Covidiocy may be about to end

Are we beginning to see the beginning of the end of Covidiocy? First this: England Ends All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates, Work Restrictions. Undoubtedly pushed along by the fact that no one in authority takes Covid seriously, only the media and the population. That is why all over the political class there are so few who wear masks in public unless they are being knowingly photographed. So in the UK:

Restrictions including COVID-19 passes, mask mandates, and work-from-home guidance will be removed in England, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Wednesday.

And now this as well: Europe considers new COVID-19 strategy: Accepting the virus.

With one of Europe’s highest vaccination rates and most pandemic-battered economies, the [Spanish] government is laying the groundwork to treat the next infection surge not as an emergency but an illness that is here to stay. Similar steps are under consideration in neighboring Portugal and in Britain.

A few examples.

PICTURED: Maskless AOC raises a cocktail at dinner in Miami Beach | Daily  Mail Online

Maskless Pelosi branded 'hypocrite' for breaking rules to get hair done at  shut salon after pushing Covid restrictions

Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews fined $400 for mask breaches after he  admitted it was an 'oversight' | 7NEWS

Do you think that if they thought there was any serious danger they would behave like this?

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Pat the Hermit
Pat the Hermit
January 20, 2022 11:18 pm

Nancy @ 81?

January 20, 2022 11:58 pm

except that WA has indefinitely extended its border closure that was due to lift on 5 Feb.

I’d love you to be right, but the wrong thinking at all levels in Australia is stupendous*.

*Actually I couldn’t think of a superlative enough word here.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
January 21, 2022 12:06 am

It was always about power. The credulous sucked it up. The craven sucked it up.
Ah well, only 2weeks to flatten the curve.
If it only saves one life it will be worthwhile.
The vaccines are safe.
The hospitals are full
But there will be no mandates
As we are all in this together.

January 21, 2022 12:44 am

I have not spoken to one West Australian in the last few weeks who thought there was a snow balls chance in hell of the border opening in February. The rulers are liking the power far too much to let go before they see electoral defeat coming. With the sheeple still backing the WA government by well over 70% there is no end in sight.

Bruce in WA
January 21, 2022 12:49 am

Big_Nambas says:
I have not spoken to one West Australian in the last few weeks who thought there was a snow balls chance in hell of the border opening in February. The rulers are liking the power far too much to let go before they see electoral defeat coming. With the sheeple still backing the WA government by well over 70% there is no end in sight.

How I wish I could say “You’re wrong!”

But I can’t.

Bruce in WA
January 21, 2022 12:58 am

On McClown and his latest shutdown extensions:

“Thankyou Mr. McGowan for keeping everyone safe, cautious restrictions. Can’t ask for more. You will never please everyone.”


“Awsome job and certainly not an easy job”


“Well done Mark and all your staff thank you so much.”


“Mark McGowan well done. You did what you had to do.”


“So relieved.. was counting down my last days of good health! Would have been a tough decision to make, but so happy to live in WA. I think McGowan should direct funds to hospitals instead of roads though.”


Despair for my state.

pete of perth
pete of perth
January 21, 2022 1:00 am

Another three years of this ahole. How long can he keep the pantomine going as half the poms living in mindarie keys must be talking to their rellies back home.

January 21, 2022 1:04 am

Give me back two years, you miserable curs.

January 21, 2022 1:08 am

Here in the States, I missed seeing one of my all-time favorite bands a few months ago because the venue they were playing in required either proof of “vaccination” or a negative Q-tip test. I’m not getting the former and it’s an anal pain to get the latter. The band is making their way back here in March and the venue has relaxed the mandate.

The mirrors may be breaking.

January 21, 2022 1:57 am

WA is effectively a one party state, and is likely to stay that way for the foreseeable future. At present Labor holds 52 of the 59 seats in the Parliament, the two newspapers (the West Australian and the Sunday Times) never question McGowan’s policies, most of the journalists on both papers are bimbos who know nothing about science. Labor is almost certain to win the next election, to be held in 2025, and I can’t see it being dislodged from power even in 2029. There are two Libs in the lower house, I doubt whether many Sandgropers even know their names, and have no clues as to Liberal policy. The level of ignorance in WA about Covid is staggering. I belong to a WhatsApp group, and have been dismayed to see so many members saying how much they support St Mark, and bless him from saving us from the dreaded WuFlu.

