and go into a sort of altered state. You could probably get a good price in a back ally from a bluetongue looking for his next fix.
In other Cafe news the very first of the new season’s young currawongs arrived this morning, looking rudely healthy and already clued into the marvelous properties of Coles mince. Managed to get him to come within about 3m, which is a pretty good start.
Thank you, Rex – I will look into those areas. Could rent a property in the area before we buy to see what it’s like. Anyway, it’s pie in the sky stuff for the moment.
And what if the Serbian government was looking to win some nationalist appeal amongst its voters, had a more palatable miner waiting in the wings for those exploration and mining licences all along, and just needed a convenient excuse to boost the foreigner multinational?
Not everything is about ‘Straya is evil and ‘consoiracies,’ Struth-sock.
havehad an excellent strawberry plant growing in one og those marvellous old-fashioned strawberry pots.It flowered profusely and set a heap of fruit. Mmmmmmm, thought I, sun ripened strawbs from my own garden! Pink…red…redder…tomorrow…gone.
Malua Bay, Moruya and Barlings Beach should be hot hot hot property.
They’re not, which is nuts.
Before Victoria went nuts, I had looked at Woodside.
I’m ok. I read the subtitles instead.
You have to admire those blokes who drove the old steam trains, imagine having that blazing coal fire next to you in this heat.
Oh come on says:
January 21, 2022 at 1:34 pm
There are lots of lovely cities/towns/outer areas in NSW. Lovely areas all along this side of the Murray; the Hunter, mid-north coast. And, as I said to MT, we’re mostly a welcoming lot.
Supplement appears to boost muscle, mitochondria health
The effect is mediated by mitophagy, the destruction of defective mitochondria, the energy producing organelles in our cells. I’m not interested in the implications for muscles but I am very interested in the implications for the supplement as a preventive against some neurodegenerative conditions, especially Parkinson’s where mitophagy is lacking. With aging autophagy, the general destruction of bad stuff in cells, declines, and promoting autophagy has been demonstrated as important for preventing age related conditions. Fasting, if done properly, is the best way to promote autophagy. Regular exercise helps, and some compounds in plants appear to help.
Mitophagy does not involve a reduction in mitochondria numbers because the little buggers divide. The idea is that the bad ones are destroyed and the healthy ones divide to take up the slack. A single cell can contain hundreds of not thousands of mitochondria.
Therein ends today’s news.
I’m off for the day Cats and in about an hour or so I’ll really be off … .
Rex could say if it’s true: my suspicion is steam locomotives don’t work as well in hot weather because the condenser wouldn’t be as efficient. But I’d choose steam in hot weather over electric in cold any day of the week.
650 km Wintertime Trip With VW E-Car Took 13 Hours, 3 Recharges And Lots Of Warm Clothes (18 Jan)
Always fun when a journo actually tries to do what they hype in their green-progressive reporting. This lady was mugged by a little bit of rude reality.
Hard to disagree but if I was rating towns based on the “cup of coffee” quality metric, Walgett would be top 3. I kid you not.
“Blend and Co”, opposite the cop shop, Wee Waa st.
OCO, around Warwick Qld is nice. Decent size town, Brissy only 90 minutes, Toowoomba one hour. Killarny is a quaint little town 30km from Warwick.
Toowoomba one hour.
Did you know a bloke who was conscripted to Vietnam live there?
Dont worry, you soon will.
It pains me to say this as an American citizen, but Joe Biden is not well.
How could anyone watch this presser & think otherwise?
The coffee shops in Gilgandra are decent, old fashioned, nice cake etc.
The only place I trust to eat at in Walgett is the Hon Doo (hmm yes, a “French” steak in a Chinese restaurant in rural northern NSW…), but locals tell me…oh god!
Ah yes. Club nectar. Better than Cola. Best thing north of Dubbo.
Gympie looked interesting the couple times I’ve been through there. Similar distance to Brissie, on the hwy and rail line.
At the moment Ncl still looks better than Ponygirl’s CCP but, although local real estate prices are getting a bit warmish from the fleeing Sydneysiders coming north.
So much for the “can’t be any worse than Morrison” narrative.
Ha, I think it’s next door or only a couple down.
McClown was the smartest premier in Australia politically when this China Aids debacle began. It was all about timing and he locked down and rode the wave.
