Are the vaccines more of a dud than even we ever thought?

Wrote a piece the other day in which I questioned whether the vaccines were effective at all. An extreme position to take perhaps. Hmm?  Let’s see.

Two neighbours, one vaccinated four or five months ago, one unvaccinated, are both equally obese, have diabetes, high blood pressure and dicky tickers. Having tested positive for Covid, both are prone on their respective couches under instructions from their doctors to call an ambulance upon the onset of breathing difficulties. No Ivermectin for them. My question: How much better chance does the vaccinated person really have of avoiding hospitalisation, intubation and/or death?

The head of the CDC Rochelle Walensky recently referred to a study of over a million people who were vaccinated between when vaccination in the US started in December 2020 and October 2021. She commented: “The overwhelming number of deaths, over 75 percent, occurred in people who had at least four comorbidities, so really these are people who were unwell to begin with.”

Dr Walensky obviously wanted to give the vaccines a pass. However, hang on, isn’t it people with comorbidities that the vaccines are meant to save? But that’s not my main point. Where, pray tell, is the comparable study of deaths of unvaccinated people. Perhaps they too suffered from comorbidities. Do you think?

I’d like to see the results of an objective study of ICU admissions and death rates between the sickly vaccinated and the sickly unvaccinated. I’m not convinced that there would be a difference. There might be. If so, show us serfs the evidence. It is not good enough to endlessly quote figures showing that the unvaccinated have been disproportionately represented in ICUs or among those who’ve died. It seems possible, likely even, that those with comorbidities are disproportionately represented among the unvaccinated. Statistics lay traps for dunderheads. And politicians and their mediocre public health officials eminently qualify.

It’s resolvable. Health departments have the figures, can do the study, let’s see the results.

In any event, the latest surveillance-report data out of NSW are interesting.  Of those who died or were admitted to ICUs between 26 November and 22 January, 88 percent had two doses or more of the vaccine. Eighty-eight percent? I’m making that up. No, I’m not. Of course, the powers that be would say that’s why boosters are needed. But if a third dose is so effective why is early vaccine starter Israel contemplating a fourth dose?

It’s well, well, well past time to end the circus.

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February 13, 2022 8:24 am

Absolutely past time. And isn’t data from the UK supporting the idea the vaxxed are more likely to be infected?

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 13, 2022 8:45 am

What’s in the Vax?
That info is ringfenced from FOI for 75 years.
So, anyone that takes it just to keep their job has rocks in their head.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 13, 2022 8:52 am

So let’s look at what’s in the “good” vaxes:
Well, there’s Mercury as an adjuvant.
That causes a reaction in the body because it’s one of the 3 most poisonous elements, the others being lead and arsenic.
Then there’s formalin as a preservative for longer shelf life.
Then there’s Aluminium.
Then there’s the actual disease material, which may have been cultured on a slice of dogs liver or a slice of monkeys brain.
Ever wondered why every second kid has an autoimmune disease?
Wonder no more.

February 13, 2022 9:24 am

The standard safety protocol for a vaccine is to give it to a test group, and wait a few years to see what happens. The current one is to give it to millions of people and hope nothing happens.

February 13, 2022 9:37 am

I will probably spell this incorrectly, as I am in the car returning from Canberra & can’t look it up. But Malone is reporting the possibility that a stabilising additive – I think to Moderna -Pseudouridine (?) -may be causing adverse injuries. Of course his detractors will pillory him because the additive means he cannot profit from the patent he has on the mRNA technology. But it is another interesting twist & turn.

another ian
another ian
February 13, 2022 9:40 am

Re ” The current one is to give it to millions of people and hope nothing happens.”

“Then there is hope – but hope is not a strategy” E.M. Smith

February 13, 2022 9:41 am

If 90% of pop is vaccinated wouldn’t you expect to see a similar ratio between vaccinated and unvaccinated if Vaccinations don’t work ?

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
February 13, 2022 9:42 am

As someone else has said previously,
“If two jabs work, why do you need a third?
If two jabs don’t work, why would you take a third?”

