In case you have been wondering about Novavax

I have been looking everywhere for a medical assessment of Novavax which is the vaxxine that is more traditional and does not rely on mRNA molecules to produce whatever effects it supposedly produces. I have now been sent this for which I am extremely grateful.

This is its title, Novavax – hope or hype? but as a hint of what is to come, this is the sub-head: “Spoiler alert: it’s not what you were sold.” You can read the whole thing at the link. It’s quite detailed, and the writer seems knowledgable, but as with so much you will have to decide for yourself how much any of this can be trusted. This is how the post ends:

Even if adverse reactions to the Novavax vaccine are rarer than to the AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna shots, any risk at all is, in my opinion, a completely unacceptable price to pay for a product that offers no clinically meaningful benefit to individuals nor any social benefit.

So, don’t bother inviting me to join your Novastan cult. I’m staying in the control group.

And if there are other assessments out there that you know of, please note them in the comments. 


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April 2, 2022 11:40 am

Wish I was in the control group, unfortunately my family would have suffered the cost of my refusal to get jabbed. I’ll never forget the pricks who forced it on me and countless others. One thing I will not do is get any of the so called boosters. I’ve managed to sell some assets and can remain outside the employed economy for the time present.

April 2, 2022 11:44 am

Colleague at work had the Novavax and after second shot got very unwell and ultimately took two days off work.

He has lots of comorbidities too, 120kg including previously had a heart attack!

April 2, 2022 11:57 am

Initially when it was approved mid February they said could not be taken as a booster. Then about 3 weeks later suddenly said ok to be taken as a booster. You have to wonder if that was because they realised it was not being taken up by the unjabbed as they had been expecting. To me that was more about boosting the jabbed statistics than any real benefit.

Fed Govt ordered 51m Novovax in February last year and only available a year later. There were many holding out for it but it unfortunately came too late.

Then you have the inconvenient truth that it was created and tested pre Delta and Omicron. This is one of the biggest issues with the first three and now 4th shots that nobody seems to want to acknowledge. The reason why is simple. Why would any well informed person take multiple jabs knowing they wane and were created pre Delta.

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
April 2, 2022 12:28 pm

If you’ve persevered through the evil this long without getting the vax, why would you cave in now?
You are much stronger than before, keep lifting the spiritual weights so that you can prepare for what may come, as your family and community will need you.
Conflict is the air we breathe.

Winston Smith
April 2, 2022 1:15 pm

Judge Dredd:

If you’ve persevered through the evil this long without getting the vax, why would you cave in now?
You are much stronger than before, keep lifting the spiritual weights so that you can prepare for what may come, as your family and community will need you.

A very good point. Ta.

Dave of Gold Coast, Aust.
Dave of Gold Coast, Aust.
April 2, 2022 1:26 pm

Please let me know if I am wrong but I read that Novavax still has mRNa but not the spike protein plus other ‘ingredients’. With the untold number of worldwide health issues and deaths why would you want any? The stories about how the vax lessened Delta severity were given to us by the same mob who pushed the vax in the first place. Now why would I have a problem believing them I wonder?

April 2, 2022 1:33 pm

There never was any argument supporting the taking of any corona gene therapy, vaccine or booster. In summary, they all;

1) Expose body to the synthetic spike protein with the known clotting cascades that it causes.

2) VAIDS: the medium term reality of memory cell depletion associated with the glycoprotein 120 (HIV origin, B-cell deactivating) component/ domain.

3) Neurological diseases listed already as known adverse effects as well as possibly forming longer term from chronic nervous system irritation/ autoimmunity. All that demyelination /prion/ CJD type stuff.

4) Basally, similar risk to death from snake bite from covid. 82 deaths in two and a half years versus the third of a million from everything else. Higher risk of suicide or death from MVA by far. Attention to mental health and car maintenance likely to have much greater influence on longevity.

5) All gene therapies/ vaccines for covid-19, have been reproducibly demonstrated globally to be useless and did not prevent either acquisition, illness or death associated with covid.

6) Even these gene therapies/ vaccines were of any benefit for a short temporal period to any population sub groups, they aren’t any use at all with current descendent strains of corona. The converse, persons are more likely by orders of magnitude to acquire, get sick and die from both the older and newer strains of covid given by increasing orders of magnitude as time goes on. Given VAIDS, death from covid is the least that jabbed persons should be worried about as time goes on.

