Nothing is “simply obvious” in that part of the world.
Nothing is “simply obvious” in that part of the world.
Nice spoof. Revenge for his scathing Trump impersonations?
Melbourne warehouse fire fueled by lithium batteries
Iyz bin in jail.
I have Fred McCubbin’s the Pioneer print hanging on the wall at Casa Pedro.
Excellent taste in art, Dover-san.
Hello everyone in Kangaroo Gulag.
Love that work.
Reputed to have been painted in what was the backyard of someone I know.
COVID? Passive smoking? Or global warming (note alarming rise in water level) ?
What did McCubbin know, and when did he know it?
Thanks, D.B.
Johannes Leak.
Warren Brown.
Peter Broelman.
Morten Morland.
Andy Davey.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Steve Kelley.
Tom Stiglich.
Tina Norton.
Minor incursion will be this administrations red line.
I have Fred McCubbin’s the Pioneer print hanging on the wall at Casa Pedro.
Not a patch on McLovin.
Scotty’s idea to get the 16 year olds out of school and into work is going to bite Labor hard.
He just needs to keep pushing on.
Josh, he probably just needs to retire.
It’s a NoBrainer really.
Why open the Immigration floodgates to fill entry level jobs when there’s a huge pool of potential workers wasting their time attending School until they’re 18 [or 19, or 20, which is a colossal waste of time and scarce resources].
Labor have to go all out to knock this on the head or it’s gonna bury them.
The Murdoch Press are going balls out to kill the idea, as evidenced by the Broelman cartoon this morning
According to Broelman, it’s Electoral cheating to offer 16 year olds [and 17 and 18 year olds] a job.
Can the Electoral Commission be far away from weighing in?
‘morning Tom,
can you add Bob Moran to your toon roll ?
“No evidence of voter fraud” continues to be exposed as false, but not in mainstream media.
Andrea Widburg has another piece on the shocking stats from Wisconsin.
Justine filth carrying on the destruction kicked off by Pierre in 1968
Of course, such attitudes presume that we still have a national character, which Prime Minister Justin Trudeau believes we do not, having told the New York Times that Canada has no “core identity” and is the world’s “first post-national state.” Trudeau may be right. We have become, apparently, citizens of the world, which means we are stakeholders in nothing tangibly visceral, that we have no civic identity, that we are political ciphers.
Labor sold the “Your child can go to University too” idea to an electorate of gullible 2 parent families, but that demographic is much reduced.
For a Single Mother, getting 16 year old Travis outta the house and into full time work is Heaven on a fucking stick.
Ramirez should know better than to ridicule the idea of the stolen election.
-Is the old thief trying to give his backer a war?
Australia produced many great painters in the early years, what happened? Now the crap most produce is just not worth glancing at. One of my favourites is ‘The Purple Noons Transparent Might’ by Streeton. If I was an Elon Musk I’d do my best to buy it.
Ramiraz has very severe TDS, he goes loopy on anything to do with Trump. I don’t what causes it, some gut instinct personal dislike or something.
Australia produced many great painters in the early years, what happened?
Karl Marx- as evil as they come
Howard Zinn and the Book That Poisoned a Generation
Ramirez is a NeverTrumper to such an extent that it has coloured everything he does now. Almost every one of his cartoons is covered in black with a few chinks of white space.
there’s still some good-‘uns around. Tim Storrier.
Very charming for Australia Day, Dover. Everything about it is “right” – the faded, grey-green of the bush, the soft turquoise of the distant bay, even the big moonrise. You can almost hear the cicadas singing.
The subject matter shouldn’t be forgotten either in the gadarene rush to rewrite history.
Speaking of re-writing history, I see Ramirez is having a go at it.
Probably wants to keep his job.
I wonder what his toons will say about Covid when it’s all over? Will he misdirect and excuse the way that was handled too?
I see others have picked up on Ramirez. Been going on a long time now.
Cartoonists are supposed to cut through to the truth in a humorous, accessible way that dispense with many…many words. If the cartoon is untrue and pushes a political line, then it’s rank propaganda.
That one rates with some of Garrison’s worst excesses.
Anchor, Mollie Hemmingway wrote about that in her book.
Worth buying.
In summary:
Arizona & Pennsylvania GOP state houses allowed “absentee” (read mail in) votes.
Georgia (1st election) there were genuine issues re voting machines.
Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan the state outsourced/allowed Zuckerberg, Hoffman & Omidyar to fund the biggest voter outreach program in US history (read harvesting & dead people voting).
