What is happening and why

Guest post from Cardimona

There is not a shred of evidence that CO2 has the capacity to “trap heat” or affect the climate “dangerously”. No scientific research paper has ever empirically proven that oft-repeated assertion. It has always been based on faulty maths, contrived research, and propaganda.

That’s why sea levels haven’t risen, cyclones aren’t more frequent, and we still have Arctic ice.

“Climate change/global warming” is a massive lie, one of the three biggest lies in history. It has been spread by the billionaires’ club who currently call themselves the World Economic Forum – and their supporters in the Chinese Communist Party.

The WEF used to be mainly known as ‘The Bilderberg Group’, and before that ‘The Club of Rome’.

The WEF tell the big climate lie, and others, because of their insane desire for ultimate power. When you have all the money in the world, and control of the world’s economies through companies like BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street, all that is left to crave is ultimate power.

And, as we know, power corrupts, and absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely.

All around the world, small businesses were crushed in the name of a “very deadly and highly contagious” disease – which turned out to be nothing of the sort. That advice came from the WEF-controlled WHO, and massive wealth was transferred from the middle class to WEF members.

The damage to global supply chains was done deliberately, to suppress small business resurgence.

Then there were all the other lock-stepped responses to covid of so many governments. They all deployed measures that defied traditional medical processes and procedures, disregarded laws, ignored established pandemic plans, and created far more medical problems than they prevented.

That was planned in the “Operation Lock Step” chapter of the Rockefeller Foundation’s 2010 document “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development”.

The WEF is quite open about their intentions for humanity. We’ll live in pods, eat bugs, own nothing, and be happy. We’ll be stripped of our properties and superannuation and, if our “social credit score” remains OK and we don’t generate too much “carbon”, we’ll get a “universal basic income”.

All as described in WEF chairman Klaus Schwab’s books “Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution” and “The Great Reset”.

What are our politicians doing about this? Well, 60% of them are “sheeple” – unquestioning herd animals. Around 20% are WEF-trained subversives. About 17% are awake to the WEF but have been compromised. The remainder are awake and uncompromised but ridiculed as “conspiracy theorists”.

And if there were no such thing as “conspiracies” we wouldn’t have a word for them or provisions for them in law.

Humanity has a destiny out amongst the stars, but we will not reach them if we allow ourselves to be crushed by this secret society of evil, inbred, globalist conspirator families who have been plotting and working towards the destruction of our nations and our enslavement for centuries.

We can win this war of elites versus commoners, but only if everyone who knows these truths speaks out in every way possible to awaken those who remain oblivious to it all.

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September 17, 2022 7:36 am

Seems there are more people now taking The WEF’s threats seriously. This may be of interest; “Turning Point USA (TPUSA) is set to host its “Defeating The Great Reset” Event in Phoenix, Arizona, on Friday and Saturday with the goal of educating citizens on the totalitarian priorities of the World Economic Forum and the New World Order.” https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/09/live-stream-video-tpusa-host-defeating-great-reset-event-phoenix-az-set-expose-evil-globalist-agenda-educate-citizens-horrors-great-reset-september-16-1/

September 17, 2022 8:11 am

100% correct analysis cheers

September 17, 2022 8:25 am

Their tool box also includes the ‘pandemic’ and the ‘vaccine’. Its one-two punch of climate change and pandemic against the free people of the world.

I have said this before: The WEF need to be viewed as a terrorist organisation. They want to kill off most of the world’s people and enslave the rest. They want to set up their own ‘caliphate’, where they live as some perverse form of trans-humans, while the peasants attend to their daily needs and wants.

Therefore, anyone associate with the WEF needs to be hauled off to Guantanamo bay, so somewhere similar, interrogated and and keep in chains for the rest of their lives.

September 17, 2022 9:00 am

The globalist dream has been disintegrating for some time now. The geo-political future, as far as we can tell, is going to be multipolar; i.e. power distributed among blocs of nations and strategic alliances vying against each other for regional hegemony and resources. Even the WEF has recognised this reality.

As for the West, predictions of the death of the European nation state are premature, and those who have previously led the way towards its dissolution, such as Germany, are in terminal decline as a direct result of their hubristic policies which flew in the face of reality.

What happens in the international power struggle is beyond our control. What, then, shall we do, to preserve our way of life as we have known it? As we see in the United States – in Florida, for example, and for other reasons in California – the life of citizens, be it good or ill, will be shaped by local and regional factors. The imperative, then, is to soundly educate and equip the young for leadership at that level. That requires alternative educational institutions and political parties. In the meantime, as we have seen in the past time and again, socialism will inevitably collapse under the weight of its own contradictions and its inability to nourish men’s and women’s souls.

September 17, 2022 9:06 am

Climate BS was first, but that takes too long to bring us plebs under their thumb. Viral idiocity was quite an innovation, a test run for whether a fast track world wide subjugation could be viable. It proved successful. Wonder what’s next? What aspects of ordinary daily life can be regulated?
Energy rationing, of course. Central control of smart meters.
Permits for private car ownership.

September 17, 2022 9:12 am

Certificate awarded to Struth, me and a few others on this blog;


September 17, 2022 9:16 am

Sorry wrong thread.

September 17, 2022 9:16 am

“Climate change/global warming” is a massive lie

Which I’ve known for over thirty three years.

