Why is everyone so frightened?

By far the deepest insights into the pandemic, and the resistance by the truckers, is provided by David Solway, with this is his best effort yet. There is an agenda in play, and whether you believe it or not, you should pay attention because once we have gone beyond the point of no return, there will be no return. Even as it is, the fear that so many now have of this covid-flu is astonishing. Virtually no one dies, our hospitals are not overrun, while the cornonavirus keeps getting milder as each new iteration is revealed. Yet we are led by completely hysterical political fools who insist they are saving us from much worse.

This is David’s latest article, ‘Pandemic’ Truths: Time for a New Narrative. Here is the central point, but found only towards the end.

According to famed German economist Christian Woolf, the pandemic shutdown was part of a larger strategy whose purpose was to collapse the world economy and bring in a digital or programmable currency controlled by a central bank. “What we are witnessing now,” Woolf writes, “is an attempt to provoke the greatest social chaos by every conceivable means, to wait until the chaos has reached its maximum intensity, and then, with the help of a panacea called ‘universal basic income’, to move from a situation of maximum chaos to one of total control.”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has arrived at the same conclusion. The official Covid response mechanism was pre-planned and deployed to further the aims of the Great Reset. When one recalls that many world leaders and influential individuals are graduates of Schwab’s Young Global Leaders school, including Angela Merkel, Jacinda Ardern, Tony Blair, Emmanuel Macron, Justin Trudeau, Boris Johnson, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and many more, global and procedural uniformity among 186 countries becomes understandable.

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Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
February 9, 2022 11:29 pm

Q What’s the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth?
A 3 months.

February 10, 2022 12:47 am

Mark of the Beast closer than it used to be.

February 10, 2022 1:03 am

What do you say when governments are willing to spend millions, if not tens of millions of dollars, allowing perfectly healthy people to prove to their own satisfaction that they did not have a cold.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
February 10, 2022 1:20 am

Queensland from March 2020 to December 2021 had 2 COVID deaths.
In the past month or so, 300+

The 2 COVID deaths were when Big Bad COVID and Dastardly Delta were rampant.
Now with the mild Omigod variant: 300+ deaths.

Why would that be so? Doesn’t make sense.
Unless the current surge in COVID deaths are related to the rapid uptake of the “vaccines” in Queensland late last year.

I can see their cunning plan – more COVID deaths so more “vaccines”which then causes more COVID deaths so more “vaccines” & so on.

End result: lockdowns, loss of freedoms, mandating regular boosters, vaccine passports and blaming it all on the unvaccinated. There will always be plenty of unvaccinated because the boosters time lines will make the 3/4/5 shotters officially unvaccinated eventually.

February 10, 2022 6:09 am

Last evenings news in Qld
Channel nine burst out quoting 25 Queenslanders had died with the last 24 hours.
Conveniently leaving out what they died of…. and there in lies a can of worms.

I know one thing for sure, those that take their TV crap on board as being gospel are also represented by the amount of dunderheads you see wearing masks.
Frightening… is it not

Following Information Ex the govt websites:

Deaths in Qld per year
My calculator tells me that equals 86 dying per 24 hours in QLD 2020

Deaths in Australia per year.
Same calculator = 463 Deaths per hour in Australia per year

NB: In 2022 there were 9000 less deaths per year than in 2019.

Conclusion: washing your hands has become a healthy pastime for Australians

February 10, 2022 7:12 am
February 10, 2022 7:41 am

Lurx says:
February 10, 2022 at 6:09 am

Deaths in Australia per year.
Same calculator = 463 Deaths per hour in Australia per year

NB: In 2022 there were 9000 less deaths per year than in 2019.

From the ABS link provided:
442 deaths per day in 2020
464 deaths per day in 2019
2020 rate is the same as the 2015-2019 average, so the higher 2019 figure probably due to the influenza strain dealing with the elderly that year, in other words, a REAL viral threat (.. and so much for Tamiflu…).

No data for 2021 yet.. 6 weeks into 2022…
This in the age of Big Data, free, highly scalable Beautiful Soup and Pandas software, instant, real-time updates and centrally-linked databases.

I suspect ABS boffins… with beads of sweat on their brows… keen on pleasing their masters… busily working over their spreadsheets’ what-if analysis models.

