Are Australians stupid enough to elect our own version of Joe Biden?

We shall soon see.

From Scott Morrison invokes Anthony Albaneseโ€™s socialist left faction in attack on Labor’s national security credentials.

The government has repeatedly attacked the Opposition Leader and his frontbench on their ties with China as well as cuts to the defence and intelligence budget when it was last in power.

Mr Morrison in contrast has hit the hustings to promote his governmentโ€™s strength on Chinese coercion and its massive increases in defence spending.

He said his Labor counterpart was โ€œnot the right leader for this countryโ€, criticising his foreign policy credentials and his ideological base.

Weirdly, hardly anyone mentions border protection any longer, but the left across the world promote open borders. It would be the end of us, as it may soon be the end of the United States.

โ€œThe other part that worries me about Anthony Albanese when it comes to national security, is that he has always come from the socialist left of the Labor Party.

โ€œHe has always had sympathies with those policies which have been very hostile.โ€….

Mr Morrison said the voters had to โ€œcompare and contrastโ€ between the Coalition and Labor at the next election on issues surrounding China, security and borders.

Every government is a disappointment since there are so many compromises that have to be made in government. But if we cannot see the difference a Labor Government would make, we are heading for a very dismal future.


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Winston Smith
April 11, 2022 4:43 am

All Morrison has to do is push the ‘China’ button and relating it to Dictator Dan and the rest of the Labor Premiers.
In conjunction with the predicted food shortage due to the Ukraine/Russia problem and the threat of our borders being overrun with starving Africans or Indonesians, then he’s got it made.

