I am thinking about taking the Novavax vaxxine. It is not mRNA and is supposedly a traditional vaccine, but I worry still. I am asking for any information any of you might have about Novavax and its risks.
Whatever residual trust I had in the institutions (political, legal, media) and organisations (business, community) that guide the nation, was…
Created before Delta and can’t be used as a booster.
The Government only ordered 51 million doses so get in before the rush !
I am thinking about taking the Novavax vaxxine. It is not mRNA and is supposedly a traditional vaccine, but I worry still.
I am exactly the same – Family pressure to take Vaccine was/is enormous – have been happy with anti-viral appoach for over 2 years
With triple jabbed Pfizer family in Europe, all succumbing to Covid in the past week and half, with son pretty off for 3 days, grandson in melbourne with heart murmur, double jabbed Pfizer and having booster end of this week
All I can see is that Covid vaccines do not work
I was considering Novavax because Sub-Unit protein, and same as 3 Pneumococcal I have already, and to get a Vaccine Certifcate
As I recover at home from major surgery (after 8 days in Hospital), as I said to my wife, Federal Health Minister Hunt said Novavax only for 2 jabs, has not been approved as booster, so why bother.
As the Covid Vaccines are turning out to be a heap of rubbish, I, at this stage with stick with anti-virals
Healthiest Person in 3 generation Household over last 3 years
The problem with Novavax is it uses the spike protein attached to a particle.
What we now know is that the spike protein binds to the receptor pretty much irreversibly. Novavax is better than the mRNA “vaccines” since via the spike protein the mRNA vaccines induce cell membrane fusion between T-cells with that receptor and the blood vessel cells that the vaccine cause to have the spike protein on their surfaces. This leads to depletion of the T-cells and blot clot issues due to the inflammation caused on the blood vessel surfaces.
Since Novavax is a spike protein on a non-cellular support nanoparticle the cell fusion issue is no longer a problem, but the irreversible binding issue remains. It’s like a key inserted into a lock then breaking it off. The lock is broken because you can’t get the key fragment out of it. So those T-cells are neutralized, and can’t perform when a real Covid virus comes along.
Novovax will though produce an antibody response, and those antibodies are available to scarf up Covid viruses. But that is temporary, since we know within 4-5 months they disappear.
Unfortunately with the spike protein vaccines they seem to take out the T-cells which provide innate immunity. That natural immunity is why only 20% of the Diamond Princess passengers caught Covid despite being stuck on the same ship for a month. It’s why we see higher infection rates among the vaccinated (in the Scottish data especially), since the other protective mechanism, of already tuned T-cells, is removed by the vaccines.
But do your research and choose yourself Steve.
Newcat covered this recently Steve.
If it is approved as a vaccine why not as a booster?
I am being forced to have a booster by end of March to keep my contract position in the mining industry.
When they release Ivermectin etc, then I’ll believe that they are serious.
Protein subunit vaccines never worked for SARS1 and MERS. Why would this one be any better?
This is a PDF of letters to my local rag, it’s indicative of how all too many have been completely brainwashed regarding COVID.
If you have avoided it thus far, why give in now? I know everyone’s circumstances are different and the pressure is much more intense for some due to employment mandates so I am trying not being judgemental.
From where I sit, pressure is starting to lift with restrictions being walked back. With every day that passes, I am feeling more confident that my decision to avoid the shot was the right one.
Unless you have significant comorbidities, COVID is unlikely to do you harm. If you do have serious comorbidities, you’d have to wonder whether you are in especial danger from vaccine side effects. I don’t know, but my guess is that if you’re sick enough to be in real danger, you’re too sick to risk the vaccine. There is no suggestion, even from Big Parma, that the vaccine will help you fight any condition you already have.
No vaccine has gone through anything approaching normal testing and no test data are published (so you simply can’t calculate the potential downside) so I don’t see why you’d take any of the vaccines unless you’re in serious and imminent danger.
