Good Christmas special. From back when Dr Who wasn’t qwerty propaganda.
Good Christmas special. From back when Dr Who wasn’t qwerty propaganda.
I reckon oily faced Chris Bowan couldn’t even change a car battery without f*cking it up. He’d put the positive…
Douglas Murray on Islam: “… you’ve got to say my religion is peaceful, otherwise I might kill you …”Douglas Murray…
For example, if the Indigenous people own the land as the court concludes, do they in turn owe a financial…
The only duty applied to US imports appear to be tobacco, alcohol and some petroleum products.
The shit msm covering the Jan 6 bullshit still claiming the insurrectionists killed 6 cops. Most of the video will not be released; the involvement of FBI agitators like Ray Epps ignored and the really strange involvement of cameltoe with the pipe bomber also ignored.
Anyone got a good recipe for Spanish chilli eggs?
I mean, Sancho should know this, right?
But I don’t.
A son of mine recently rang to ask me the symptoms of my allergy to quinine. He was being treated by his GP with steroids for his allergic reaction to unknown substance. His wife had taken up G&T thinking it would not put on the weight she had gained during the lockdowns. He had followed suit.
He had had all the tests available re allergies.
I told him it was obvious to me that his present state was an allergy to quinine.
He gave up G&T and now no problems.
I believe that there is no skin test for quinine allergy.
So much irony tonight.
Someone up-thread posted a link to the Jan 6 “Shaman” being sentenced, and, at the same time, publicly recanting everything he had formerly claimed.
It reminded my, very chillingly, of the letters that condemned senior Soviet officials and military officers would write to Stalin before their execution, praising Stalin and everything he had ever done. I wonder what psychological pressure has been exerted on the Jan 6 prisoners during the past year and a half?
Ii is truly frightening how far the US has descended into fascism under Creepy Joe and his myrmidons.
June 10, 2022 at 8:04 pm
June 10, 2022 at 8:01 pm
I don’t see the US recovering from a second civil war, cohenite.
Not in the current for. I could see it splitting into about half a dozen different nations, along the lines of common culture and natural defensive lines.
From our POV, the best result would be a split by counties, producing a contiguous “Red” nation covering most of the continental US, surrounding a “Blue” archipelago, mostly comprising the large cities, probably plus Hawaii as an independent third nation, hopefully broadly aligned with the Red nation.
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
June 10, 2022 at 8:08 pm
I don’t see the US recovering from a second civil war, cohenite.
Nor anyone else. China would be in Taipei like a shot and the Norks would be over the border too. That’s a very large chunk of chips gone to the West.
Even without the US, I’m not sure that Chynerr could take Taiwan, and the Norks would find absorbing the south a difficult task. Both would be supported by Japan.
PS, any Chinese general who ignores the possibility (probability???) that Taiwan, South Korea and Japan are within shouting distance of a nuclear weapon is taking a “courageous” decision.
Transableism is the pathology of wanting to amputate body parts to feel normal. Cory compares that to the poster child of the alphabet knuckleheads: men who want to chop off their dicks to feel normal or women who cut off their tits. The latter are regarded as wonderful, enlightened etc while the former by virtue of the latter is becoming acceptable.
Later State Governor of New South Wales, pelted with tomatoes by anti Vietnam War protesters at University of Sydney…
Toenails and ear hair.
They’re the only bits I’m prepared to lop off.
I don’t see the US recovering from a second civil war, cohenite.
As soon as the shooting starts, conservatives will win. What’s killing them at the moment is the undeclared war. Conservatives are by definition adverse to what is required in these types of operations, lefty’s on the other hand revel in it.
Observed this morning, outside the main doors of the “cancer centre” at a major Perth hospital – middle aged bloke, wearing a hospital gown, pushing his I/V stand, puffing away on a cigarette,,,,,
I doubt Hawaii would join the “red” states. Regardless how it ends up splitting it’ll be extremely bloody and violent. The author Matt Bracken puts it as Bosnia x Rwanda, and I don’t see a reason to disagree. The left want anyone conservatives dead and buried so they can build their utopia, the right have the majority of the people who’ve been at the pointy end of various wars.