April 11, 2022 4:44 am

Chris Mitchell in The Australian:
Media attacks on Scott Morrison could lead to a second โ€˜miracleโ€™
While some in his party seem to want Scott Morrison to lose next monthโ€™s election, the media campaign against the PM may just help him to a second โ€œmiracleโ€ win.
Several serving and former newspaper editors have told this column they have never seen such vilification of a national leader โ€“ they argue the treatment of Morrison by some sections of the media is worse than the Howard Derangement Syndrome aimed at John Howard between 1996 and 2007, and much worse than any of the sexist critiques of Laborโ€™s 2010-13 PM Julia Gillard.
At the ABC, the Guardian Australia and Network Ten, anyone who wants to air unsubstantiated claims against the PM is given a free pass to label him a bully or a liar without evidence. These news outlets are reflecting the left wing venom of Twitter. But Twitter is far from the national pulse.
Morrison in the past month has been blamed for delays in flood relief to northern NSW, even though this is a state function. He has been hit by regular criticism of his character from state and federal MPs on his own side of politics, often timed to coincide with days that Newspoll has been in the field, and to feed into Laborโ€™s โ€œliar from the Shireโ€ narrative.
Think of the media over-reaction to last Tuesday weekโ€™s speech by right wing senator Connie Fierravanti-Wells, who said Morrison had โ€œno moral compassโ€. In much of the media it drowned out reaction to that nightโ€™s federal budget. Normally derided for her conservatism by the outlets that pumped up her criticism, Fierravanti-Wells was aggrieved she had lost her spot on the Senate ticket to retired Major General Jim Molan, who is clearly a better candidate.
Morrison also suffered self-inflicted damage with ructions inside his own NSW branch that prevented the Liberals naming candidates until last week in 12 federal NSW seats, because of a failed legal action by a state party executive member. While this excited the Twitter crowd, it probably meant little to voters.
This column on February 14 concluded: โ€œMorrison seems likely to lose the election, but if he pulls off another miracle win it will be largely because many in the parliament and the media have no idea that for most working Australians, the key issues are jobs, prosperity, buying a home, staying healthy and standing up to China.โ€
Paul Kelly got to the heart of the politics. In a pre-Budget piece here on March 22 he contrasted the governmentโ€™s economic outcomes โ€“ unemployment forecast at 3.75 per cent by yearโ€™s end, a Reserve Bank growth forecast of 4.25 per cent, inflation at half the levels of comparable countries and a world-beating pandemic death rate โ€“ with polls predicting an electoral wipe-out.
โ€œThe subjective mood contradicts the macro reality,โ€ Kelly wrote.
The high โ€œundecidedโ€ figure in Newspoll may suggest many voters see this conundrum and are unconvinced they should throw out a government that is performing better than almost any in the OECD for an Opposition Leader who simply ticks off on everything the government does.
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Newspoll also suggests some of the Coalitionโ€™s conservative base may be parking their votes with Clive Palmer and One Nation, which are polling at 4 per cent and 3 per cent respectively.
These votes are probably a protest against Morrisonโ€™s move to the left on climate change. But such voters may not preference Labor or the Greens โ€“ their preferences are likely return to the Coalition.
Unless the government implodes during the campaign โ€“ still a possibility โ€“ non-partisan voters on polling day are likely to have a fair-minded view of Morrisonโ€™s flaws and achievements. Many this column has encountered during the past month resent what they see as the mediaโ€™s unfair personal pile-on. Resentment at perceptions of media bias was on show in the 2020 US Presidential election when then president Trump, despite a four-year media pile-on, managed 74.2 million votes in a losing re-election bid. Published polls in the lead-up over-estimated Joe Bidenโ€™s vote by 4 per cent, although in the end he won 81.2 million votes.
In Australia, an example of voters rejecting unfair media treatment was Pauline Hansonโ€™s One Nation Party vote in the Queensland 1998 election. Hanson was not a candidate, having won the federal seat of Oxley in 1996. At the subsequent state election, the party she led nationally won 24 per cent of the vote and 11 seats, five from the Coalition and six from Labor.
Leaked Labor poll tracking published by The Courier-Mail before election day showed national media interviews during which Hanson was accused of racism increased her state partyโ€™s vote by 14 per cent in the final week of the campaign. Voters were not prepared to be told what to think by journalists.
Morrisonโ€™s handling of the media pile-on suggests he believes some voters are seeing through the partisan nature of attacks on him. He has been referring to criticisms by disaffected Coalition MPs as โ€œslings and arrowsโ€. He has said the prime ministership is a tough job and he needs to be strong to face down his critics and to face up to international bullies such as China and Russia.
Expect him, Peter Dutton and Josh Frydenberg to continue to reinforce the idea the Coalition is standing up to bullying. This will open doors for senior ministers to question Albaneseโ€™s personal strength and accuse Labor of adopting a small target strategy, because it lacks conviction.
Labor, burned by the rejection of its ambitious platform in 2019, has been determined to make the government the issue. Yet as longtime ALP campaign strategist Cameron Milner pointed out in The Australian on Thursday, Kim Beazley lost as a small target to Howard in the 1998 GST election and the 2001 Tampa election. Gillard had to reveal the โ€œReal Juliaโ€ in the middle of the campaign when things faltered in 2010.
Former Queensland Labor senator John Black picked the problem for Albanese in The Australian Financial Review on March 28. Labor had been sitting on 55 two-party preferred on budget night in 2019 but polled 48.5 on election day. It is on 53 now, and needs to win seven seats to form majority government, but is not looking good in Queensland where it holds only six of 30 seats.
The Coalition is holding up in the capitals of the eastern states and on present polling would lose only Reid in Sydney and Chisholm in Melbourne, Black says. On present polling, Labor could win three seats in WA and Boothby in SA. But with Covid soaring in Perth and Adelaide it is not clear that anti-Morrison sentiment there will last until voting day. Tasmania could be a key for Labor, with Bass and Braddon in play.
On demographics, Black said the Coalition is holding up among working and middle class men in the capitals and among all people aged 50 to 64 nationally. It is losing support nationally among 40-somethings. Wealthy professional women in the top income quartile are deserting the Coalition in safe city seats: hence the Labor and GetUp-aligned โ€œVoices ofโ€™โ€™ candidates financed by Simon Holmes a Courtโ€™s Climate 200 group. Despite years of attacks on Morrisonโ€™s attitude to women, his popularity among female voters โ€œis generally holding upโ€.
If Labor won three in WA, one in SA, and one each in Sydney, Melbourne and Tasmania it would be home.
But under that scenario, it cannot afford to lose a single seat.
Elections in this country are usually tight. Labor is the clear favourite now, but there is a path to victory for the Coalition if it campaigns well.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
April 11, 2022 5:17 am

Stuck between a rock and a hard place, we are.

And having had a taste of the prospective Federal government at play in almost every State and Territory since the end of 2019, and being somewhat unimpressed generally with the lack of conviction of the incumbents (with some defence- and foreign-policy exceptions), I think we are all faced with an undesirable dilemma.

Maybe a nominally right-leaning small ‘l’ (classical) liberal and libertarian bloc holding the balance of power will help. Maybe not.