It dove tails into the previous Time magazine piece re “fortifying” the election.
Trump was told about it.
Bannon said it was nothing to worry about.
Trump believed Bannon.
What do they put in the water in Waco?
“Trump was told about it.
Bannon said it was nothing to worry about.
Trump believed Bannon.”
Correct. The GOP and Trump were warned. They did nothing.
It wasn’t as if Trump etc didn’t know how much money was being thrown at him.
The quarterly filings showed just how many billions were being spent on the “fortifying”.
Every “i” was dotted.
Every “t” was crossed.
What could Trump do about it?
Don’t forget Arizona, where the audit of Maricopa County revealed illegal activities sufficient to overturn that state’s result. Brnovich is said to be taking action, but rather stealthily and slowly, but the state legislature is considering a raft of voting reforms that would prevent a repeat happening.
Ed Casesays:
January 24, 2022 at 5:19 am
It’s a NoBrainer really.
Why open the Immigration floodgates to fill entry level jobs
Only a Richard Cranium would believe that the immigration ponzi scheme has anything to do with entry level jobs.
I also suspect that some of Trump’s anger, post November 2020, is at himself…for ignoring the warnings and instead listening to some dubious advice. He and his administration did some very good things but they also did nothing…..such as reining in big tech censorship and dodgy voting, both of which he was warned about.
Trump was let down by advisers throughout his four years but particularly in his final year…….he was cornered and crippled by Covid and the real insurrection that occurred…..the Demrat violence post George Floyd.
Bannon said it was nothing to worry about.
I don’t think anyone on the conservative side anticipated the huge scope of fraudulent operations.
The suppression of information that followed is also unprecedented.
What could Trump do about it?
Put pressure on the GOP state houses in Arizona & Pennsylvania to not allow the mail in votes.
For starters.
Brnovich is said to be taking action, but rather stealthily and slowly,
He will be a homeless bum by the time the Peter Thiel organisation is done with him.
The audits should include the 2018 half terms, too late now.
It was the loss of the house to the Dems that made reform difficult from that point on, so accusing Trump of inaction isn’t entirely fair.
The Dems will stop at nothing to derail the 2022 half terms.
Blake Masters is out fund raising Brnovich 2:1 as at the Dec filings (which doesn’t include the Thiel controlled PAC’s).
Brnovich’s go slow on the election audit is what’s going to get Masters across the line in the primary.
And then he’s going to spank Mark Kelly in November.
Considering what a cuck Brnovich is, I wouldn’t be surprised if he drops out.
BoJo’s relaxation of covid-quashing quackery is a good move from several perspectives, and Australian governments should be doing the same.
In the age of omicron it’s game over. Too many cases, too many contacts to trace, too few serious cases.
Governments and health advisers who went along with the idiocy of mask mandates outdoors should be relieved of their duties. They have wrecked their credibility while wrecking civil liberties big time.
Boris has a timely distraction which also at least partly de-fuses the garden party fiasco, as the tyrannical controls can be characterised as over-the-top.
Omicron doesn’t appear to be killing the land whales either.
Just the oldies.
At least in Australia according to the age of the deaths being reported.
The use of police to enforce movement restrictions, mask mandates and other things, wielding powers of arrest or ridiculous fines – all adds up to a serious breach of faith and a graphic illustration of misuse of their powers. It’s not over yet.
How come today is the first time I’ve seen the Kamala/Epstein photo?
“Team” Biden putting the skids under Kameltoe?
As conservatives we have this constant problem of expecting a politician to be perfect. Trump could hardly have done everything himself. What he gave us was hope through making us responsible for ourselves and get on with it. He did more for minorities than all previous Presidents for at least 70 years, he gave them opportunities by being responsible for themselves and they grasped it. They will not forget. Australia has got a long way to go as far as personal responsibility goes. I saw a program in the early 2000’s about a Black Yank working in Melbourne with the underprivileged, his conclusion was they are mostly lazy. Never heard anymore about him.
“It was the loss of the house to the Dems that made reform difficult from that point on, so accusing Trump of inaction isn’t entirely fair.”
Rubbish, Trump and the GOP had two full years….2017 and 2018…..when they had control of both houses. They did nothing to curb big tech censorship despite being begged to do so, the warning signs were there and particularly after Alex Jones was wiped from ALL big tech in August 2018.
Trump and the GOP erred.
They pulled out all the stops in multiple ways in 2020 to remove Trump, then suppressed any decent analysis by the MSM and as much as could be achieved on line. You don’t have to have a formalised “conspiracy” to depend on who will be on your “side” to get things done.