As usual with these narcissists they are one trick ponies. He could still be on a high if he’d read the tea leaves and opened up early or at the latest as NSW did.
But he didn’t and the disgracefully uninquisitive media have finally worked out the public may be getting a little peeved.
Dover please bam mole or at least let me put some bait out.
The High Court has already looked at this and said that the free trade between the states provision in the Constitution doesn’t really mean what it says (Palmer vs. WA Government).
Serbia revokes Rio Tinto’s lithium mine licences.
Rio Tinto, if their whole operation is anything like the site I am currently at, gets everything they fucking deserve.
LOL TE, am on my way back there. The whole city isn’t that bad but Rassmussen, Deeragun and Garbutt would definitely give anywhere a run for it’s money. Rassy in particular. Mate texted me yesterday saying I’ll love returning, he had to wade through some itinerants on the entrance to Willows Shopping Centre in Kirwan. All drunk and yelling. LOL.
Anyway check in later.
At speed, you get some benefit from the slipstream, and there is a bit of a temperature differential between inside and out.
Still a pretty hard graft, but.
And as far as efficiency goes, the loco runs reasonably well in both hot and cold conditions, so long as the feedwater temperature stays below a certain level.
Injectors require a differential between the heat of the input steam and water in order for the venturi effect to work. If the injector or water is too hot, then the injector will not force any water into the boiler. Lifting injectors (where the steam feed syphons water out of the water tank) are particularly susceptible to this, as you need the hot steam running to create the necessary vacuum. And a bastard to cool down. You need to splash colder water over the injector body or wrap it in wet rags.
Flooded injectors are much better, as you just leave the water feed on and let it overflow out of the waste pipe for a bit until the thing is cool. Then just hit the steam feed and go again.
Hot (below boiling) water is the most thermally efficient as it takes less effort to create steam. But if you have feedwater heaters, you need a turbo pump to force it into the boiler. This adds additional complexity- And the bastards can themselves trip out if the temperatures get too high.
January 21, 2022 at 2:34 pm
Dover please bam mole or at least let me put some bait out.
‘Dillo said that to me once… ONCE!
Cmon man, dont you want the Wang back in your life.
When too much monomania isnt enough.
Dot says that Walgett is pretty good.
BTW, Ballarat, Home The Eureka Rebellion, a Home Away From Home for American Servicemen, Aussie Army Reservists, the Only National War Memorial outside of Canberra … but also Home of the World’s Longest Running Eisteddfod & a Uni Town, quietly did away with AUSTRALIA DAY by having (what are no longer The Australia Day), Fireworks early for some new made up summer festival and only referring to the day they used to on, as “the 26th of January”.
With most people long ago not bothering with the local ‘news’/Leftist Propaganda, they actually scared a lot of locals who had no idea why the place sounded like The Battle of Sevastopol, again, again.
[Runs away, cackling]
I stopped growing them, the bandicoots discovered that they are tasty.
Fact Check: True.
I refuse to own Rio shares. Having worked on projects for them, and seeing the babbling retards they employ. Wouldn’t trust them to lick windows.
This is enormous.
We now have confirmation that all the numbers for unvaxed in hospitals is a lie (and even then it still looks bad for the vaccine).
You aren’t fully vaxed until 14 days after your 2nd jab (note that many people have said exactly this but this is confirmation of it).
Haven’t scrolled back so if not already posted …
Pauline Ep. 10 …..
GMO’s Jeremy Grantham warns ‘super bubble’ is bursting as Wall St, ASX fall again
ABC breathlessly reporting the demise of capitalism… this time…
A prominent investor says US share markets, along with most other assets, are in a “super bubble” that in the process of bursting into a crash.
It has been a rocky start to the year for the US share market, and Jeremy Grantham said the collapse in stocks he predicted a year ago is underway and major US indexes could fall by half.
The British born co-founder of Boston-based investment firm GMO said US stocks are in a “super bubble”, the fourth of the past century.
“This checklist for a super bubble running through its phases is now complete and the wild rumpus can begin at anytime,” Mr Grantham wrote in a note to investors.
“When pessimism returns to markets, we face the largest potential markdown of perceived wealth in US history.”