Or we will just have to accept the sharp and harsh dose of reality that a pending Chinese-driven Asia-Pacific war and/or self-inflicted economic crisis (Aust-inflation, anyone?) is going to bring. Since nobody in Canberra’s political or administrative classes seems remotely interested in doing their job- To govern in the best interests of the people who pay them.

Winston Smith
April 11, 2022 5:33 am

Rex Anger:

To govern in the best interests of the people who pay them.

Doesn’t that beg the question of who is paying them?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 11, 2022 5:56 am

Weirdly, hardly anyone mentions border protection any longer, but the left across the world promote open borders.

Yeah, Labor has already said they will radically change immigration policy if they are elected. Country shoppers will be lining up in Kupang keenly.

They’ve also promised to invite the UN to hold a COP climate conference in Australia. This shows he’s all in for looney green stuff. Prepare for blackouts people.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
April 11, 2022 6:02 am

Doesnโ€™t that beg the question of who is paying them?

Stop that. Such cynicism is unbecoming of a gentleman like yourself… ๐Ÿ˜‰

Anchor What
Anchor What
April 11, 2022 6:46 am

The media is trying the old โ€œwoman problemโ€ slur that was used against Tony Abbott. Both Morrison and Abbott are upright christian family men who remain married to their first wives. Plenty of women admire them. Those that don’t, particularly those in the media with a barrow to push, are most likely just being leftie partisan and/or anti-conservative christians of all types.
Chris Mitchell is an astute commentator, but he really shouldn’t go whitewashing the voter fraud in 2020with statements like this about Biden:
โ€œโ€ฆ in the end he won 81.2 million votes.โ€

Cassie of Sydney
April 11, 2022 7:02 am

Living in Wentworth, I suspect Dave Sharma will narrowly hold on. The revelations that have emerged in the last week, thanks to Sharri Markson in the Oz, regarding the oh so progressive “Grifters Of” independents will help Sharma, particularly the fact that good old fashioned Jew hatred is rife among the oh so progressive independents and their oh so progressive supporters. I don’t know why anyone is surprised by this, the progressive left in 2022 is replete with Jew hatred, in fact it’s an important tenet to being a progressive in 2022.

I’ll be voting LDP, there’s an excellent candidate here in Wentworth. I’ll probably put UAP second, Sharma third. The Greens will be last on by ballot paper, with Spender second last.

April 11, 2022 7:22 am

My lazy interpretation of the latest polls and SA election results show a shift from primary LNP voting to independents and parties to the right, not the ALP and greens.

This seems particularly strong in Vic.

April 11, 2022 7:28 am

Answer: YES. Next question.

Cassie of Sydney
April 11, 2022 7:39 am

“My lazy interpretation of the latest polls and SA election results show a shift from primary LNP voting to independents and parties to the right, not the ALP and greens.”

I agree with your interpretation. It isn’t lazy, it’s accurate. I suspect what might get Morrison over the line is that preferences will return to the Liberals. And why has there been a shift from the LNP to minor parties?

Well….as we saw in SA a few weeks ago, why vote for a far-left, mint green Liberal party that vomits up to the electorate late term abortion and euthanasia when you can vote for a soft-left Labor party with a Labor right leader who is a social conservative and rather charismatic. I know who I would have voted for in SA, and it wouldn’t have been the progressive flakey Marshmallow who used to like to appear at Adelaide Festival gigs and hobnob with far-left progressives…the very people who’d never vote for him or his party. That’s the Liberal party in 2022.

The truth is that many of us on the right are utterly disgusted and absolutely fed up with Morrison and the Liberals constant ineptness, spinelessness, middle of the road, Labor lite policies. Morrison has constantly capitulated to the left, whether by by throwing more money at their ABC, by falling for the left’s fabricated crusades re. Porter and Tudge and the ludicrous “women problem”, and the worst crime of all……capitulating on net zero emissions.

The truth is that Morrison doesn’t deserve a second term, but the reality of Labor, Albanese and the gang of mean girls is perhaps just too hard to stomach.