January 21, 2022 2:35 am

There’s a quote going around about making people believe absurdities.
Andrews lies are jaw dropping, and the media still refuses to call him out.
He has no intention of letting go until the November Election.
So, unless reality actually confounds him, we are in for a much more difficult year than WA.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 21, 2022 2:38 am

At present Labor holds 52 of the 59 seats in the Parliament, the two newspapers (the West Australian and the Sunday Times) never question McGowan’s policies, most of the journalists on both papers are bimbos who know nothing about science.

The good news ArthurB, is that is seems Sneakers has finally lost control of the WA meeja. The press conference was full of hard and even snarky questions that left him red-faced and wobbling, and The West Australian (as linked to on the Open Thread) has just vented its spleen at him by effectively asking in its editorial WTF was the last 2 years about, if we are still not ready for covid here?!

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 21, 2022 2:40 am

(Shoutout to Bill from the Bush for linking that editorial on the Open Thread. Well done, that man).

John Bayley
John Bayley
January 21, 2022 4:05 am

The WA story will change as soon as they start getting hundreds of thousands of ‘new cases’ in the ‘fully vaxxed’ – as has now been happening in VIC/NSW/QLD.

Even the biggest morons in the general public will notice that ‘Covid’ cannot be stopped and that the ‘moronic’ variant really is just a cold – except perhaps to the ‘fully vaxxed’ who are now dying at double the rates of pure bloods in NE USA states like Vermont, with vaxx rates in that demographic essentially at 100%.

This whole saga has been the biggest fraud ever, even exceeding the ‘climate catastrophe’ one.

I live in hope that I’ll see at least osme of those responsible jailed for life, or better still, repeatedly injected by the ‘vaccines’ they’d coerced others into taking, until they get the realise the full ‘benefit’ of such.

January 21, 2022 5:30 am

And so….
the worldwide bovine bewilderment continues

January 21, 2022 6:36 am

A good article in Quadrant about WA:

And people thought Victoria was bad.

January 21, 2022 7:42 am

So is the plan for the premiers and MSM to make ScuMo look bad (an easy task) and then once Labor is in federally they tell the states to ease all restrictions? Albo the beneficent? Whatever it takes.

January 21, 2022 7:51 am

Bruce in WAsays:
January 21, 2022 at 12:58 am
On McClown and his latest shutdown extensions:

I’m at the point where I hope that those online news comments are saturated with paid shills.

There is only one other explanation I dare not consider … people really are that stupid.

January 21, 2022 7:59 am

bemused says:
January 21, 2022 at 6:36 am
A good article in Quadrant about WA:

that is a good one, thanks Bemused.

A couple of choice points

..totalitarian concept that the “health” of the people always trumps even the most basic rights of the individual.. propaganda and government initiatives that engender “scientifically proven” control measures..
..deliberate dehumanization of part of the population..
.. large groups of people to band together to fight a common enemy with complete lack of concern for the loss of individual rights..
..temporary alliance between the mob and the elite..

January 21, 2022 8:44 am

The level of ignorance in WA about Covid is staggering. I belong to a WhatsApp group, and have been dismayed to see so many members saying how much they support St Mark, and bless him from saving us from the dreaded WuFlu.

Do you think if Omicron runs riot there, like it has everywhere else, that might change the outlook a bit? Because it will. He might control the state, but he doesn’t control the virus. Once people start to see that, and also that it’s not all that serious either, they might start waking up.

January 21, 2022 8:57 am

that is a good one, thanks Bemused.

A couple of choice points

..totalitarian concept that the “health” of the people always trumps even the most basic rights of the individual.. propaganda and government initiatives that engender “scientifically proven” control measures..
..deliberate dehumanization of part of the population..
.. large groups of people to band together to fight a common enemy with complete lack of concern for the loss of individual rights..
..temporary alliance between the mob and the elite..

