Lord of the Flies

Last Friday a few hundred young schoolgirls and schoolboys, all of whom should be in school, participated in a “climate strike” outside the Prime Minister’s Sydney residence, Kirribilli House.  As we know, this protest about “climate change’ was yet another one of those same school strikes that have been occurring across the West since 2018. Covid provided us with some relief from the ravings of these rabid, indoctrinated and attention-seeking school children but just like a scary scene from a 1970s horror movie featuring a screaming and shrieking Jamie Lee Curtis, they’re back. And of course, the children’s heroine remains the Viking queen of scream, none other than the eternally vacuous, creepy Swede herself, Greta Thunberg.

On the night of the climate strike I watched Sky News and I saw what ensued outside Kirribilli House. My jaw dropped and I shivered with fear. Why so? I felt something strange and sinister emanating from the children. What was it? I couldn’t immediately put my finger on what it was. I could clearly hear the children screaming, screeching and shrieking far-left propaganda and I could clearly see that the children were filled with naked unhinged aggression, particularly the girls. It was toxic. It filled me with apprehension. The children, many with green and pink coloured hair, none of whom can vote yet, many who were completely inarticulate and frothing from their mouths, young girls jumping up and down squealing with feverish excitement, all of them shouting expletives about Morrison, all of them speaking ignorant rubbish about the climate and fossil fuels, all spruiking LGBQTI+ rubbish (what that has to do with “climate” I’ll never know), I was gobsmacked and then I realised I was witnessing a 2022 revival of the Hitler Youth from Nazi Germany and the Komsomol from Soviet Russia.  It was a menacing and toxic stew of aggression, ignorance and profound stupidity and I thought to myself, my God, these children are the future and then my apprehension and dread increased even more because I realised that these children haven’t even attended university yet. They’re already fully indoctrinated and they’re already lost. And then the revelation came, and I understood why I felt such apprehension and dread because I remembered William Golding’s book, Lord of the Flies.

Lord of the Flies is another name for Beelzebub, the devil. Beelzebub is also named the Lord of Filth and Dung. In the novel by Golding the stranded boys grow wilder, dirtier, and more uncivilised, because all of this reflected the boy’s wild inner state. As the savagery and evil in the boys increased, they look to find a god to worship.

“When Jack and his hunters kill a boar, they have their opportunity; they leave the pig’s head impaled on a stake as an offering to the beast. The head is soon rotting and covered with flies. The head, referred to as the “Lord of the Flies” then serves as a symbol of the evil and savagery of Jack’s tribe of hunters.

I was reminded of the book on Friday night, and since then I’ve been mulling why I feel such apprehension. Watching the footage of the children protesting outside Kirribilli House, frothing and spewing vile insults at a democratically elected PM, all of them wild, incoherent, unkempt, rabid, uncivilised, savage and feral, I thought that apart from the obvious fact that the children are pawns of very evil people, it also seems to me that their souls are possessed by something evil. These children are worshipping a deity but this deity isn’t, as in Golding’s book, a pig’s head covered with flies, rather the children outside Kirribilli House are worshipping a deity that is much more sinister and much more powerful, a progressive deity. Beelzebub in 2022 is an evil deity that manifests himself through vile and sinister tenets such as climate change, queer theology, transgenderism, Marxism, cancel culture, youth indoctrination, the demonisation of religion, particularly Christianity and all the other ideologies that are slowly but surely destroying the West. 

Beelzebub is laughing at us and why shouldn’t he? We have given him permission to laugh at us because we have given him our children.

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March 27, 2022 11:03 am

The left have destroyed western civilisation, it is a corpse ambling on due to sheer momentum.

March 27, 2022 11:07 am

Excellent post, Cassie.

There is something afoot now on the left vis-a-vis CHILDREN that is increasingly obvious and increasingly evil.

We know where this is going.

Jordan Peterson just tweeted the ultimate goal:


March 27, 2022 11:33 am

We have given him permission to laugh at us because we have given him our children.

We – my wife and I – didn’t give him our children.