Those boosters I reckon will actually preclude effective responses given the multi-tiered depletion of immune system resources to, for example what was termed “super-flu” in the UK during their Winter.

April 2, 2022 1:35 pm

Er… Point 4) “…third of a million [yearly] from everything….”

April 2, 2022 2:37 pm

1. It is a protein sub unit vaccine. No spike protein.

Spike proteins are incredibly common in the microbiological world.

2. How has that got anything at all to do with Novavax (or Sputnik or Covaxin)?

3. This has nothing to do at all with several vaccines such as Sputnik, Novavax, Covaxin etc.

4. The immunisation programme, lockdowns or rules likely all failed cost benefits analyses.

The only available vaccine in Australia with a good enough efficacy to engender herd immunity was Novavax and it was delayed without good reason for almost a year. I keep pointing out that there is evidence that COVID 19 was globally endemic since March 2019.

5. Not true at all. Novavax and Sputnik have very good efficacy and excellent safety records.

It’s practically useless because COVID is quite literally just another variant of the common cold.

6. This isn’t true at all. Where did you read this crap? I am trying to be polite here, what you are asserting is ridiculous. Even if you get COVID – it is just a cold. Which is why it probably isn’t worth immunizing anyone. Yes I am aware that some vaccines have been shown to have negative efficacy.

You need to explain why catching COVID multiple times won’t give you “COVAIDS” as well.

Why will Novavax kill me? What will I die from and how will it kill me?

The reason why we will have super flu is because we have been isolated from each other for so long.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 2, 2022 2:52 pm

NovaVax sounds like bad news.
Anyone shilling for it is no better than a common criminal.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
April 2, 2022 3:04 pm

NovaVax sounds like bad news.

Perhaps you owe it professional courtesy then.

April 2, 2022 3:59 pm

My early concern about Novavax was the manufacturing problems it had which were well publicised in the USA. This is even more relevant given the recent revelations about batch problems with the mRNA vaccines.

But, as flyingduk has noted elsewhere, it was developed in response to the original Wuhan virus – so why would we think that it would be efficacious for the variants that have evolved since then?

And again, if the risk profile for serious illness in respect to current variants is very low – why even consider Novavax or any other vaccine?

Of course, if employment mandates vaccination – I understand the need. But even these draconian coercions are becoming less widespread.

April 2, 2022 4:06 pm

Dot, why don’t you read the article that Steve Kates linked before posting? Most of your points are contradicted by the article.

April 2, 2022 4:08 pm

Those boosters I reckon will actually preclude effective responses given the multi-tiered depletion of immune system resources to, for example what was termed “super-flu” in the UK during their Winter.

This is something to consider seriously. There are stats which properly compare the per capita infections rates of vaccinated and unvaccinated OS with current variants- They clearly show that it is the vaccinated who are becoming more commonly infected AND more seriously.

Epidemiologist Geert VanDen Bossche predicted this- and indeed, is very concerned that future variants will strike the vaccinated even more savagely. There is every reason to believe that many vaccinated subjects have compromised immune systems. He firmly believes that the immune systems of the unvaccinated are stronger through having been exposed to Covid over a period of time.

April 2, 2022 4:10 pm

Unvaxxed, staying unvaxxed, will die unvaxxed. (for covid-19)

But I sure hope I live long enough to see the result of these mass vaccinations with spike protein poison. I am seeing more and more reports from reasonable sources saying that the vaccinated are more susceptible to serious disease and death from covid-19 than the unvaxxed.
Hope their wrong but I think they are right.

April 2, 2022 4:12 pm

What Vicki said. Plus 100.

April 2, 2022 4:22 pm

Eyrie says:
April 2, 2022 at 4:06 pm

Dot, why don’t you read the article that Steve Kates linked before posting? Most of your points are contradicted by the article.

I just read it and you are correct Dot did not.

April 2, 2022 5:16 pm

Dot, why don’t you read the article that Steve Kates linked before posting? Most of your points are contradicted by the article.


None of them are.