Even if somehow all the firearms magically evaporated overnight, there’s plenty of ways to cause havoc without them. Just look at the terror attack in Nice with a truck, how easy it is to make explosives or chemical weapons, or any number of other ways to hurt people and break their stuff with a little thought.
The veneer of civilization is very thin when it comes down to it.
ZK2A – maybe thought “I’m fucked anyway – a fag won’t make a difference”
Surprised he didn’t have a hip flask – though I suppose no pockets in hospital gowns.
“As soon as the shooting starts, conservatives will win.
Maybe, maybe not. Parts of the left in the US, such as BLM and Antifa aren’t necessarily anti-gun. They’re well armed. If shooting starts, it would be dangerous to underestimate them.
Just back from the pub.
Ran into John Murdoch Bradley. He said he didn’t kill anyone.
He also reckoned the doco, which was professionally produced and edited by the way, was shit and only low-IQ chubby fairy floss eaters would believe it.
Not all cancer is because of cigarettes. If it gave him comfort I am pleased.
My husband died of cancer not from cigarettes or from cigars which he smoked. His cancer was hereditary.
It is weird how they sell diet tonic water in the drinks aisle. Not something you associate with an excess of sugar.
Blundering in …
The Jones and the Rotten and zero distractions … 😕
Frankie, you teal personage*, the correct terminology is “Schlockdowns”, thank you very much. 🙂
* Behold the gravatar, ffs ..
Was he with a saggy man in a little red car?
Classic hairy chest time: it’s stood the test of time and apart from a repeated view of a green VW, this is as good as gets for movie car chase scenes:
I couldn’t tell. My Moke’s pretty low to the ground.
Western peoples have apparently forgot all about the machine of a dream, apparently … 🙁
Until they have not.
Hey collectivists – you will have to prise the six speed out of my cold dead hands, I tells ya.
Good luck with that, you communist weirdoes (BIRM) … 🙂
Thancho do you mean the eggs with chorizo, capsicum, onions, tomato, hot smoked paprika and cumin?
I think tho Ranga.
More civil war grist for the mill. Mr Kunt pelosi’s DUI charges dropped:
Observed this morning, outside the main doors of the “cancer centre” at a major Perth hospital – middle aged bloke, wearing a hospital gown, pushing his I/V stand, puffing away on a cigarette,,,,,
Often have the IV stand, ciggie in one hand and puffer in the other.
Front of Hospital is often where they score drugs too.
Must have used Chairman Dan’s lawyers. They’re very good.
You mean the ones, administered legally, in the hospital, aren’t sufficient?
Now that was funny.
How long ago was it now that the disbarred junkie conned Channel Stokes into that one?
The stunning new evidence must be going to turn up any day now.
Real Deal,
I’ve seen what you have seen, but have you ever had a loved one die of cancer and been with him every step of the way?
If you had you would I believe be not so judgemental
Gee , the pity trolling on the lollipop blog is very amusing.
Olive oil in not too hot pan that you can put in the oven to finish the eggs off. Can use either smoked chorizo or the raw ones sliced. Cook then add half a brown onion sliced long ways. Add sliced green capsicum. When half cooked add 4 vine ripened tomatoes cut in half. Add 1 Tbsp hot smoked paprika and heaped tsp cumin. I usually put in half tin of white beans or chickpeas. Don’t let the pan dry out, it makes the paprika bitter. A tablespoon or 2 of water helps. Make hollows for eggs and crack eggs into hollows. Cook for as long as the eggs are cooked on the bottom. Grate some Manchego cheese over the top or use parmasen. Stick in a 140 deg C oven for about 7-10 minutes, check to make sure the white is just set. Have it with some Estrella Damm beer or Tempranillo wine.
Those among us that were not into torture.
Shite GreyRanga that’s complicated.