If you weren’t so busy preening at us about what you think truly causes cancer and diseases, Chad Thunderbrain, you might have noticed that this factoid has been fairly common information on the Cat for some months…
John H. says:
January 21, 2022 at 2:09 pm
Supplement appears to boost muscle, mitochondria health
Hook in boys
Dietary sources of urolithin A
So far, research has found that pomegranate, strawberries, blackberries, camu-camu, walnuts, chestnuts, pistachios, pecans, brewed tea, and oaken barrel-aged wines and spirits contain ellagic acid and/or ellagitannins [4, 5].
Anecdotal Covid Devastation news:
Last week the Faustus family had a long, pissy mid-week dinner. By Friday, youngest son (the presumed infector) and I both had watery eyes, sneezing, and snot.
RAT tested on Friday evening: youngest son (0vx), girlfriend (0vx), and I (2vx) tested positive – presumably to OmiGod. Mrs F (3vx) and eldest son (0vx) negative.
I felt a bit shit on Saturday, went to bed and slept through to Monday morning. Pretty much nothing to note after that.
Son had a day “like coming down with something” and nothing after Sunday. Girlfriend asymptomatic.
We have all just tested negative.
We used $75 of RAT tests for that medical drama.
Never again.
And totally not because their beloved Governments had been keeping their thumbs jammed on the money supply scales to keep themselves and their crony capitalist mates in the cheap interest, while shutting down practically every other economic sector worldwide.
It was totally nothing to do with them. Honest… 🙁
Assume manflu, load up on the Vit. C, fluids and Chicken Soup, call in sick for the day and hunker down til better?
Sounds like ops normal once again. 🙂
Also, congrats on your immunity. 🙂 🙂
Both good alternatives to Orange, if you don’t like the cold.
If you weren’t so busy being a retard you would have noticed that I said so:
No idea what it is about you Rex. You’re just about the most obtuse person I’ve ever encountered which is quite astonishing given I’ve argued with thousands of people and they *all* retreat into obtuseness.
This literally turned my stomach. I feel sick after listening it.
Drugged & Vaxxed Against Will: Hospital Holds 33 Year Old Paramedic Hostage
Some hospitals use people as money trees, without any interest in their actual welfare.
Poor Thunderbrain.
So offended because he trumpeted a repeatedly confirmed piece common knowledge, and got told he was presenting nothing new.
You want obtuseness, let’s look into your monomania that the only cause of disease in this world is weakness.
Because you think everyone who gets sick is traumatised and weak, Cjad Thunderbrain. As since you cannot recall the last time you got ill, everyone is weaker than you.
And not a single exploration of human physiology and psychology, nor the multiple logical and rhetorical fallacies that underpin your gnosticism will dissuade you. You instead scream, stamp your little feetsies and run away.
And try it all again tomorrow.
I should have mentioned the Granite Belt. I have rellies around Stanthorpe, Toowoomba and Warwick.
Texas is a little bit further out if the way, but still in that general area.
Nice farming country. And the New England Highway forms your artery between Sydney and Brisbane.
the New England Highway
Make that the New England “Highway”. Another example of third world infrastructure at first world costs.
Some good news I guess, during the Victorian protests certain pigs took it upon themselves to become the manifestation of the government – violent lawless thugs, and beat the shit out of people for no reason at all. One nasty incident was at Flinders Street Station where a particularly nasty one snuck up behind a guy, violently picked him up and threw him on the ground.
He’s been charged:
Macron Wants Abortion Added to EU’s Charter of Fundamental RightsThis crumb is so predictable. Great argument for retrospective abortion though.
Yep. All the way from Maitland northwards.
Not that the Pacific Highway has traditionally been much better- It just has more folks using it, so the deficiencies are more obvious.
Some of the cross-country roads between Tenterfield and Casino, and Uralla-Walcha-Wauchope-Coffs and so forth make for fun driving if it’s just you and your car/motorbike. But tiny and twisty and full of blind corners where B-Doubles like to lie in ambush…
It only took four months for them to charge the guy, even though there was at least four police eye witnesses looking right at the big macho man sneaking up on the guy they were talking to then watched him violently assault the man and did nothing.
And he was suspended with pay.
But you take what you can get.
Warwick not cold ? Hahahahaha
It’s a shithole.
Funny when you thought nothing could be worse than Holland, along came Macaroon. It’s like there’s a sausage factory for wishy washy, pc, meja approved non nonentities with zero accomplishments in the real world- Troodo, Blowjob, Scummo, Horseface etc etc.
