The true north weak and fascist

Canadian Speaker Blames “Poor Audio,” Cuts Member’s Feed When He Asks Why Klaus Schwab Is “Bragging” About the WEF Successfully “Infiltrating Half of Canada’s Cabinet”.

And just like that, Canada becomes a totalitarian authoritarian state with no evident means to return to its former way of life.

And in case you are interested in the extent to which Justin Trudeau is an utter non-entity, you should read through this: Who Is Justin Trudeau? put together by David Solway. Here is some of it, but the extent to which this nobody is Canada’s dictator should amaze you. We really are the most depraved and inane political culture in history.

Justin Trudeau’s track record as prime minister of Canada is, to put it mildly, far from stellar.

  • He has been implicated in multiple scandals and cited on several ethics violations.
  • He has imposed a needless and prohibitive carbon tax upon a struggling nation and raised the national debt into the economic stratosphere.
  • He is soft on terrorism, having awarded a $10.5 million reparation payment to al-Qaeda terrorist Omar Khadr, a Canadian who had been imprisoned in Guantanamo for killing an American medic in Afghanistan.
  • He sympathized with Boston marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tzarnaev, who killed three people and injured another 170, saying  “there is no question that this happened because there is someone who feels completely excluded.” We need, rather, “to look at the root causes” of terrorism.
  • He is on record admiring the “basic dictatorship” of Communist China and made no secret of his fondness for Castro, waxing eloquent in his eulogy for the dead dictator and extolling “his tremendous dedication and love for the Cuban people.” Trudeau concluded his oration by “join[ing] the people of Cuba today in mourning the loss of this remarkable leader.”

Canadians used to see Canada as a better version of North American political culture. Now it is no better than Mussolini’s Italy.

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February 22, 2022 12:42 pm

I lived in Canada from 1968 to 1982. While I am sure that Blackface is responsible for a lot of Canada’s problems, the writing was on the wall in 1982. I left a good life and business to return to Australia due to my understanding of where Canada was headed. I have been proven correct ever since.
Canada is finished as a prosperous democracy, there can be no recovery from here.

Ivan Denisovich
Ivan Denisovich
February 22, 2022 12:45 pm


Chilliwack MP Mark Strahl, who sits in the Tory shadow cabinet, tweets:

Briane is a single mom from Chilliwack working a minimum wage job. She gave $50 to the convoy when it was 100% legal. She hasn’t participated in any other way. Her bank account has now been frozen. This is who Justin Trudeau is actually targeting with his Emergencies Act orders.

So the Prime Minister is now freezing bank accounts of those who donate fifty bucks to people who oppose him. When Robert Mugabe did this, Zimbabwe got suspended from the Commonwealth. What’s the difference, Lady Scotland?

Mr Strahl is, alas, wrong to suggest these actions derive from “emergency” powers. Chrystia Freeland, Canada’s ever more sinister and ghoulish Deputy Prime Minister (and simultaneous board member of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum), is quite upfront about making these “emergency” powers permanent……..

February 22, 2022 12:47 pm

well at least Canada is not in the AUSUK deal, and probably for more reasons than their military is sub standard at best and their navy less capable than a fishing boat at worst.

what irony, watching the Kanuks (?) realise their government is worse than Victoria state in Australia (that they were all chuckling at not so long ago)

mind you, their media is the same as our ABC/lefty rags like the Age/SMH etc and regularly gaslights their audience

February 22, 2022 12:48 pm

The scene from the Ottawa HoC is both chilling and pathetic.

February 22, 2022 12:49 pm

It is hard to believe how quickly and easily formerly free societies like Canada and Australia have succumbed to authoritarian rule

February 22, 2022 12:50 pm

MP Colin Carrie asks about the World Economic Forum’s influence on Canadian politicians. He gets cut off and NDP MP Charlie Angus says Carrie is spreading “disinformation.”

Which means the constituent was bang on with their question.

Standartenführer Schwab and his minions (such as Turdeaux and Horceface) aren’t exactly “hiding out of plain sight”.

February 22, 2022 12:51 pm


ha ha very good

February 22, 2022 1:07 pm

the absence of objective journalism and platforms to protest online is key to the demise of freedoms

the media, the journalists now side with authoritarianism, anyone disagreeing is labelled an extremist and the populace is called upon to ostracise them and if they don’t then they are punished as well

Germany didn’t start with gas chanbers, it was a slow process and started with labelling and alienation of people as “them”, as in, not “us”

the rich and powerful, the descendents of mining magnates, media owners and now new tech rich don’t care for the opinions of the people and look for ways to inflict their own ideas and will on an unwilling majority

how many times has climate related politics been rejected for us only to be resubjected election after election to the whims of rich funders of contrary ideas?