I think I’ll just duck down the road and get an Egg ‘n Bacon McMuffin meal. 🙂
Expound, Squire – this blogue is … ?
There’s not going to be a Civil civil war like the old one. People are just getting ahead of themselves suggesting that.
On another note
The Upper East Side is how it’s always been. Clean and dusted where even the vagrants are white with a college or higher degree.
Paul, my buddy living on 72nd street (literally)..we’re now on first name basis .. reminded me Melbourne had the Olympics in 1956.
Even the empty store sites are renewing with no stores opening up at a fast rate if construction is any guide.
NYC is getting back.
I like the chase scene out of Ronin with the AUDI A8.
It’d be fucking lunchtime before I assembled the ingredients.
Might just go scrambled egg on toast with a dusting of chilli flakes.
Filed under “How’d ya be?”
Mislaid the wallet today, i.e. “lost”.
Most recent recollection of having it was 24 hrs earlier.
Extensive search came up no-trumps.
Then spotted it, laying in the street out the front of the pub, right there on the bitumen, six feet out from the curb.
It had been there the entire 24 hrs.
Contents still inside, $350 cash.
Real deal, a cig after copious amounts of chemo, is fine. It’s what I’d most certainly do if I needed that stuff. Just be a little more tolerant and appreciate the fact that a cig is a great friend when one is down in the dumps.
Furniture Store?
Or Adam Cat?
BT a McMuffin is not food. The Spanish eggs take about 25 minutes to make.
In fact, that is lunch Ranga.
Police presence is very real in NYC and the mayor seems to appreciate this fact. I’ve never seen so many cops on the beat before.
They’re also inside stores. Bloomingdale’s has cops at all their main entrances.
Last evening I had to go to Target for some tape and there were two cops at the door. I think Adams means business.
From part of Daily Mail article. Must be double jabbed to enter BHP work premises. Note the Justice Dept and WA Fire dropping their mandates. At this stage BHP only “encouraging” people to maintain up to date status which would include booster 6 months after 2nd jab.
Would love to see somebody like Gina Reinhardt say nomandates for her work places.
“BHP said the vaccine mandate, as part of its health and safety rules, was based on its assessment of the latest science and health advice.
‘Our policy does not require booster vaccinations for site access, but we do encourage everyone to maintain an up-to-date vaccination status in line with ATAGI recommendations,’ it said.
Only workers within health, aged and disability care will be required to be vaccinated under the new Western Australian Government rules.
Premier Mark McGowan said some public and private sector businesses may keep mandating vaccinations for employees, and suggested prisons and emergency services could do the same.
However, the Department of Justice and Department of Fire and Emergency Services announced last Friday that they would scrap their mandates”.
What do you guys eat normally. I cook every night whether something light from scratch made soup to japanese with 10 dishes. Last night was Hungarian chicken paprikash with stuffed zucchini and mash.
Experienced a lot of it in my yoof. Five teeth extracted by the age of eleven 😕
“Orthodontistry”, as it was known back in the seventies.
Pain, but I was able to resist it. Until – “the bands”
Four years of sheer hell. The small rubber bands were a special treat.
Visited a dentist in 1996. Had a wisdom filled in.
The next visit to a dentist was in 2019, gum infection – couldn’t eat, left side of the face had swollen up, extreme pain – I don’t give into extreme pain, easily cats.
The nearby dentist – so it’s a gum infection, you’ll live. So when did you last visit a dentist?
err, 1996.
Which tooth was filled in?
I can’t remember …
X rays subsequently revealed it.
The wisdom tooth was subsequently extracted …
FFS – if you are blessed with good teeth, Cats, then rejoice. 🙂
Thancho use siracha instead of chilli flakes.
Doesn’t sound like Aussie white-fella tucker to me.
I come from a long line of bad teeth. I’ve got 3 with no filling, had 4 but it cracked vertically, the homo dentist took it out.
mainly because the conservatives know what the consequences are, while the lefties think it’ll be bad words and no free tampons.
