Tractorpower! Dutch farmers on the streets

Farmers, facing a genuine existential threat, push back. And the public is on side while the government shows its ugly face.

On Twitter #Netherlands, massive protests are underway. Farmers have been told to shut farms to reduce nitrogen emissions and they’ve taken to the streets. (It’s not clear if this is purely about fertilizer runoff, or climate change as well.) The word is that supermarket shelves are emptying fast, roads are blocked, but that 75% of the public generally support the farmers and are joining in on foot in some places. Farmers are dumping hay bales in the streets and spraying manure on government offices. There are claims (with footage) that the Dutch government has brought in armored vehicles and is using tear gas. Some video allegedly shows masked police zero in on single peaceful protestors and pull them out.

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July 6, 2022 6:09 am

Go the Dutch farmers! This is what I don’t get about the elites. They want a war with Russia and China but they want to weaken us militarily, agriculturally, economically etc. Do they want us to lose?

Winston Smith
July 6, 2022 6:29 am


This is what I don’t get about the elites. They want a war with Russia and China but they want to weaken us militarily, agriculturally, economically etc. Do they want us to lose?

Yes, they want us to lose.
And they think they can control China and Russia while they promote revolution in the West.
They are very silly.

Cassie of Sydney
July 6, 2022 6:42 am

Heartening but what will happen? Here’s my two bob’s worth. We’ll see a repeat of what happened in Canada earlier this year. The government, with big tech help, will declare war on the farmers and their allies. They’ll go after the families, bank accounts and livelihoods.

Western governments hate the very people who elect them and they don’t even try to hide their loathing and contempt for ordinary people anymore. We are governed by a smug coterie of progressive Marxist bureaucrats, the politicians “elected” by us do the bidding of these bureaucrats, we’ve seen this sinister relationship exposed, actually the better word is “dependency”, over the last two years with the lies around Covid. One thing is becoming increasingly clear, elections are useless, particularly elections of right of centre politicians. Why? Because they have done nothing to change the bureaucracy, they have done nothing to fight the culture wars, they have done nothing to fight this climate change lunacy….. NOTHING.

For the time being the elites are laughing at us and so they should. But be warned elites, in the long term I see violence and bodies swinging from trees. As I’ve said before, growing up in a country like Australia, despite knowing the history of the French and Russian revolutions very well, I could never really understand how such events happened. I do now.

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
July 6, 2022 7:59 am

The pace is quickening to society collapse. There’s nothing the elite can do. They will get more desperate, but it will be fuel to the fire.
Whether they all hang from lamp posts or not is yet to be seen, but we do know war and unrest unlike anything anyone alive has ever seen is coming.

July 6, 2022 8:04 am

Has dan the man emigrated?

July 6, 2022 8:38 am

Go the Dutch farmers! This is what I don’t get about the elites. They want a war with Russia and China but they want to weaken us militarily, agriculturally, economically etc. Do they want us to lose?

The governments of the West have been at war with their own people for some time now. The COVID madness was just the last battle. All the weapons of war were deployed by these governments against their people:

– Censorship
– Propaganda
– War emergency control of the economy
– Movement restrictions
– Curfews
– Identity passes/checks
– Militarised police in the streets with armoured vehicles, ‘assault rifles’ and helicopters
– Actual military in the streets
– National border closures…

Winter is coming…. only serious violence ends this.

July 6, 2022 8:49 am

Some discussion on the OT yesterday about this. Seems there may be a genuine problem with over use of nitrogen by Dutch farmers.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Cassie of Sydney says: July 6, 2022 at 6:42 am

The government, with big tech help, will declare war on the farmers and their allies. They’ll go after the families, bank accounts and livelihoods.

That’s pretty much the starting point, the farmers have their backs to the wall.
Such tactics may work on the rest of the population.

As I’ve said before, growing up in a country like Australia, despite knowing the history of the French and Russian revolutions very well, I could never really understand how such events happened. I do now.

Have said much the same thing the past two years. I’d always felt the IRA were cowards for in 1921, hiding behind hedges and shooting dead seemingly harmless village bobbies as they cycled past. I now understand why they did it, after seeing what the coppers were up to at lockdown…. er.. health emergency.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
July 6, 2022 9:04 am

Has dan the man emigrated?

