Is it bitternes or alzheimers. Probably both.
Is it bitternes or alzheimers. Probably both.
No doubt of course that the left here is trying to start a race seeing that they are devoid of…
April 2024.
Roger at 10:41If I’m not mistaken even the WH has conceded Biden’s statement has no legal force. If I’m not…
Another foul concoction by the ABC and AFL. What really pisses me off is the moronic contempt for people who…
So when does the Left start Unvaxed Lives Matter and Antiva?
Waiting with breathless anticipation.
Unvaxxed black Ukranians?
(head explosion)
As S.F. author, Philip K. Dick noted:
“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.”
The fundamental belief of communism, socialism and wokism is not a nirvana fantasy (“dictatorship of the proletariat”), but the removal of freedom.
Totalitarian ideology can’t thrive where freedom exists. Remember that when woketards tell you they are “defending democracy”.
Whatever words the Left uses, to them it is always the opposite of the dictionary meaning.
“Unvaxxed black Ukranians?”
Didn’t you forget gay and trans?
“Whatever words the Left uses, to them it is always the opposite of the dictionary meaning.”
… until they get the on-line dictionary definition to change (check ‘anti-vaxer’).
Also, don’t forget that when the left use “anti” they don’t mean “against”/”opposed to”, instead they mean “reversed”. Eg, “anti-racist” doesn’t mean “not racist”, it means racism to the benefit of the non-whites, while “anti-facist” doesn’t mean against facism, it means facism to their benefit.
Another one for any meme creators out there…
Islamophobia = Bad.
Russophobia = Good!
“Another one for any meme creators out there…”
Something about an Islamic Russian might do the trick…
“The fundamental belief of communism, socialism and wokism is not a nirvana fantasy (“dictatorship of the proletariat”), but the removal of ” God.
Fixed it.
When you worship man in place of God, you follow where the breeze takes you, which has a tendency to lead to corruption.
If you want great hard hitting memes, check out this artist…