It is certainly clear that all official and mainstream media sources are exaggerating the dangers of COVID and downplaying the dangers of vaccination. I can’t see any clear evidence that any group is better off vaccinated and the best available evidence is that for the average person under 70 the odds are against you if you choose vaccination. At the end of the day, it’s a dice roll. I just can’t see a situation in which the odds of vaccinating are better than the alternative. There are certainly data I’m not aware of (and a great deal which are deliberately hidden from me) and situations I haven’t considered though.
If you are going to risk vaccination, I’d avoid mRNA based vaccine transmission like the plague. The Pharma companies have been attempting to get approval of the mRNA vector for everything under the sun for many years now and they have been consistently knocked back except in a few cases where the experimental medication is intended to specifically address a disease you have which is now otherwise definitely terminal.
Good luck, whatever you decide.
Trust the Government and the Doctors, Steve.
Then, if you can, let us know how you get on.
However it is a bit sad to know that you are thinking of joining the luddites and offering your nether regions to the fascists.
That must be a joke, trust Government and Doctors??? FMD. (well I hope it’s a joke)
If you are reasonably healthy and your immune system works well I would NEVER put spike protein poison in your system.
Every day I read more information pointing to poor outcomes from the vaccine and death rates climbing in the vaccinated.
Steve, as far as I can tell, the so-called ‘vaccines’ have been developed for strains that, by and large, no longer exist and have little benefit for the current strain. If you have confidence in your own immune system, then trust it. In case you haven’t watched this interview, then I recommend you do so.
From what I can see, the ‘pandemic’ is all but over and anything we contract now is likely to be inconsequential.
Good luck and best wishes.
This is the vax for those who are ‘hesitant’ and ‘reluctant.’
Only 51 M doses with no booster option means it will be used as a gateway to mRNA lifetime subscription.
Have been following this Dr. Mobeen Syed’s twitter and youtube videos. He explains so many things in a understanding way and his research plus the Links he gives to papers etc. is amazing.
some great info..https://t.co/GG4HLcDjHa
Steve, why are you considering any vaccine at all? After two years, presumably you are naturally immune, have had a mild dose without noticing, or perhaps have escaped infection.
Whichever of these is true, why would you take an experimental jab now?
Last August I caught the delta version. From feeling unsure if I was a little wonky until it was all over took about eight hours with only a couple of hours slight hot and cold flushes. Packed a hospital bag, made a note of the ambulance phone, and made a list of where I had been in the last week – all in case it got worse. It didn’t. It was only a little worse than the very few fevers, colds and flus I’ve fought off for the last half century with no medication. Some of us have learned to trust our natural immune responses, some need assistance from medication. Retired and not a regular pub etc visotor, so not committed to frequent contact with crowds or groups.
Things to consider about Novavax:
This vaccine will ultimately do zero to protect you from Covid in the long run, and may weaken your defences against other diseases. With each shot (you will have to get boosters with this, just like the others), you are doing damage to your innate and natural immune system.
Its immediate impact maybe less than the current batch of ‘vaccines’ because the spike dose is more controlled, but you still get the most toxic part of the virus directly into your system.
Spike can pass through the blood brain barrier, and can allow for other substances (nano-particles) to pass into the brain. What would these other substances (nano-particles) do when inside the brain?
We do not know what all the ingredients are in the vials. There is no allowable independent analysis of the content. Like the others, it’s released under the emergency use authorisation, and is protected from greater scrutiny.
Because its released under EUA, it has skipped large parts of the testing and trials, we don’t have any reliable data on long-term effects.
So there is no meaningful or lasting protection, there is only potential for downside risk. You would be taking it to ‘comply’ and be allowed to participate in society, at risk to your health.
I’m about to be sacked from my place of work (a large corporate) because I won’t take the jab. The company has put enormous pressure on the small number of remain hold outs and many have caved in. My removal will cause disruptions, but organisation doesn’t care.