February 13, 2022 9:43 am

The legacy and depth of our worlds foolishness has yet to be revealed.

Ironic is it not that it was the social instincts of mankind coupled to the lunacy of the left that made up the fountainhead of this now foreseeable disaster.

How many fell for the ruse is anybody’s guess. Though the figure of 90% would be just wishful thinking on behalf of the psychos that made up the leaders of the push.

Those among us that remain as pure bloods would like to think 65% as being a more realistic figure.

Though the bean counters that pay out the subsidies for jabs would have a vague idea

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
February 13, 2022 9:48 am

Define “work ”

If it means the vaccine does what it is intended to do then, given the deaths & injuries from the jab, then it may just be working as intended. The “long vaccine ” effects are what I’m worried about, given the mindset of Gates, Fauci & their puppeteers.

They also want to inject this toxin into bubs down to 6 months old – if this doesn’t make people understand what the purpose of thes “vaccines ” is, then nothing will.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 13, 2022 9:52 am

There’s 3 possibilities with any medicine:
1. It works as intended
2. It doesn’t work, but is benign
3. It kills the recipient.
This particular medicine falls into category 3.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 13, 2022 9:54 am

Further to category 3:
It kills the recipient more or less instantly
2. It kills the recipient in the short term
3. It kills the recipient over the long term

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 13, 2022 9:57 am

Fat Head:
the intentions of BigPharma don’t matter at the moment and are unprovable anyway.
The only thing that matters now is to halt the Covid Vaccination program immediately.

February 13, 2022 10:05 am

Bear in mind that not everyone who is critically ill gets admitted to ICU. Many elderly people with comorbidities simply won’t get admitted there. This is a long-standing practice and is not unique to the pandemic. They make them take their chances on the ward. This will skew the results.

February 13, 2022 10:09 am

Statistics lay traps for dunderheads. And politicians and their mediocre public health officials eminently qualify.

Quote of the day!

February 13, 2022 10:12 am

If 90% of pop is vaccinated wouldn’t you expect to see a similar ratio between vaccinated and unvaccinated if Vaccinations don’t work ?

95% vaxed are the 88% in ICU – that’s a similar ratio. Especially when we know the viral effect on both vaxed and unvaxed are also similar, can be anything between “didn’t know I had it” and a painful death, with deaths from both being a tiny percent.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 13, 2022 10:12 am

But Malone is reporting the possibility that a stabilising additive – I think to Moderna -Pseudouridine (?) -may be causing adverse injuries.

Sounds like Limited Hangout.
This may be unfair to the guy, but given the death toll from these vaccines, it’s safest to assume Dr Malone is Controlled Opposition.

February 13, 2022 10:21 am

Statistics schmatistics. Anybody who understands epidemiology would barely use it.

The vaccine *cannot* work because (assuming covid virus exists) it doesn’t affect people on an acute basis (think “long covid”).

This means that immunity is not even possible in theory (long covid people have already had exposure to a “vaccine” (ie a version of the virus that doesn’t cause symptoms) and, presumably, it didn’t help).

To simplify, if the vaccine could work, it wouldn’t be needed because everybody would already have immunity anyway.

February 13, 2022 10:38 am

Its about money… has and always has been, about money.
Only a complete fool would ever believe the grubment or any Clingon for that matter, could really give a rats ass about the end result.

Big or little Pham get to not only dispense a cure, they also dish out the disease. Grubment operate with identical articles of association.

We talk about an open society, with freedoms of trade…. but alas, without morals and ethics, freedom of trade and government are naught but a further pox.

And this morning on my Facebook page I am blessed FFS, with the following reminder…..

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
February 13, 2022 10:58 am

Out and about the shops yesterday and the places who aggressively announced a RAT test shortage recently are now chasing customers.

February 13, 2022 11:02 am

The big clue was when they reduced the gap time between 2nd and 3rd from 6 months down to 3.

