“Put the arguments aside…”

I appreciate that The Oz puts a range of views on its editorial page so that there is usually something for everyone, but I have to say that the superficiality and phenomenal ignorance of Ms Katrina Grace Kelly does try the nerves. It was her first four words that captured just how dull what she wrote was:

Put the arguments aside over whether it was wrong or right, and focus on what is significant – namely, the emotions that were expressed. On Australia Day eve, when in the presence of Scott Morrison, Grace Tame was visibly discomfited. Tame presented as angry and disgusted with the Prime Minister. These were personal feelings but, in their display, Tame conveyed the public mood of a large cohort.

If you “put the arguments aside” there is nothing left other than empty emotion. I realise Australian of the Year has tended to become Victim of the Year, but how astonishing is all of this. Anyway, I will go direct to the comments since this is obviously not a place into which I should venture. The first half dozen classified under “Most Liked”.

I quote: On Australia Day eve, when in the presence of Scott Morrison, Grace Tame was visibly discomfited. Tame presented as angry and disgusted with the Prime Minister. These were personal feelings but, in their display, Tame conveyed the public mood of a large cohort. Newsflash: Tame has done no such thing. She’s conveyed the mood of Leftist ideologues who never liked, will never like and will never, ever vote for Scott Morrison. Moreover, Tame doesn’t not speak for me. 

Seriously! has anyone actually travelled to regional Vic or even the CBD? Whole streets of boarded up shops. Victoria is a ghost town. Most of them now unfortunately have migrated to Qld.  Please don’t tell me they blame Morrison for any of the dismantling of Victoria. Speak to any sensible, normal person in Victoria and Daniel Andrews is despised.

Meanwhile in Qld, Anna is delighted about the Labor voting Victorians pouring into her state, many with her beliefs, of high debt and crook hospital systems are acceptable, ( until, of course, it affects them) as the Gold and Sunshine Coasts reel under the invasion of Southerners waving wads of money to get them to move, and pressure from Real Estate agents to move on, that is until they realise unless they downsize, there is nowhere to go, and not many want to move to the beachless, public service town of Brisbane. Qld. won the election for The Libs last time, and are likely to lose it for him this time, as their Premier “saved” them, and most would vote her back in tomorrow. Our country is coming to its nemesis as to which way to go, to follow the US on its path to semi destruction, to honour wokeness, or stay a strong country holding onto the beliefs of Democracy.  It’s your call.

So Dan Andrews locks down and ruins Victoria, and Scomo gets the blame? Give it a rest.

OMG! Down south suffering from the longest lockdown in the world by DA! No problems in Victoria caused by DA! ScoMo  is the one and only to blame for everything from the sun coming up in the morning to the stars coming out at night!

Um, there were lockdowns in Victoria that meant people from outside the state couldn’t go to Victoria, which the writer just seems to conveniently forget. As for Grace Tame, she acted like a petulant ungracious child. Supporting her behaviour demonstrates your own misunderstanding of the respect that should shown to our PM, especially when holding an important civic office such as Australian of the Year. Finally, we have all had a gut full of Australians of the Year parading themselves around as if they run the place, just as Tame has done. She was a very poor choice.I find it infuriating to constantly read media reports of a state minister or premier blaming the federal government for the failure of their own policies. It is worse when the journalists covering the story never point out the blame is misplaced.

I find it infuriating to constantly read media reports of a state minister or premier blaming the federal government for the failure of their own policies. It is worse when the journalists covering the story never point out the blame is misplaced.I find it infuriating to constantly read media reports of a state minister or premier blaming the federal government for the failure of their own policies. It is worse when the journalists covering the story never point out the blame is misplaced. Then there are opinion pieces like this attempting to reinforce the blame shift. Morrison and his government had no say over the lockdowns in any state. It is the same with aged care, the federal government supply the funds but the states are the ones who (mis)spend it. Use an article like this as exhibit one of why the public distrust all politicians equally as much as main stream media

Lots more just like these.

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Louis Litt
Louis Litt
February 6, 2022 10:21 pm

Yeah read the first sentence and thought wtf- tame is a bourgise twerp from the eastern suburbs.

February 6, 2022 11:49 pm

I’d long ago given up reading Katrina Grace Kelly in The Oz -a superficial and boring writer if ever there was one.

Bruce in WA
February 7, 2022 12:27 am

I have often thought how I would react to meeting John (spit) Howard. I loathe him with a passion … but I would pray Mum taught me enough to recognise that I should not besmirch, attack, ignore the position of Prime Minister of Australia … even if I hated the current occupant’s guts.

February 7, 2022 6:07 am

Those comments give me hope I might actually see Labor in Victoria wiped out for a generation.

February 7, 2022 6:19 am

Those comments give me hope I might actually see Labor in Victoria wiped out for a generation.

Victoria: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Though their history to date does not auger well for Labor wipe outs. Victoria seems to relish a bit of the old self flagellation

February 7, 2022 6:19 am

February 7, 2022 at 6:07 am
Those comments give me hope I might actually see Labor in Victoria wiped out for a generation.

If we dont, then we will be under Dan and his comrades jackboots for generation(S).

February 7, 2022 6:29 am

Nowadays the Ig Nobel awards are more meaningful than the Australian of the Year awards.

