File under Poolside Musings. Can’t avoid them when poolside.
File under Poolside Musings. Can’t avoid them when poolside.
collecting vast data about themes, questions, questioners, and answers It’ll be driven mad by 2030 and retaliate against its human…
Early days, and the opposition is in disarray, but Trump has exceeded expectations so far.So why is Trump’s opposition in…
First movie I ever saw together with Hairy. We both liked it. Especially the camera work. I told a lefty…
Albo finally, after 15 months since Oct. 7, finds a few Nazis he doesn’t like. Ironically, they are an absolutely…
A civilisation that has a sustainable birthrate is apparently now an outdated concept.
That’s a good one. I’d been thinking about the amazingly vehement hostility of the woke vs Christianity. I’ve also been thinking of the 20 poor Egyptian and Libyan Christians who were beheaded for their faith. The various pagan religions don’t like being told what is God’s will and what isn’t.
I’m a Proud Resistance Woman.
It comes with an extra benefit – victory is guaranteed.
Appreciate the h/t, Dover. You are such a gentleman.
a friend of mine, absolute leftie, bit of a vegan, an artist of the painting variety who found he didn’t like the vacc mandates and the state government going all shouty and fascisto
went to a couple of demos in downtown Melbourne, shouted and chanted a couple of rounds
some friends disowned and shunned him
he discovered he was an alt right extremist
he is still stunned by this revelation
scientism @mr_scientism · Jun 1
Great meme.
Be part of the resistance.
Even if you’ve yet to get a family, or even if yours is broken – join us in Christ, be part of the resistance community. God will love you for it, and you will be content and happy to be on the side of the Good, the True and the Beautiful.
Credit where it is due, Madame Gab.
I’m unsure one can make a comment that falling birth rates will equal falling population in the future and that it will be linear. What happens if life extension can have people living to 150?
“What happens if life extension can have people living to 150?”
Good heavens, imagine bonny prince Charlie, Herr Swartz, WEF and leaders of industrial cabals, climate propagandists, virologists, amongst many others living that long. Enough to make you want to take an early exit at say, 100!
The family has always been the first front in spiritual warfare.
There called ‘daleks’ or ‘Sorosi’ JC.
Basically a head in a jar.
Have all the life of the mind you want!
Simply profound and confirmed by the events of history. John 13: 34-35
June 3, 2022 at 11:50 am
JC says:
June 3, 2022 at 1:14 am
I’m unsure one can make a comment that falling birth rates will equal falling population in the future and that it will be linear. What happens if life extension can have people living to 150?
There called ‘daleks’ or ‘Sorosi’ JC.
Basically a head in a jar
The next step for Graham Richardson?
“he discovered he was an alt right extremist
he is still stunned by this revelation”
Plenty are discovering this – they thought the left was all “don’t trust THE MAN”, but that is all in the past. The left is now “Comply!” and group-think. If you are not fully on-board with the “latest thing”, you are “radical right”, “facist” etc. Applies to abortion, LGBTQI+ rights, war in Ukraine etc etc.
As per Elon Musk’s tweet on it, many people who were centre-left – want free speech, prepared to argue the case for what they want, happy to agree to disagree but still talk about other things – have now found the political window has moved left political parties so far left, they now have more in common with the right than the left, and that there is little to no “sensible middle” any more.
And that, despite the propaganda from those on the left, the righties are not racists, misogynists, fascists or any of the myriad other “ist”s – for the most part, they’ll follow MLK Jnr and take you for who you are and what you do, rather than what tribe you are part of, will make and accept logical arguments, and will make a compromise if you will too.
It’s a big surprise to many who discover it, and it massively changes their outlook on politics in general, and on the left/right divide in particular. They also then discover that many people they thought were friends now find them intolerable “alt right loony” for daring to disagree with “the thing” by even the smallest margin.
Like much, the US is leading this, but we are catching up.
It’s not only pagan religions who don’t like being told what Gods will is either. The truth is Gods will is what actually happened.
Anyone who thinks this isn’t a war and that it need not be fought hasn’t being paying attention.
The Marxist left isn’t just attacking the family – their target now is everything normal people hold dear.