I would have predicted a lower death rate than 2020, given all the demented, oppressive control measures instituted and the harmless influenza strain at the time, but:
..If the governments’ priority is to show that the measures were justified and wildly successful: lower death rate
..If the governments want to show that they saved us from much worse: higher death rate

It will all depend on their polling and focus groups.

February 10, 2022 7:41 am

Deaths in Australia per year.
Same calculator = 463 Deaths per hour in Australia per year

Hate to be pedant, but sometimes typos matter; that would be 463 deaths per day 🙂

If it was 463 per hour in Australia, then I’d be all in on masks, jabs, whatever!

Dave of Gold Coast, Aust.
Dave of Gold Coast, Aust.
February 10, 2022 7:58 am

Totally agree with the above. If anyone looks at the deaths from influenza/pneumonia from the stats in official births, deaths and marriages for 2019 in Oz it was well over 3000 yet no restrictions. Our complicit politicians and media instilled chronic fear to terrify the population. Call the whole mess the Great Reset or Agenda 21 the outcome is the same. Vaccines are the preferred measure of action as seen in data from Europe and Israel. These places have extremely high death rates that keep climbing every time another jab is introduced. The cowards in Oz, Canada and NZ wouldn’t dare publish details of deaths because it would destroy the “narrative!”

February 10, 2022 8:41 am

This partial list is interesting as stated explains a lot-

Angela Merkel, Jacinda Ardern, Tony Blair, Emmanuel Macron, Justin Trudeau, Boris Johnson, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg

Hunt and Bragg are the only two I can think of from here- both Lieborals. Would be interesting to know the others from Australia. Interesting too that bLIAR is on the list- partially explains the mass migration to the YooKay which he brought about. BloJo too! What thoroughly evil trash they are.

February 10, 2022 8:46 am

A complicit media doesn’t help.
Since I rarely watch/listen to MSM “news”, have there been any reports of this in Australian media?


I suspect it is like the can’t-bra one – if mentioned at all, as a “side note” rather than the front page it deserves.

They (pollies and MSM both) seem to think we are reliant ONLY on the MSM and that the MSM can and does drive the narrative – suppress reporting and no-one will know.
Hey guys, there’s this thing called the internet you know…

February 10, 2022 8:54 am

They (pollies and MSM both) seem to think we are reliant ONLY on the MSM and that the MSM can and does drive the narrative – suppress reporting and no-one will know.
Hey guys, there’s this thing called the internet you know…

Trash like Riley and Tingle still live in the days where they and the shitty TV stations, radio stations and newspapers would decide what we would be allowed to know.

February 10, 2022 9:00 am

HT says:
February 10, 2022 at 7:41 am
Hate to be pedant, but sometimes typos matter; that would be 463 deaths per day ?

Sorry about the 24 hour glitch in my post, it was after all early in the morning.
At least a little typo mistake stirred some further interest as to how a congregation of brain dead politicians do not bother to read their own data.

As to the press…. ah well, garbage in, garbage out

February 10, 2022 12:21 pm

“As to the press…. ah well, garbage in, garbage out”

I think there are several issues with the MSM:

1) The requirement for a degree, meaning most journalists are now moved significantly left on the political spectrum the same as most university trained individuals are;
2) The journalists desire (enhanced by the universities and their editors) to “tell a story” rather than report the facts;
3) The seeming inability to keep “news” separate from “opinion”;
4) The corporate desire to obtain income – “click-bait” is better for the bottom line than actual reality;
5) The corporate desire to reduce costs – checking the facts using several different sources and ensuring those sources are independent.

Each on their own, while “bad”, is not a death knell for the industry, but together…

If, as has been the case previously, we follow the US example, we will see continued distrust in the MSM. This is a really bad thing for our society, as when people no longer trust the MSM, they get their news from alternate sources. Those sources will largely depend on political leaning, and there is very little overlap between left and right biased sources about what is “real” and what the facts are.

When left and right can no longer agree on what is fact and what is fiction or opinion, any meaningful debate on policy is impossible, and we can expect wild swings in both policy and law as the opposing parties take their turn at the helm – stability will disappear, and any chance of long term planning with it. Worse, corporations will rise and fall based on political whim, rather than societal need.