What? And leave the protection of his heavily armed Praetorian Guard behind? Never.

another ian
another ian
July 6, 2022 9:07 am

Fits here IMO

“You’re Not Going To Like This….”

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Slashing farm production may have a serious deleterious effect upon Dutch living standard.
Netherlands is the world’s second largest agricultural exporter.

Roger W
Roger W
July 6, 2022 9:31 am

THere are other longer term issues coming to a head as well.
Target2 and the EURO crisis is one, where money has been created on an unbelievably massive scale without the problem of having to print it. The current undermining of the German economy as a result of its dependence on Russian fossil fuels is about to have massive consequences.
This is a talk from June 2018.
Near the end, the speaker explains how Italy could stuff everything up.
Of course, we now know that Brussels replaced the Italian govt with their man, Mario Draghi, now PM of Italy.

July 6, 2022 9:37 am

As I’ve said before, growing up in a country like Australia, despite knowing the history of the French and Russian revolutions very well, I could never really understand how such events happened. I do now.

I think the keys to my own awakening to the evil forces present in even our own ‘liberal democratic’ government were:

1) Leaving Australia and seeing the world – I did 7 trips to the shitholes of the world (Iraq, Indonesia, Afghanistan, PNG, East Timor) wearing the uniform, and saw that tyranny is the norm, not the exception.
2) A knowledge of history – Instead of watching TV, I have been reading books about war, economics and politics for over 50 years.

Sadly, the great majority of the Australian population can claim neither, hence they remain (to use an old term) ‘your obedient servant’.

Sandy K
Sandy K
July 6, 2022 9:58 am

flyingduk says:
July 6, 2022 at 8:38 am
Well summarised FD
– Censorship
– Propaganda
– War emergency control of the economy
– Movement restrictions
– Curfews
– Identity passes/checks
– Militarised police in the streets with armoured vehicles, ‘assault rifles’ and helicopters
– Actual military in the streets
– National border closures…

Winter is coming…. only serious violence ends this.

July 6, 2022 10:18 am

As I’ve said before, growing up in a country like Australia, despite knowing the history of the French and Russian revolutions very well, I could never really understand how such events happened. I do now.

The Russian Revolution was funded by foreign interests before, during and after. It was not a peasants revolt.

Antony C Sutton
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1917 to 1930

John of Mel
John of Mel
July 6, 2022 11:18 am

Some discussion on the OT yesterday about this. Seems there may be a genuine problem with over use of nitrogen by Dutch farmers.

It doesn’t explain why they want to cut the country’s livestock by a third.

John of Mel
John of Mel
July 6, 2022 11:21 am

We’ll see a repeat of what happened in Canada earlier this year.

Castro Jr and Rutte are best buddies apparently.
Young stars of Davos.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

It doesn’t explain why they want to cut the country’s livestock by a third.

Slurry runoff.

July 6, 2022 11:23 am

Cassie of Sydney says:
July 6, 2022 at 6:42 am
Heartening but what will happen? Here’s my two bob’s worth. We’ll see a repeat of what happened in Canada earlier this year. The government, with big tech help, will declare war on the farmers and their allies. They’ll go after the families, bank accounts and livelihoods.

Western governments hate the very people who elect them and they don’t even try to hide their loathing and contempt for ordinary people anymore. We are governed by a smug coterie of progressive Marxist bureaucrats, the politicians “elected” by us do the bidding of these bureaucrats, we’ve seen this sinister relationship exposed, actually the better word is “dependency”, over the last two years with the lies around Covid. One thing is becoming increasingly clear, elections are useless, particularly elections of right of centre politicians. Why? Because they have done nothing to change the bureaucracy, they have done nothing to fight the culture wars, they have done nothing to fight this climate change lunacy….. NOTHING.

For the time being the elites are laughing at us and so they should. But be warned elites, in the long term I see violence and bodies swinging from trees. As I’ve said before, growing up in a country like Australia, despite knowing the history of the French and Russian revolutions very well, I could never really understand how such events happened. I do now.

Great, but albeit, depressing comment Cassie.

Who knows when this insanity will end, it might be in a few years time or it might take a couple of decades, but eventually there will come a reckoning for those so called “elites” or scum as I now refer to them as.

By the way my weekly post/topic for tomorrow will be about the French Revolution.