From burning cities, to coercion and terror tactics to outright vote dumping and fraud. And in Arizona…seems that handy warning car crash has gone into the forgetory too.
“As conservatives we have this constant problem of expecting a politician to be perfect. Trump could hardly have done everything himself. What”
I don’t. I’d just like them to occasionally stand up for conservative, libertarian and right of centre policies and ideas. Here in Australia they don’t do that.
Youtube still has the Biden “racial jungle” & his Crime Bill videos up.
But they have wiped Biden dropping the N-word at committee where he was quoting from something verbatim.
I remember the photo of the White House staff in 2017, and the naked hatred on their faces. And the “resist” and “not my President” stuff over multiple departments.
The grassroots voted for him, but those holding the levers of power and layers of bureaucrats below did not. You can’t replace everyone. Not in under four years, or practically with an 18 month window of opportunity.
And you can’t replace a hostile and partisan MSM. Then add Big Tech into the mix.
What was achieved is remarkable given the circumstances. And we know what the achievements were by contrasting three years ago with the situation today.
There is a Defeat the Mandates demonstration in Washington right now with many speakers. Here are copies of Dr. Malone’s and Steve Kirsch’s speaches.
Integrity. Dignity. Community.
My speech at “Defeat the Mandates” march today
Cassie at 7.58:
Tend to agree. 45’s angry at himself, at least in part, for not following the instincts that served him so well for so long.
He asked questions, listened to advice from The Machine, and that advice went a long way to sinking him. Probably one of the few times he tried to be a politician instead of a President.
The Democrats and their urgers and proles are quite happy to strut like cocks on the smoking dunghill that was once the USA.
They do that in their own controlled cities now.
Why anyone would want that for their country is beyond me.
Fair enough bern, But that’s about all he could have done in that instance. It’s a state responsibility. And he did voice some concerns publicly.
Bannon is a fat retard who is ex Navy intel.
I like a lot of what he says, but do I trust him?
Also puzzling is the very person that gave Trump the bad advice is now a thought leader(for some) of the resistance.
US Naval Intelligence – either complicit or retarded.
Laurel Canyon (Admiral Morrison, Jim’s Dad).
An unsolved Presidential moida (per Operation Mongoose).
Failure to transmit intercepted Japanese comms pre Pearl Harbour.
A dead/Epsteined Secretary of Defence (Forrestal).
Tens of trillions of missing USD from black defence budgets.
The biggest sex scandal in US history until Epstein.
We can totes trust Steve Bannon though.
Defo totes.
It’s the cool way of saying “totally”, bespoke.
Get with the lingo you dinosaur!
Awkies. Defo awkies.
Trump not extincting the FBI was his biggest failure.
US law enforcement/intel ought to be Federally the Marshals, then the Secret Service (back to Treasury), US National Park police & agents, MPs and the DIA.
The CIA should go on account of all of the sick and illegal shit they got called out on nearly 50 years ago.
Thanks for the link, duncanm. I’ll regularly stop by there as Bob Moran is the UK’s most interesting cartoonist/artist who’s hated by the British cartooning establishment because he’s not a fascist drone like rest of them (except for the Sun’s Steve Bright, who’s also one of my favourites, even though he’s a Never Trumper).
The best of Bob Moran.
Thats a good one, Tom. Everything a cartoon should be.
It sums up the UK’s politicised Covid response in one image.
Morning all.
Jab Heil!
Heil Hazzard, mein commandant!
Well then I’ve been under appreciated trend setter.
Has everyone had their January jab?
Times running out. You don’t want to have two in February!
NSW elf Uber Alles.
Raise the needle flag high.
Fahn hoch die flane, IIRC.
15,000 NSW coof cases today. Down from 21,000 two days ago and with a 7 day average of 26,000.
Hazzard and Chesty Bond, aka Chant apparently have a 10.00 am presser, in which they will no doubt explain why this is terrible.
They’re gonna go up big leagues when school kiddos get RATS twice a week.
Paul Ryan was the Speaker during those years and he did everything he could to stop the Trump agenda. At first I thought sour grapes due to the fact Trump succeeded when’re he and Romney failed but after the midterms McConnell continued with Paul Ryan’s efforts. The GOP owns the current debacle, lock, stock and barrel.
The Pioneer. My very favourite painting by my favourite artist.
Thank you, Dover.