What more proof do you need that this is a coordinated global plan to destroy us? Companies will often re-structure , cut costs, etc. and shed staff. BUT this has always been done on the basis of a rationale to improve the company, e.g. lower costs, new strategic direction, etc. You may think the strategy is flawed, but they will have a rationale that they can argue to show how it will benefit the company.
There is zero benefit and only pain to shed staff in this case. It’s completely irrational, all pain and no gain. They know these vaccines don’t work, they know they have significant side effects, but they have imposed policy rules where they don’t need to. Why? because their owners (e.g. Blackrock and other globalists) have told the C-level fools to shut up and do it! And being compliant corporate sheep, they obey.
Check out Prof Nikolai Petrovsky and Covax19.
It looks like being the safest one yet, it may well be the most effective. Volunteers are being sought for the Australian trials,and some workplaces are accepting registration for that trial as a valid reason for exemption for current vaccines.
Steve, do a search of Discernable interviewing Prof Petrovsky. (For some reason I can’t link to it).
It’s well worth a listen and Petrovsky addresses Novavax from the 1 hr 10 min (or thereabouts) of the interview. (The interview is from before Novavax received authorisation).
Going through life without recognising sarcasm must be a blessing.
As for myself, I don’t think I shall be arsed pointing out the obvious to the differently able.
The vaccines are useless. How can a “vaxx” formulated for an earlier iteration be of any benefit? The only reason you would have one is if you were forced to, either by work or family pressure.
If it’s the first…leave your job. Why would you want to work for an organisation that wants to dictate what you can and can’t do to your own body. The second is trickier – Cats know my conundrum of last October.
I was vaxxed. I now have an injury to my arm. I will not be getting a “booster” for any reason whatsoever. The line is drawn.
Same situation.
I’m not reading too much into the Novavax not being approved for boosters yet as they only sought approval for the initial course and (I think) are now seeking a separate approval for boosters also – this is the same as the other non-vaccines as far as I am aware. Also, if the reported vaxxed % are to be believed, or even if they are off by 5-10% (which wouldn’t surprise me), 51 million initial doses should be plenty enough for those that want them.
Still hopeful the mandates will be dropped here in VIC before I have to roll up a sleeve, as the narrative has been falling apart, but sadly no reason to think Andrews won’t hold out just to be bloody minded. Perhaps if we take in a significant no. of under-vaxxed Ukrainian temporary refugees, that might give Andrews the political cover he needs to drop that shit altogether, but not holding my breath.
Yes. Yourself.
Steve, I understand the pressure to take it, especially as it’s not the mRNA version.
I think you need to internally consider why you are thinking for taking it. I am guessing it’s not for health reasons (in that you’re not really worried about catching Covid and getting a terrible reaction from it). It’s possible that you will get some of your freedoms back.
It is a tempting prospect after so many months. But I fear it’s a fools errand – it’s not coming back, not before it gets a whole lot worse (perhaps with months/years of respite in between).
Novavax is a shot of spike protein that had been grown in moth serum or the like. Avoid the spike protein from whatever source. Even nursing infants have died from spike protein in their mother’s milk. The madness will end eventually.
If you have held out this long, why cave now?
I’m 73 and had covid early on, in April 2020, with minimal problems (picked it up in the UK). Then omicron in early January this year. Bad cold equivalent.
I am also old enough to have gone to measles/chicken pox “parties” as a kid with good success! Natural immunity is best so maybe make sure you get omicron? Whatever you do, don’t stick the experimental jabs in your arm, at least until the human experiments are over in 5 – 10 years time!
Have reconsidered my decision to take Novavax. The more I read on the spike protein the less interested I am in having it bashing in the door of my already touchy immune system.
The only places I’m banned from entering are the three libraries I regularly borrow from. You know, the ones supported by ratepayers and every one of them has a mealy-mouthed mission statement that states they are open to everyone and they never, ever do that nasty old discrimination thingy.