Yeah those guys are downright evil.
You know Trump went to Wharton – and those nuke engineers, useful people, doctors against mandates…did higher learning, and not useless liberal arts indoctrination jobs either.
Shoot, some European places have polytechnics where trades and practical degrees are taught together…oh wait TAFE offers degrees too – some of them very useful (IT).
Interesting read based on data and not Twitter reporting.
Is Omni just a version of the flu
Yep. All the way from Maitland northwards.
The final 10km into Toowoomba is a disgrace. Better to not turn off at the intersection 15km south of Tooowoomba and go through Drayton instead.
“Twenty years after the proclamation of our Charter of Fundamental Rights, which notably enshrined the abolition of the death penalty throughout the Union, I hope that we can update this charter, notably to be more explicit on environmental protection or the recognition of the right to abortion,”
double speak.
That assumes that flu data is accurate, I doubt that very much, people without symptoms never got tested for flu did they?
Still the conclusion is good; vaccines work and we can go back to normal immediately.
When we see data for Omicron fatalities among the unvaxxed ( never had any needle stuck in arm) and the vaxxed we’ll actually know. I haven’t seen those numbers yet and I doubt anyone wants to look.
Today I had to speak to an admin person in our Perth office, I mentioned the gruesome McGowan’s decision to renege on opening the border and further extending it. Now this woman is what you would call nice but rather dim. She said to me that the border closure was really important to keep people safe, that there could be another deadly variant around the corner and that the politicians need to listen to the experts.
WTF….so I asked her what then was the point of electing politicians? She giggled and reiterated that politicians need to listen to the health experts.
I quickly finished the conversation and I thought to myself, not only does this person vote but I have to reside in the same country as her, on the same continent as her and on the same planet as her.
No wonder we’re stuffed.
Rosie still thinks the vaccine makes a difference against “omicron”. Quaint and loyal to the end.
I had another funny and irritating meeting today, some guy here rudely, bloody rudely, asks these indians offshore – who are reporting all week they have “Covid”, if they’re all vaccinated. I pull him up and say you can’t ask them that in a meeting don’t be ridiculous. Nevertheless their manager jumps in, eager to please the white men and candidly explains “yes some, but they’re getting covid after the vaccine because it’s no good at stopping Omicron.”.
I loled. Poor Indian man doesn’t realise how insanemany Australians are – like my counterpart, are about this shit. You can’t speak reality Indian man, your lying eyes are lying, get your booster, get ten boosters! You filthy anti-vaxxer how dare you say what everyone sees!
I am staggered by how society is continuing to function with the gratuitous interference of the political class.
I have come to the following conclusion:
1) Modern capitalism is so efficient that the vast majority of workers can be furloughed without affecting the basic functioning of society.
2) All the productive work in society is done by 10% of the workers. Food, transport, electricity, etc.
3) The other 90% is non value adding and can be turned on or off at will without major effect (Steve Kates?)
4) Competition drives down wages for those in 2)
5) Competition for the endless make-work labour drives up wages for 3)
6) Eventually we get to the stage where there is just 1 guy paid $1 who pushes the start button, and the rest of us are free to wank our lives away on obscene salaries.
All this means that society is immune to any virus that doesn’t kill 90%
Change my mind.
When we see data for Omicron fatalities among the unvaxxed ( never had any needle stuck in arm) and the vaxxed we’ll actually know. I haven’t seen those numbers yet and I doubt anyone wants to look.
With age adjusted cohort sizes so we aren’t seeing those at deaths door not being vaxxed because there is no point distorting the numbers.
Sorry, commas matter.
With age adjusted cohort sizes so we aren’t seeing those at deaths door not being vaxxed because there is no point, distorting the numbers.
All this means that society is immune to any virus that doesn’t kill 90%
The trick is getting it to kill only the 90% in group 3. If you kill any of those in group 2 the group 3’s can’t fill in for them.
Not sure about that. Best part of a 3 year term to run with no Opposition. Don’t think there would be much appetite for burning Sneakers just yet. The Cookie Monster on his training wheels in a new portfolio and more than a few skeletons in the health system.
Otherwise known as the B ark folk.
Ben Roberts-Smith loses case against ex-wife, court orders he pay costs
Certainly for Covid, that is the case. Vast majority of deaths are in the post-employment cohort.