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
February 22, 2022 1:08 pm

The banality of tyranny. Make all unlawful acts of the Government legal.

February 22, 2022 1:11 pm

My condolences, Steve.

Totalitarianism just needs one imbecile with a god complex like Trudeau and it’s off and running.

People just assumed it couldn’t happen and here it is. I you want to keep democracy, the fascists aren’t just going to give up the power they’ve assembled for themselves in the past two years. We’re going to have to fight to get it back.

Good luck, Canada. We’re thinking of you.

February 22, 2022 1:12 pm

Chilling in the way the question was shut down.
Pathetic in the way the speaker had to pretend not hear.

February 22, 2022 1:15 pm

how many times has climate related politics been rejected for us only to be resubjected election after election to the whims of rich funders of contrary ideas?

2013 and 2019 at least

February 22, 2022 1:16 pm

How aboot that free healthcare eh?

Cassie of Sydney
February 22, 2022 1:34 pm

“the absence of objective journalism and platforms to protest online is key to the demise of freedoms”

Correct…and this is what concerns me. Useless, corrupt and spineless politicians have been around since Adam was a boy but we once had some half decent journalists and media companies that produced decent objective journalism. It’s gone…..gone. Journalists are now, largely, hard-left political activists who use media platforms to push particular narratives they like and approve of, which is always hard left.

And the state of the MSM in Canada is particularly dire….more so than here in Oz. Almost all mainstream media companies in Canada are beholden to Trudeau because his government threw money at them to bail them out.

The only independent media companies in Canada are Rebel News and the Millennial Post. Ezra Levant does God’s work. Every day he, Rebel and the Post are smeared as far-right, Nazi, white supremacist loonies. Of course they are no such thing….but Trudeau’s whole shtick to to accuse his political and media opponents of being far-right, Nazi, misogynist and white supremacist. He’s been doing it since 2015 and he’s completely stripped these words of any potency. And he’s now done it to the truckers….working class men and women. Only Trudeau could stand up in parliament and say to a lesbian Jewish conservative MP that she’s stands under a swastika and in the ensuing uproar, rather than apologise, he walked out. But he’s always been like this. He is an obscenity.

What’s happening in Canada is a template for the west. It’ll reach these shores soon.

February 22, 2022 1:38 pm

I wholeheartedly support anyone who removes these worldwide failures of government by whatever means.

February 22, 2022 1:42 pm

billie says:
February 22, 2022 at 12:47 pm
well at least Canada is not in the AUSUK deal, and probably for more reasons than their military is sub standard at best and their navy less capable than a fishing boat at worst.

The Canadians have a very firm mindset that they need not support an effective defence force because they have a big brother on their southern border that won’t, can’t allow a material threat to Canada stand. The Canadians bludge off the USA for their security to a greater extent than even Europe, and saying something.

February 22, 2022 2:01 pm

The Canadians bludge off the USA for their security to a greater extent than even Europe, and saying something.

why even bother with security when your elite is selling the country out to foreign interests?

February 22, 2022 2:03 pm

What’s happening in Canada is a template for the west. It’ll reach these shores soon.

For a while we seemed to be the WEF test country, that dubious honour seems to have gone to Canada for now

Old bloke
Old bloke
February 22, 2022 2:10 pm

What’s happening in Canada is a template for the west. It’ll reach these shores soon.

It’s not just Trudeau and his deputy, the WEF has planted agents everywhere. To fight their takeover we have to first know who they are and name and shame them. I didn’t know that Sarah Two-Dads was one of them.

Expose WEF Infiltrators

February 22, 2022 4:55 pm

Oh, Canada!

February 22, 2022 5:07 pm

Open revolt is looking increasingly necessary

February 22, 2022 5:09 pm

Communism, avowedly secularistic and materialistic, has no place for God. This I could never accept,… I strongly disagreed with Communism’s ethical relativism… there are no fixed, immutable principles; consequently, almost anything—force, violence, murder, lying—is a justifiable means to the ‘millennial’ end.
– Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

I don’t know where I came by this quote. If it was here just recently than I apologise.
Nevertheless MLK was very aware of the millennial end. To which we are more than aware of now
It appears we will need to reopen our declining relationship with the supreme commander and with more than just a token of honesty if we are to beat these devils on our doorstep.