Spiritual warfare begins in the home.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 27, 2022 11:50 am

It’s a Sideshow, totally AstroTurfed.
There’ll be a different one next week, then another one the week after.
Stop reading/watching/listening to the MainScreamMedia, it’s an empire of Lies.
Here’s Andrei Martyanov with a saner view of the News:

March 27, 2022 11:52 am

Alan Ginsberg said ‘we’ll get you through your children’

March 27, 2022 12:05 pm

When their mobile phones stop working, they’ll change their tune quick smart.

March 27, 2022 12:27 pm

Hang on- the US is sending troops to the Ukraine now? The neo cons getting the war they want?

March 27, 2022 12:27 pm

wrong thread soory

March 27, 2022 12:29 pm

So true that they have been indoctrinated.

I remember as a kid Lord of the Flies was one of our study books along with Catcher in the Rye and plenty of Shakespeare. Now their literature “study” is more likely to involve Bruce Pascoe type guff or commentary on a newspaper article about Greta / climate change where the focus is being on the right side of the topic rather than learning how to read and debate a topic in good written form.

On a similar note I recommend recent article by Victor Davis Hanson several articles down at American Grratness. He writes about how the left are destroying USA (ie. No coal, elites, cancel culture, LGBTQ stuff etc) and mid terms going to be a “great reset”. It would not take much to rewrite his article and insert the situation in Australia.

March 27, 2022 12:41 pm

Excellent reading Cassie. Thank you

we’ll get you through your children

surrounded by post-structural academics in 1996, they told me versions of this.
My kids were little so I laughed to myself

In 2006 when my kids were teens they seemed relatively normal but the programming was in there

By 2012 after uni, the indoctrination was complete
The young academics from 1996 were now professors and they had indeed made good on their promise.

It is now 2022 and nearly everything off their lips is doctrinaire gibberish.
A mess of gender/climate/marx/hatred and all the time they place themselves in a special relativist position.
According to them, they are not hating and destroying, they’re caring, empathetic, and re-building.

The only kid that escaped this madness is number 3 who went through a private school rather than the public system.
She’s still on the fence but in time I believe, she will not fall for the gibber.

who knows though … going with the flow might be pretty financially rewarding for a young lawyer

I’ll be long dead before this all plays out.

God help them all.

March 27, 2022 12:42 pm

2012 -> 2016

March 27, 2022 12:51 pm

Funny how these “strikes” segue nicely to a early knock off and a long weekend. No Wednesday Weather Warriors for these guys.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 27, 2022 12:55 pm

I realised I was witnessing a 2022 revival of the Hitler Youth from Nazi Germany and the Komsomol from Soviet Russia.

And the Red Guards of Mao’s Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.

March 27, 2022 1:02 pm

And the children in charge in Pol Pot’s Cambodia.
The good thing is that these hideous regimes have all passed into history.
And that the numbers that turned out to shriek and wail were hundreds.

March 27, 2022 1:07 pm

“Tomorrow belongs to me”

Hitler youth all over again?

The Hitler youth were not angry like our little divas are

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 27, 2022 1:18 pm

I remember as a kid Lord of the Flies was one of our study books along with Catcher in the Rye and plenty of Shakespeare.

Catcher In The Rye and Lord Of The Flies was/is propaganda.
As was My Brother Jack, The One Day Of The Year, anything by Ivan Southall and every other part of the English curriculum.
Shakespeare, the jury’s still out on that, but likely guff as well.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 27, 2022 1:27 pm

They’re already fully indoctrinated and they’re already lost.

If you took one aside and told him or her that nothing much is happening, and that global warming hasn’t been happening for longer than they have been alive, they would look at you in complete incomprehension.

Yet that is the truth.

The global temperature as of the end of February is exactly average.
The 60 year cycle is still bumping along at the top of it’s up phase.
Snow cover is still trending unchanged on average, if you draw a regression line for 25 years or so.

With snow cover I’m yet to hear an explanation why snow should not melt if the temperature was really rising in the way the climateers say it is. I haven’t heard that the melting point of water has changed anytime recently. /s

Ellen of Tasmania
Ellen of Tasmania
March 27, 2022 1:43 pm

Great work, Cassie, thank you.

It’s interesting to see the number of people – even athiests – who are saying that this is more than just stupid, it is truly evil.

We have new people coming to our church because they see this as evil. And if evil exists, then surely there must be good out there. Thank God, there is, and they are now coming to the source of all truth.

