Energy, education, health…
Is there currently any aspect of life where this doesn’t seem to apply?
We see it almost everyday on this blog (H/T Monty).
Energy, education, health…
Is there currently any aspect of life where this doesn’t seem to apply?
We see it almost everyday on this blog (H/T Monty).
Sleep it is.
The change of weather in Perth has been a blessing.
Mark Dice: FEMA BUSTED – And More GREAT News! Haha!
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare February 11, 2025 11:43 pm Here’s Dylan in 1976, Desire album. Black Diamond Bay. A favorite of mine,…
Did it one night in a fit of let’s see, and liked it, it became very shiny and made me…
There are no pre-conceptual farmers.
Unfortunately they’re in charge of the data sources. Increasingly these datasets are “adjusted” to support the vibe whatever it happens to be at the time. That’s occurred for a long time now in the climate space, but was also pretty apparent in the Covid fiasco.
Not having real data to guide you makes it almost impossible to get an empirically true and workable answer to problems, nor even to discern whether something really is a problem or not. I am sad that my profession has gone down the rabbit hole of Lysenkoism like this.
So all we have left is to assume the opposite of every official narrative.
Sad as, the entire farce.
Now that the left thinks it’s about to take over the world, its unelected government “experts” are now showing they are clueless – especially about stuff they were hired to be expert in.
But instead of admitting their incompetence, they have doubled down on their “right” to tell us what to do.
So it was never about energy, education or health.
It has always been about power.
To become a government “expert”, it’s crucial to avoid having to prove your competence in, say, an election.
So suddenly the public service is full of “experts” telling us what to do, but there’s nothing we can do to remove them as they weren’t elected. And a public service appointment is effectively a job for life.
Those who CAN control the public service – politicians – have worked out they can profit from the fear pedalled by government “experts”.
So, just like in hunter-gatherer pre-history, we’re on our own.
It took the fascist Australian left just over a century to work out how to end the democratic project.
What is happening vis a vis data is troublesome – in real time they’re doing what revolutions do – they Winston Smith all who have any knowledge of what it was/should be like before the revolution–
And here’s a perfect example of Mater’s cartoon today.
Aussie Climate & Energy Minister: Nuclear Advocates are “Dangerously Ignorant” (22 Jun)
Exactly as the kid in the toon. We’re accused of being ignorant, but when we put up the vast amounts of analysis and science that we do regularly on the Cat guys like Bowen and Monty stick their fingers in their ears say “I can’t hear you!” Meanwhile the entire East Coast grid teeters on the edge of collapse because the stuff they push just doesn’t work and they won’t listen when you tell them why.
where can politicians go to get “science” that’s got any kind of support at all from the Australian scientific community? Science that won’t be laughed at?
there are a few individuals out there but at every university and research organisation, the group consensus rules
young people today just do not believe there is any doubt as they are taught from early in their schooling and it is constantly repeated.
They are also taught that old (mainly white) people are deniers because they just have no clue and listen to anti-science extremists.
we are objects of pity these days -they feel sorry for people who “deny” the “science”
If ever the consensus is overturned, I hope the original records still exist but I expect they will be purged by believers in the traditional burning of books and data about alternative views and beliefs
contrary data is now called hate speech and I expect sooner or later, will be banned, like questioning the magic vaccinations for covid
Another example of the clueless telling us what to do while completely ignoring the reality. Zali Steggall
” We can secure our energy and move to renewables.
It’s time to dispel the baseload myth with a fit-for-purpose transmission network and an incentive scheme for power storage.” Article in the Oz today if you can bear to read it.
“Not having real data to guide you makes it almost impossible to get an empirically true and workable answer to problems…”
Oh, it’s worse than that – they will pull a single stat from an observational data set, and tell you it is a problem. They won’t bother to do a multivariate analysis to try and tease out the “why”, just present a single stat and say “That’s bad, hmmkay? We need to fix that – now!” and make all sorts of statements that are patently untrue to try and make you agree this thing is bad.
Example: the “gender pay gap”.
They tell you this exists, and that we should do something about it.
They never cite any sort of analysis that tries to explain why this exists.
They will tell you “people who do the same job should get the same pay” to support “action”.
That’s patently ridiculous – if, God forbid, you get brain cancer and require surgery, do you want the surgeon who has a 50% survival rate or a 95% survival rate?
These surgeons are NOT paid the same amount.
They do the same job, but have different outcomes for the “consumer”, and most “consumers” want the 95% one, so he can charge more – duh!
The plumber that can come NOW to fix your broken pipe is worth more to you than the one that will be there next week.
The same is true for most jobs, like electricians, mechanics, and – gasp! – “journalists” too.
Quality and availability are important, and they both affect the price.
Unless we know WHY, we can’t fix it except by sheer chance. And since there are more ways to be wrong than to be right, we’ll probably make things worse if we cast around in the darkness looking for a “solution”. So with no “why” specified, you are just shouting at the sky, and demanding action without being able to say what might work.
What does that even mean? Is Zali saying that baseload is not required? Is there some other technology available that can deliver not-baseload?
Stick to skiing, Zali. But wear a helmet next time.
oh Zoe, that was so difficult to read and you are so taken by the buzzwords and acronyms, it’s all so simple and easy really!
“The government’s Rewiring the Nation plan will unlock the required investment in transmission along with the private sector.”
Where’s that investment coming from?
Energy companies (with our money) being forced to fund it?
Government money (our money)?
It’s not going to be private investors, that’s for sure
it’s all so easy p*ssing other people’s money around, isn’t it?
June 23, 2022 at 2:16 pm
the baseload myth
What does that even mean? Is Zali saying that baseload is not required? Is there some other technology available that can deliver not-baseload?
Homer Paxton and m0nty-fa express similar views.
Just saying!
Definitely a case that needs more emphasis. Education research has produced no benefits for decades, and there can be little argument that the field does good science.
Bruce O’Newk:
We hear the word ‘reset’ so often, but the people using it imagine they can control the parameters of the ‘reset’. They cannot, but they’ve convinced themselves they can.
Imagine their surprise when they find out they are in a stagecoach heading for a cliff and the horses aren’t stopping.
Sadly, the horses are us, the taxpaying public.
We are being taken over that cliff by those currently driving.
Steggal is all wind and sunshine but she’s got no storage.
How is that going to work out for baseload? Let alone the network costs.
I keep asking myself, where are the engineers in all of this?
There must be some involved surely?
Can’t they give advice or are they in the scam themselves?
They’ve probably decided to keep their heads down, Gabor. Food on the table and all that.