April 2, 2022 5:21 pm

Dot says:
April 2, 2022 at 2:37 pm

Well Dot, from experience of our previous “discussions” of the trouble Police have pursuing certain types of criminal actions wrt the Catholic Church, it appears to me your response on also this occasion is based on i) ideology and ii) your status as a stakeholder lacking an escape clause from your contract. I may as well don a tutu and engage in some jelly-wrestling or such like rather than cite and discuss evidence. However;

You need to explain why catching COVID multiple times won’t give you “COVAIDS” as well.

Do I? I only referred to the HIV domain in the spike causing memory B-cell deactivation. Multiple infections may do that but the mass action ratio of spike protein from sub-dermal introduction of spike protein and/or mass manufacture as a result of gene therapy is many, many, many times the magnitude of mass-action that a natural covid infection is likely to expose the overwhelming majority of exposed persons to. Which would mean a far lesser likelihood of exposure necessary to deplete the circulating and reserve b-cell population.

Regarding the subunit vaccine part – I don’t think it matters how GP 120 comes into contact with B-cells., by itself or as part of a complete spike ( or part of a HIV virion).

Why will Novavax kill me? What will I die from and how will it kill me?

I suppose that primordial Japanese biodistribution study of where in the body the bare synthetic polymer pseudovirus ends up/ concentrates hints at a few possibilities of disease processes. Much the same as the concentration of the chemotherapy lipid nanoparticle delivery vehicles used in Pfizer and Moderna; ovaries, testes, brain, liver, spleen, heart and lymphoid nodes. Guess people like yourself will be the first to find out how exactly.

The reason why we will have super flu is because we have been isolated from each other for so long.

I would disagree. I think what you may be getting at one of two things, firstly being “up to date” with microbes and bugs galore that people are exposed to during the normal course of living and social interaction.

Secondly, the potential of and interaction with the above -that some people have been subjected to so much stress given the deliberate social engineering measures deliberately imposed on the population. That no doubt increased autonomic stress hormone responses perpetuated deliberately for example by prolonged oxygen deprivation would very much likely cause systemic decline in immune function. Perhaps even propensity to autoimmunity and resurgence/ emergence of latent dysplasia/ neoplasia.

However all of us were exposed to influenza and corona viruses from the time we were babies/infants. B Cell memory is pretty damned memorised to these sorts of things. Given coronaviri, the long term most effective natural antibodies tend to be targeted at the viral nuclear proteins, not spikes. Recall Dot, the previous two/plus years have in the most innocent of descriptions been a scam.

I think the scope of your perspective of what can actually kill immunocompromised/ VAIDS sufferers may be limited in scope. People like that can die from things like pinworms/ threadworms, sepsis from otherwise harmless bacteria, fungal infections ( recall “trench foot”) all kinds of stuff that rarely make it on to death certificates- being indicated as organ failure instead.

John Bayley
John Bayley
April 2, 2022 5:27 pm

Haven’t y’all worked out yet that ALL of these ‘vaccines’ are:

1) utter toxic crap, with awful risk profiles;

2) unnecessary, because Covid was at worst like the flu and it is now for most people just a common cold; and

3) cannot work against coronaviruses due to their fast mutations and being prone to both OAS and ADE?
Check out the current numbers of ‘positive cases’ and deaths in Australia – how many times higher are there now, with allegedly >90% vaxxed, in comparison to when nobody was?

Have a look here – there are examples of Australians, suffering from awful, likely life-destroying side effects from Novavax.

Even if the ‘vaccines’ truly were reasonably ‘safe & effective’ (note: they are neither!), by getting yourselves ‘jabbed’ you are only perpetuating the situation where it becomes accepted that your body belongs to the government, not to you.

Being able to say ‘NO’ to medical treatment of ANY kind is a fundamental human right. Once you start accepting vaxx mandates by submitting to the allegedly ‘least bad’ injection, your rights become privileges, granted at the government’s whim.

Is that what we really want? Just so we ‘can travel’, perhaps? Until they come up with the next fake ‘crisis’, at which point this ‘privilege’ will become subject to the next mandate, whatever it may be?

Here in the EU, more and more countries are cancelling all mandates and restrictions. Who knows; it may not last, but it’s a start.

Pushing for the removal of any kinds of medical mandates and societal apartheid, and making sure it NEVER happens again, is the only way out of this mess. Vote accordingly: Put Labor, Liberals, Nationals and Greens LAST!