Censorship by stealth (the truth, just not the entire truth) is a very worrying development – even more so when those who should oppose it the most (the MSM itself) seem intent on not just taking advantage of it, but making it more widespread.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
February 10, 2022 12:28 pm

Why is everyone so frightened? 24/7, 365/365 scaremongering over decades. Conditioned anxiety. You ain’t seen nothing yet. You will when people start collapsing in the street and there’s something real to broadcast.

February 10, 2022 12:37 pm

Interesting analysis Kneel- the other thing I was told re Journalism and Journalism skools many many years ago was it wasn’t about reporting anymore but furthering the ‘narrative’.

February 10, 2022 2:38 pm

Currently in “self isolation” as a result of a member of the household getting the ‘rona. What a joke, they’ve had worse colds. Fever Friday night, provided the proven treatment. Woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed Saturday morning.

RAT neg Saturday (no test Friday night because it was late), went about business as usual. Fever came back Saturday night but no more treatment provided because negative RAT right? Slow sleepy Sunday 75% capacity. Test Monday before school, positive RAT (they were not impressed at the news as they were dressed and ready to go).

Great reset is real and if they fail to implement it this time around (pray they fail), they’ll just regroup and round two will come around with lessons learned. Digital id has already passed Federal Parliament here. When central bank digital currency comes in it’s game over

If we’re lucky they’ll kick the hornets nest in Ukraine and Ivan and friends will bomb them back to the stone age. Of course we might go too, but it’s probably better than digital slavery.

February 10, 2022 2:39 pm

miltonf, the media exists only to create consensus. Once you apply that you realise what bollocks they are pushing.

John Brumble
John Brumble
February 10, 2022 3:12 pm


2) The journalists desire (enhanced by the universities and their editors) to “tell a story” rather than report the facts;
3) The seeming inability to keep “news” separate from “opinion”;
4) The corporate desire to obtain income – “click-bait” is better for the bottom line than actual reality;
5) The corporate desire to reduce costs – checking the facts using several different sources and ensuring those sources are independent.

Your last one I understand to mean that they are not checking the facts, etc.

Now here’s the kicker. These four items are almost exactly the things that Rupert Murdoch was/is actually guilty of when it comes to debasing the media. Not bias, unless it was bias towards whatever would sell the most papers.

Like the importance of Supply, these fundamental facts were known by anyone who studied the industry and they were known as facts for decades and decades. Until it wasn’t convenient anymore and the current narrative made its way to the surface. But you know way these people act – to find out what they are up to, just listen to what they are accusing others of.

February 10, 2022 4:26 pm

Why is everyone so frightened?
Oh, it’s so exciting taking part in a world history event. There I was, just living my ordinary life and then suddenly getting injected, jiggling my smartphone and covering my face like a ninja, playing zoom communities, and I’m now a part of a world wide event that will be read about and studied by future generations. “What did you do in the virus, papa?”
Almost forgot to mention – you’re not allowed in if you’re not in fear. Without fear you’ve opted out of history. You’ve chosen to be unimportant.

Living the dream
Living the dream
February 10, 2022 5:42 pm

Hmmm. Leaders of all major nations – from US to China and between – conspire to crash their economies to…………….?

Mr Kates needs urgent assistance.

Chris M
Chris M
February 10, 2022 8:58 pm

…conspire to crash their economies

It could be phrased better.

But ask yourself this question – has Scott been working to improve Australia or to degrade it? Unquestionably the latter. Same with Joe, Same with Trudeau. Patterns in the West…

Living the dream
Living the dream
February 10, 2022 9:10 pm

Chris: competence is definitely an issue. But it ain’t a conspiracy

Chris M
Chris M
February 11, 2022 12:37 am

Yes – it’s so obviously deliberate and not merely incompetence and certainly isn’t a conspiracy. Even Klaus agrees with us.

  1. California Governor And L.A. Mayor Diverted Billions From Fire-Fighting To Migrant, Homeless, And Climate Subsidies

  2. *I’m interested in this w*nk for the brain-art interface, but seriously Cohen- this rabbit hole only holds madness. I hope…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x