The homosexual radicals who successfully campaigned for gay “marriage” five years ago are now using the same war chest and organisational structures to destroy women’s sport via the “trans” movement.
Feminists who thought they were at the top of the leftist totem pole have been ruthlessly sidelined by male homosexuals.
And you either swear allegiance to the tribe or you are denounced as (insert latest tribal insult, such as “racist/sexist homophobe”). Feminists must now denounce feminism or be cast out of the tribe.
Male homosexuals are now at the top of the leftist totem pole. Next week it could be someone else. The only thing unchanging is that leftists are deeply committed to destroying every pillar of Western society left standing as nihilism is the current strategy to remake it in Marx’s image.
That should be on the Open Fredde.
A call to arms indeed.
I’ve pasted it on my FB page.
Nothing radical about homosex, it’s a reactionary movement, i.e. Far Right.
A complete non issue that split the Liberal Party
Look out, the Liberal Party are going to burn more credibility over another non-issue.
Like the guy on Frontline said Women’s Sport is full of Lezzos and would collapse without massive Government Funding.
Ed Casesays:
June 3, 2022 at 5:33 pm
The homosexual radicals
Nothing radical about homosex, it’s a reactionary movement, i.e. Far Right.
Everything that Dickless dislikes is denounced as “Far Right” (with capitals, so there can be no misunderstanding).
He seems to be a homophobe.
It’s not only pagan religions who don’t like being told what Gods will is either. The truth is Gods will is what actually happened.
I’d like to be a Beneficiary in God’s Will. Does anyone know when he is likely to die? I’d like to inherit soon as at age 69 years I may not have very long to spend it all. Oh well, I could always leave what’s left to someone else in my Will………………lol
He was always a head in a jar.
A burnt print crisp other times.
Basically he opened up Australia to be taken over by whatever fuckwit crap DFAT could sign Australia up to so now we have a national cabinet with every state in Australia controlled by pan lickers!
And people cannot believe what is happening in Canada.
The good news is you absolutely can be John!
If you put your faith him him sincerely acknowledge your sins and failings and ask for His forgiveness you can become a child of God and share the inheritance as His own son.
Don’t have one foot in the grave and ignore what is going on in the world around you and within you. This is the beginnings of the epic closing scene of the global good vs evil battle.
The good news is you absolutely can be John!
If you put your faith him him sincerely acknowledge your sins and failings and ask for His forgiveness you can become a child of God and share the inheritance as His own son.
Don’t have one foot in the grave and ignore what is going on in the world around you and within you. This is the beginnings of the epic closing scene of the global good vs evil battle.
Chris M. I am sure that you mean well.
For people to say it’s God’s Will or God’s Plan – fine. However, I do not believe one word of it.
That’s why I was joking about being a Beneficiary in God’s Will.
Is it God’s will for people to die by cruel people? For women, old people and children to suffer? Was the Holocaust God’s Will? Was Pol Pot part of his Plan? Were people like Hitler, Mao, Stalin part of God’s Plan? Were the killings part of God’s will?
I am sure that there are many examples of more horrors throughout history.
So, do all those people that die this way go to Heaven? And what about cruelty to animals?
At 69 years young I have made my own way in life and I do not need any God. I’d rather have a Dog which is the word God backwards………………………
Of course this is not God’s plan John – just a basic grasp or outline of the Bible would show what is going on. The evil in this world horrifies God, it was not his plan or will. Things were perfect at the time of creation… mankind chose not to trust God and went our own way… this resulted in death, suffering, disease, crime and the extreme cruelty of dictators that you mention.
So today we see mankind is capable of incredible good and amazing innovations but also terrible bad and wicked things. So much so that not a single one of us is good as in perfect. A God that can create all things good is also capable of correcting and removing all the bad so he sent his perfect sinless son to suffer terribly and to die in our place, taking our penalty upon Himself. So God has reached out to us offering a solution to this sick mess. This is the first step in the restoration. The next will be the great judgement where all mankind are judged for what they have done, then the sin will be punished.
It is easy for us to look at the evil in this world and think that is all the other people and not see that we ourselves have also contributed at some level, but sadly we all have and do. Thankfully a God powerful enough to create humans can easily fix us both physically and morally, and he will.