Still the conclusion is good; vaccines work and we can go back to normal immediately.
Is Omni just a version of the flu
FMD. The VaxTwins are at it again.
Lots of people have taken themselves out of the local news loop because it’s all pathetic leftist propaganda so when the Australia Day Fireworks came very early and were bigger, longer & louder than ever before, it scared people.
They didn’t know what the hell was going on.
Sebastopol is a fringe borough of Ballarat where so much gold mining with explosives went on that people said it sounded like The Battle of Sevastopol in the Crimea War.
Ballarat’s “Anti” Australia Day Fireworks were so loud & continuous that they reminded locals of how Sebastopol got it’s name.
It was also a bit of a Battle Cry to those who don’t want to surrender the region to the woke.
See Walgett. Raise Wilcannia.
Even Tim Southpossumarse had a go at him. Read the room, McClown, not your bootlickers’ circle jerk.
Speaking with a good friend in Perth last weekend (phone call of course) – who is lovely and no dummy and on the ”conservative” side of politics – double-waxxed her, husband and two grown up kids living and working in the Eastern states. She and hubby got waxxed so that they ”could see their kids”, their kids got waxxed to keep their jobs. Anyways, she was telling me how much she detests McClown but was looking forward to the Feb 5 ”opening the borders”. I mentioned that that wasn’t going to happen. She assured me it was because McClown was most unpopular and thus would keep his word.
So they got waxxed to see their kids and still have not seen them for about 2 years. So I gently asked what the point was of getting a booster shot? Same answer, to see their kids. I am amazed how most people just keep doing the same thing expecting different results.
They’re captives, Gab. They still think they’ll be let out on good behaviour.
If they’re lucky, Beadle McGowan might give them a scoop of gruel.
I have been double waxxed.
The hair just grows back.
What more can I do Dan?
You’ve still lost me as to how an entire town’s population could all somehow forget en masse about a universally recognised and known holiday that has always featured some form of fireworks display in the evening.
And how not paying attention to the local news somehow caused shock and dismay.
Maybe I need to eat more pizza in order to understand this phenomenon…
Also, are you telling me that Victorians do not know how to read billboards?
Too busy looking for speed cameras and plod lying await in the bushes.
“lying await” – I do like that phrase.
Ballarat lefties are are particularly nasty variety.
Fromage et sauce tomate sur une pâte à tarte.
I know you shouldn’t generalize about a place but people at Ballarat always seem to be cranky- may it’s the awful weather.
Rex, now you’ve done it!!!
SRR will be here in no time! 😛
Ben Roberts-Smith loses case against ex-wife, court orders he pay costs
That’s bullshit.
around Warwick Qld is nice: try Freestone
Why be a dick, Dot?
Why “quote” two isolated words?
Why not quote the many other words describing the other side of the social/mental spectrum?
After all, I did write about different sides of the political spectrum and how they clashed on that occasion, so why didn’t you respond in like manner or even just keep your bitchy for bitching’s sake mouth shut?
Because that’s not what you do, is it Dot.
Being fare & balanced doesn’t push any UN Narrative.
As well as being a very Arts (mental Leftist), centric Uni town, it also has one of the best records in the country for graduates going straight into real jobs, such as engineering.
But, it’s the ‘Arts’ Leftists with no real jobs to go to and so all the time & Govt money on their hands to shove Leftist Propaganda onto the people and steal the Australia Day Fireworks for their Anti-Australia Propaganda.
Please God take me now!
Have just seen Jackie Jackie Lambie on my Facebook feed wearing an Australian-themed swimsuit – and nothing else.
My Name is Attorney Gareth Brown. I have my client’s (Mr. Charles Jackson Jr.) firm instruction to contact you and help finalize the claims of the donated cash prize to you. My client was the mega winner of $344.6 million Power ball Mega Millions Jackpot.
He is donating Sum of Five Million United States Dollars to 5 random people. After a computerized email selection system (ESS) from a database of over 100,000,000.00 email addresses drawn from all the email server’s world over, your email was selected to receive the donation prize courtesy of my client benevolence. Your secret donation code allotted to you is: XXXXXX ^$%#%^&.
Get back to me at the earliest so i can send you further details for claims without further delay. Congratulations once again!
Yours truly,
Attorney Gareth Brown
Ouch. That’s a big bill for Little Kerry. Luckily Channel Stokes share price seems to have stopped sinking.