The spike protein once taken cannot be un-taken. That’s sobering enough to keep my resolve strong.
I have been considering taking Novavax, not because I believe that it will protect me from the dreaded COVID, but because I am under extreme pressure from family and friends, who believe that by my remaining unvaxxed, I will become the COVID equivalent of a Typhoid Mary, who will infect everyone around me. My two sisters in law have threatened to ban me from all family social occasions, on the ground that I could infect them and their grandchildren, another relative refuses to have any contact with me, and so on. They refuse to believe that vaccination doesn’t prevent one from being infected, or that COVID in children is no worse than a mild cold, and still have faith in the medical experts who are pushing vaccination, even though there is now overwhelming evidence that the vaccines are virtually useless.
What am I to do? Do I take Novavax, and die, or suffer from serious side effects, or do I become a hermit?
Hey Steve, you are by orders of magnitude more likely to die of “vaccination” than that virus from the other year.
The spike in Novavax still has the glycoprotein 120 (as well as the other 3 HIV) domain(s). That’s the spike component that is probably giving people VAIDS. Bruce of Newcastle refers to the cell adhesion properties above which are particularly the case in tissues with plenty of cell surface ACE2 receptors.
An interesting video about companies and succession planing in the US given jabbed employees.
Omicron will vaccinate you. Even the guy in the pink jumper reckons so.
Now, I am getting it tomorrow and I am not bloody happy about it. I believe I had COVID in early 2020. I am probably immune.
The safety and efficacy of Novavax and Sputnik are excellent.
I am still very angry about the correct, abuse of power and playing favourites… perhaps actual corruption – the first three vaccines approved here are trash. In normal times, they would not have been approved.
It’s so dumb. A vaccine for a common cold. Only 99 more viruses to go! See you in 2120!
Dot, if you are not happy about it, why are you getting jabbed??
ArthurB, just because your relatives are stupid doesn’t mean you have to be as well.
And Steve, don’t forget that even Bill Gates said recently that, sadly (his word), getting omicron was better protection than getting jabbed!
Hold out Arthur, this crap is nearly over.
Maybe you could send some links to your relo’s with information that the MSM is hiding from them.
I took Novavax in order to travel in the near future.
Despite the fact that the pandemic is over, and things are moving on, I believe that restrictions on travel will mean that you have to be vaxxed or things get too difficult. False documents are fine to get into the local pub, but having a fake certificate to get into the US would be asking to get a permanent travel ban and possible imprisonment, if detected.
I also took the view that the number of spike proteins is fixed at 5ug worth of active ingredient in Novavax. For mRNA and Adenovirus vaccines, the number of spikes produced can be effectively infinite, especially if the mRNA get sequestered in lymph nodes, or actually transcripted into the genome as was announced this week. They can sit being produced at a low level continuously, suppressing immunity.
Novavax spikes are also evenly distributed in the blood / muscle matrix, unlike the mRNA which get exclusively expressed on blood vessel walls, inviting clotting, and autoimmune symptoms (myo/pericarditis).
I took the jab last week. No symptoms at all. I could never understand how people could believe that a vaccine that caused them to be so sick they had to stay home from work was actually doing them good.
2nd dose next week.
I’m taking a calculated risk, to get a benefit that is important to me. I neither encourage nor discourage others. I took a lot of time to research this stuff, and the amount of disinformation is incredible.
I also know that I am encouraging the bastards, but I only have 20 years left on this earth, and I can’t afford to waste another 10% of that.
Yes. This.
I truly oppose the vaccine passport, but I don’t get to make the rules.
I have considered moving interstate, or to the US.
A fake app off my lil anon may not cut it. There are certain things you can’t stuff up, they have no second chances.
Don’t do it.
Reminds me of that accountant friend of mine and his ex. “I’ll marry you if you pay for the breast enlargement…[ and all the other cosmetic surgery].” She was off not long after. Damned accountants, put a price on and calculate the valuation/devaluation/ risk on everything.