I might have told this tale before, but it is a treasured memory and IMO, worth another airing. Every time Best Man and I visited Melbourne we would always go to the National Gallery of Vic specifically to see this painting in all its astonishing glory. One year I visited by myself and eagerly made my way to the usual area to find the painting gone.
Oh, no!
That must have slipped out, because the po-faced guard sitting across the room inquired, “Is something wrong, Madam?”
“My painting’s gone!” I cried, waving at the empty wall.
Instantly, he was on his feet, bowing as he said, “Sorry, Mrs McCubbin. It’s been moved upstairs. We should have told you.”
I suspect it wasn’t the first time he’d used that line.
Will 400,000 cases of COVID a week be the final act Perrotett can use to end this political theatre?
“Ah yes, it’s endemic now. Look at all the good we’ve done for you…”
They hate their country, everything it’s ever done and everyone in it.
They want to replace it with an entirely new country filled with new and better people!
Ushi von der Karenhair gets her bottom smacked.
Blackly humorous headline today:
Mayor Eric Adams Begs For Federal Help As NYC’s Crime Problem Spirals Out Of Control (23 Jan)
What did they think would happen after defunding the police, prosecuting them but not criminals, then firing a whole bunch because they didn’t want to be injected against their will?
As was obvious to anyone with eyes within 24h of the ‘election’.
This is the latest analysis of the efficacy of COVID vaccines, just uploaded by one of my colleagues here in SA – not everyone is a drone.
I did my own ‘Is NOVAVAX different’ piece yesterday (spoiler – yes, a bit, but not enough to take it if you have been resisting so far) , will link it when its edited.
The novelty will soon wear off when parents have to keep the children home…again.
Dover, I do wish we could have the popcorn emoji.
Lies! It can’t become endemic. Professor Raina MacIntyre says so.
And she’s an expert!
WI vs England
The empire strikes back.
Delta A,
I like that story.
Just got news that Warbirds over Wanaka, the air show we were going to see in NZ back in 2020 – cancelled – and now scheduled for April this year, has been cancelled again.
Bloody Ardern has instituted even more of a McClown crackdown – isolation for 24 days is just a part of it for close contacts – and so finally the organisers have given up.
Four of us were going; bookings made, tickets paid for and so on, and now it’s all money being returned etc.
Will this madness ever end? We are caught in the grip of hysterical media and mindless Karens, and spineless politicians who bend like reeds whenever the howling reaches fever pitch.
Top Ender Johnson is right!
And to answer the question when/if enough Karens realize that they have been sold a lemon.
It is the opinions of Karens that must be changed or the elf nazimorons think the Karens have swapped sides.
Where their shanigans had got the Democrats over the line, any analysis which showed they would have won anyway would be redundant, but more vitally anything that showed that Trump had actually won would have been counterproductive.
The Democrats know the MSM is happy to be sleeping dogs, and do what sleeping dogs do best.
I wonder if anyone at Time argued one bit of trivia may not be trivial.
I wholeheartedly support a Treaty – it will lead to a legal dogfight that should paralyze the courts for about the next ten years.
A Democrat in the WH, so naturally hashtag diplomacy is back:
That’ll teach those wascally Wussians!
It can be signed on the deck of HMAS Canberra with the same pen that Shigemitsu used.
Zulu – Btw on Hats Hilarious in Vietnam, which you mentioned last night, one interesting snippet I read about recently re the Buna/Salamaua campaigns was there was difficulty with the US and Japanese helmets looking too similar in the jungle terrain, thus increasing the danger of own-goals. That didn’t affect the Aussies wearing their slouch hats.
One for the books. Did not hold much hope for this one at Teh Paywallian:
Perhaps, but not in this case.
Since WWII it has been USN procedure to constantly have a carrier battlegroup patrolling the Mediterranean. The deployment of the USS Stennis battlegroup to relieve the USS Truman battlegroup is completely normal and as scheduled.
However, if Truman doesn’t return to homeport in the US on schedule that might be something to consider.
As attractive as it may appear I’m not sure I would let the judiciary loose on a Treaty. Remember Mabo?
I see the problem Cassie. You are assuming that Trump and the GOP had the same goals.
how about we just give every Indige $250 instead ?
You are in a minority Cassie, far too sensible. I’ve said it before, the ladies on this site exhibit far more common sense than any politician in Australia, the blokes not so much, myself included.
Lidia Thorpe, a DjabWurrung, Gunnai and Gunditjmara woman
Let’s get that correct: Lidia Thorpe, proud member of the Smith Street tribe and whose most sacred site is the Centrelink office.