“As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.”
(Isaiah 3:12)

Chris M
Chris M
March 27, 2022 1:58 pm

Very good Cassie!

And sad the the actual ‘Lord of the flies’ situation was actually vastly different to the grim book.

all spruiking LGBQTI+ rubbish (what that has to do with “climate” I’ll never know)

It’s fascinating that the Holy Bible connected these two movements together in the Book of Romans chapter 1, written around 2000 years ago.

March 27, 2022 2:03 pm

Excellent post.
Thanks Cassie.

The potential now for food shortages will see the greenies salivating.

It’s what they all want, whether they realise it or not.

March 27, 2022 2:05 pm

Forgot to mention Charles Dickens also featured at school.

I might have to go back and re-read with a view to checking properly covered diversity, climate and reparations type subjects.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 27, 2022 2:09 pm

Here’s an explanation of Isaiah 3:12 which makes sense:
The Septuagint was translated from Hebrew to Greek centuries before the Masoretes added their system of vowel points to the Hebrew text. (It is these later vowel points that distinguish nashim from noshim.) The Septuagint’s version of Isaiah 3:12a (translated into English) reads: “O my people, your extractors strip you, and extortioners rule over you.”

Extortion is alluded to in the verses directly following verse 12 where God condemns those who have plundered and oppressed the poor.

The Lord brings this charge
against the elders and leaders of his people:
“You have devastated the vineyard.
The plunder from the poor is in your houses.
Why do you crush my people
and grind the faces of the poor?”
This is the declaration of the Lord God of Armies. (Isaiah 3:13-15 CSB; cf. Isa. 3:5)

The idea of being extorted by creditors fits with the overall context of Isaiah chapter 3

March 27, 2022 2:19 pm

I haven’t heard that the melting point of water has changed anytime recently

Men are now women according to SCIENCE so I can’t imagine temperature is immune to such lunacy.

By the way, good post Cassie.

March 27, 2022 2:20 pm

PS. We need to shut off electricity to those who publicly support Green policies.

Real Deal
Real Deal
March 27, 2022 2:30 pm

Cassie, I may be tempted to your piece here hyperbole. But honestly, I’m struggling to do that. Because I think what you describe here is a reality for many.

As you describe what you saw at Kirrabilli House, I was reminded of a picture somewhere in Eastern Europe of young Nazis chasing a poor Jewish woman dressed in only her undergarments. She had a look of abject terror on her face while the thugs were either laughing or had faces with pure malice and hatred written in them. That is what the public discourse is beginning to look like.

March 27, 2022 2:35 pm

PS. We need to shut off electricity to those who publicly support Green policies.

I’ve said similar for some time. What we need is a register of Greens supporters/climate worriers and their electricity should be rationed such that they receive only the percentage that is generated by ‘renewables’.

Once renewables are 100% in use, then they should be rationed such that the Greens supporters/climate worriers should receive only the same percentage that they received before we went 100% renewables, if we don’t have the same amount of power available as we did with ‘Feelthy Fossil Fuels’.

Bar Beach Swimmer
March 27, 2022 3:06 pm

I have a nephew who I thought would be sound but then he went off and married a looney school teacher from a family of looney school teachers. Despite all their science and maths degrees, they’re fully into climate change and the dangerous coof.

While I doubt they’d applaud these behaviours in the young and say the kids should be in school, the fact they support the mentality behind the act doesn’t in the least help the situation.

No wonder history, literature and science – real science – are now out of bounds at school: it’s the only way to keep hold of and use the young.

Cassie, great post.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 27, 2022 4:04 pm

What we need is a register of Greens supporters/climate worriers and their electricity should be rationed such that they receive only the percentage that is generated by ‘renewables’.

These people are just Useful Idiots.
Once their usefulness has been exhausted no one will hear of them again.
So, why are some commenters here talking about them day in, month out, for years?

March 27, 2022 4:15 pm

Good post Cassie.

Real Deal
Real Deal
March 27, 2022 4:25 pm

Actually the picture I remember is from Lviv in 1941. An unhappy coincidence given what is happening in Lviv and surrounds today.

March 27, 2022 4:35 pm

I enjoyed your post Cassie, great work.

