This is an excellent and brief presentation of midwits as a new political and social class in the early 21st century. Conservatives would do well to consider how to circumvent such behaviour which can really only occur by removing the incentives and/ or by imposing higher costs because we are typically its target. I heartily recommend it and the work of Auron MacIntyre, generally. If you don’t follow him on Twitter you certainly should.
vr March 7, 2025 11:43 amWhere are we on tariffs now? The constant exaggeration and then walking things back is not…
Is a mid-wit somewhere between a wit and a dim-wit?
Too many Midwits in Oz then.
Where are they in relation to half-wits?
Do midwits have the same average as the halfwits but with larger standard-deviation?
Midwit – coined by Voxday.
This is a good synopsis
I still use the word “twits” as it seems most appropriate. And there seem to be a lot more of them about these days.
Good tip on Auron’s twitter feed, where we find this:
This is the usual story in sh!thole countries. Justice is more easily available to the well-connected. You have to know someone on the inside of the system to get fair treatment instead of standard treatment.
midwit cuckoos
I refer to them as f*** wits. More to the point.
Cracker – if you ever come across a female labour pollie of a female psychologist – this is it
The projection in that video is off the charts. No doubt Sauron oops spellcheck I mean Auron sees himself as on the high side of all those curves, which means he is guilty of every sin he accuses the midwits of. And yet somehow he reckons being an evangelical Christian is a high IQ position, LOL.
He never said anything of the sort. We can safely conclude that this video certainly got under monty’s skin. In a single comment, monty proves Auron’s point and identifies himself inadvertently as a midwit. To be expected.
I prefer sh*t-wit because it rhymes.
I disagree. It shows again through Monster’s interpretation that he’s a complete halfwit. An idiot.
JC, come on, monty can be both.
As I posted on the Weekend Open Thread and to be repeated here.
“What is it with this montypox virus infecting this site. Surely there is some sort of vacccine around that can cure this virus and clean up the place.”
“What is it with this montypox virus infecting this site. Surely there is some sort of vacccine around that can cure this virus and clean up the place.”
Best way to treat the virus is to expose yourself to it, and your healthy intellectual system will automatically develop antibodies. If you lock it out your immune system does not learn and develop resistance.
You can argue with monty, or ignore him. But so long as he debates with reasonable manners he should not be banned. If you ban him you kind of lose the argument. IMHO.
Just think, if any (presumably right wing) leader in any country at any time over the past 40 years had shut off electricity to green leaning electorates (or better still, to individuals) everybody would have forgotten what “climate change” was.
Libertarian beliefs are based on reciprocity – that’s their moral and practical justification. But for some bizarre reason the Right has been only too happy to grant rights to leftists who would never provide them to us in return.
Is there any other dead giveaway of a midwit?
The only people who “LOL” in their comments are the smarmy midwits who we know are neither “LOLing” or saying any intelligent at all.
This is bizarre coming from someone who thinks socialism is a high IQ position.
John Sheldricksays:
May 31, 2022 at 1:23 am
As I posted on the Weekend Open Thread and to be repeated here.
“What is it with this montypox virus infecting this site. Surely there is some sort of vacccine around that can cure this virus and clean up the place.”
Perhaps we can get Homer to send Steve from Brissy here, to act as monti-fa’s political commissar, whipping him into line for any perceived (or even imaginary) lack of commitment to the “cause”?
I take it a midwit is a person of average intelligence who is smart enough to have a good job but not smart enough to know how much they don’t know….would that be close?
Conservatives have for too long wanted to cosset themselves from engaging with the enemy. It’s why we are losing politically. This has taken a lot of forms. One is simply not believing how extreme their positions, or their priors, are on certain issues (sex and gender, abortion). Another is always banking on the silent majority helping us fall over the line (climate change). Another is thinking that if we cave on this issue, they will not continue the advance any further (marriage redefinition).
Yes, and given the huge expansion of their natural environment, the office, the school, the bureaucracy, and the like, they have become a political force.
Did you even watch the video, db? The right side of the graphics, representing the high IQ quadrant, had two pro-Christian captions including a quotation from Psalms. His narration also explicitly set up an opposition between these so-called midwits and evangelical Christians.
Vox Day is a dumb person’s idea of a smart person.
You’ve just made that up. You’ve gone from a ‘passage from Psalms’ to ‘explicitly setting up an opposition between midwits and evangelical Christians’ where there is no such transition. Christians might have worked, but no where is he limiting this even to Christians. There is simply no reason why Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, or Daoists, etc. wouldn’t also be included here, and he explicitly states that midwits can also be found within these groups, and politically, on the right as well. For heaven’s sake, the entire piece indicates that positions held by both sides of the mean can be similar but have different bases. You simply, in classic midwit style, immediately went for the ad hominem, tried to claim that no one who is a evangelical Christian could be high IQ, and, then, LOLing.
Perfect John S. Monty pox virus.
It has been around for longer than people think. Trying to infect people here but without much success.
I guess I’m a midwit atleast some times. The problem is like IQ it gives the wrong people collective superiority.
It’s been my experience the people confident in there achievements ain’t obsessed with such things.