Creepy how the Democrats picked up the attempt to create thermo-nuclear war with Russia right where Obama left off as if nothing happened in the interim.
At least we can safety say that ‘neo-conservatives’ are officially and properly purged from the right and all moved back into the democrats from where they came.
Here’s hoping Albo gets that 12+ seat majority.
Now there’s mid-noun capital letters. 65 000 years, and changing daily.
NSW and Victoria’s ‘plan’ to force masks, bi-weekly tests, trace, ‘quarantine’ and jab and pokes and prods onto little children for the theoretical good of three 100 year olds, is by far the worst part of this entire debacle. This ‘society’ is shaping up to make the Victorian era look like sentimentalists when it comes to children, and this behaviour and what is being done to them, is creating a generation who will behave in unknown ways in the future when they become adults and have all the power over euthanasia laws, etc.
Absolute vicious dickheads – politicians, and parents who do it to their children.
The cracks are appearing, both locally and globally – the people are starting to say enough is enough and OMICRON will help that – a lot of people are going to have a mild case, then start asking if the last 2 years of BS were worth it.
On top of that, the pollies are starting to blink too – Boris, Scomo etc
Sneakers Covid response gets off on the wrong foot as Covid positive mother and child triaged into Fiona Stanley Hospital Emergency Department.
Trust us.
That is assuming that GOP was on Trump’s side – a very big assumption.
Joh H, duk
Can aflatoxin exposure induce an allergy? Just wondering if the rise in peanut allergies was preceded by higher aflatoxin levels, if that ever happened.
I have tried to search on NBCI (and when I try) and *you* get related results, but no confirmation or dismissal of my query.
To rid the world of covid plague, I think thermo-nuclear war is tad over the top.
Presumably, any scrutiny, critical or otherwise, of Indigenous truth-telling
will be strictly forbidden.
Wow! I wasn’t aware Bannon is THAT old.
Nobody is blinking.
2022 “Living with the Virus” is the last chapter of the pandemic response plan they’re all operating off.
– RAT Tests
– Self isolation – largely enforced by society itself
– OH&S laws to enforce isolation through business
– Mandatory reporting of cold and flu symptoms via RAT test requirements
– Masks on school children to normalise this behaviour forever.
– Force testing school children to normalise this behaviour forever
– Mandate third and fourth doses
– Permanently entrench health passports into society in so far as is politically possible
The reason it appears like ‘cracks’ is that they weren’t expecting is how benign “Omicron” is, they were hoping for a Delta type “variant” now that would make the above a lot easier, then a weak omicron variant mid year. But they didn’t get that, so there’s a lot of cramming and fast forwarding of the schedule going on now which is why it all looks like a shamozzle.
But they are still getting their way, mostly.
Vampires, zombies and other forms of the undead can survive for centuries.
Why the US is fucked. Laura Loomer is a pro-Trump GOP candidate who gets shunned by the leaders of the GOP when she attends GOP fund raisers and demands support for Trump and the removal of the 10 RINOs who voted to impeach him. Loomer herself is a huge fundraiser.
Totally outside my knowledge base I’m afraid
More a smidge than a tad over the top.
The most heartbreaking thing in the world is to see teenagers walking around on bright sunny days wearing masks outside.
Total mental and spiritual collapse inside of them.
Their parents should be charged.
Morning all.
Meeting in a tin shed at a sportsground an hour north of Perth yesterday.
Committee member turns up late. In mask. Looks at the quorum who were there on time, and who are all vaccinated; but not in masks.
“No, I don’t think so.” and leaves.
In his defense, his wife is immuno-compromised big time. But FMD.
Blinken’s record:
Supported US invasion of Iraq
Supported Libyan intervention (that went particularly well).
Supported supplying arms to Syrian “rebels” (Hey, let’s wreck another ME country)
Supported Saudi war on Yemen
Defended the manner of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, blamed Trump
He’s had a hand in every US foreign policy disaster for 20+ years.
In Blinken’s defence he’s not Hillary Clinton.
Is that to signify she’s been vaccinated? I suppose that means there’s another tribal faction called the UndjabWurrung.
The most heartbreaking thing in the world is to see teenagers walking around on bright sunny days wearing masks outside.
Boomers love this.
The only thing boomers want more than children in masks is their adrenochrome.
I can’t remember who provided the link for the movie “Sunset”, yesterday. I watched it and it was great. Really camp and a lot of fun.
One thing though, that website, every time you click onto the sound or the stop/start, or accidentally click onto any part of the screen, it sends you to porno and girlies for hire sites!
