A Farewell to Sharma

Good article in Quadrant On-Line about the contest in Wentworth.

The photo of Allegra Da Big Spender with her mother, sister and baby grand piano is a perfect illustration of the modern wealthy “liberal” green, totally disconnected from the need to struggle to put food on the table, clothes on the body and a roof overhead.”

Boambee John

Yes, I’ve just read it. I disagree with the writer about “holding his nose” and voting for Sharma. No, I can’t in good conscience do that, not after Sharma crossed the floor. It is clear to me that Sharma doesn’t have a Menzian Liberal bone in his body. I’m now resigned to Allegra Da Big Spenda winning. The electorate of Wentworth, like the electorate of Warringah, will reap what it sows.

I’ve long thought that the Liberals need to say farewell to electorates such as the one I live in. Three years ago, on election day in May 2019, I campaigned for Dave Sharma (what a fool I was), I spent hours hours on my feet, at one point I was the sole Liberal handing out HTV cards at the booth whilst surrounded by a phalanx of hostile forces, Phelps’ volunteers, Greens, GetUp and Friends of the ABC, all breathing fire at me. I had an altercation with one of the Friends of the ABC when he tried to enter the polling booth. I pulled him up, which of course he didn’t like very much and I told him if he did that again I’d report him to the AEC. I only had someone to talk to when the Labor people arrived….it’s funny but I’ve campaigned on election day many times and I find the only people that I get along with are usually Labor campaign workers. They’re always quite nice and up for a chat, there’s usually some cordiality. Anyway I digress, I had been left there by my fellow Liberal, also a resident of Wentworth who popped away to attend to some private business. Early in the day we were chatting and I remember his face when I said to him that “one day, sooner or later, the Liberal Party will have to walk away from electorates like Wentworth”. He was clearly bothered by my statement and he recoiled and said “Noooooo”.

Well, I’ve been proven right. Sharma will lose the seat to a grifter and puppet who’s also a very rich, entitled eastern suburbs moron who doesn’t give a shit about anyone west of Pyrmont but you know what? Nor does Sharma so now I don’t care if he loses. There’s no difference between Sharma and Spender in terms of ideology. Both are greenies, both are “progressives”, both are equally vacuous, and as you correctly wrote above, both are “totally disconnected from the need to struggle to put food on the table, clothes on the body and a roof overhead “. Such obscene selfishness sums up the electorates of Wentworth, Warringah, Kooyong, Goldstein, North Sydney, Curtin, Higgins and a few others. It’s encapsulated by Da Big Spenda’s campaign slogan, a slogan which everyday, when I’m walking to the bus and back, and I can’t stop laughing when I see her posters (which are everywhere) emblazoned with the following words….”Let’s create a better climate for Wentworth“, which is basically the following message to all those who don’t live in Wentworth, “we’ll continue lining our pockets with subsidies for ruinables so that we can continue to live our marvellous existence, to go skiing every year, to drive our SUV’s, to renovate our huge mansions, to travel overseas twice a year and to send our children to private schools and you, the great unwashed…..you all need to shut your fucking mouths because we know what’s best for you”.

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April 28, 2022 1:29 pm

if he did that again I’d report him to the ALPEC

Cassie, your faith in these utterly discredited institutions is touching, to say the least.

Sharma has no place in any nominally non collectivist political party, nor do smarmy egomaniacal beyond parody cretins such as Zimmerman and Keane.

You can’t help but think they’re greenfilth plants (or vegetables, if you prefer) secreted into the gliberals to render the latter unelectable.

That mission has just about been accomplished.

April 28, 2022 1:31 pm

Yes, I’ve just read it. I disagree with the writer about “holding his nose” and voting for Sharma. No, I can’t in good conscience do that, not after Sharma crossed the floor.

Hear hear.
If it isn’t Laborwouldbeworse-ism, it’s “hold your nose” and vote Liberal.

Every. Single. Election.

This is a Breitbart moment: “F-k. You… War.”

April 28, 2022 1:36 pm

I’ve long thought that the Liberals need to say farewell to electorates such as the one I live in.

This too.
Credlin has a good column today wherein she argues – very astutely, IMO – that Morrison and his net zero loonies are essentially sacrificing the regions to hold one or two teal seats.

April 28, 2022 1:37 pm

Well written Cassie.
Just the right amount of venom at the end there.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 28, 2022 1:41 pm


We have agreed before that the wealthy inner city electorates should be left to the Liars and the Slime to fight over. The future for conservatives is with the farmers a d graziers (real ones, not pseudo ones), small business people, tradies, and rural and urban workers who are (largely) socially conservative. Get them onside, then work on reforming the national culture with their support.

