If you think she is just a joke you are missing the point

I have suspected for a long time that the American government, nominally under Joe Biden, is not only trying to subvert our civilisation, but they are doing it in a way so that no one can be of any doubt that it is entirely intentional. The point of Orwell’s 1984 was to ensure that we would be aware of efforts by government to undermine our freedoms while we weren’t looking. Now it is all done right before our eyes, not only with no effort made to hide what they are doing, but done in such a way that no one can be in any doubt that what is being done is deliberate. Even the meme below is too subtle for most of the left:

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-66.png

So this is what they have done to rub our noses in it. This was part of a presentation by Tucker Carlson. In its own way they have allowed this bit of her history to be widely distributed because it will help to diminish the reality of just how serious this issue is. Can someone this inane really be a threat to the rest of us? And the answer most certainly is that it is a major change in how we are governed and these people are just as serious about their aims as Lenin was in 1917. 

Or for a a bit more detail:

To repeat. In many ways to have such an apparent lightweight as the agency head is done to divert attention away from just how serious this effort is to undermine free speech and community discussion of major issues. Sure she’s a dill, but why is that almost all we are discussing? Why isn’t the issue that anyone at all has been appointed to such a position?

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Wally Dali
Wally Dali
May 1, 2022 1:08 am

Small city mayor and gay dad Buttigig as federal secretary of transport, tranny as four-star Admiral of Health, that bald squinty dogplay fright doing whatever he’s meant to be in charge of… It’s like the US is starting the spiritual collapse with people who are mentally like Brezhnev was at the end.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
May 1, 2022 5:18 am

When Vox Day wrote about SJW-converged organisations (ideologically ‘perfected’ but utterly incapable of performing their functions) in his books SJWs Always Lie and SJWs Always Double Down, I don’t think he ever thought we as a culture would see it happen to an entire nation. Or nations.

May 1, 2022 5:54 am

Those allowed to rub your noses in absurdities can make you commit atrocities.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 1, 2022 6:44 am

It’s a cult. They truly believe the tenets of Marxism are the inevitable next stage of humanity, and if we don’t progress we’ll all perish in green armageddon. Thus no alternative view can be allowed since that might preventing them from saving themselves, humanity and the holy Planet. That’s why they keep bringing forward the date of thermageddon to ever closer (but ever receding) dates – 10 years to save the world, 3 years, 100 months, whatever. The continued drip drip scares the pants of the kids and forces the parents to keep in line.

Eco-anxiety among teenagers is growing (23 Apr)

Addressing long-term pandemic anxiety in children (21 Apr)

Anchor What
Anchor What
May 1, 2022 6:52 am

Lauri Regan at American Thinker gets it said in a brief post.
Obama had a project called Hope and Change, and during his eight years there were a lot of appointments made which now come home to roost, and roast. But they realised that his approach was too slow, and that a president like Trump could roll it all back. So they planned for four more years of disintegration on steroids. That’s what we are seeing. I still don’t believe they’ll let the half terms do what so many hope for. Not because the voters can’t see what’s happening, but because there’s nothing the extreme left will not do to fudge another election process.

May 1, 2022 7:24 am

My take is most people these days don’t think about anything, its all Bread and Circuses so I guess nothing has changed in 2 millennium.

May 1, 2022 7:41 am

The only reason Harris was appointed VP is that she was unelectable. This guaranteed Biden could not be removed as POTUS

May 1, 2022 8:41 am

There is a disconnect with this type of Marxism as against the wider Marxism. Wider Marxism does not have social justice as a great aim. It talks but certainly doesn’t walk. Russia, the USSR and CCP are chauvinistic and pertain to male masculinity. Guys, trans, lgbt whatever are not accepted. I suspect because they believe in their science.
They would smile at bidens weak attempts to ape their “truth” ministry. Or to enforce mask and health orders. The ccp is creating slavery to get rid of an unwanted minority. The US is inviting in an underclass who will be more apt to crime and drug problems. Just for a few votes. The left in the US is a laughable version of socialism as it has developed in Eastern Europe and Asia.

May 1, 2022 8:58 am

but because there’s nothing the extreme left will not do to fudge another election process

the word is “rig” another election

May 1, 2022 9:04 am

Sure she’s a dill, but why is that almost all we are discussing? Why isn’t the issue that anyone at all has been appointed to such a position?

I don’t know what Kates has been reading or watching. I have seen and read a lot of media that has questioned the reasoning behind the need for the ministry of truth.
There can only be one answer why they want a ministry of truth…. controlling the narrative. Propaganda.
The following appears to be some of the new ‘truths’ that they want us to believe.
…Men can get pregnant.
…There are 120 genders.
…Only white people are racists.
The left side of politics (and some on the right) have totally lost the plot.

May 1, 2022 9:25 am

The US is inviting in an underclass who will be more apt to crime and drug problems. Just for a few votes.

the US is doing this on many fronts.

Inviting in an underclass, and expanding their own underclass by encouraging homelessness, often through drug use (witness the fentanyl and meth plague ravaging the country)

May 1, 2022 9:47 am

An underclass is not a problem-until the money runs out.