Be warned!
Everyone who is vaxxed is immunocompromised….
Lidia Thorpes claim to “Aboriginal” status is based on the fact that her great grandmother was half Aboriginal.
Dr flyingduk,
I note from upstream that you intend to make a comment about Novavax but I haven’t scrolled up recently.
Dumb question: I assume that Novavax has been, like the other ‘vaccines’, developed for the initial Alpha strain. It is now at least two strains behind. What is the point of taking it?
The pivot that occurred under Clinton Sec State & Biden VP was instead of turning countries into client states of the US, these two parties wanted client states of their own private interests.
Before this, members of administrations were content to wait until they had left office for their paydays.
You have to hand it to Hillary & Joe for being able to monetise it while they were in office.
We’ve come so far that the concept of parents being charged for making their healthy children wear great big creepy masks over their faces and mouths and noses on a hot summers day, is itself an absurdity to the ears.
In 2019 many “parents” would literally have been charged for what they are doing to their children. Why? Because it’s mental and physical torture. That didn’t change because Pandemic. The mob just decided that it was fine to do that to children because the needs of 80 year olds outweighs their need to breath and be free.
We went to the beach yesterday, one of the places where you can expect to see zero masks anywhere. There was a fat bottomed mum going to the cafe, fastidiously strapping great big designer masks – one looked like some great big plastic thing – onto the little faces of her three little daughters.
Fuck this gay earth man.
Fatty Trump has piled on the kilos…
Top marks to his Secret Service man – watch what he does with that pen:
Not this fucking boomer.
Some teenagers do it (to clarify – wear masks) against their parents’ advice.
local oaf
They want to replace it with an entirely new country filled with new and better people!
Colonialism rampant!
If the vaxxed are immunocompromised, is it to specific illnesses or across the board?
Devin Nunes: Cancel culture has taken over corporations and Big Tech
The vax mandates seem to be evaporating as well.
Britain to Drop COVID-19 Restrictions (19 Jan)
[Israeli] Government not expected to renew Green Pass (23 Jan)
I suspect there will be a guerilla war waged by the terrified Karens, of which there’re many, but it sure does look like the persecution of the unvaxxed is about to quietly end. As for woke companies firing the filthy unvaxxed, well I think they’ve all proved they’re employers to avoid.
What a load of crap.
Dumb question: I assume that Novavax has been, like the other ‘vaccines’, developed for the initial Alpha strain. It is now at least two strains behind. What is the point of taking it?
Yep, I addressed this in my vid (still being edited, hopefully up today or tomorrow) – I trawled all over the NOVAVAX website and could not find which Spike protein variant they were using for the vax – but given its been in development since early 2020, it must be either the original WUHAN strain or ALPHA.
This is supported by their own efficacy data
o 96% efficacy against the original WUHAN strain
o 86% vs Alpha
o 49% vs Beta
o ? Gamma NO DATA
o ? Delta NO DATA
o ? Omicron NO DATA
You will note that Prof Skerrit dishonestly told us, when proudly announcing its release, that it had ‘90%’ effectiveness?
At the end of the day, its all irrelvant now – even Lord Fauci has admitted that virtually everyone will encounter OMICRON – most of us have already, thats why the case curves (aka Gompertz curves btw) have all peaked and are now crashing back down. The pandemic is over – you have been exposed. If you didnt get sick, you are already immune, if you did get sick, you now have natural immunity.
The narrative is crumbling – they are going to have to declare victory (Bush in Iraq style) and pull back for a bit, before rolling out the next scare, but I am really starting to think that they have milked COVID for as much as the people will allow.
Some teenagers listen to Australian hip hop. Fuck ‘em.
So that makes her 1/1024 aboriginal.
Its certainly to COVID, but possibly wider spectrum also – there are reports of a LOT of resurfacing of illnesses long held in check by the immune system shortly after COVID shots – think cancer, shingles etc
Great analysis/thoughts flyingduk !
I watched the little ones in church with their masks on Sunday.
The anger and frustration within me nearly blew the top of my head off. And I think it might be righteous anger too. We have a couple of officious Karens (like most churches) who are the enforcers and quote Dr Chant like Holy writ.
I’m going to have to say something, but I just have to be guided as to whom it’s said. It’s getting towards the time when the emperor’s lack of clothing needs to be pointed out.
Somebody better tell Sneakers. He is carrying on like a Japanese machine gunner in the jungle still.
The idiocy – masks to sing, masks to sit.