As I have said on this and earlier Catalaxy files, “as you sow so shall you reap”. we allowed the socialists to take over our education system beginning after WW2 and the take over is now complete. The education system is turning out Grettas by the millions.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 27, 2022 4:39 pm

Glad to see you back in here firing, Cassie. The Peterson link of CL’s referred to the growth of MAP’s. This is the code for something even worse that is around the corner: minor-attracted people. In other words, the sexual abuse of children being normalised as just another form of wokeness in sexual expression. The ‘anything goes’ mentality at work again. Let’s hope that is repelled and the start of a reaction against what is sheerly evil in wokeness.

It is distressing to see kids wrecked by their teachers and parents, but I hold out hope that some of them will grow up and see that the world is not as they have been taught. Good adults can enter their lives as better role models.

On the brighter side of things, we’ve also seen how in the US parental groups are rising in opposition, as in Virginia, with competent politicians. We see this legislative action in Florida too in the De Santis approach. Only small steps, but there is the beginning of a groundswell back to a more traditional and moral version of normality. Geopolitical insecurity may also be playing its part here in showing up the civilisational decline of the West as a problem that has to be halted.

Thanks for sharing your distress and analysis of it here.

March 27, 2022 4:43 pm

Bloody well written, Cassie. I’ve seen so many Lord of the Flies similarities in the so called ‘narrative’, particularly the transgender rubbish for a quite a while.

Not sure how or where it will end but am utterly positive it will not end well.

local oaf
March 27, 2022 5:01 pm

There is nothing new under the sun.

In my Adelaide primary school classroom one day in 1964, I was bewildered when our class teacher asked all the kids whether we knew who we were supposed to be barracking for in the election.
I might not have known that there even was an election. In those days, 11-year-olds didn’t really pay attention to politics, as far as I knew.

Which election, you might well ask? It was the United States’ presidential election being held that year of course.

When the teacher asked her question, most of the kids’ arms shot into the air, eagerly displaying that they knew what the correct opinion was. The correct answer was of course, Mr Johnson. He was in favour of the Negroes apparently.
I might have heard of Johnson, given that Kennedy had been shot less than a year earlier. Even kids were aware of that.

I certainly had no idea of who the other candidate was, but was left in no doubt that he must be a bad man!

March 27, 2022 5:14 pm

And yet it was Johnson who was the rotten, corrupt ballot stuffer

March 27, 2022 5:21 pm

Nothing a suitable amount of corporal punishment wouldn’t fix

March 27, 2022 5:23 pm

Boambee’s got it – the Children of the Red Guards are the best exemplar.

Quillette had a good article on this some time back.
The Children of the Revolution

March 27, 2022 5:49 pm

What I think we are experiencing is an all stops out pushback from the establishment against populism- 2016 gave the globalists a major fright. It’s a punishment (a need to put ordinary people ‘back in their place’), a warning and an attempt to bludgeon people into accepting what the WEF/UN/EU has planned for them.

March 27, 2022 6:13 pm

I went to school in the 50s. If I had turned up complaining that Cyclone Tracy had eaten my homework, I cannot imagine the level of derision. We were pretty pragmatic. If you didn’t study, you suffered. We all knew it. These days, nobody does. School strikes for climate. Nobody has shown that school strikes have had any effect on the climate. Maybe if they turned off the internet and switched off the mobile phones, but that’s not going to happen. The Lord of the Flies scenario is absurd. We will progress comfortably along our pedestrian path to disaster.

March 27, 2022 6:18 pm

Hitler Jugend, Komsomol and the prize winners, China’s “Red Guard and Pol Pot’s pre-pubescnt army of butchers.

This is just the warm-up, boys and girls!

March 27, 2022 6:22 pm

Hitler Jugend, Komsomol and the prize winners, China’s “Red Guard and Pol Pot’s pre-pubescnt army of butchers.

This is just the warm-up, boys and girls!

And, Damon; delete “Lord of the Flies”, insert “Lords of the Files”.

March 27, 2022 6:45 pm

My Brother Jack

Gee, thanks for reminding me of that utterly unrelenting turgid agglomeration of collectivist cockgobbling, Perfesser Eddles.

The second worst book I’ve ever had the misfortune to have waded through in my life. The worst being “To the Islands” (which I managed to get about one eighth through – for some context, I somehow managed to wade through proportionally more of das Kapital when I was at Uni).