February 7, 2022 6:49 am

It is hoped that the Victorian refugees moving to Queensland would not be the brainwashed Labor voters. Anyone got experience with these folk?

February 7, 2022 6:50 am

Oh and Queensland has taken in its fair share of the refugee quota for now thanks.

February 7, 2022 6:51 am

Grace Tame. It certainly was a brilliant photo and will be come a classic . But the nasty personality on display should be seen as a typical self assured Marxist .Hopefully we will be spared this repulsive personality in the future.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
February 7, 2022 7:26 am

Hopefully we will be spared this repulsive personality in the future.

Don’t bet on it. That thin-lipped POW has yet to expiate her inner being, she knows what she’s done she’s just delaying the reckoning by playing the victim. Retribution will come in spades.

February 7, 2022 7:29 am

February 7, 2022 at 6:49 am
It is hoped that the Victorian refugees moving to Queensland would not be the brainwashed Labor voters. Anyone got experience with these folk?

Of the people I know who moved away, most were small business owners who were destroyed by the lockdowns. Generally what would have been Labor’s working class base not that long ago. Can’t tell you if it’s going to change their voting patterns though.

February 7, 2022 7:55 am

Can’t tell you if it’s going to change their voting patterns though.

It depends what Queenslanders tell these newcomers. If they wax lyrical about their Labor government, then I guess ex-Victorian Labor voters will likely continue to vote Labor.

February 7, 2022 7:55 am

Victoria will be the new Detroit.

Angus Black
Angus Black
February 7, 2022 8:16 am

It’s all very well to see the Woke/Left for what they are, and please don’t think for a second that I feel anything but disgust over the words of Kelly and the boorish behaviour of Tame (amongst a seeming infinity of others)..,

…but today the Liberal government announced massive additional public funding for the Woke/Green’s propaganda arm their “ABC”.

Gird your loins for at least one term of Labor/Greens government at the federal level.

Sadly, the coalition have shown no capacity for honesty, decency or backbone – or even reading the room – while in government…and who is to say they can change in opposition?

God help us all, because the politicians certainly won’t.

February 7, 2022 9:23 am

These were personal feelings but, in their display, Tame conveyed the public mood of a large cohort.

She looked like a pathetic stupid petulant narcissistic brat. Her behaviour was indefensible and anyone attempting to defend it is as big an idiot as she is.

February 7, 2022 9:33 am

The PM did have right to tell the states to pull their head in.

Instead he pandered and funded them.

February 7, 2022 9:42 am

is the fed government in a panic about the coming election?

I think so

the “independents” are being promoted well and the usual drumming up of hatred against the conservatives is well under way

to counter this, the government has just given the ABC a huge boost, to cancel Labor’s initiative for sure, but what a bad look it is for the rest of us

this is what Brendan Nelson, Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull all did, pander to the left and got nothing in return, and there they go and do it yet again even though they all knew it would p*ss off their conservative base

hopefully Malcolm will lobby for Labor and condemn them to another term of opposition

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 7, 2022 10:53 am

Victoria will be the new Detroit.

New Detroit?

That means Robocop is coming!

February 7, 2022 11:05 am

Tame’s a dingbat…… or in more polite terms: has a serious mental disorder….

She was selected / groomed by an old perv teacher at school because she already had mental issues which he knew he could exploit. She’s been selected / groomed by the left because they know she has mental issues which they can exploit.

The sheila writing the article is one of those leftists, so what IS the point of carrying on about this Greta Thunberg-wannabe and her mental issues being exploited for leftist gain. It’s leftism 101. FFS!

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
February 7, 2022 11:14 am

I’ve done worse.

February 7, 2022 11:51 am

When Katrina Grace Kelly was Grace Collier and giving it to the unions she was good value.

Either her inner Karen has taken over or the union heavies have left a horse’s head in her bed.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
February 7, 2022 11:55 am

It is hoped that the Victorian refugees moving to Queensland would not be the brainwashed Labor voters. Anyone got experience with these folk?

A little. IMHO they have all (and I mean all), swallowed the blue pill, believe Convid is real, know F all about state vs fed responsibility, feel the Dan is doing the right thing to protect them and have never heard of the Great Reset. Cashed up and buying property at ridiculous prices. Scared shotless the latest variant is the one that’s going to get them. They’re at home on the Old Coast.
And they’ll never pick up the local lingo, eh.

Old bloke
Old bloke
February 7, 2022 12:11 pm

bespoke says:
February 7, 2022 at 9:33 am

The PM did have right to tell the states to pull their head in.

He had more than a right, he had a DUTY to tell them.

He failed.

Old bloke
Old bloke
February 7, 2022 12:16 pm

I realise Australian of the Year has tended to become Victim of the Year, but how astonishing is all of this.

Victim of the Year, that’s exactly what this award has become.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
February 7, 2022 8:08 pm

Victorians moving to qld- has Dan done what Joe did in the 70’s – increase the iq of boof states

February 8, 2022 7:58 am

I posted a comment that she used to write interesting articles on industrial relations and that maybe she should revert.Rejected!
Clearly she is a protected species.

  1. Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare February 11, 2025 11:43 pm Here’s Dylan in 1976, Desire album. Black Diamond Bay. A favorite of mine,…

  2. Did it one night in a fit of let’s see, and liked it, it became very shiny and made me…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x