July 6, 2022 12:01 pm

@ John of Mel
Cut livestock by 1/3 in Netherlands
Tax livestock emissions in NZ
Destroy food manufacturing plants in US and elsewhere
Destroy thousands of poultry because of ‘bird flu’
Bill Gates buying up swathes of farmland
WEF promoting eating bugs instead of meat
Lab grown meat being heavily researched

These are not isolated things. The Great Reset means that they will control what and how much you can eat and ‘you will be happy’ (or else).

another ian
another ian
July 6, 2022 12:07 pm

Re “It doesn’t explain why they want to cut the country’s livestock by a third.

Slurry runoff.”

Ireland about 1988 and each head undercover for the winter produced about 1000 gallons of slurry. For which there were draconian EU penalties for having wash off.

The slurry was applied to slots in the pasture somewhat like a sod seeder.

So, if there was a solution in 1988, why the need for draconian measures now?

July 6, 2022 12:07 pm

Yes, they want us to lose.
And they think they can control China and Russia while they promote revolution in the West.
They are very silly.

Common man isn’t the only one being dumbed down
Our western “elites” are far dumber then their forefathers who set these plans in motion

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
July 6, 2022 12:18 pm

A slight segue, but it’s difficult to accept the level of stupidity of cloud seeding when heavy rains are forecast. It’s only the reporting of it that casts doubt on it being malicious.

July 6, 2022 12:35 pm

Seems there may be a genuine problem with over use of nitrogen by Dutch farmers.

I’ve missed the discussion in OT yesterday. I last visited a second cousin in Holland in the early 2000s.
The problems with waste were already an issue and heavily regulated.
His farm of 14 ha had 24 dairy cows and 60 farrowing pigs. He grew corn and pasture. The water table was at around 1 meter below the surface and there were ditches throughout. In a corner of the yard was a travelling irrigation cannon(similar to a southern cross SX200). I asked what that was for. He replied: Sometimes in summer it might not rain for 5 days to a week.
The pig waste had to be stored in large tanks for three months, then a portion was permitted to be injected into the soil at 30cm depth. The balance had to be removed off farm.
There was already racketeering of running waste over the border to Germany and dumping out to sea.
(Id have loved to put 10 tonne/ hectare on my crops in Australia).
There’s a complex situation of subsidised production and regulation.
The land was valued at well over €1 mill/ hectare then but very constrained as to land use.
The greenhouses along the major rivers put their water through reverse osmosis plants before use and those further down the river have higher processing costs. I understand the rebellion it is the product of ultra intense agriculture. Maybe too much of a good thing in an incredibly small area.

John Sheldrick
July 6, 2022 12:56 pm

These are not isolated things. The Great Reset means that they will control what and how much you can eat and ‘you will be happy’ (or else).

My Hobby Farm, here I come. Pigs, Goats, Chickens, Vegetables, Dogs (not to eat though), Trees and Wild animal/birds. No snakes though as they can remain in Federal Gov’ment and State/Territory Gov’ments.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

RobK says: July 6, 2022 at 12:35 pm

…then a portion was permitted to be injected into the soil at 30cm depth. The balance had to be removed off farm.
There was already racketeering of running waste over the border to Germany and dumping out to sea.

I’ve spent serious time on farms in Germany, & visited (as in more than just an afternoon) farms in Ireland, England, France, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Hungary, Soviet Union & Netherlands.

I’d thought some of those countries were making intense use of their country (& slurry). The Dutch were on an entirely new level of intensity. Really opened my eyes.
Never heard the “racket & dumping” claim, however both German & Dutch farmers claimed Netherlands sold excess slurry (more than half their production) to Germany, where it was applied alla same longa their own German slurry.

Roger W
Roger W
July 6, 2022 1:40 pm

So, the Dutch Government saw what has happened in Sri Lanka and thought, “that looks like its working, let’s try it here.”

July 6, 2022 1:49 pm

I understand the rebellion it is the product of ultra intense agriculture. Maybe too much of a good thing in an incredibly small area.

Yes. There will be consequences, particularly for pH and ongoing soil health.

All is not as it appears. Not every “regulation” to protect valuable farming land is a bad one. Subsidies and other tweaking was also touched on in the OT.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
July 6, 2022 2:15 pm

My Hobby Farm, here I come.

You got a spare mil behind your couch?