We need to shut off electricity to those who publicly support greenfilth idiocy

At the risk of going full figures on some house sized collectivist backsides, I agree with this unreservedly. You want greenfilth idiocy – then here you are, good and hard, you illiterate, innumerate utterly ignorant anti-scientific ahistorical imbeciles.

Had a very unpleasant experience today which bears this out. Two massive bucketing downs* between 11:00am and 1:00pm. Get in the shower at 1:00pm (desperately needed after somehow managing to get a run in this morning) only to discover that the hot water system had decided to turn itself off (or possibly go full Norwegian Bleu). To paraphrase Dennis Leary, “You not what really pisses me off? Have you ever taken a cold shower?” Multiply that by eleventy gazillion times and that’s how pissed off I was.

An ‘orrible, ‘orrible experience. These vile li’l climate kiddies need a good dose of that and more, in order to demonstrate to them that their staggering evangelical stupidity will have consequences that even they will find themselves piteously screeching self righteously about (again).

End of rant.

*”Even the rain which falls will never fill our dams” said one of the greatest wrongologist numpties to have existed in human history.

March 27, 2022 6:47 pm

err, BTW, the hot water system wasn’t broken or dead, it had just decided to turn itself off due to the rain. Thanks, God. 🙁

March 27, 2022 7:04 pm

it’s interesting you make special note of the behaviour of girls. It’s no surprise the word hysterical is derived from an organ which a biologist might determine to be exclusively female in character. Pretty sure none of those blokes pretending to be women have one. And yes, some of these little darlings will no doubt be contenders one day for the much coveted “Kitching Award”. But make no mistake, they will end up in power. And it will not be pretty.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 27, 2022 7:12 pm

The Pony Club is exhibiting some toxic feminity.

March 27, 2022 7:26 pm

Great post Cassie.

Like a few others I studied and read LoTF at high school, as well as The Catcher in The Rye.

I’d imagine today they’d be seen as too confronting for our snowflake petals and would require trigger warnings.

Dave of Gold Coast, Aust.
Dave of Gold Coast, Aust.
March 27, 2022 7:35 pm

A bit grim to see and hear this story, however teachers and professors are not the only problem. Do any parents take time to discuss “climate change”? My eldest grand daughter attended university some years ago here on Gold Coast and was hit with climate change almost immediately. She had been warned about this and sought help and information from her family. She is still a skeptic because she actually was taught to look at facts not propaganda. Our trouble is so many adults believe it as well because of MSM.

March 27, 2022 8:08 pm

What we need is a register of Greens supporters/climate worriers and their electricity should be rationed such that they receive only the percentage that is generated by ‘renewables’.

Whilst I agree with the sentiment I don’t think we need any more registers or lists being made up.

It would be good if a green zealot who wanted to virtue signal could be voluntarily hooked up to the vagaries of “green power”.
I would predict a rapid uptake and a more rapid abandonment of such a choice.

March 27, 2022 8:13 pm

I think I read Lord of the Flies when I was 16. It was shit but then I was an SF fan and probably had read Heinlein’s Tunnel in the Sky by then. Different take on much the same issue. Beware of the Stobor!

March 27, 2022 8:15 pm

School novels set for reading seem to be uniformly shit.

March 27, 2022 8:15 pm

I thought most were unreadable. Still passed leaving English.

March 27, 2022 9:00 pm

On the LoTF island the boys degenerated into some form of natural atavistic barbarism, due to their lack of adult (civilised) supervision. In this world the girls have degenerated into the same sort of barbarity, but in compliance with their adult supervisors. The woke Left controls the schools and curricula, and have knowingly created this Frankenstein.

When the washing is done, the resistance will know where to hang it.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 27, 2022 9:20 pm


It would be good if a green zealot who wanted to virtue signal could be voluntarily hooked up to the vagaries of “green power”.

I have challenged a couple of them to install solar panels and a battery, and go off grid.

The reaction has been …. disappointing!

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 27, 2022 9:22 pm

March 27, 2022 at 8:15 pm
School novels set for reading seem to be uniformly shit.

Have been for yonks. We got stuck with Lorna Doone. The only moment of amusement for adolescent boys was the reference to one of the characters as a “spunky Briton”!