John Bayley
John Bayley
April 2, 2022 5:33 pm


Novavax and Sputnik have very good efficacy and excellent safety records.

Total BS.
Sputnik V is essentially a clone of AstraZeneca – an adenovirus vector DNA ‘vaccine’.

Have a read of, for example, this article by Riley Waggaman, an American reporter who lives in Moscow.

That should dispel any myths about just how ‘safe and effective’ it is. The Russians simply do not allow the collection of any adverse event reports. Perhaps they learned that from the TGA?

April 2, 2022 9:04 pm

Sputnik V is essentially a clone of AstraZeneca – an adenovirus vector DNA ‘vaccine’.

Which is a vaccine. No one have a shit about viral vector vaccines until AZ had a bad safety record and was made unethically.

That should dispel any myths about just how ‘safe and effective’ it is. The Russians simply do not allow the collection of any adverse event reports. Perhaps they learned that from the TGA?

There is a HUGE database on the use of Sputnik in Brazil and Argentina.

The results are excellent. Look up the data, stop fooling yourself.

April 2, 2022 9:18 pm

I just had the Novavax vaccine yesterday morning! Not happy. Told the nurse that and she says she sees lots of people like me. I told her I am doing this as an administrative process rather than a medical one. I have to go visit my mum in Malaysia, who has Alzheimers and is having her 85th birthday. Malaysia just opened, but has loopy protocols to get in. This whole vaccine thing is a sham. My sister in the US just called and says she is down with Covid. So is another friend in Byron Bay. Both are fully vaccinated and boostered. What was the point? /rant off
BTW, I had Omicron early in the year. Slept like a log for three days. It took a week to fully recover, but recover I did. Aspirin and antihistamines from Woolies. That was it.

April 2, 2022 9:31 pm


1. What is toxic in Novavax or Sputnik? Keep in mind toxicity is to do with dose/response as well.

2. Of course, I keep on pointing out CV-19 was likely endemic in Europe as far back as March 2019.

3. If that’s true, why do people get natural or innate immunity?

Have a look here – there are examples of Australians, suffering from awful, likely life-destroying side effects from Novavax.

Almost complete bullshit.

Tasha has itchy gums and eyes, declining cognitive abilities, and noise and light sensitivity, in addition to the tremors and chest pain. She’s trying a bunch of naturopathic treatments in hopes of “detoxifying” her body.

Good luck with that.

All vaccines carry risk. That’s why they shouldn’t be compulsory.

That website also reckons COVID is a Pfizer owned anti Zionist bioweapon. Hmmm okay. Does that mean fat black Americans were Jews?

April 2, 2022 9:33 pm

Being able to say ‘NO’ to medical treatment of ANY kind is a fundamental human right. Once you start accepting vaxx mandates by submitting to the allegedly ‘least bad’ injection, your rights become privileges, granted at the government’s whim.

I don’t accept it. It was forced upon me and it was my least worst option. I hope my current CEO has a life of interesting times for his children, he comes to the attention of the authorities and he finds what he is looking for.

April 2, 2022 9:45 pm

Well Dot, from experience of our previous “discussions” of the trouble Police have pursuing certain types of criminal actions wrt the Catholic Church, it appears to me your response on also this occasion is based on i) ideology and ii) your status as a stakeholder lacking an escape clause from your contract. I may as well don a tutu and engage in some jelly-wrestling or such like rather than cite and discuss evidence. However;

So you refuse to cite evidence from the beginning. You wish to pander to proven perjurers such as “Jay” and proven false accusers such as Vivian Waller. Your ideology is lies.

I only referred to the HIV domain in the spike causing memory B-cell deactivation. Multiple infections may do that but the mass action ratio of spike protein from sub-dermal introduction of spike protein and/or mass manufacture as a result of gene therapy is many, many, many times the magnitude of mass-action that a natural covid infection is likely to expose the overwhelming majority of exposed persons to.

How on earth do you know this? Please cite your sources.

Regarding the subunit vaccine part – I don’t think it matters how GP 120 comes into contact with B-cells., by itself or as part of a complete spike ( or part of a HIV virion).

No no no no no. This is not how science works.

I don’t think it matters how GP 120 comes into contact with B-cells., by itself or as part of a complete spike ( or part of a HIV virion

Complete and utter bollocks. You are just guessing and conflating coronaviruses with HIV.