All that funny money inevitably ends up in land purchases, and now it’s too expensive to buy anywhere liveable. Still a good idea though if you can afford it.

July 6, 2022 2:26 pm

China in Focus – NTD
00:56 China, U.S. Hold High-Level Talk on Reducing Tariffs
02:39 China Rejects NASA Accusation Over Moon Territory
03:49 Heavy Rain Hit Parts China in Wake of Typhoon Chaba
04:53 Chinese City of 7M Residents Resumes Lockdown
06:44 China Eases Mass Testing Amid Economic Stress
09:22 Wimbledon Venue Appeals WTA Fine
11:45 Q&A: Confucius Institutes in the U.S.

July 6, 2022 2:26 pm

So, the Dutch Government saw what has happened in Sri Lanka and thought, “that looks like its working, let’s try it here.”

No. Different altogether. The intensity of inputs in Holland is very high.

July 6, 2022 2:39 pm


Never heard the “racket & dumping” claim, however both German & Dutch farmers claimed Netherlands sold excess slurry (more than half their production) to Germany,

As I understood it the Dutch farmer actually faced a cost of disposal. There must be a cost in freight. I guess that’s part of the problem with tight regulation, the economics becomes distorted an tricky to fathom.

July 6, 2022 4:42 pm

It doesn’t explain why they want to cut the country’s livestock by a third.

Slurry runoff.

Everyone watch the hand on the magican doing the flashy stuff.

Dont look at the one actually doing the trick.

Livestock emissions, mainly driven by cattle, represent around half of emissions from agriculture and have been stable since 2010. However, the CAP does not seek to limit livestock numbers; nor does it provide incentives to reduce them*. The CAP market measures include promotion of animal products, the consumption of which has not decreased since 2014.

Emissions from chemical fertilisers and manure, accounting for almost a third of agricultural emissions, increased between 2010 and 2018. The CAP supports practices that may reduce the use of fertilisers, such as organic farming and grain legumes. However, we found that these practices have an unclear impact on greenhouse gas emissions. Instead, practices that are more effective received little funding.

* Nice motherhood statement, notice however the lack of looking to increase or promote livestock products….
** And there it is, you can have livestock, but they cant shit or the world will burn.

Anyone thinking thats a long bow to draw might want to consider these are the same people who have screwed over their own populations power grid to the extent millions will go cold and thousands will die this winter, to stop the planet warming.

July 6, 2022 5:32 pm

And our own wise spastics are itching to do the same here.

Ive been to a Regenerative Farming field day a while ago. Essentially it’s a stepping stone to Organic Farming, just the volume is turned down a little. Lots of boffins and funding. It’s a shame because in its midst there is some useful science, then it’s full-on climate.

July 6, 2022 5:34 pm

As someone who has lived in the Netherlands for some time, you guys need to be aware of a certain aspect to this. While the government has been attempting to legislate these crazy EU norms in a fair manner, (on the surface at least), the trouble inside the Netherlands has been coming from the courts.

Green groups bring cases to the courts that challenge government rulings on matters such as nitrogen in this case, (it is not the only issue by a long way). The courts rule on the matter and by doing so overturn government legislation in a unilateral manner. In this case, the Council of State ruled in 2019 that nitrogen emissions need to be cut by 50% by 2030. This goes beyond the EU requirements.

The Green terrorists are manipulating the courts into doing their bidding, and the courts are going alone with it. The farmers should be targeting those two groups as opposed to local government offices, (although I would argue that all three groups are connected).

Keep in mind that farmland in the Netherlands is incredibly valuable. In addition to this, cities and towns are not laid out in the manner in which we are familiar with in Australia. Urban settlements stop at a hard barrier, after which immediately there is extensive farmland. For example, between Amsterdam and the airport there are hundreds of farms. Anyone who can get their hands on this farmland will make a fortune.

July 6, 2022 6:16 pm

The People are increasingly being faced with Now or Never moments as the Government and its bureaucratic tentacles attempt to strangle them.

Dickhead Dan just extended his emergency powers….

July 6, 2022 6:53 pm

Ive been to a Regenerative Farming field day a while ago. Essentially it’s a stepping stone to Organic Farming, just the volume is turned down a little. Lots of boffins and funding. It’s a shame because in its midst there is some useful science, then it’s full-on climate.

Rob – it’s always the way . They take an idea with merit and take it to extremes.