Sounds to me you need that new job and/or the freelance work previously posted about.
I too was hoping to get Novavax – as a booster, not that I want any booster but at least it won’t reproduce in your body like the other two. I would far rather just rely on natural protection but as usual, our hands are being forced by government here in Danistan. If I don’t get a booster by the end of March I will not be able to work at my job. But it seems the TGA is once again just taking its time to consider approving it as a booster, and no hope anything else will be approved by then or indeed in the foreseeable future.. So I might have to get the wretched Pfizer if I want to keep my job, knowing it will do no good and could well do a lot of harm. It is teeth-grindingly frustrating.
Mooka (10.03 pm): I sent one of my critics (a retired GP) links to a number of articles from reputable scientists who are critical of vaccines, he emailed me and said that the articles were junk science, so I gave up trying to persuade him.
I think (and hope) that the whole COVID business will collapse in the not too distant future from the weight of its internal contradictions, and I don’t mind being a hermit for a while – but my other half keeps urging me to get the Jab (she had no option, because her employer told her No Jab, No Job) and she doesn’t want to be a social outcast, even for a short time.
In the Hermit Kingdom, there were a thousand or so new cases reported today, Mr McGoon has reverted to his policies of trying to crush the virus, if you have a social event in your own home, you may not have more than ten people present, hospitality venues must have four square metres per customer etc.
That’s not necessarily a problem Bruce because receptors aren’t forever. Some are endocytosed after occupation and generally cell surface structures are on a formation and degradation process.
Please do not think of receptor-ligand binding with the lock and key analogy. That is hopelessly misleading. Affinity is not absolute and the kinetics vary widely so ligands often regarded as specific for one receptor can also influence other receptors. I’m not very familiar with all this now because I don’t study it anymore but the lock and key analogy used to make me apoplectic because it is so misleading.
There is so much here that is so wrong I have to wonder if you even know what the endoplasmic reticulum is.
This is so fucking stupid I’m gonna have get banned from this place for my own good.
Is the so called spike protein a pathogen? Does Novovax contain spike proteins? Is the spike protein contained within Novovax similar to the Omicron spike protein? Is Omicron more severe than the average flu? Have the mRNA and Adenovirus “vaccines” provided sterilising immunity? Do you know someone who has genuinely died from COVID 19? Do you know someone who has suffered a severe adverse event after taking a COVID 19 “vaccine”?
I could go on, but I don’t think I need to. We should all be free to make a choice, without any undue influence. The fact that this thread even exists, should tell you all you need to know about how rotten to the core our current society is.
I am truly sickened by the plight of those poor commentators above, whom are being obliged, or rather forced, by their employers, to take an untested (in relative terms), experimental medication, in order to maintain their position of employment. How on earth have we let this appalling state of affairs happen?
Despite my intention in early 2021 to be vaxxed with Novavax when it was released here, as many Cats might recall, I have now reneged on that decision.
There had been some very cogent arguments presented in this thread. I would also recommend the excellent video discussion between our own resident doctor – flyingduk & Prof. Clancy a couple of months ago.
Fundamentally, my decision is based on the combined arguments presented here – particularly the fact that it was developed to counteract the original Wuhan strain & is likely useless against the much mutated variants now. But even last year I had doubts about the safety of the vax given the well known production problems the novice company had in bringing Novavax to market.
However, I continually find that people who have held out are succumbing to employer pressure. This is SO outrageous given the decline of the threat of serious illness with Omicron & the known transmission of the virus despite vaccination. As for those who will risk vaccination in order to travel -well – that is their decision. I don’t understand it – but we all have different things that drive us.
BTW having Sydney visitors at the farm now, as they seem to be relaxed finally about our unvaxxed status. Similarly, can visit pubs now in Sydney when we return occasionally. All great – but I will NEVER forget those who shunned us & shut us out. And our government? I can’t form the words…..