Masks removed (while seated) for communion.
That braided whip came to mind, plus a little furniture rearrangement.
To be fair I think there’s a large cohort of boomers who recoil against the sight of teens and children walking the footpaths on bright summer days wearing masks.
No, this is Gen-X and Gen-Y’s secret shame. And also a fight that must be fought. One that runs deep, one that goes back 10 – 15 years and began when they – with guilt ridden hearts – obediently handed their little babies over to the state run daycares 3, 4 and 5 days a week because “socialisation” and “me time” and “early education”. Once that barrier came down, anything else the mob orders them to do via the ‘government’ to their children, easily follows.
Greg Hunt on the teev reckons Omicron has peaked.
If anyone else had said this I would treat it with muted optimism.
I think I got coof in Feb. 2020.
A cold I could go to work with, but unpleasant, mostly upper respiratory, moderate fever.
Went after two days, felt off for another, just a bit doughy for a day or two after that and completely gone.
I am not going to church outside of funerals until this ends.
Dot, I can last in a mask for about an hour. Because I’m such a windbag and the CO2 feedback makes me lightheaded. I can time it from the exact moment I walk through the door, sit through the service and race to the exit.
How these b*tches expect little ones to sit with them on their faces for a WHOLE DAY amazes me.
It’s nothing short of child abuse.
Greg Hunt?
Heard the name.
Obviously not a mummyblogger. Is he a CMO, or a TV presenter?
Meningitis warning: Cases of fatal disease soar as pandemic fuels ‘lack of immunity’ (19 Jan)
Meningitis B being a bacterial infection. The numbers are small but the question is whether the vaccine is reducing resistance to it.
As to the acquired immunosuppression I suspect once the boosters stop that slowly people will rebuild their leucocyte populations depleted by the periodic flood of spike proteins. I’ve gotten in trouble here for saying why I think such cells are depleted by the slug of vaccine (cell fusion mediated by the spike protein between the T-cell and the cell displaying it).
It is complete garbage.
If the alt right and non conformist Christians taught me anything, it was my view of education at any cost that I held for years, was very, very wrong.
Raising a lot kids in suburbia in a modest home and with bunk beds and homeschooling them is preferable to both parents working for a lonely child living in a designer home and being sent to Shore or Redlands to be pumped full of Marxist nonsense.
All you get out of elite education is networking, if you want to be an old boy.
Here’s a better idea. Pure maths and learn to code. That can get you a job in finance better now than a school tie.
“Mergers and acquisitions”
Xerox fags.
Boomers love this.
The only thing boomers want more than children in masks is their adrenochrome.
How about you at least try to lay off the stereotyping?
It’s laughable.
I know right. The gen Xers don’t even know the difference between pink and white adenochrome.
I look forward to your further comments on Novavax.
I guess you have seen this article put up here by Vicki.
A scroll down to ‘Table 1, A comparison of Novavax & Covax-19/Spikogen’
was of most interest to me because of the Adjuvant.
It wouldn’t be the enforcement of filthy masks would it? (clearly my bête noir, in case you hadn’t noticed).
The reason I ask about the broader range is that you would expect vaccinated people like my parents and husband and myself to be coming down with all sorts of simple bugs since the jabs.
Nothing. Except the wretched vax injuries for Dad. And maybe me – I still can’t lift my left arm above 90 degrees without pain over two months later, but that’s only minor.
US Forestry Service embraces common sense:
Millions of acres of western forest will be thinned through logging and prescribed burns in a 10 year plan in what is being described as a paradigm shift. The areas to be targeted comprise 80% of the wildfire risk to communities.
Greens prefer to put forests before people:
“The U.S. Forest Service simply cannot log its way out of the climate crisis,” said Adam Rissien of WildEarth Guardians.
According to Dan’s stazi legislation, he can declare a pandemic even with zero cases.
So no, the pandemic will never end in victoria.
You’d think that mentioning adrenochrome would have generated a few guffaws at least…
I remember when our oldest went to kindergarten back in 2013 and came home one day and told us about how they had a “lockdown” – this was at a tiny coastal school, it was a drill – training, he told us they were all locked in their classrooms, hiding under their desks, in the dark.
Naive and brave we went down and raised hell about what a crazy thing it was, crazy! You can’t do this to children! Thinking it was just a thing that one school did. No, it’s all schools, NSW and QLD, it’s a thing they do and have done for years.
Now we see what Yuri Bezmenov meant, when he said it took 15 years for the USSR to demoralize a target country: the time it takes one generation to go through school.