March 28, 2022 12:34 am

Good stuff, Cassie.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 28, 2022 1:00 am

I have challenged a couple of them to install solar panels and a battery, and go off grid.

I’d consider it, but only if I had the appropriate energy sink. A heated swimming pool seems like the only practical bet, as batteries can only accept so much charge, a solar panel cannot be ‘throttled’ and all that energy and effort and photovoltaic cell ‘fuel’ otherwise goes to waste. And it seems many systems are able, when the sun is out, to produce energy well in excess of the total requirements of the house and household they are installed for.

Efficiency and cost-effectiveness practically demands you get the smallest and lowest-capacity system you can find that just meets your needs. Otherwise you just waste your money over the 10-odd year lifespan of your panels.

But that is off-topic to the ideological zealotry we are seeing in the schoolchildren these days. My apologies, Cats.

March 28, 2022 10:19 am

It would be good if a green zealot who wanted to virtue signal could be voluntarily hooked up to the vagaries of “green power”.

My thoughts are that it would be voluntary, but the use for which it would be used would not be revealed until much later. The true climate worriers would be exposed.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 28, 2022 11:15 am

Girls do seem particularly prone to hysteria in their developing years, from aged about nine onwards. I saw a group of mainly girls recently holding up signs for one of Holmes a Court’s ‘independent’ climate warriors, female kindergarten-mentality pretty girls in blue t-shirts, as were these little girls. They were positioned at the intersection of two main Sydney arterial roads and were jumping up and down with excitement with their placards, supervised by a few adults who no doubt organised the whole thing.

Like Cassie, I was distressed to see this, as it reminded me of the plasticity of young minds which in historical terms have resulted in anything from rock concert hysterias to things that were much worse – involving political expressions. Like those ‘youth’ groups listed above, or the link to the Quilette piece on China’s ‘children of the revolution’ (which wasn’t strong enough imho on noting its current repetition in the West’s wokeness). This young female hysteria is apparent as early as in the Witchcraft trials of old. Salem or The Pendle Witches, anyone? Both led by hysterical and accusatory young women enjoying the limelight.

The sheer evil is in those adults who encourage all of this.

Bruce in WA
March 28, 2022 11:45 am

A nice juxtaposition, Cassie, and well reasoned and written. I also had to “do” LotF in secondary school; book and film (1963 version). Both fascinated me, much the same as a snake can fascinate a young rabbit. They also scared me for a reason I couldn’t, at that age, quite appreciate. Now I believe I can.

The sheer evil is in those adults who encourage all of this.

I think Lizzie has hit the nail on the proverbial here. My wife and I (both former teachers a l-o-n-g time ago) were appalled initially by the sheer shrieking mindlessness of the protestors. But what then struck us in all of the footage we saw (and there was way too much publicity given to the idiocy) was the number of adults with the students, actively urging them on, encouraging their hate-filled chantings, even providing them with new slogans to screech, each more fevered than the one before.

Who were these people? Not their teachers, was our first thought. Parents, perhaps. Or “sympathisers to the cause” from university or elsewhere. Sadly, I think our first thought was the right one. The very people we entrust our children to are the ones so passionately warping their minds and emotions. We have two daughters, both adults now, both reasonably well educated — lawyer and microbiologist/toxicologist. The younger, the lawyer, is just a shade to the left of Karl Marx in her thoughts and outlooks. The other, less fervent, still has some obvious left tendencies. Both are private school graduates.

While my outlook and politics tend more towards the “Genghis Khan was an old softie” viewpoint, we rarely argue anymore. They now just laugh and dismiss me as a conspiracy theorist or harmless buffoon.

I still like to jab the lance in and twist every now and then. 🙂

When at the end of LotF order is restored by the naval officer in his uniform, looking to the warship stood just out to sea and representing as it does authority, discipline, a hierarchy of responsibility, adulthood — the boys’ world has been “rebuilt” by adults.

Today, I fear, the ending will be the opposite.

March 28, 2022 12:17 pm

Boomers and old gen-xers unironically citing Catcher in the Rye? The most banned book by anti-communists across the world last century?