You don’t offer an explanation or theory why. You don’t have a mechanism and you don’t have any empirical evidence.

I suppose that primordial Japanese biodistribution study of where in the body the bare synthetic polymer pseudovirus ends up/ concentrates hints at a few possibilities of disease processes.

What “synthetic polymer pseudovirus” is in Novavax (or Sputnik)?

You don’t cite your sources. You don’t know what will happen, you cannot explain what will happen. The Novavax technology is basically the same as the Hepatitis B virus vaccine.

I had that about 13 years ago. I am not dead yet. My health has marginally improved despite aging. “It will kill you in several decades time, of an unspecified disease”…really?

Given coronaviri, the long term most effective natural antibodies tend to be targeted at the viral nuclear proteins, not spikes.

So what? Note:

However all of us were exposed to influenza and corona viruses from the time we were babies/infants. B Cell memory is pretty damned memorised to these sorts of things.

Do you understand how utterly common spike proteins are in the microbiological world? Being concerned about the spike protein on coronavirus is like being worried about trans fat whilst eating a lamb roast. It’s dumb.

I think the scope of your perspective of what can actually kill immunocompromised/ VAIDS sufferers may be limited in scope. People like that can die from things like pinworms/ threadworms, sepsis from otherwise harmless bacteria, fungal infections ( recall “trench foot”) all kinds of stuff that rarely make it on to death certificates- being indicated as organ failure instead.

You are literally writing a doomsday prophecy with no substance or empirical data. You’re basically cursing people who you resent for not having the werewithal to stick to their principles.

It’s easy to piss money away on good causes when you’re not coerced between employment and penury.

John Bayley
John Bayley
April 2, 2022 10:27 pm


Mate, you used to be a libertarian. It’s sad to see you shilling for the other side now, in order to defend your decision to submit to the mandate. You have had your reasons; fine. They are valid for you, perhaps, but please just leave it at that.

Which is a vaccine.

No it is not. The definition of a ‘vaccine’ was deliberately changed by the WHO to encompass mRNA and virus vector shots, which had been admitted by their makers – Moderna comes to mind readily – that they are, in fact, gene therapies. Sam as the definition of ‘herd immunity’, which now apparently only comes from vaccination.

You are not stupid. You know all of this. It is easy to find, even – just don’t use Google.
Why defend the indefensible?

Regarding Sputnik V and its origins & efficacy, I will trust someone who lives in Russia and speaks Russian before your ‘sources’, thank you very much.

Because according to those same ‘sources’, the Pfizer/Moderna mRNA garbage is also ‘safe and effective’. Even after it’s demonstrably killed hundreds of thousands. If you don’t believe it, you may want to debate Steve Kirsch – he offered one million USD for anyone who can prove his scientific team is wrong on that estimate.

Check out this obituaries page from New Jersey newspaper. How many young people have died ‘suddenly’. Do you think this is normal?

Do have a browse through the Russia-based reporter’s site I referenced earlier please.
Do you dispute these claims?
No Vaers. No Transparency. Only Threats.
An 18-year old girl. Dead thanks to Sputnik ‘vaccine’.
Plenty more there.

Give it up mate. I have always agreed with your liberal attitude toward the ‘War on Drugs’, and plenty of other topics discussed at the old Cat. It’s your life, so knock yourself out with this toxic shit, and feel free to justify it to yourself, but please stop making excuses for these ‘vaccines’. It is sad and you know it’s wrong.

April 2, 2022 10:43 pm

Mate, you used to be a libertarian. It’s sad to see you shilling for the other side now, in order to defend your decision to submit to the mandate.

I am a libertarian. This is about science. The vaccines are of limited utility but some of the claims here are just absurd.

What is a vaccine? It can only be dead or attenuated pathogens? Then Novavax is a vaccine.

Since when weren’t viral vector vaccines, vaccines? They have been around for decades, they became popular over 15 years ago as a possible cancer therapy.

Regarding Sputnik V and its origins & efficacy, I will trust someone who lives in Russia and speaks Russian before your ‘sources’, thank you very much.

Why? That’s an anecdote, the South American studies were huge, hundreds of thousands of trial participants. 40,000 or so vaccinated, 146,000 as a control in Argentina. I have made no secret of the source, it is widely reported, why use scare quotes?