Hmmm. Has a rather familiar ring. Where have I heard that before?

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
January 21, 2022 9:02 am

The Australian has an article which makes another valid point against slavish following of health advice statistics:

Two-thirds of children recorded as Covid-19 patients in hospital were never sick but merely required out-of-home care, a sweeping government-funded study reveals.

If people have their eyes open, the power/control narrative can be seen to slowly develop major cracks.

January 21, 2022 9:07 am

It’s worth noting that the only reason that fat hypocritical mop headed imbecile in the UK has relaxed the restrictions is because he’s politically on his last legs and his equally ridiculous and useless government’s approval is in freefall.

In other words, it’s a last desperate attempt to curry favour with the electorate.

January 21, 2022 9:10 am

If only the restrictions go, JRM becomes PM and Reform force the Tories to be a minority government.

January 21, 2022 9:15 am

Daniel Andrews didn’t get the memo as he is going to make the booster compulsory. He actually said that last year. Daniel doesn’t care what the public thinks, about anything.

January 21, 2022 9:57 am

West Mongstralia stronk!

Chief smooth brain (smoothest of his tribe) protect us from invader from the east.
Invader sneaky.
Invader small.
Invader not smooth.

Magic rocks keep us stronk.

Chief Smooth brain cancel project, save money.
Chief smooth brain prepare us for medical crisis by doing so..

What was planned..
an expanded emergency department
a new intensive care unit co-located with a redeveloped high dependency unit

Cancelled BECAUSE of covid….
Geraldton hospital redevelopment delayed due to COVID-19 pandemic, building boom
6 billion dollar surplus, and some plastic tents in the carpark is the best chief smoothbrain can manage.

Ellen of Tasmania
Ellen of Tasmania
January 21, 2022 10:04 am

From Martin Armstrong:

“Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) contracted COVID while partying during her Florida vacation and enjoying the freedoms she denies to her own supporters. I have been waiting for her to comment on her ailment as she would undoubtedly say something stupid, and of course, she did not fail to disappoint.

The seemingly physically healthy 32-year-old who has been vaccinated three times miraculously survived omicron despite the 99.9% survival rate. The drama queen of politics posted three images of herself online pretending to recover at home. Her lingering symptoms seem to be a closer infatuation with communism with a nod to the coming push for N95 masks.”

harrys on the boat
harrys on the boat
January 21, 2022 10:11 am

It’s worth noting that the only reason that fat hypocritical mop headed imbecile in the UK has relaxed the restrictions is because he’s politically on his last legs and his equally ridiculous and useless government’s approval is in freefall.

Correct. Lets not confuse England’s ditching of restrictions with any semblance of competence.


January 21, 2022 10:42 am

Given what McClown announced late last night, I think Mr. Kates may have jumped the gun.

The changes in the UK are simply due to Boris needing a distraction from the recent revelations re the Downing street party.

Still I am hopeful that sometime later in the year the whole rotting edifice will crumble.

January 21, 2022 11:25 am

Once people start to see that, and also that it’s not all that serious either, they might start waking up.

I’ve been waiting for Australians to wake up for 73 years. No chance of any awakening in my remaining time above ground.
After all they gave Labor a dictatorship in WA. Then bent over and asked for it as hard as possible.

January 21, 2022 1:15 pm

I don’t care how the dropping of restrictions happens, just that it happens soon. The electorate can wait with cricket bats at the appropriate time.

January 21, 2022 1:20 pm

I have just been effectively locked out of playing golf at my club here in Markistan. Although community sports are exempt from the Fuhrer’s mandates, there were “concerns” about the unvaxxed touching rakes in bunkers etc. Not only is this not getting any better, it’s getting progressively worse – primarily because those who promote the fear seemingly have the support of a majority of the population.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
January 21, 2022 1:29 pm

What can’t go on, won’t. The only way McClown will be able to win in 2029 (let alone 2025) is if he changes tack when covid inevitably runs rampant through WA.

Not a snowflakes chance in hell of keeping covid out until beyond 2029.