Deciding what to eat each night is (was) a major dilemma. Would be a nice problem to have nowadays. Bread is off limits and meat has to be braised to within an inch of its life. There are some great simple dishes that take no time to prepare and are delicious – Japanese gyudon for example. Scrambled egg and chorizo was a Sunday night standby.
Among the remaining teeth, I have no fillings.
The benefits of fluoride, of which my ol’ man was pilloried for back in his day.
Turning up in New Guinea as a field surgeon in 1943 without any equipment or drugs was a doddle*.
*Thanks to bludee wharfies …
GreyRanga says: June 10, 2022 at 10:35 pm
Pea & Ham soup.
or else a roast lamb bun with mango chutney & basic salad (i.e. beetroot, cucumber, etc)
Lol, it’s a type of grass isn’t it?
If you can get it established on a marine plain, cattle will eat it.
Basically tomato sauce for Uncle Roger.
“Something very fast. Audi S8. Something that can shovel it with.”
FMD – that egg recipe was way OTT.
Eggs with knobs of butter whisked in, maybe a dash of salt. That’s it.
Whack it in a hot buttered pan, scramble as you go (gently!). Make sure whatever you do don’t dry it out. Pull it off the heat before all the liquid’s gone, and it’ll firm up on the plate.
I could have used a decent field surgeon three weeks ago. Had a cyst cut out of my back that I’d allowed to grow for twenty years — size of a squash ball. Simple operation? Wound opened up that night and I ended up in Foot-a-scray Hospital ER with massive blood loss. Still bleeding and three more stitches put in today because the big cyst’s little brother “pulled apart”, as the quack put it.
If any Cat persons know how to get caked blood out of shirts and a leather car seat, advice appreciated.
Lord, you’re one mighty big wanker,
Just ignore the comment as it’s not personal. 🙂
you and me both. 80’s braces – hell on earth.
Found a good-un for my (impacted) wisdom tooth. Local anaesthetic, cut the gum open, snap tooth in half with what looked like large wire cutters, then pulled out the pieces.
My favourite is a ham omelette with spaghetti bolognese on top.
Washed down with VB or a red or a white. Or all three.
the shirts – easy. Throw them in the rags pile and the engine oil and grease you wipe off your hands will cover up the blood stains.
I’d rather not answer that if you don’t mind.
Try Shannon Lush (yes, really) the humourless cleaning hints woman on 3AW.
Leave the car unlocked at Dandenong station with the keys in the ignition and the shirts in the boot.
The whole thing will be torched before you get home.
Evidence gone.
Catching up with the J6 Riot made-for-TV-movie aka hearings.
Apparently Trump is guilty of watching TV.
And did I understand Cheney correctly when she implied that Trump’s court cases were the first step in “a multi-step conspiracy”? Because I’m not seeing how an ordinary lawsuit in court can be part of a conspiracy, when what the courts do is justice by definition.
Also the Capitol Police officer Edwards never thought she would find herself “in the middle of a battle”? What? A police officer. In America. At the Capitol building. Does she know how Democrats operate? Minneapolis, Portland, hel-looooo?
Siracha – hot as hell and loving it.
Even blasted into my weekend scrambled eggs mix with salt and pepper.
There’s nothing I cook nowadays that is not generously leavened with it.
We exist on this planet while we can. Hot chili sauce is an essential. 🙂
This is not rocket surgery.
At the moment, Lite’n’Easy … all right down the back, put a sock in it!
We’re both doing JumpStart (well, the food, not our sex life … although, my sex life is in fits and starts … when it fits, it starts!!).
So far, over 7 kg down and 8 more to go before I start to feel human. How come the weight gain? (a) Effing CV-19 meaning we stayed at home much more; (b) boredom; since I retired it’s got worse and worse; (c) comfort eating (and drinking).
Normally, we’re a grilled fish, chicken, meat and salad duo … and in winter I enjoy making soups.
Sounds like a job for Mr Wolf.
Thanks for all that sage advice.