May 1, 2022 10:03 am

I don’t know what Kates has been reading or watching. I have seen and read a lot of media that has questioned the reasoning behind the need for the ministry of truth.

It’s a generalisation, I know, but most commenters at the Cat and a small minority of the general population read widely, follow those who speak put against the narrative, discuss issues intelligently, are not afraid to question the orthodoxy and think for themselves.

The great majority of the west’s populations do not.

It’s becoming much more apparent that education systems world wide have succeeded in dumbing down our young people, social media provides endless distraction and so called entertainment and the politician’s lust for more and more power over the little people continues unabated.

I could name a dozen fellow professionals from my university cohort who only read the Age, only watch the ABC, only mix amongst themselves, who belong to Labor or the Greens, who still suffer from TDS and who think Biden and his troop of disgusting freaks are doing just fine. Two of them have actually bred their very own Green’s candidate for this election.
Every single one of them is a child of the professional class. Unlike the SP and myself who had parents who were deeply working class.

All but two live in the seat of Kooyong in multi million dollar homes, have 2 expensive cars in the garage not one of which is an EV, travel overseas regularly to Europe to ski or hike and are smug and satisfied with all of the above. They are also terrified that ScoMo might be returned.

Every single one of them has read 1984, Animal Farm and Brave New World. Not one of them learnt a damned thing from the exercise.

These are the very people Steve is referring to.

May 1, 2022 10:05 am

I am sorry but everybody knows there are only 57 ! I want politicians who support this drivel to be compelled to debate it live on air. Would be hilarious.

“There are 120 genders”.

May 1, 2022 11:02 am

It’s so too late that I can’t be bothered.
America is fucked and Australia is on it’s way to joining them.

May 1, 2022 11:19 am

Only white people are racists.

Always interesting to ask them who they think is the least racist race.

May 1, 2022 11:31 am

May 1, 2022 at 10:05 am
I am sorry but everybody knows there are only 57 !


May 1, 2022 11:49 am

Its fairly revealing the “necessity” of a mintrue comes abut as they are threatened with a potential loss of control of one focal point of information on the WWW.
I do wonder how much “alphabet agency” money has been used in massaging the Al-Goreithms to sustain the story of the racist USA/Gerbil worming/sexism etc to divide and conquer?

But hey, thats just crazy tin foil talk right!!!
That’s because the CIA publishes a helpful list of press releases on all the social media ventures it sponsors, via its technology investment arm In-Q-Tel.

Its only a small step from monitoring social media to seeking to shape it…

World-class, cutting-edge technologies for National Security
IQT’s mission is to invest in cutting-edge technologies to enhance the national security of the United States. IQT focuses on the 15,000+ early stage venture-backed startup companies in the U.S. and select other countries. IQT also identifies and analyzes technologies in all stages of development that are critical to national security. IQT welcomes the submission of business plans for products and technology that can contribute to national security and is available to meet with U.S. private equity firms interested in investing in areas of national security interest. Investment areas include:
Digital Intelligence
Trusted Infrastructure
Autonomous Systems
Industry 4.0
Intelligent Connectivity
Data Analytics
AI and Machine Learning
IT Platforms

May 1, 2022 12:18 pm

Can someone this inane really be a threat to the rest of us?

Well, Joe Biden’s presently doing his best to provoke WWIII.

Inane people can do a lot of damage when placed in positions of power precisely because they are stupid.

Old Goat
Old Goat
May 1, 2022 1:43 pm

There are hidden forces creating all this mayhem . The operate behind the scenes and have put “Front Men/Women” in to take the heat when the inevitable crash occurs. Politics worldwide is stark evidence of this . I notice Russian oligarchs are suffering suicide epidemics and wonder who is behind them. Ukraine is a dumpster fire which everyone is pouring fuel on – and that wont stop anytime soon . Just look at what happened to the peace negotiators for Ukraine….

May 1, 2022 2:19 pm

Megan says:
May 1, 2022 at 10:03 am


May 1, 2022 3:59 pm

What do Democrats expect will happen to this office under the next Republican administration?

Do they simply assume it will be closed down in that case?

Have they even considered the possibility that Jankowicz might be replaced with someone as far right as she is far left?

May 1, 2022 4:34 pm

Demorats don’t expect there to be another Republican administration ever again.

May 1, 2022 4:37 pm

Jock says:
May 1, 2022 at 8:41 am
There is a disconnect with this type of Marxism as against the wider Marxism. Wider Marxism does not have social justice as a great aim.

“Social justice” is just another example of the ongoing destruction of the language. The concept of justice is that you get what you deserve in both benefit and punishment terms.

By prefacing it with social they completely invert the meaning of justice while making the perversion look morally superior.

This has been successful for them for years. Now basic concepts like gender are under the kosh. It’s even in the vocabulary of some so called conservatives. Look at the treatment being meted out to Katherine Deves.