There is much in the concept of regenerative farming that I like and practice. We have a small holding and can practice many principles. For example, in the last 7 years we have almost eliminated some weeds such as Patersons Curse & Blue Heliotrope through initial spraying & then periodic slashing- thus seriously reducing their seed bank.
But for some regenerative farmers this is unacceptable, since they favour “Natural Sequencing” which they argue, strengthens the root development of the pasture you want to promote. Can’t see it, myself. I hate weeds.

In fact, we actually use the mulched attachment, rather than the slasher, since the latter breaks down & distributes the cow manure quite effectively.

But you are right – there are a lot of climate change devotees in the movement who are incredibly hardline and purist in their approach to regenerative farming.

July 6, 2022 7:19 pm

But you are right – there are a lot of climate change devotees in the movement who are incredibly hardline and purist in their approach to regenerative farming.

They don’t want to reduce anything they see as a problem. They want immediate 100% elimination.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
July 6, 2022 7:34 pm

The Green terrorists

Indistinguishable from Nazis because they were the original Greens.

Go on, leftists, punch a Nazi. Any manager in the EPA would likely be one.

July 6, 2022 8:30 pm

Who knows when this insanity will end, it might be in a few years time or it might take a couple of decades, but eventually there will come a reckoning for those so called “elites” or scum as I now refer to them as.

Add an adjective to achieve my favourite descriptor – ‘parasitic scum’

July 6, 2022 9:04 pm

Had no idea what was going on with the Dutch farmers and what little I heard about Nitrogen emissions sounded like the usual utter green crap. This bloke has another angle on it, he lives in the Netherlands and tends to take a more informed if not contrarian view on things. Explains that it could be a cynical political attempt to politically confiscate land for more building projects, no doubt part of the great replacement plot as well as the usual great reset pretexts. Worth a moment’s consideration

July 6, 2022 9:04 pm
July 7, 2022 6:54 am

Thanks Adam on the Dutch perspective. Did think there was much more to this than then we were being told.

Chris M
Chris M
July 7, 2022 10:34 am

Netherlands is the world’s second largest agricultural exporter.

Forward planning for the population reduction.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Adam: Thank you for extra nuance.
This story is barely in the news here even at a superficial level, never mind in-depth.

Winston Smith
July 7, 2022 8:05 pm


Some discussion on the OT yesterday about this. Seems there may be a genuine problem with over use of nitrogen by Dutch farmers.

The issue is that farmers are producing too much fertiliser via their cows and pigs farts and shit.
The government refuses to allow them to on sell this valuable resource.
There is the problem – the government has caused it but demands the farmers work around their obstructionism.

Winston Smith
July 7, 2022 8:20 pm

Another Ian:

But you can’t lose 7.5 billion of the 8 billion without an instantaneous and fatal collapse of supply that they need more than you do, and it doesn’t matter over what period of time that occurs; it is simply the case that there is a certain critical density of people who are able and willing to work below which there just aren’t enough petroleum engineers to run the refinery or enough dudes to grow the corn and feed, herd and slaughter the cows, and that’s that.

This is what I’ve been trying to get across to the idiots for years now, and their eyes just roll back in their heads and flashing lights go “TILT” when they are confronted with the idiocy of their position.

Winston Smith
July 7, 2022 8:29 pm

Another Ian:
(No I’m not stalking you!)

The slurry was applied to slots in the pasture somewhat like a sod seeder.
So, if there was a solution in 1988, why the need for draconian measures now?

They aren’t after a solution.
They are after excuses to do what they want to do. Which is to destroy you.
They are Xhosa.

Winston Smith
July 7, 2022 8:34 pm


No. Different altogether. The intensity of inputs in Holland is very high.

The farms in Holland also produce fertiliser. Why are they not transporting it to, say, Nigeria?
I’d be happy to get a couple of tons of this shit on my backyard of one acre.

July 8, 2022 12:17 pm

Why are they not transporting it to, say, Nigeria?

I’m sure if they could find a way, they would. It is a similar problem to getting rid of biosolids of human waste. There is an issue of pathogens and the moisture content is high. The nitrous oxide emissions cause the eco fretting too. Eventually some kind of processing/ pelletising may have to happen. That’s my guess, anyway. There are plenty of places that could do with extra soil conditioners.

July 8, 2022 1:18 pm

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