WolfmanOz at the Movies #30
My Wicked, Wicked Ways Born on June 20th, 1909 in Battery Point, Tasmania, Errol Leslie Thomson Flynn became one of cinema’s greatest movie stars who achieved everlasting fame during the Golden Age of Hollywood with numerous roles in swashbuckling adventure films that still endure today as the benchmarks for the genre. Never one for taking…
Were they that bad? #6 – Access to Soldier Settlement Schemes
Firstly, lets’s dispense with the fallacy that Aboriginals were prevented from enlisting in WW1 and onwards. “Exempt” from compulsory training and service is not the same as “prevented”. I’ve already dealt with this myth here. As for the claim about being denied access to soldier settlement schemes, perhaps Libraries Tasmania (and other interested parties) should…
Meme of the Day #51
Were they that bad? #5 – 1967 Referendum – Part 2 (Sect 127)
Following on from my previous post, let’s skip the step of again proving that the existence of Section 127 of the Constitution (in it’s original form) is being sold as proof of Australia’s anti-aboriginal history. The charges against it are varied: First Nations people were ‘dying out’ and, hence, would soon cease to be a…
Open Thread – Tues 19 July 2022
Were they that bad? #4 – 1967 Referendum – Part 1 (Sect 51 xxvi)
As you can see from the sample above, the INCLUSION of specific Aboriginal provisions in the original constitution has been sold as a negative, with all manner of accusations and probable anti-aboriginal motivations levelled at them. Not even those paid to populate the Australian Parliament House website can manage to specify why they may have…
Were they that bad? #3 – Flora and Fauna Act
It seems almost unfair to include this post in the collection, because the ABC has begrudgingly (very begrudgingly) done my work for me. Mind you, up until just recently, even official government websites were touting it as gospel. Fact check: Were Indigenous Australians classified under a flora and fauna act until the 1967 referendum? SPOILER…
Were they that bad? #2 – Australian Law as Applied to Aborigines
Reference: Australian Law as Applied to Aborigines – Australian Law Reform Commission (Australian Government) With the settlement of Australia came the insurmountable problem of integrating two very different ‘legal’ systems (English Common Law and Native Custom), among a mixed group who had very different expectations and outlooks about right, wrong and barbarity. Can you imagine…
Were they that bad? #1 – The Beginning
Over the many years of listening to the ever-worsening tales of our forefathers and their supposed behaviours on this continent towards the Aboriginal people, I’ve often wondered about how they could have been soooooo much different to me in terms of compassion. After all, wasn’t it the British Parliament that enacted the Slave Trade Act…
Open Thread – Weekend 16 July 2022