April 11, 2022 7:42 am

Is she involved in CCP’s Infighting? Beijing spy trial of Australian citizen-CGTV host Cheng Lei
Cheng Lei is an Australian national who works for the Chinese Communist Party’s foreign propaganda mouthpiece CGTN or China Global Television Network. She was a news anchor and enjoyed a certain level of public fame.
She appeared in court in Beijing on March 31st, 2022. More than a year and a half ago, she was suddenly arrested by the CCP. The public has been puzzled as to why the Chinese police would arrest a journalist who works for the party system.
On the same day as Cheng Lei’s trial in Beijing, China’s former justice minister, Fu Zhenghua, was expelled from the Party and public office and handed over to the court system.
Fu was convicted of ten charges, including “extreme expansion of political ambition and extremely despicable political conduct”; “doing whatever it takes to achieve personal political agendas”; “endangering the centralization and unity of the Party”; and so on.

April 11, 2022 7:43 am

…if we cannot see the difference a Labor Government would make, we are heading for a very dismal future.

Otoh, an Albanese government is likely to be so terrible – with so many of its faces reheated from the R-G-R era – that it will serve as a wake up call for Australians.

It seems that, as with the US atm, as each new generation feeds into the electorate, socialism needs to be revisited so people can re-learn just how poorly it promotes human flourishing.

April 11, 2022 7:45 am

Is she involved in CCPโ€™s Infighting? Beijing spy trial of Australian citizen-CGTV host Cheng Lei

And another thing in passing…we need to revisit what Australian citizenship means, who can get it and how one forfeits it.

April 11, 2022 7:47 am

Sent this to Local Liberal Organisations

The Ads write themselves – Thick as a Brick โ€“ This is probably Labor Australiaโ€™s Next Treasurer Alternate Treasurer Laborโ€™s Jim Chalmers thinks bigger is better โ€“ even for unemployment!

Just put Billboards and Ads everywhere across Australia

From the Comments

โ€“ Please name the school from which Jim Chalmers failed from.

โ€“ Unemployment will ALWAYS be higher under an innumerate Labor(sic) Misgovernment, than under a competent Liberal Government โ€“ you have Jim Chalmers word of Honour on that!

โ€“ All the Libs will have to do to win the election is remind everyone, every single day of this tweet, how stupid can you get.

โ€“ Josh Frydenberg should print this up and distribute it all around the nation as a โ€œCompare the Pairโ€ expo on the two competing contenders for the Office of Federal Treasurer; one of whom can add up, and the other of whom is self-evidently a Labor(sic) Member.

And in Summation

he was Wayne Swans understudy that says it all.

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
April 11, 2022 7:54 am

The premise presumes that the Americans were stupid enough to vote in Joe Biden, however the 2020 election was stolen.
Likewise, there is every reason to suspect the same will happen here.
We donโ€™t really live in a free democracy and havenโ€™t for a while

Cassie of Sydney
April 11, 2022 8:14 am

“Otoh, an Albanese government is likely to be so terrible โ€“ with so many of its faces reheated from the R-G-R era โ€“ that it will serve as a wake up call for Australians.”

I think that used to be the case, when Australians were better educated. It isn’t that way now…..which is why all the states, but to single out two specifically…..QLD and Victoria, always return inept, corrupt Labor governments. Labor is now the de facto governing party in these two states…and probably once again in SA, after the utterly useless Marshmallow government. The likelihood is that Andrews will win again in November this year. Okay, okay, the LNP in QLD and the Liberals in Victoria haven’t exactly been stellar oppositions, always cowering in the corner, but you’d think, after Covid and Andrews’ authoritarian, totalitarian, Stalinist rule in Victoria, that he’d be likely to lose this November but that isn’t a certain scenario….and my money is on Andrews winning again.

An example of the Victorian oppositions never ending feebleness, ineptness and all round cowardice is how they handled the huge protests in Melbourne late last year. When MSM scum, when the Andrews government, and when the freaks in the Victorian upper house all went berserk because one person was pictured carrying a mock noose at one of the protests, Groundhog Guy and the Victorian Liberals did what they do best, they went to ground and they cowered to the spin that the protests were full of faaaaaaar-riiiiiiiight, neo Nazi, anti-vaxxers and other assorted boogeymen. And so what did Guy do in the face of these smears? He forbade any Liberal MP from attending the protests. Instead, a leader with even a smidgen of balls and integrity would have said to the MSM scum, to the hypocrites in Andrews’ Labor and to the putrid freaks in the upper house, that at the next protest, he and every single sitting Liberal MP will be in attendance at the next protest.

April 11, 2022 8:15 am

wrong fred. my bad

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
April 11, 2022 8:20 am

Are Australians stupid enough to elect our own version of Joe Biden?