Politics is downstream of culture is often said, now is the time to act on it. A reverse march through the institutions (or at least, those that are not abolished as useless, like virtually all of the Imperial Media, and much of the universities).

April 28, 2022 1:49 pm

Great article Cassie, I don’t believe that the Liberal Party is salvageable from where they are now, the only hope for Australia is a new conservative party in the near future. we need to take the only option at this election and focus on getting conservative independents into the senate.

my overall opinion is it’s too late and Australia is fucked.

April 28, 2022 2:27 pm

I suppose the only good thing that can be said about the candidates for Wentworth is that the voting choices may change the sitting member .. out where I am, Fowler, no matter who they run Labor will win .. all the migrant/welfare/boatfolk stacking years have guaranteed Labor south west Sydney for, probably, ever ..!

April 28, 2022 2:45 pm

I sense a rising tension in the last few sentences.

You were harsh.. but fair.

Well said.

April 28, 2022 2:46 pm

The Liberal party decided last election to run a Chinese candidate in my electorate. And I do mean Chinese. His bio went something like, studied in China, came here and finished a masters, got citizenship, ran for parliament a couple of years after getting citizenship.

That’s not an Australian, not even by assimilation.

Not surprised in the least polls are putting the percentage of people voting anything other than the majors at 1 in 3.

April 28, 2022 2:50 pm

April 28, 2022 at 2:27 pm
.. out where I am, Fowler,

a good solid history of parachute candidates, and now the pinnacle – Nobody’s girl.

I suggest a cock and balls on the form, or give your electoral $5 or so to someone who will at least piss it up against the wall.

April 28, 2022 3:15 pm

Being opposed to things is fine. But in elections you can’t be effective without being in favour of something. Cassie hasn’t made it clear what her idea of an effective result might be. If you exclude the major parties, you default to narrow single issue or limited minor parties that range from UAP/PH to Greens. Nothing there to evenly vaguely qualify for Government.
Sadly, I think the conservative side is inevitably going to split. Morrison is inching toward a broadly populist stance that might aim to drag seats from Labor, but at the expense of previously safe seats like Wentworth. I suspect the Teals are the beginning of a Liberal splinter party. The ALP will inevitably go populist too, which most likely will simply shrink its base to a narrow range of “traditional” seats like Grayndler – but leave room for Greens to carve off pieces (assuming they can overcome their inherent socialism). Nationals, if they’re smart, will compete with the ALP and Liberals for breadth: so we end up with coalitions that might well mimic Italian politics.
Cassie: be careful what you wish for!

April 28, 2022 3:35 pm

Three cheers for Cassie!

April 28, 2022 3:50 pm

10 applause emojis, Cassie!

Beautifully put.

April 28, 2022 3:52 pm

PS. My brain read the title as A Farewell to Sharmz.

April 28, 2022 4:03 pm

Just as Labor took the “battlers” for granted, so the Libs have taken the well-heeled.

There is one difference though. The Battler does battle…every day. They are aspirational for themselves and their children. They work hard and expect a reward. Howard worked it out to his, and their benefit.

The “arrived” grow fat on amassed wealth, and as they have nothing now to do, look around for boutique causes to give their indolent lives meaning. They infest those electorates easily identified by the “teals” as ripe for picking. And picked they will be.

I wonder how long it will be before they realise they have been sold a pup?

April 28, 2022 4:55 pm

The idea the LNP is a broad church that can accommodate corrupt communist carpetbaggers alongside free marketeers is an invention by the party’s communists currently getting rich off renewable energy subsidies that will never succeed in anything more than making the poor pay for the rich’s feel-good fantasies.

The end result is a prime minister who believes in nothing but that he’s not as bad as the alternative. Morrison is goading the party faithful to desert him by relying on useful green idiots like Dave Sharma for a workable majority.

He may well get his wish of an ALP-Greens government because he has treated the party faithful like shit and the green left craves political power much more than the LNP fat cats wish to retain it.

The teal independents, backed by yet another rich sugar daddy, is the left’s latest attempt to prove that the electorate is too stupid to figure out how the new ruse works.

April 28, 2022 4:57 pm

I wonder how long it will be before they realise they have been sold a pup?

calli, keep an eye on Warringah – I would not be surprised at all if Steggles is ignominiously punted.

April 28, 2022 5:09 pm

We will have to do an absentee vote as we will be out of our electorate on polling day.

The Beloved asked our candidate (Patterson) for a Lib HTV card. Nothing so far.