Think I’ll have a bourbon and another oxy. Won’t care about shirts after that.
The older I get the less I tolerate heat.
My go-to for scrambled eggs is a little bit of finely chopped pickled jalapeno.
Mild heat with a bit of sweetness.
That’s why I was reluctant to answer.
If you want to do the Spanish eggs quick and dirty:
1. Saute some sliced onion in butter, with a little garlic (or a lot).
2. Add a can of chopped tomatoes — plain or flavoured with basil etc.
3. Add as much chili/Tabasco/sirarcha/chilli flakes as you can handle.
4. Add a small can of baked beans (yes, you heard me). Mix well.
5. Crack your eggs into depressions in the mix.
6. Bake in 180 deg oven until eggs are to your preference.
7. Sprinkle with chopped parsley (flat leaf) and heaps of black pepper before serving with plenty of hot buttered toast.
I suffer badly from dentophobia. It’s only barely controllable.
Had no teeth problems at all until senior high school when, in one day, I copped a hit baseball in the mouth, followed by a flung aluminium baseball bat in the same place, in the same innings.
I didn’t know it at the time, but I had cracked three teeth at the gums in the front.
Fast forward 12 months to a dental “clinic” that specialised in “rip ’em out and get a denture. Nah, that cosmetic stuff’s not worth it”.
So, ill-fitting partial top plate that eventually wore grooves behind my teeth. One notable event was a tooth crushed by the pliers and then the remaining pieces extracted with a hooked wire probe. The dentist literally had the dental tech hold my shoulders to keep me in the chair for that.
So, for 26 years I never saw a dentist after that until I had a molar “go off”. Then I found a man with the gentlest most understanding approach I could ever wish for. In all the years I went to him he never once hurt me.
Still shit-scared of them though.
Spy V Spy
Opposite Brando Jackets. Until about five years ago, I’d never been able to accumulate the many Brando jackets I’m now blessed with.
Cow hide: Black and White
Suede: Tan, Navy Bleu and Brown
Lambskin: Black and Tan
To be blessed with seven of them is more than one could have hoped for.
Now it’s time for a trustee conveyance, while doubling the hottest rock ‘n’ roll chick in human history. 🙂
the hottest rock ‘n’ roll chick in human history
I am in Perth for business.
1. There appears that there are no white people left in the `CBD after 6.00pm.
2. Hotel restaurants are crap and also outrageously expensive.
3. Drivers go insane if more than 5mm of rain descends.
4. Traffic light are a satanic device designed to send men insane.
5. Parking garages can read number plates and rip off your credit card without any human within coo-ee.
6. IPad predictive text is also a satanic device.
7. Dolly birds exiting Friday nightCBD boozers are loud and obnoxious. Nice lookers, though.
Hopefully I will survive the temptations and evils of the city and head back to Casa Pedro with an engorged wallet.
I may be some time.
*looks at Hungry Jacks burger bought on the way home*
Uh, exactly the same as you guys. Yep. All that stuff.
As do I! And I have been “blessed” with hereditary tooth problems. It got to the point where I either took up barracking for Collingwood given my toothless status or did something.
So, a bit over a month ago, I had what was left of my teeth ripped out and the not-so-new-fangled “all on four” system installed top and bottom. Some ways to go yet (and still basically eating soup, soft pasta and the like) but so far so good.
Financially, it is very similar to buying a good quality, brand new, European SUV.
But I won’t be seeing any dentists again once I’m done, so there is that.
Sacré bleu – a finely little bit of chopped pickled jalapeno is barely enough on a Sunday morning, Pancho.
Load, load, load – the Saintly one would demand it, before the almighty vengeance is laid upon ye! 😕
And if a ten truck failing to administer the air brakes would run into anyone apart from us
There is a light that never goes out …
You are a braver man than I, Gungadin!
Can we please tame down the egg discussion? It upsets Eggleton talking about devouring his own.
Sorry JC. I fried my hardest not to poach anyone’s territory, but my thoughts just became a bit scrambled, I think. Thankfully there’s a hard-boiled commentator like you to set me straight!