Chris M
Chris M
January 21, 2022 2:19 pm

Are we beginning to see the beginning of the end of Covidiocy?

No Steve, no we are not.

The covid plandemic is just a vehicle for authoritarian power grab. At times Beast and his cohort will pause, re-group and take a new direction (eg new emergency) but they will not peacefully relinquish the authority and control gained.

January 21, 2022 5:19 pm

There is only one other explanation I dare not consider … people really are that stupid

Hiding from the truth won’t help.

January 21, 2022 6:20 pm

@ Miss A:

How about:

“Seven hundred (and counting) days of “two weeks to flatten the curve”?

Yeah! Right! ( The classic case where two positives indicate a Negetive).

See also:

“We’ll all be home before Christmas”.

“Of course I’ll respect you in the morning”.

And the perennial winner:

“I’m from the government and I’m here to help”.

January 21, 2022 6:33 pm

@ Boxcar:

It’s Voltaire:

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”

See also:”Conditioning”and “Provocation”.

January 21, 2022 7:42 pm

Although community sports are exempt from the Fuhrer’s mandates, there were “concerns” about the unvaxxed touching rakes in bunkers etc.

Good god this is lame and stupid.

January 21, 2022 8:34 pm

McGowan is not popular in my corner of Perth, just talking to my wife about three friends who have had their plans (hopes) upset.
Saving us from Omicron for Gods sake. But nobody really believed he was going to open the border February 5. Still it is disappointing.

Most of the population watches TV so they will vote for him. Democracy, MSM, Zombies.

January 21, 2022 9:53 pm

Katzenjammer says:
January 21, 2022 at 1:04 am
Give me back two years, you miserable curs.

Indeed. This is the biggest thing for me personally. I was just beginning to lift out of the emotional mess and practical details of dealing with my husband dying, when along came covid and the beginning of the insanity.

To be honest, I’ve been minimally affected in many ways, owning my own house, owing nobody anything etc. I have my (very) small business to keep me occupied and an income stream going. To date, due to the nature of the work, I haven’t been restricted in that in any meaningful way.

The toll has been in the confusion and disbelief that what is so plain to any thinking person who bothers to do a little research and ask a few questions can be so completely ignored, and even outlawed, by governments that are supposed to be steering the country safely through a supposed pandemic crisis. We all know the insane, and I’d even argue criminal, decisions that have been made and the impositions, restrictions and coercion forced on a deliberately frightened population. Terrorised might be a better word.

I have friends with young children, older relatives, a lot of people for whom I care deeply. All have been badly stressed by the ongoing uncertainty and fear – not of the virus itself – but of the actions and attitudes of state and federal governments, health bureaucrats and their enforcement arms, the police and “authorised officers”.

History tells us how badly this can end, and we are already seeing the dangerous public attitude of “othering” being groomed and in evidence. It’s far too late for any government to say they didn’t know, or that they’re now too scared politically and personally to turn this around. They know, and have to have known at least as long as we have. It’s no longer incompetence or ignorance. It can only be deliberate – and therefore criminal.

January 21, 2022 10:00 pm

Epictetus says:
January 21, 2022 at 9:15 am
Daniel Andrews didn’t get the memo as he is going to make the booster compulsory. He actually said that last year. Daniel doesn’t care what the public thinks, about anything.

He also reckoned he was going to tell, as in insist, Morrison make the third jab compulsory for the whole of the country. No doubt that will be tried, but I’m beginning to think that enough people will tell any premier demanding that to go stuff their jabs where the sun don’t shine – sideways – followed by a (big) pineapple, rough end first.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
January 22, 2022 7:17 pm

And as for Andrews being ‘assessed’ by police, pull the other one. Anyone with the mental wattage of a brain-damaged tadpole can see that the Victorian police (and the Office of Public Prosecutions, anti-corruption commission and, as Bogut has shown, the Electoral Commission) are a pack of corrupt political toadies, lickspittles and whores of the ALP Socialist Left.

January 27, 2022 10:52 am

The Political Scum know exactly how benign COVID is.

Otherwise finding them out of compliance wouldn’t be like shooting fish in a barrel.

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x