Either they haven’t worked out their preferences or can’t be bothered with getting his vote. Hungry…not.

a reader
a reader
April 28, 2022 5:24 pm

I live in an area that has had Labor representation for 88 years. I’m still yet to find out what they have done for us

April 28, 2022 6:02 pm

I also read the article in Quadrant and I thought of you Cassie . . .

100% agree with your post.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

I suspect the Teals are the beginning of a Liberal splinter party.

Turn it up Boffin.

Have a quick squiz through the Teal candidates & especially the public figures promoting them.
There’s little sign there of anyone who would ever have been near the Liberal party.

April 28, 2022 6:30 pm

Morrison and his net zero loonies are essentially sacrificing the regions to hold one or two teal seats.

So is Labor.

The road to The Lodge leads through regional QLD and they’ve just taken an inner city detour.

April 28, 2022 6:31 pm

I have held the view that the Libs needed to ditch these seats since worms like Georgiou started undermining Howard. I suppose that’s also where the scales started to fall off my eyes about the Liberal party. I also think the broad church has been overstated, just the small l types now hold the majority and have sandbagged against any grass roots reset by conservatives.

Anchor What
Anchor What
April 28, 2022 6:49 pm

… that Morrison and his net zero loonies are essentially sacrificing the regions to hold one or two teal seats. Insane.
Quite right C.L.

Anchor What
Anchor What
April 28, 2022 6:51 pm

Morrison and so many in the fraud church, sorry, broad church of the 21st Century Libs, are quite adamant that coal and nuclear don’t matter, nor do those who see coal and nuclear as essential.

Oh come on
Oh come on
April 28, 2022 8:35 pm

Bad Sharma.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 28, 2022 8:37 pm

Cassie, as fellow Wentworth denizens, well said. We handed out for the lost cause of the Australian Conservatives last time against the anti-Liberal take-over by Phelps. Sharma for the Lower House, Aust Cons for the Senate, I repeated endlessly. Sharma won.
Now, as we’ve arrived in London, heading out soon for Essex and Norfolk, we will be making a special trip back to London to Australia House to register our vote for the Liberal Democrat candidate, Daniel Lewcovich, who is an exceptional candidate for disaffected Liberals in Wentworth (and there are many, let’s not undersell those who aren’t in the Allegra ambit) to make a protest vote. I hope he does well and sends his message; he’s very strong on nuclear energy.

April 28, 2022 8:43 pm

April 28, 2022 at 3:15 pm
Being opposed to things is fine. But in elections you can’t be effective without being in favour of something. Cassie hasn’t made it clear what her idea of an effective result might be. If you exclude the major parties, you default to narrow single issue or limited minor parties that range from UAP/PH to Greens. Nothing there to evenly vaguely qualify for Government.

No, you are totally wrong.

Vote LDP.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 28, 2022 8:55 pm

Aust Cons (the lost cause) were not running anyone in Wentworth for the Reps last time, which shows how under-organised they were. So we did Sharma by default to get rid of Phelps, and it all helped.

This time, I will probably put Sharma second, to indicate a preference and possibly help him hold the Liberal fort; against all better judgement, says my husband, who will vote LDP and put Sharma last to make a definitive stand, allowing Allegra free rein. His view is let them reap what they sow – but they will simply sow more and more money to the green investors of Wentworth, and how will that help, I reply? It will take the Libs down, is his grim response.

ps Rabz, like you I will be watching our for something good to happen in Wahringah vs the Steggles chook.

April 28, 2022 9:07 pm

well said Cassie

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare says: April 28, 2022 at 8:37 pm

… we will be making a special trip back to London to Australia House to register our vote for the Liberal Democrat candidate, Daniel Lewcovich, who is an exceptional candidate

Love his style.
He tweeted this:
Today I met a man who lost his business due to lockdowns. He had to remove his children from their school and was also unable to visit his dying father in WA. I asked his biggest election concern. With tears in his eyes he looked at me and said “Climate change and a federal ICAC”

Bubbles of Grafton
Bubbles of Grafton
April 28, 2022 11:19 pm

The Teal candidates are not a Liberal splinter party. Has anyone cared to read their climate change policy, courtesy of a bill tabled by Zali.
Was anyone happy being told what to do by unelected bureaucrats during the pandemic? Welcome to the Climate Commission. This will be appointed by the government. Hello Tim. Unlike the pandemic ,politicians by law will have no ability to alter the recommendations to reduce emissions. You must do as you are told. We decide how to destroy our nation
Still don’t want to hold your nose. Three years of this will wreck our economy & destroy so many lives.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
April 29, 2022 12:05 am

Bombaree John and Calli
Agree with your comments.
Labour field candidates who do not reflect their electorates. Wong a male of a Lesbian who hates everyone except her Scotch College old scholars , Gillard said heterosexual women
Are lowest form of life. Then there are the aspirational labourites Rudd and Shorten who ditched their Catholisism for becoming “Anglican “. These people are in their idiot student bubble and throw abuse at anyone who is useful and a social contributor.
A march from the country, through the outer suburbs is the way to go.
Unfortunately that did not work in SA state election.