Good to see the humourless stay true to form.
Insanely long investigations are a fact of life in the 21st century. They call it “due process” but it is inexcusable and there is no logical reason for it. Just part of the decline of society.
International supply chain problems appear to be easing off. Baltic dry index is materially off. Shipping amplifies economic direction.
Maybe you need to stop.
For those who care for a fellow human, an update: All three doses of IVM have gone down the hatch, along with the antibiotics and zinc, the last two going on for a few more days, as per protocol.
Went to bed last night feeling somewhat better, although eyes were sore and weeping and, periodically, nose would with clog up or bring on a series of mighty sneezes. The chills stopped two days ago and appetite has returned.
So this morning, opened a cautious eye and found I was feeling … terrific!
Haven’t sneezed once, eyes back to normal and best of all, full of enough energy to spend an annoying morning at a VicRoads office getting the latest vehicle registerred.
Oh, and another thing that has made it an excellent day: son called to tell me I’ll be a grandfather by September. And because Novavax is about to be made available, I can get the jabs and be on a plane to see him in, oh, as little as three months, all going well.
Life is good, not least because I am fit like bull again and the potency of virile areff male line has been demonstrated.
Jupes, it is called lawyers being the greedy lying robbing bustards they are.
Congratulations areff.
Congratulations, areff!
Grandpa areff, that is. 😀
VEC just caught up with @PRGuy17 😉
Mazaltov, areff! Great news.
Areff, you had covid?
A rural idyll? You can’t better Tara.
Queen Bee Palachook has anointed a princess bee as first commandant of Wellness [Concentration] Camp in QLD.
Looks like we have a dyed in the wool, holyroller full blown Public Health Fanatic in charge of QLD’s first concentration camp:
A true acolyte, look out anyone who ends up as a “guest”!
UNICEF. WHO. ACT Government. Director of Transformation. AusAID.
Yep. Totally competent.
I admire your optimism.
Quite a few years spared the inconvenience of income tax in that career.
incoherent rambler says:
January 21, 2022 at 4:36 pm
I have been double waxxed
I.R., that reminded me of Elmer Fudd hunting wabbits.
had all the symptoms, JC, but didn’t bother getting tested. I don’t need the State to tell me I’m crook when I already know it.
TE, could have been worse, naked, smiling (looks more like a grimace), calling your name.
Great news 2stix, another tyrant female in charge.
I haven’t been poison jabbed yet so I may be a ‘guest’.
This is not a
normalhuman.Looks like it’s going to be another beautiful day here, yet for some reason, it’s the low season.
I went for a promenade walk around the base of the cliffs below the citadel yesterday but a couple of sections were taped off*, you had to walk on the gratings against the cliff wall instead, between that ( a little phobio of mine) and the realisation that the promenade was suspended over the sea in parts, I decided to turn back. Okay I was terrified.
I went back up to the top and visited the prison and cisterns in the citadel and the museum sections I’d missed the day before instead and today I will walk along the rampant at the top of the cliff.
I’ve booked accommodation in Ajaccio and the host will meet me at the station, very kind and eliminates most of my potential minor flap about finding my way around a new place.
Easy to see why the French call Corsica ‘The Island of Beauty’, it really is.
*bit of a hint when the promenade wasn’t built very long ago
Haha, first ‘more tweets’ tweet under it…
Glad he has a sense of humour because no one in government does.
areff is Joe Rogan ?
Good stuff areff, and congratulations.
And sorry if I’m asking you to repeat… but where did you get your IVM from?
At this stage if you told WA punters that slamming your balls in a car door would keep you safe from COVID, I reckon about 25% would ask where to line up.
Inco blokes look stupid with a brazilian, you know a landing strip with a hill at the end, not the girl from Ipanema.
Areff, aren’t you concerned about the dreaded long crook?
Thanks, all, for the congrats. Thought I’d have mixed feelings about grandparenthood — confirmed as an old fart, cardigans suddenly seeming fine wardrobe items etc — but it’s all just joy.
Told Junior I’ll bring over the Footscray jumper I wore as a nipper with Ted Whitten’s #3 on the back. Also my Golly, which hasn’t been baptised with kiddie vomit in decades.
Comment to the piece I thought was interesting but have zero idea if the treatment is real or not.