When the booster campaign was starting the CM had an article about everything you want to know about boosters. It included a bit saying when the vaccines were tested they were not able to test if they waned after time. When I used their own words to highlight that point my comment was rejected.

Then you have CEO Pfizzer saying first two Pfizzer do not work against Omicron. Naturally then pushed no 3. Then there is Israel and Gibralter and a few other highly jabbed countrues. Or the EU Health Agency expressing concerns at number of vaccines. None of which gets reported here.

The press has failed us miserably. They have taken their job to be promoting the Vax and the cheering on the Government restrictions without question. You would think with such a big story CM would have a dedicated Covid reporter who actually knew the subject. From what I can see there is no specialist so we don’t get any hard hitting questions or articles.

Special mention goes to Susie O Brian of HS who was on Ch 7 News. Pretty sure I saw the clip from an overseas source. She was enthusiastic about the prospect of unvaccinated parents in WA not being able to visit their sick kids in WA hospitals. She liked the idea what it could be used as pressure to get vaccinated. Just incredible.

Meanwhile the death statistics are almost meaningless as above average age with serious comorbidities. Again no questioning of this. The one aspect that does need attention is when an aged care home gets an unusual amount of deaths.

February 13, 2022 11:13 am

Its about money… has and always has been, about money.

For Big Pharma, it’s about the money; but for Big Gov, it’s about power. The latter is becoming all to evident, for even the rose coloured glasses wearers.

February 13, 2022 11:24 am

The boosters were developed and purchased before Omicron was discovered so what evidence is there to support the idea that the booster is effective against Omicron.
Israel has one of the highest vaxx rates in the world, over 95% triple vaxxed and several thousands having a 4th shot. Israel also has the highest per capita rate of COVID cases.
Aus has just changed the definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ from 2 shots to 3.
US Defense Department data seems to show an increase in all sorts of unrelated conditions, such as cancer (300%), heart attacks (269%) etc. US has a vax mandate for Defense.
Netherlands has high vax rate. Plans to give up to 6 boosters. Has now discovered a highly virulent form of HIV.
Harry Sparkles (formerly a prince) is urging everyone, yes everyone, to go and get an AIDS test.
Over 400 supposedly fit young male athletes (many in European soccer) have had heart attacks or other cardiovascular events with some unfortunately dying.

Yet we are constantly bombarded with the slogan the COVAX is safe and effective.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
February 13, 2022 11:34 am

Are the vaccines more of a dud than even we ever thought?

To be clear:


February 13, 2022 11:59 am

And Novavax is not “recommended” as a booster.

February 13, 2022 12:12 pm

I wonder how long before these are banned, while people wait for Big Pharma to respond with a cure-all: Common Over-the-Counter Medication May Provide Relief for People With Long COVID-19 Symptoms.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
February 13, 2022 12:23 pm

A long read but very well worth while, imho.

A snippet follows.

End thoughts

We understand far less about infections than we like to think. We are simply scratching at the surface at present. It is all extremely complex. If you are up for it, you may wish to read this paper. ‘Pathogenesis of COVID-19 described through the lens of an undersulfated and degraded epithelial and endothelial glycocalyx.’11

This paper represents a monstrously complex discussion of ‘the terrain.’ Namely, why do some people shrug off COVID19, whereas others may become so seriously ill that they may die?

According to this paper, it has nothing whatsoever to do with the things that we think of as part of the classic ‘immune response.’ T-cells, B-cells, cytokines, antibodies and suchlike. It is almost entirely to do with the ability of cells in our body to prevent viral entry.

Keeping things as simple as possible. If COVID19 (or other viruses) cannot get into an endothelial cell – or find it very difficult to do so – because the glycocalyx is healthy and robust, then SARS-Cov2 simply bounces off, and you will not become seriously ‘infected’. Yes, you will ‘shrug’ the virus off. It may enter your bloodstream, but that is about as far as it is going to get.