Lockdowns to this generation of teens are normal, quietly they were introduced to them ten, 15 years ago, they’ve already had many lockdowns before 2020. Masks to the coming generation will be normal too, if we let them do this.
Trae, Razey. He’s already declared the pandemic exits until the end of March, because he consulted his tarot cards. Of course, it will be rolled over to the end June.
January 24, 2022 at 11:33 am
To be fair I think there’s a large cohort of boomers who recoil against the sight of teens and children walking the footpaths on bright summer days wearing masks.
Thank you.
June 2025.
Worse even than that, since the data is coming out that masking kids is prejudicial to their communication and language skill development. Which makes sense since the face and the lips are so important to interrelations. Also I suspect there’s a lot of hearing deficiency which goes undiagnosed, especially amongst boys, and a coping mechanism is naturally developed lip reading ability.
I haven’t bookmarked any links on this topic so you’ll have to search for it yourselves.
Trump looks terrible.
He looked like he’d dropped some weight during their summer.
Clearly packed it all back on & then some over Christmas.
Everyone knows that if you drink white adenochrome, without the approved footwear and before 5.00 p.m. – faux pas.
Big, fat, stinking faux pas.
Big, fat, stinking faux pas.
I believe it’s grounds for being kicked out of a masonic lodge.
SRR is all over the protocols.
Scaring the pants off the kids. Yep. I just now read this one:
DR MAX PEMBERTON: Children MUST go mask-free for their mental health (24 Jan)
Scared of Covid, scared of climate change, scared of their own shadows. Poor kids.
Hobgoblins. Hobgoblins everywhere.
Like shooting fish in a barrel. Only 4/10 for it being to easy but another 5 for it still being funny.
Roger. You sure can spot a paradigm.
I didn’t realize how much I lip read and how much I depended on it until the mask bullshit.
An audiologist told me that there are gazillion different facial cues that are hidden by masks. e.g. vewy vewy cwoss lips
I’m always on the lookout for them!
fox paws all over that.
There is no point in me, or anyone else, sneering (and I have a wonderful sneer) when I wear a mask.
Last year I was told I’m losing the hearing in my left ear.
Has proven quite useful on the domestic front.
There is no point in me, or anyone else, sneering (and I have a wonderful sneer) when I wear a mask.
If you sneer well enough the face crime can be detected through the mask.
The cause is the cure?
ValGlass2.0 @AussieVal10
4 doses now
All those with a Cert IV in sneering should rise up and overthrow the evil Elf tyrants.
I always thought Australia followed England & USA leads. Given they are (especially England) are removing restrictions, why is Australia doubling down on this shit?
I always thought Australia followed England & USA leads. Given they are (especially England) are removing restrictions, why is Australia doubling down on this shit?
Lizard people.
When in doubt, always go with the lizard people.
Not sure whether I’m a young boomer or an old gen X (1964), but I had to look it up. Never heard of it before.
Lizard people?
Thru season 1 of OZARK and have to admit the 2nd half episodes (6thru10) did enough to go with season 2 .. for some reason, strange considering they are completely different settings, the show keeps reminding me of the, excellent spy offering, THE AMERICANS .. might be because both managed to involve the entire family(s) into the parental schemes ..
My next face mask
In 2015, the Liberal Government of Colin Barnett proposed what was described as a “de facto Treaty” in exchange for 1.3 billion dollars in cash, benefits and services, all past and future land rights would be considered settled. The Noongar people voted to accept the package. A group of seven dissidents went to the Federal Court, claiming they hadn’t been properly consulted, and claiming billions of dollars in compensation for loss “of their traditional links to the land.” IIRC, the Federal Court declared the agreement invalid, and I don’t know where it went from there. However, I’ll bet good money that the signing of any “Treaty” will result in a similar legal dogfight.
jeez…Cats not knowing about adrenochrome or lizard people?
What is this place?
The Quadrant?
Nah…most likely too many concerts as a youngster.
I can almost certainly blame Graham Parker and the Rumour, who were ridiculously & almost painfully loud. Great band, but you wouldn’t know it because it was a just a wall of distorted noise coming at you.
“Correct. The GOP and Trump were warned [about election fraud]. They did nothing.”
IIRC, they did attempt a court case – which was thrown out because there was, at that time, no “damage” done and so they didn’t have “standing”.
Basically told “Come back when you think something has gone wrong”. Which they did. Only to be told “Too late – you should have come earlier.” or “There is no remedy – go away” and even “You are not a resident here