How one disaster leads to another, the crisis in European high tech caused by the energy fiasco. European silicon output shrinking, metal smelters closing as electricity prices quadruple.
For high tech nerds and market watchers, the chip situation worldwide. But don’t worry the EU will legislate to fix it! EC president promises European Chips Act to quadruple homegrown production by 2030.

Hmm, legislate to produce products that depend on reliable energy, while at the same time legislating to get rid of reliable energy. At this rate, by 2030, Europe will be back in a new dark ages. Mentally, the EU already is in a new dark ages.
Another radical German Frau strutting the world stage. From her offical bio below.
May as well be Stalin standing there. At least he’d be laughing.
“… Ukraine is not Czechoslovakia. Putin is not Hitler or Stalin. He has no ideology, racial or social. He has been complaining for years, using every peaceful means, against the expansion of Nato into Eastern Europe. He has asked, quite reasonably, who it is aimed at.
Nato was set up to deter aggression by the USSR, an empire which ceased to exist 31 years ago. Russia is not the USSR. Keeping Nato in existence is like maintaining an alliance against the Austro-Hungarian or Ottoman Empires, which vanished a century ago – a job-creation project.”
He rightly points out that Moscow (mostly without violence) let go of vast tracts of Asia and Europe, and unwillingly permitted the reunification of Germany – something Margaret Thatcher was pretty reluctant about as well. In return, the then leaders of the West said they would not expand Nato to the east (a huge archive of documents at George Washington University in the US confirms this). …
If you poke a bear enough with a sharp stick, he will attack you. When he does, you should perhaps not blame the bear.”
I honestly don’t understand what they are trying to do, here. I heard an American somebody on the BBC warning of a Russian ‘false flag’ – but what about a U.S. one? They have been known to do such things, hey. What do the European plebs think of all this?
Climate change and environmental degradation are an existential threat to Europe and the world. To overcome these challenges, the European Green Deal will transform the EU into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy
Bwahahahahahaha. That is the funniest thing I have read this year. The truth is the exact opposite.
The European plebs know that they are dependent on Russian gas to stay alive, so whatever Biden is planning regarding Russia, he’s going alone.
Well, there is the money funnelled to the Bidens via Burisma.
when they subsidise chip makers, it will end like most industrial charity, in higher prices and poorer quality, like our car industry
Germany used have multiple chip foundries, they were all driven into Asia by market forces, not choice
It is quite amusing, really. Putin has split NATO alliances with gas, as a direct result of the EU’s disastrous green energy policies.
The EU will be making the Yugo equivalent of a CPU.
I hope they have a fondness for life in the old GDR.
“The EU will be making the Yugo equivalent of a CPU.”
A steam powered word processor – aka, typewriter.
Well, old helmet hair and the EU have done all the heavy lifting. So now it just up to the grid,chip and metal producers to get on with it. Job done!
Legislating to control production – what could possibly go wrong.
It worked so well for the Soviet Union, after all…
An interesting bit of history:
FFS, let’s get to the guts of all this stuff…….
Germany runs Europe….even more-so without Britain in the mix. …Germany is also the lynchpin of NATO’s Euro-office (also with the UK now in a separate alliance with the US + Oz). So, who runs Germany?
The long-time chancellor, Angela, was a lackey of the USSR (fluent Russian speaker) and is still under Russia’s command. Her dad was a clergyman known as the Red Pastor and emigrated to East Germany from Hamburg. Commies through + through. Her predecessor as Chancellor, Gerhardt Schroeder (socialist, fascist)…..
“As Chancellor, Gerhard Schröder was a strong advocate of the Nord Stream pipeline project, which now supplies Russian gas directly to Germany, thereby bypassing transit countries…n 2005, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s friend Schroeder hastily signed the deal just as he was departing the office from which he had been voted out days earlier. Within weeks, he started to oversee the project implementation himself, leading the Nord Stream AG’s shareholder committee.[86]”
Anything else need explaining about any of these “splits within NATO”?