H B Bear
H B Bear
April 11, 2022 8:32 am

The media will paper over Alboโ€™s Left background. Just like they did with the last โ€œpopularly electedโ€ Liar PM, Gillard. It will be all that you say, it wonโ€™t matter.

April 11, 2022 8:46 am

Cassie, I don’t regard the LNP as the answer.

We need some disruption of the Uniparty’s dominance.

Oh come on
Oh come on
April 11, 2022 9:28 am

If Australia is a car and the government is the driver, the only difference between the coalition driver and the ALP driver is that the coalition driver drives a little more slowly. Neither of them care much about the steering wheel.

April 11, 2022 9:36 am

But but itโ€™s the uniparty, right?

April 11, 2022 9:37 am

If ScoMo had grown a set over mandates rather than simply shelling out billions with a smirk at “National Cabinet” I’d have considered elevating his party up the voting card. He didn’t; and I won’t be.

April 11, 2022 9:44 am

Are Australians stupid enough to elect our own version of Joe Biden?

Or are they stupid enough to keep electing a supposedly conservative government whose policies are closer to the Greens?

Cassie of Sydney
April 11, 2022 9:44 am

“We need some disruption of the Unipartyโ€™s dominance.”

Correct Roger, which is why I want the balance of party in the senate to be held by PHON and LDP….especially if Labor is elected.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
April 11, 2022 10:05 am

Paraphrasing a recent article in Quadrant, would you rather be stabbed in the front (Labor) or stabbed in the back (Lieborals)?
Neither for me.

April 11, 2022 10:45 am

Easy question, Steve.
My granpappy always said, “you will never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the Australian voter”.

I followed that advise all my life and have yet to be proven wrong!

Anchor What
Anchor What
April 11, 2022 10:45 am

Question to Morrison: what is your government doing about bushfires?
Good answer, fuel loads!
The attempted gotchas on this topic fall flat on their faces because (i) it’s a state matter, and (ii) it’s always been recommended by inquiries after each fire event that fuel loads be managed more!

April 11, 2022 11:12 am

oldOzzie – that’s a photoshop job

The Ads write themselves โ€“ Thick as a Brick โ€“ This is probably Labor Australiaโ€™s Next Treasurer Alternate Treasurer Laborโ€™s Jim Chalmers thinks bigger is better โ€“ even for unemployment!

go to the original tweet and you’ll see this is not what Jim Chalmers put up, and his post hasn’t been edited or changed in any way

Labor party people may be many things but they are not stupid

“Thick as a brick” indeed

April 11, 2022 11:23 am

Are Australians stupid enough to elect our own version of Joe Biden?

Based on the fact that 95% of Australians took an experimental drug with no safety data for a disease with a 99% survival rate. The answer is a resounding ‘Yes’.

Bar Beach Swimmer
April 11, 2022 11:27 am

Zip at 7:45am, Brand, excellent as ever.

April 11, 2022 12:08 pm

Is this the moment when we’re all supposed to become zombie Liberals mumbling “Labor would be worse” – again?

April 11, 2022 12:56 pm

Quite a lot of the assumed swing is likely to happen in safe Coalition seats. So unless independents win those seats, the result is wholly about the marginals. If you look at the cycle of polls, the PM sank after the bushfires and came back. Then began a slide down during COVID and afterwards and the lack of national management left the States playing hero/defender.
The PM doesn’t have Shorten to save him this time: Albanese is far less toxic with voters. But I think Coalition’s really big problem is trying to sell its management record. It’s tragic. I can’t imagine ever to hear that a PM considers a Cabinet member who is stood down – not working – still has his job. On top of billions lost on submarine hijinks (Pyne only bought the project to cover the SA election risk). And more billions on planes that don’t fly. Not to mention frigates that may be junked. Finally, there is the budget – which shows government spending at 31.6% GDP and assumes deficits of at least 2-3% GDP for the whole of the fiscal outlook. That is, they’ve locked in tax hikes.
Chris Mitchell hasn’t covered himself in glory over many years of lightweight commentary, usually with a narrow MSM focus. I’m not sure he gets out much.
I reckon voters are waiting home with baseball bats and might well belt both major parties.

April 11, 2022 1:03 pm

Just saw a young woman wearing a mask searching through the DVD section at JB Hifi in a large shopping centre. There are no mask mandates to shop where I live. This is the level of stupid we are dealing with. If you are so frightened of Covid, go shop online for DVDs. Why go to a large shopping centre and risk exposure? This moron no doubt votes. Ditto for the other masked idiots wandering aimlessly around the shopping centre.