Dave of Gold Coast, Aust.
Dave of Gold Coast, Aust.
February 22, 2022 5:16 pm

On the issue of Klaus Schwab, surely our federal Government has major connections there as well. Doesn’t our minister Hunt attend the World Economic Forum?

February 22, 2022 5:29 pm

Lurx, did you intend that for the Open Thread?

We’ve just been discussing millenarianism and political ideologies there.

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
February 22, 2022 5:38 pm

Justin Trudeau is one of Schwab’s “young leaders” plants, and being the son of atheist dictator Fidel Castro, it’s no surprise that Canada is in a pretty screwed position.
We all know these people are all in collusion and taking orders from the shadows, and it is no different here in Australia.
We’re not going to vote our way out of this mess.
But there of always hope for a better future based on the Good.

February 22, 2022 6:39 pm

Just trawl thru the WEF web site. I imagine some ‘young leaders’ are not listed to avoid exposure.

February 22, 2022 7:55 pm

Dot says:
February 22, 2022 at 1:16 pm

How aboot that free healthcare eh?

Can’t remember who said “If you think health care is expensive now, just wait until it’s free!”

February 22, 2022 8:37 pm

To fight their takeover we have to first know who they are and name and shame them.

A person must have integrity to be susceptible to shaming tactics, these people have none.
You must use more ‘direct’ methods to fight them.

February 22, 2022 8:38 pm

I used to think that Justin Trudeau was merely an airhead, but with the latest developments in Canada I now think that the mask has slipped, and that he is in our own Dan’s class for sheer nastiness. I wonder if Justin’s soulmate St Jacinda will undergo a similar metamorphosis.

February 23, 2022 8:45 am

I lived in Canada from 1968 to 1982. While I am sure that Blackface is responsible for a lot of Canada’s problems, the writing was on the wall in 1982.

How was it evident in 1982?

February 23, 2022 8:52 am

For a while we seemed to be the WEF test country, that dubious honour seems to have gone to Canada for now

We’re still there. They’re still holding the strings and loosening and tightening them at will. People are still being coerced to get the jab. That is not freedom.

February 23, 2022 9:37 am

“We need, rather, “to look at the root causes” of terrorism.”

Completely backwards.

We need to get rid of ALL terrorism “crimes”.

By acknowledging they have a “cause”, we are legitimising them.
9/11 “terrorists” could be considered “freedom fighters” and supported/defended because of that. If instead they were charged with 2,643 (or whatever) counts of murder and 10,000 counts of attempted murder and/or “conspiracy to commit murder”/”accessory before the fact”, then they are merely criminals, and their motivation is moot, in much the same way as any mafioso’s motivations are moot when they commit murder.

Some might defend a “terrorist” because “one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter”, but no-one defends a criminal who commits murder – especially multiple murders.
As many police officials have stated, they already had sufficient powers to stop terrorists without the creation of a new crime. And since “terrorism” is so ill defined, it can and will be abused, a la Kanada at this time.

Time to put the line back between criminal acts and political acts – permanently.

February 23, 2022 9:57 am

“…the absence of objective journalism and platforms…”

Substack is a damned fine model for any independently minded journalist – Tiebi (sp?), Greenwald etc do well, and so could many others that remain in the Australian media landscape. Hell, with such editorial freedom, we might even get the likes of Miranda Divine back.

The point is, platforms in and of themselves are neither good nor evil, and there is already substantive push-back against Big Tech. Substack, Truth Social, Locals, Rumble, GAB, Minds etc are all moving more and more to a free speech model as the screws tighten and more and more people want what they offer, and move away from more traditional sources.

John Sheldrick
February 23, 2022 12:35 pm

So what is the point of having a Question Time in Parliament anywhere on Planet Earth?

February 23, 2022 2:02 pm

John Sheldrick says:
February 23, 2022 at 12:35 pm

So what is the point of having a Question Time in Parliament anywhere on Planet Earth?

A bit of entertainment for the plebs.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
February 24, 2022 7:51 pm

He likes the way his dad ran things?

Well blow me down…

  1. That looks more like a tortoise than a turtle. Turtles legs are more flipper-like. This tortoise looks like the sort…

  2. Mexico folded, UK folded, we folded. Seems to be an effective negotiating tactic. An 800lb gorilla gets to set the…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x