May 1, 2022 7:48 pm

“Social justice” is just another example of the ongoing destruction of the language.

everything the left touch turns to shit

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
May 1, 2022 8:41 pm

MeGan – agreed
These people come from above middle to high income homes.
They had the economic power and were put up on a pedal stool by their parents.
They through their weight around.
Sitting at. The back of the bus they called and privately still call people wogs dagoes crafts, freak, poofta, dead shit, etc.
A name for everyone with some talent and use.
My school was a collision of economic class, ethnicity and secular being a Catholic school in a Protestant colony.
What was interesting was how the higher income earners were so foul mouthed and disrespectful to the priests.
Being Catholic they would have felt the social cold shoulder – this was exaggerated with all the migrants at school .
At Uni what was interesting was the arts students – a lot came from upper middle and high income homes.
They enrolled in journos, teaching, and if “smart” – sort of – law.
These “disiplines” are not constructive but destructive. They are not factual and are not connected with their environment.
They also did not get employed in private business but usually govt.
The economic power is now with ngo and charities – which to me was the lowest rung of skill and employment.
As my English teacher said the most successful people are no the. Maths1 2 physic chem guys but those who articulate and convince you with their arguement.
Check out Trudeau – after facing the opposition he confiscated the trucks , Biden be same, Andrews kept on going, Tingle blaming Scmo for the fires.
Then Kerry O BRIEN at the Logies banging on about fascism taking over the world , bear it if you can Philip Adams on the gaybc.

May 1, 2022 9:04 pm

They also did not get employed in private business but usually govt.

Thanks, Louis, this was one point I failed to make in my earlier comment. Not one of that group worked in private enterprise. At all.

Rob MW
Rob MW
May 1, 2022 9:07 pm

May 1, 2022 at 11:02 am

It’s so too late that I can’t be bothered.
America is fucked and Australia is on it’s way to joining them.

This !

Truth, Justice and the American Way has devolved into Lies, Corruption and American Debauchery.

May 1, 2022 10:01 pm

“The only reason Harris was appointed VP is that she was unelectable.”

That, and she’s not White and she’s a she.

May 1, 2022 11:17 pm

is this because of Elon Musk buying Twitter?
they can’t rely on it any longer to censor?

do you reckon the dems will skew the next US eection, later this year?
they might as well, no one is going to do anything are they, to stop them

the Ukraine thing has been going on for years, why, back in 2014 they accidently shot down a Malaysian Airlines flight. that’s the same Donbas region this current flare up is about, once again stirred up the EU and USA.
the consequences if someone makes a mistake, and you just know they will, are not going to be pleasant.
visit Europe while you still can

May 2, 2022 6:22 am

Zipster says:
May 1, 2022 at 7:48 pm

“Social justice” is just another example of the ongoing destruction of the language.

everything the left touch turns to shit

Yep; they have managed to almost totally monopolise the law of unintended consequences

Anchor What
Anchor What
May 2, 2022 6:32 am

Visit Europe while you can!
No thanks.
Don’t know why Disney built there. The whole place is Eurodisney.

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
May 2, 2022 7:51 am

People say civilization has been in decline since the 60s. But really that’s just when evil was able to hold many positions of power to push forth its agenda.
But I think if we look critically the seeds of the current depth of decline were planted in the Enlightenment.

May 2, 2022 9:14 am

“Obama had a project called Hope and Change”

It was, and remains a VERY nasty joke.

It was quickly recognized for what it was by the more astute, hence this:


Louis Litt
Louis Litt
May 2, 2022 10:16 am

Judge Dredd
The industrial revolution – it seperated man from having to grow vegies and heard animans 27/7 365 days fo the year. He now was freed up and work 6 days in a factory. The factory made metal for trains, furances, cannos, for ships. man was able to travel further than 30km a day on foot or horse. He was now able to live in a town a sell/make stuff.
This is when entertainment – theatre , Dickens stories throuogh the papers – began to be common.
The football league started then.
We also had great improvements in medicine which reduced the death of females and the the babies at birth.
We began international travel.
As health and food improved life span improved.
Women then went to work and this was turbo charged by WW1.
Then is when sufferage’s came about and all the comkplaining about modern society .
These people have no understanding of scoital evolution or the importance of science and engineering to improve society.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
May 2, 2022 12:17 pm

I’m seeing a pattern here. Have someone appear harmless at the head of an institution which is also clearly trying to destroy dissent.

This benevolent dictator schtick shouldn’t be dismissed for its thinly veiled distractions.

Keep your eyes on the main prize – the hearts and minds of the ignorant middle. You can be certain that despite not fooling us, they are most certainly trying to fool the ignorant middle.

May 2, 2022 1:09 pm

Speaking of “Hope and Change”, more here:


Simon Morgan
Simon Morgan
May 2, 2022 2:38 pm

She’s a perfect fit for this administration of course. It’s already cross between a clown show and a circus, so might as well have a musical as well.

  1. I watched the Juan Browne Blancolirio youtoob on the Toronto prang again. This time I watched it on the 1/4…

  2. Kado Muir is from around here. Stood for the greens a while back (quell surprise) then for the nationals. Wikipedia…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x