Chris M
Chris M
April 11, 2022 1:48 pm

Just saw a young woman wearing a mask searching through the DVD section at JB Hifi in a large shopping centre. There are no mask mandates to shop where I live.

Each to their own… as long as she isn’t forcing anyone else to comply it doesn’t matter. Maybe she wanted to pinch it haha.

April 11, 2022 1:55 pm

Well why not, we elected our version of Mitt Romney (Lord Malcolm) and followed him up with our best jeb bush impersonator (morriswine)

pete of perth
pete of perth
April 11, 2022 2:18 pm

Cudos to The non-uniparties contesting the election. With a sizeable portion of the Oz population reliant on gov largess.. it will be a long fight to relegate the uniparty slime to irrelevence.

April 11, 2022 2:39 pm

Anthony Albanese offers F-bomb apology to his colleagues after trainwreck presser where he
didn’t know the answer to VERY basic economic questions

. Anthony Albanese was grilled by reporters in northern Tasmania on Monday
. He failed to state the national unemployment rate or the cash rate
. On unemployment he said: ‘I think it’s 5.4… sorry. I’m not sure what it is’
. The national unemployment rate is four per cent, the lowest since 2008

. Mr Albanese later admitted: ‘Earlier today I made a mistake. I’m human’

April 11, 2022 at 11:12 am

Labor party people may be many things but they are not stupid

โ€œThick as a brickโ€ indeed

Disagree sStill – โ€œThick as a brickโ€

April 11, 2022 2:44 pm

Anthony Albanese tells colleagues he โ€˜f**ked upโ€™

Anthony Albanese has told colleagues he โ€œf***ked upโ€ and it โ€œwonโ€™t happen againโ€ after Mondayโ€™s trainwreck press conference.

Anthony Albanese has told colleagues he โ€œf***ked upโ€ and it โ€œwonโ€™t happen againโ€.

It was agonising, sloppy and by any definition a trainwreck press conference.

And now every galah in the pet shop, as Paul Keating once said, will be asking him โ€˜gotchaโ€™ questions for the rest of the campaign.

The Labor leader made a swift exit after he was stumped by questions about the Reserve Bankโ€™s cash rate and the unemployment rate.

April 11, 2022 2:50 pm

Albanese stumbles in an election thatโ€™s his to lose

The Labor leader showed himself ignorant of the most important, discretionary economic setting that determines Australiansโ€™ prosperity.

The proletariat may not devour economic coverage, but the price of money โ€“ which the Labor leader could not recite when asked by Channel Ten reporter Stella Todorovic โ€“ is as important to voters as food and energy.

In 2016, residents of Bass, Launcestonโ€™s federal electorate, spent about $61 million a month on residential mortgages, according to a government census.

Since then, the Reserve Bank of Australiaโ€™s wholesale borrowing rate, more commonly known as the cash rate, has fallen from 1.5 per cent to 0.1 per cent, a drop of 93 per cent.

The interest rate fall may be the most significant economic event of most Bass votersโ€™ lifetimes. It has influenced their wealth through higher property values, lower returns on cash savings, and multiple second and third-order effects.

The Labor leaderโ€™s ignorance of the most important, discretionary economic setting that determines Australiansโ€™ prosperity is a misstep in an election that appears to be his to lose.

Compounding the failure was his ignorance โ€“ and Albanese likes to mention that he studied economics at Sydney University โ€“ about how many Australians are looking for work.

โ€œThe national unemployment rate at the moment is…โ€ Albanese said, trailing off, tilting his head and shrugging his shoulders a little, when asked a follow-up question. โ€œFive point four. Sorry, Iโ€™m not sure what it is. โ€

April 11, 2022 3:19 pm

Therapeutic Albanese can’t answer basic question on the economy
Monday, 11 April 2022

Thanks to Doubtful John who writes:

We should pickle him in a specimen jar as an exhibit of Labor perfection.

And from Greg L who writes:

As of 10am today Albanese, who seeks to be the PM, doesn’t know the RBA cash rate, the national unemployment rate or the Tasmanian unemployment rate where he is campaigning.

April 11, 2022 3:38 pm

Are Australians stupid enough to elect our own version of Joe Biden?


Bruce in WA
April 11, 2022 3:51 pm

Are Australians stupid enough to elect our own version of Joe Biden?