Get the jab. Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.
/sarc off
Steve, please, do NOT get the jab.
It’s all over bar the screaming now.
If you are pushed, copy the article I have linked to and shove that in your employers’ face.
The comments are also worth a read.
All the best Steve.
There are now conspiracy theories about that suggest that the vaccines are transmissible, like the virus. This has been vehemently denied by the experts.
I just now had that conversation with a school owner.
That repetitive, time & space wasting filler that’s plagued newspapers for decades now, was something that would get us an “F” in Grade 3 when we were taught how to write news reports and enough “F’s” would mean repeating the year.
ArthurB, remind your wife she may well need you to care for her if she has an adverse reaction.
Get her to read the article Mak Siccar provides a link to – it is sobering stuff.
And if your daughters-in-law are the problem, have a word with your sons?! Tell your grandkids you are happy to see them. If schools reckon parents don’t need to know if their daughters go on the pill or their sons want to transition to female I’m sure they are up to deciding who they see themselves.
March 1, 2022 at 10:01 am
There are now conspiracy theories about that suggest that the vaccines are transmissible, like the virus. This has been vehemently denied by the experts.
As Sir Humphrey would say, “Nothing is confirmed until it has been officially denied.”
Jabbed this arvo with Novavax, all I got was a very slight numbness, coldness at the site, some itching on limbs and chest.
Look I will probably be an inanimate 200 lb blob of grease & haemoglobin by tomorrow morning, but never mind dears, I had a good run.
Morons in government have no idea how much latent opposition there is to boosters. Pretty much everyone who wants the booster has had it.
They’ve lost all momentum, and will fail if they push further.
Only those who remain to take the damn things are those who are under State Mandates to keep their jobs or keep going to school. The vast majority of working Sandgropers being forced to stay Mark-compliant, for example.
SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein vaccine candidate NVX-CoV2373 immunogenicity in baboons and protection in mice
We have developed a SARS-CoV-2 S subunit vaccine (NVX-CoV2373) constructed from the full-length S-protein and produced in the established Sf9 insect cell expression system. Here, we describe a stable prefusion S-protein structure generated by mutating the furin cleavage site to be resistant to cleavage and utilization of two proline substitutions at the apex of the CH11. Here we show that administering NVX-CoV2373 with Matrix-M adjuvant in a nonhuman primate and mice models induces a B- and T-cell responses, hACE2 (human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2)-receptor-blocking antibodies, and SARS-CoV-2-neutralizing antibodies. In mice, the vaccine elicits protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection with no evidence of vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease (VAERD). These results support the clinical development of the NVX-CoV2373 vaccine for prevention of COVID-19 (NCT04368988).
The problem with this method is it does not take into account what happens when the body degrades the S protein. Given all the other vaccines utilise the same method of locking up the spike protein, ie cleavage site removal and proline substitutions at residues K986P and V987P, yet we still find S1 and S2 circulating in the blood of non covid infected and vaccinated many weeks post vaccination. This isn’t supposed to happen..
This suggests there are enzymes that will degrade S protein into S1 and S2 subunits in the body despite cleavage site removed and the protein locked into closed position with said prolines.
S1 is toxic. It is neurotoxic, vascular toxic and damages both male and female fertility.
No human trials have been performed to see what happens to any of the vaccines’ S protein post vaccination.
caveat emptor.
Just a little itchy. Eyes a little red.
It’s been wonderful knowing me, knowing you, aha.
For Gods sake, just die will ya?
I’m not dead yet!
You will be in a minute!
Thud! Ouch!
I’m not dead yet? Look up Al Jorgenson of Ministry on You Tube. Good time.
Steve, I suggest you get advice on this from a medical specialist not from keyboard warriors on a anti-vaccine website. Covid vaccines prevent serious illness even after several months
Does anyone else get the impression from the former post that Garry is lost? Neglected to notice the last 25 months or thereabouts of discussion on the Cat?