April 29, 2022 5:39 am

In South Australia, the next most populous city after Adelaide is Mount Gambier which only has 30000 people. SA doesn’t have much in the way of a regional population.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
April 29, 2022 7:28 am

Pedro’s – ok let’s start in Oodnadatta!

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 29, 2022 8:20 am

I should add to my original comment about “the modern wealthy “liberal” green, totally disconnected from the need to struggle to put food on the table, clothes on the body and a roof overhead” the words “pay electricity accounts”.

April 29, 2022 9:19 am

Well said BJ & Cassie.
As a lifelong Nats voter I can’t tell you how disappointed I was when they caved in to net zero. The look on Bridget McKenzie’s face at the time said it all. Most Nat voters know it’s a scam that plunders the productive and impoverishes the poor. A reverse Robin Hood scheme for enriching the robber baron billionaires in their harbourside mansions.
While I can’t quite put my local country member last, I do understand why some would prefer a bald faced Tory fighting socialist than a two faced fake conservative!

April 29, 2022 9:20 am

Not only insulated from the effects, subsidized by them.

90% solar in the area.
Full “Ruddbats” in the roofs.
No eruptions of microblocks or high density housing to remove the leafy green surroundings, coincidentally making their blocks/houses so much more valuable.

Meanwhile elsewhere.
No capital to install solar, pay out the ass instead.
Older and less insulated housing.
Cheek by jowl housing with a token park nearby with no facilities.

Its a exclusive club, and your excluded.

April 29, 2022 9:28 am

I wonder how long it will be before they realise they have been sold a pup?

The combination of ego and cash means never admitting you are wrong.

The theme song for the performing Teals.

April 29, 2022 10:58 am

No, the well heeled take the battlers for granted.
The performing Teals are targeting people who live and think just as they do.
A bigger bunch of stinking hypocrites you couldn’t find.
‘Climate Emergency’ my xxxx

April 29, 2022 5:06 pm

I’m a “proper” scientist, understand energy and industrial technologies for reducing emissions, grew up in Wentworth (in a poor family), now live interstate, am firmly conservative, and am sad to think that even I might have been expressing the same sentiments as Cassie of Sydney if Sharma was my candidate. But I believe the whole problem reflects awful strategy on the part of the coalition rather than misguided intent. You don’t have to be a climate alarmist to think that stopping the use of fossil fuels and reaching “net zero” (a weaselly marketing expression) carbon dioxide emissions might be a good idea. The strategy should be to explore whether it can be done, since right now I can state with authority that no-one knows how. Technologically speaking we know, indeed have known for 50 years, how to generate ample electricity without emissions (nuclear does the job). That’s not the problem. Generating electricity is where only about one-third (look it up) of our fossil fuels end up. Two thirds gets used elsewhere. That’s where the problem is. The only solution is to convert all those other uses to using clean electricity. There are some ideas around, usually from ivory-tower academia. Just watch how they go and you’ll soon see that “committing” to net zero by some arbitrary date is nothing short of lying. Commit to trying, nothing more. See what can be done and what it will cost. And if it turns out in 30 years that it can’t be done without destroying our prosperity then we will learn to live with the consequences. Would such honesty help? You bet!

Winston Smith
April 29, 2022 9:01 pm


That’s not the problem. Generating electricity is where only about one-third (look it up) of our fossil fuels end up. Two thirds gets used elsewhere. That’s where the problem is. The only solution is to convert all those other uses to using clean electricity.

And there’s your problem.
We are willing to accept the new technologies – if they pass the test of the marketplace.
We are not being given the choice – we are being forced to accept governmental edicts instead of being persuaded by markets.
And that’s where the resistance is coming from.

The only solution is to convert all those other uses to using clean electricity

I happen to like the ICE. I like the sound of my car when I plant the accelerator. An electric car has no sound – it’s a bloody appliance and it has no soul.
So there’s another solution
Stop foisting your solutions on me.

April 30, 2022 12:59 pm

My electorate is much the same as yours. I’ll be voting for LDP, one nation etc first. I still hate the left more, so Zimmerman will still get my preference ahead of Labor, Teal and Greens.

  1. The existence of Trump will give many right wing leaders around the world a spine they wouldn’t otherwise have.

  2. I was in hospital a few months ago, and one of my nurses was muslim. At one point she recited…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x