April 11, 2022 4:57 pm

Marshmallow who used to like to appear at Adelaide Festival gigs and hobnob with far-left progressivesโ€ฆthe very people whoโ€™d never vote for him or his party.

He inherited the VicLibs’ playbook, a copy of which remains the cherished possession of Matthew “Watch Me Lose Again” Guy

April 11, 2022 4:59 pm

CL: They would be worse, much worse.

April 11, 2022 4:59 pm

One could argue they have already, time and again. To the tune of Short Memory.

Anchor What
Anchor What
April 11, 2022 5:20 pm

C.L. – as areff said above. The fuzzing of the difference leads to what we’ve seen in USA.

April 11, 2022 6:19 pm

Liberal or labour

Turd burger or shit sandwich

End of the day your still eating shit covered in bread, they just look different on the outside

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 11, 2022 6:25 pm

Elect a Biden-clone in Australia?

Yep. Australians are stupid enough to do exactly this.

That said, I really trooly hope that I am wrong and that sanity prevails.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 11, 2022 6:29 pm

Ditto for the other masked idiots wandering aimlessly around the shopping centre.

We’ve spotted them going for a walk alone in a park, fully masked with noone else nearby.

It’s a religious ritual now; probably stops climate change too. And they vote.

Rob MW
Rob MW
April 11, 2022 7:48 pm

Are Australians stupid enough to elect our own version of Joe Biden?

Really doesn’t matter. My decision making process starts and ends with this.

Any political party, politician or public official that is a cult follower of fucked in the head Klaus Schwab’s corporate communist organization (WEF -New World Order) will not get my vote no matter what the consequences, period.

April 11, 2022 8:09 pm

Is this the moment when weโ€™re all supposed to become zombie Liberals mumbling โ€œLabor would be worseโ€ โ€“ again?


Close your eyes, pinch your nose closed, and swallow.

another ian
another ian
April 11, 2022 8:21 pm

“Are Australians stupid enough to elect our own version of Joe Biden?”

I guess after Albo’s start today the odds have worsened?

April 11, 2022 10:16 pm

Ok – Clive P is a populist, protectionist loon. Won’t be voting that way!

April 11, 2022 10:17 pm

If you are so frightened of Covid, go shop online for DVDs.

can’t virtue signal from home.

April 12, 2022 7:54 am

Daily Tele’s got Therapeutic Albanese sussed too.
Tuesday, 12 April 2022
He’s not up to the job.

He knows it.

We know it.

It’s as simple as that.

April 12, 2022 8:00 am

The Australian. Magnificent. – Economics not so Albanese

From the Comments

Obv he is as dumb as a bag of rocks

– And its not even tongue in cheek!!!
WTH is that tongue doing?
Very lizard like IMO
Lickspittle AnAl

April 12, 2022 10:05 am

Lizzie, I ambled into Coles last night to get a couple of their $22 crayfish (why have they been suddenly renamed ‘lobsters’?) and encountered a woman, early thirties, with a little boy, about 5, in tow. Both masked and, sillier even than that, waiting to be served at the short end of the L-shaped deli section counter where the one counter worker couldn’t see her. She was calling out ‘Over here’, apparently so terrified of the virus that she wouldn’t go anywhere near any other customers.

She was right in a way. There remains a contagious madness in the air.

John Sheldrick
April 13, 2022 3:28 am

Albo needs to be de “briefed” on a daily basis. Maybe he should be wearing Stephen Conroy’s red underwear on his head too………………………………………….

April 13, 2022 6:12 pm

I thought some of the comments about Albo were a bit harsh, then the last couple of days happened. Watching Labor flailing about mindlessly and even being canned by their MSM luvvies has been quite entertaining.

Gyro Cadiz
Gyro Cadiz
April 17, 2022 10:16 pm

Seen some of the internal Lib polling. Unless the man his own staff called “the Minister for Happy Endings” when he was Immigration Minister for Krudd/Gillrudd&Krudd Co. (and creeping around Canberras Thai massage parlours) screws the pooch, the Lib-left squish Morrison loses by 13-17 seats.

If that happens, find a flat rock and get under it. It’ll be the shitshow to end them all.

  1. Scam email today which could be very effective in the right age group telling me my passion has increased and…

  2. After decimal currency came in my gran kept a stash of sixpence coins esp. for the Christmas pudding. Shops would…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x