The challenges generally begin with Holden’s frequent use of vulgar language;[37][38] other reasons include sexual references,[39] blasphemy, undermining of family values[38] and moral codes,[40] encouragement of rebellion,[41] and promotion of drinking, smoking, lying, promiscuity, and sexual abuse

All that and you’ll turned out just fine.


March 28, 2022 12:22 pm

“It is distressing to see kids wrecked by their teachers and parents, but I hold out hope that some of them will grow up and see that the world is not as they have been taught.”

Yet when they find out through bitter experience that they have been lied to, will they react any differently to any other generation, all of whom have been lied to about one thing or another in their youth?

Us old farts may have been lied to about things that perhaps are not so society changing as the electricity supply, transport fuels and fertiliser, but lied to we were – all with the best of intents, of course.
We became cynical when the truth was no longer possible to hide, and so shall the current crop – their wakeup may have been accelerated by the Ukraine war issue, as fuel and food prices soar, and their previously comfortable existence is threatened much sooner and much more quickly than planned. Their anger may turn on those who so indoctrinated them, which while not pretty has a certain taste of justice, doesn’t it?

March 28, 2022 12:36 pm

All is definitely not lost.


19) Not being a complete degenerate is the new counterculture.
14) Science is supposed to be challenged, questioned, tested, and scrutinized. That’s the entire point. If that is not permissible and basic lines of inquiry are censored or taboo, then it’s not science, but secular dogma.
11) You can be in favor of something but opposed to it being mandatory. You can be against something, but not in favor of it being banned. Smart people understand this.
1) The weird thing about the modern West is the majority of the population bows to the weakest, whiniest, most dweeby members of society. How can a handful of dorks silence and control most of the population? Stop letting these dweebs bully you.

Old bloke
Old bloke
March 28, 2022 12:38 pm

Thanks Cassie, we all share your concerns for the future.

Regarding the electricity supply issue, consumers should be free to choose. Those people who want 100% unsubsidised green energy should be given that choice, and those who want cheaper fossil fuel generated electricity should also be allowed to chose that option.

Consumers should not be forced to pay for other’s religious beliefs.

March 28, 2022 12:39 pm

It was a menacing and toxic stew of aggression, ignorance and profound stupidity

Nailed it.

March 28, 2022 12:41 pm

zuby is a very clever bloke.. and hits the nail on the head more often than not.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

It would be good if a green zealot who wanted to virtue signal could be voluntarily hooked up to the vagaries of “green power”.

My thoughts are that it would be voluntary,

Excellent case study is the Qantas option to ‘carbon offset this flight’. Cost typically $1.43 or somesuch.

This option is almost never ticked.

March 28, 2022 2:24 pm

This option is almost never ticked.

I just remembered that climate worriers have the ability to choose a green energy option on their electricity supply, which costs more, but it appears that few choose this option.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
March 28, 2022 7:50 pm

I do like to get the view of the ancients in relation to women Aristotle has some interesting insights: I like the quotes from this site particularly the ‘discussion’ between Socrates and Glaucon in Plato’s Republic

Winston Smith
March 30, 2022 6:10 am


The potential now for food shortages will see the greenies salivating.
It’s what they all want, whether they realise it or not.

Look at the situation in Sri Lanka where famine is on the horizon – again. How did this happen? It isn’t from the droughts or floods. Nor is it from Global Warming.
The famine is due to deliberate government policy. The Sri Lankan government has refused to build the dams that could ameliorate the flooding and store water for when the droughts happen, as they always do. And it was the government that banned fertiliser and several herbicides. Why? To create Organic Foods.
Death of the poorest is their aim and they know it. The Green movement is creating the greatest mass killing of human history.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
March 31, 2022 8:07 pm

Lord of the Flies would definitely be cancelled these days. It is, after all, an allegory of what (trigger warning!) Christian theology would call Original Sin.

For the PC these days, Stalin was a namby pamby bourgeois liberal wimp, and Comrades Pol Pot suspect for bourgeois deviationist tendencies. The strictures of the Pol Pot regime apply, of course, only to the great unwashed of the bourgeoisie, the bogans, rednecks etc, not to their own pampered lifestyles, their frequent travel, their SUVs, etc etc

  1. The existence of Trump will give many right wing leaders around the world a spine they wouldn’t otherwise have.

  2. I was in hospital a few months ago, and one of my nurses was muslim. At one point she recited…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x