I mean, I have always been aware of the importance of cell entry in viral diseases. Both HIV and the Ebola virus enter a cell by hijacking a protein called CCR5 attached to cell membranes. There are a few people who have a thing called the CCR5delta32 mutation. If you have this mutation, it means that HIV and Ebola cannot attach themselves to the protein. Neither virus can then get into the cell and ‘infection’ cannot occur. The terrain is all.

Have any of those on SAGE, or Fauci, or Ferguson, or the CDC paid any heed to such things? I would be very surprised if any of them had even heard of the glycocalyx. A perfect example of the Dunning-Kruger* effect, I feel.

Yet, despite their stunning ignorance about such things, certain individuals and organisations grabbed the reins of influence in order to convince those in power that they had the answer.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
February 13, 2022 12:44 pm

Anybody who understands epidemiology would barely use it…

…The vaccine *cannot* work because (assuming covid virus exists) it doesn’t affect people on an acute basis (think “long covid”)…

…This means that immunity is not even possible in theory…

…To simplify, if the vaccine could work, it wouldn’t be needed because everybody would already have immunity anyway.

Chad Thunderbrain, the less you speak on any matters medical beyond blanket statements of your faith like “All Disease is caused by Weakness, and you are all weak because you all get diseased” and “All vaccines of any kind are bad and useless because I said so,” the better.

It makes you appear less ignorant that way.

February 13, 2022 2:36 pm

Peter, you are the best on this subject.
Thank you for many thoughtful pieces.

February 13, 2022 2:41 pm

“So, anyone that takes it just to keep their job has rocks in their head.”

or a mortgage to pay or kids to feed

comfortably retired then I guess? so brave

February 13, 2022 2:41 pm

“The overwhelming number of deaths, over 75 percent, occurred in people who had at least four comorbidities, so really these are people who were unwell to begin with.”


February 13, 2022 4:19 pm

“In any event, the latest surveillance-report data out of NSW are interesting. Of those who died or were admitted to ICUs between 26 November and 22 January, 88 percent had two doses or more of the vaccine. Eighty-eight percent? I’m making that up. No, I’m not”.

At 98 out of 436, the unvaxxed supplied a lot more than 12 percent of the dead.

February 13, 2022 4:32 pm

“In any event, the latest surveillance-report data out of NSW are interesting. Of those who died or were admitted to ICUs between 26 November and 22 January, 88 percent had two doses or more of the vaccine. Eighty-eight percent? I’m making that up. No, I’m not”.

At 98 out of 436, the unvaxxed supplied a lot more than 12 percent of the dead.

February 13, 2022 4:33 pm

Sorry for the double up.

February 13, 2022 4:37 pm

“US Defense Department data seems to show an increase in all sorts of unrelated conditions, such as cancer (300%), heart attacks (269%) etc. US has a vax mandate for Defense”.

I wonder about some of these tales.

Using the same vax, why doesn’t the general population have these rates?

February 13, 2022 5:19 pm

@ Aaron 1637

Maybe they do. Govt isn’t really keen to release that sort of data. It really messes with the narrative.

February 13, 2022 6:00 pm

“Maybe they do. Govt isn’t really keen to release that sort of data. It really messes with the narrative”.

The Gov wouldn’t need to.

The evidence would be in every family.

Kind of story that could be released to discredit people though.

Another weird one.

Undertaker with clots.

Surely not just his “clients” :-).

February 14, 2022 7:12 am

Using the same vax, why doesn’t the general population have these rates?

Because if you’re in the army these things get recorded. If you’re in the general population they don’t unless they specifically report them to the TGA.

And the fact is that everybody has either experienced or witnessed bizarre/horrific reactions.

I was with a group of 10 guys last night and all but one (other than me) had experienced a significant reaction. But no matter. They had all gone back for their boosters (or were about to).

The brainwashing is off the charts.

February 14, 2022 2:24 pm

Mass formation psychosis.

?julie boyd@jboyded·Feb 11Replying to @VictorianCHO and @JBell100099We are indeed. Grateful for my 3 doses. Hit me like a truck when i got it. Still shaking it off 3 weeks later. Hate to think what would have happened without the vax. Thanks Prof.

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x