Because according to those same ‘sources’, the Pfizer/Moderna mRNA garbage is also ‘safe and effective’.

So use your own discernment.

Even after it’s demonstrably killed hundreds of thousands. If you don’t believe it, you may want to debate Steve Kirsch – he offered one million USD for anyone who can prove his scientific team is wrong on that estimate

I am not defending Moderna or Astra Zeneca. I was worried enough about them to avoid them like a plague. I am not saying there are no side effects to any medication, let alone Novavax or Sputnik.

Again, that’s why coercion should have never been considered in a practical sense, let alone from first principles.

I will hold off getting a booster as long as I can. It is a huge leap in logic to go from “rare side effects, even lethal” (common in vaccines, anaesthetics and even antivirals & antibiotics) to “it’s all lethal, poisonous shit in all vaccines for this one pathogen”.

If we’re factually wrong, then our political opponents who might be allies will just write us off.

No. We need to be correct as possible and convince them we are right and coercion & medical apartheid & a police state is wrong.

John Bayley
John Bayley
April 2, 2022 11:16 pm

– “Sputnik V is a genetic vaccine.”
– “There are no significant differences between Sputnik V and AstraZeneca.”
– “Sputnik V is 97% effective and provides indefinite protection.” (Then)
– “Sputnik V may need to be revaccinated every 6 months, indefinitely.” (Now)
(The above quotes come from Gamaleya Center, where this toxic sludge was developed.)

According to virology professor Vitaly Zverev, the available data points to a close correlation between the increase in vaccination and the increase in morbidity and mortality from COVID in Russia.
(Same as everywhere else, with all these ‘vaccines’.)

As far as Novavax goes, this is a few quotes from the TGA’s own report, when they decided it was ‘safe and effective’:

“The duration of protection afforded by the vaccine is unknown”
“The study did not evaluate effects on male fertility.”
“There is limited experience with use of NUVAXOVID in pregnant women.”
“It is unknown whether NUVAXOVID is excreted in human milk”
“Local and systemic adverse reactions were more frequently reported after Dose 2 than Dose 1.” (you don’t say!)
“Carcinogenicity studies have not been performed.” (don’t worry, be happy!)
” there was a higher incidence of adverse reactions in younger age groups: the incidence of
injection site tenderness, injection site pain, fatigue, myalgia, headache, malaise, arthralgia;”
“nausea or vomiting was higher in adults aged 18 to less than 65 years than those aged 65 years and above.”
“The safety and efficacy of NUVAXOVID in children and adolescents less than 18 years of age have not been established.”
“receiving anticoagulant therapy or those with thrombocytopenia or any coagulation disorder…” (wonder why that could be…?)
” Concomitant administration of NUVAXOVID with other [medicines] has not been

But apart from all that, it’s a great ‘vaccine’ and everyone should have it ASAP. Preferably three or more times.

April 3, 2022 7:32 am

Don’t forget the life insurance company numbers out of the US and Germany. We’re now seeing the medium term effects and the long term ones? We simply have no idea as this was rushed into use.
Anyone who now takes the shots is foolish. Quit your job if necessary. If you lose your health you have nothing. Likewise your life.

April 3, 2022 7:34 am

Don’t forget the life insurance company numbers out of the US and Germany.


April 3, 2022 7:49 am

Also wander over the Denninger’s place. The links have all been posted before. So doyour own research or actually bother to follow links that are posted.

April 3, 2022 9:52 am

Quit your job if necessary. If you lose your health you have nothing. Likewise your life.

Being on welfare severely constrains your health options and good care in the public system is subject to cueing in lieu of no price system.

Let alone being homeless or struggling to buy enough or decent food.

April 3, 2022 11:05 am

Does that mean fat black Americans were Jews?


April 3, 2022 11:16 am

Judge Dredd:

If you’ve persevered through the evil this long without getting the vax, why would you cave in now?
You are much stronger than before, keep lifting the spiritual weights so that you can prepare for what may come, as your family and community will need you.

My contribution to the community will be pointing out all the pushers to the walking dead who will need revenge on those who poisoned them.

April 3, 2022 11:21 am

Vaxxed and employed and maybe dead or very sick?

Unvaxxed and alive and well?

I pick alive and well.

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x