It’s no yolk, Bruce.
Holy Rainbow Serpent…Catallaxy has turned into a gender study class with all this how to cook a egg. We have rules in our bedsit…I stay out of the kitchen and my wife stays out of the garage. Peace in our time .
No, no, Sancho … it’s all white! Weally! But if you’d prefer me to beat it …
By the sounds of the dental discussion, soft boiled eggs is all they can handle.
Oh you guys crack me up. I keep wondering what you’ll hatch up next! I’d probably shell out good money to play some more, but I just keep nogging off! Sleep tight.
Fangs for the consideration mate, but my bite is now worse than my bark!
Back around 2003ish when we arrived back, we lived in Sth Melbourne for about a year. One of us left the garage door open leading to the lane-way and that evening someone came inside the house (yea, the back door was open too) and stole a set of knives and took the keys to the car parked out front. About a month later I received a call from a cop telling me they had found the car parked not that far away from the Dandenong police station. He also reckoned he suspected he knew who the thief was. Last I heard about it.
Carl Liebold on his broadcast today said that all mandates, i.e., mandates for jabbing, mandates for employment, etc. have been dropped entirely today in the Northern Territory. He was referencing a news item from the ABC which appeared today, now buried beneath all the news they want you to know.
Michael Gunner resigned recently for “family reasons.”
From the 10 minute mark.
On the subject of teeth. Are we having teeth issues because
1. we’re living longer than we’re supposed to and the teeth wear out?
2. the crap we eat?
3. Evolution didn’t focus on making teeth hardier?
Just bye the bye
The US stock market is completely rooted and the only way out is for a complete regime change in Washington.
Inflation figure came out and it’s still hovering over 8% and this stat is unlikely to have captured the recent renewed spike in the oil price. In other words the inflation scare in not over.
Hiden is the biggest wood duck to have ever occupied the big house. He makes Carter look like a genius.
In my opinion, this isn’t a bear market in the technical sense. It’s actually a repricing of assets as a result of the toxic policies introduced by President Demented. Oil could end up at 175 bucks a barrel.
Trader blog. Funny as
Problem free.
Again. 🙂
Right now …
For when those ten holes will not don themselves 🙂
It’s easy to see the problem here – a harridan who wants to rule the roost, and is making sure no one will defy her.
Maybe, maybe not. Parts of the left in the US, such as BLM and Antifa aren’t necessarily anti-gun. They’re well armed. If shooting starts, it would be dangerous to underestimate them.
You should never underestimate an enemy, but by the same token, take a look at footage from the John Brown Gun Club:
The pool is closed.
Hey Zip, the stupid WoPo bint was booted.
If you’re ever contemplating what hell is like. Imagine being married to her.
The WaPo Sataness.
That’s one of the key differences IMO, antifa particularly are organised. They’ve got the organisation and logistics down and practiced for their people. Conservatives have not.
Never cross the Zuck.
Meta Scrutinizing Sheryl Sandberg’s Use of Facebook Resources Over Several Years
The lawyers investigating Facebook operating chief Sheryl Sandberg’s use of corporate resources are examining behavior going back several years, said people familiar with the matter, focusing on the extent to which staffers worked on her personal projects.
Dr Swan will be championing this change of policy forgetting his dire predictions for the past 2 years.
Biden Administration to Halt Covid-19 Tests for Air Travelers Coming to U.S.
The U.S. will end Covid-19 testing requirements for air travelers coming to the country effective Sunday, a government official said.
As my dear old Dad (ex-CPO QMG) would have said:
“Couldn’t hit a cow up the arse with a handful of wheat”.
Those people weren’t practising how to shoot; they were seeing how much money they could throw downrange. (Their safety practices were laughable, too!)
A chilling development in Brazil.
paul joseph watson
WOW – Government Mortality Data Just Released – Unbelievable Stuff!
Bruce O’Newk:
It isn’t looking good is it?