If the “human emissions of carbon dioxide are driving catastrophic increases in global temperatures” hypothesis has been so thoroughly debunked (by simple observation if nothing else), then why are we still hearing about this preposterous anti-scientific fact and evidence free horse manure?

Collectivists’ destruction of education in western countries is at the root of this idiocy.

Also – don’t forget the role of that stinking agglomeration of collectivist terrorist imbeciles, the UN, which publishes most of the agendas of the WEF types. Never forget this quote from a UN screed, “Well educated people are more likely to consume significant amounts of resources”.

There needs to be a great global reckoning for these monsters and soon.

September 17, 2022 9:16 am

Their tool box also includes the ‘pandemic’ and the ‘vaccine’. Its one-two punch of climate change and pandemic against the free people of the world.

Covid was just a target of opportunity/test run.

The real war is the climate war, as evidenced by their attacks on the 4 key target sets you need to destroy to bring down a nation:

The food
The fuel
The electrical system
The transport system

Simply killing your enemy is never enough – at the end of WW2, both Germany and Japan still had *millions* of men under arms.

Botswana O'Hooligan
Botswana O’Hooligan
September 17, 2022 9:42 am

From NOAA. Human activities emit 60 or more times the amount of carbon dioxide released by volcanoes each year. Large, violent eruptions may match the rate of human emissions for the few hours that they last, but they are too rare and fleeting to rival humanity’s annual emissions. In fact, several individual U.S. states emit more carbon dioxide in a year than all the volcanoes on the planet combined do. So much for that but the daily National Aeronautical Service Information Service (NAIPS) publishes a chart daily showing upper air info and for some weeks two volcanos in Indonesia, Semeru and Lewotolo have been gaily spewing out pollution and almost every day there is volcanic activity in our area of PNG and Indonesia to prove that NOAA are full of crap with their –fleeting emissions–

September 17, 2022 10:24 am

What about the undersea volcanoes?

September 17, 2022 11:04 am


NO Actual Accountability.

September 17, 2022 11:08 am


Inspired Propaganda Claiming Credibility.

September 17, 2022 11:21 am

“Climate change/global warming” is a massive lie, one of the three biggest lies in history

Wot? I won’t come in your mouth. It’s only a cold sore. And Cloimet choinge?

September 17, 2022 11:37 am

From NOAA. Human activities emit 60 or more times the amount of carbon dioxide released by volcanoes each year.

Like hell they do – read Plimers book !

Alistair Crooks
Alistair Crooks
September 17, 2022 11:41 am

I couldn’t put it better myself.
To fill in a few gaps these two links spell out the nature of WW3 – already currently being fought on two fronts …
World War Three for Dummies

The elite are building a megalopolis


September 17, 2022 11:53 am

Among the pressured countries we find Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Libya, Syria, Serbia, Thailand, and Iran to mention a few. There have also been recent additions, including India and Hungary. In order to understand why they have been pressured, we need to find out what they have in common. That’s not easy since they are extremely different in most ways. There are democracies and non-democracies, conservative and communist governments, Christian, Muslim and Buddhist countries, and so on. Still, many of them are very clearly allied. One must ask why conservative and religious countries such as Russia or Iran would ally themselves with Godless communists in Cuba and Venezuela.

What all these countries have in common is their desire to run their own affairs; to be independent countries.

I had been wondering about Thailand, in my view they had been running their own race and this seems to reinforce that.

Great article Alistair.

September 17, 2022 12:07 pm

Jim Rikards gives some context to the whole thing, central digital currency, vaccine passports, negative interest rates:

Old bloke
Old bloke
September 17, 2022 2:48 pm

What is happening and why?

Two questions there, if you were to ask a third question, i.e., “where”, then the answers start to emerge.

No one in in an Indonesia village is worried about the advent of digital currency, no one in deepest Africa is concerned about vaccine passports, and no Amazonian villager would be concerned about carbon credits. This is a bid to control the Euro/Anglosphere portion of the world map, the Y-DNA R1b1a2 population, the exiled House of Israel who it was foretold would inhabit the best of lands as far as the “ends of the earth” and who would number around 1 billion people before their downfall comes.

What is happening is pretty obvious, a coterie of cultists believes it has both the power and the authority to control the world, to establish a Babylonian domination over the world. Lucifer has whispered lies into their ears and in their gross stupidity and vanity, they believed the words of the father of lies. Their power resides in a single nation which believes itself to be impervious to external threats but it shall nevertheless fall completely and suddenly, destroyed by fire in one hour. The Prophets Jeremiah and Isaiah called this nation the Daughter of Babylon, in Yeshua’s revelation, He identified it as Mega Babylon, Babylon the Great.

The question “why?” is both self evident and masked in obscurity at the same time. We are living in a historic era, a time when the 120 periods of time (referred to incorrectly as “years” in Genesis 6:3) is in its final cycle. The House of Israel will soon fall and the life of plenty will become a memory, other powers shall arise and the Leviticus curses of defeat, enslavement and terror will be our lot as we have ignored the covenant our fathers made with God.

But all is not lost, for Yeshua shall return in his role as HaMashiach ben David* and He shall establish peace on the earth after seven bitter years. Those years will conclude with significant earth changes, for example the nation called Babylon will be submerged under the oceans, but Australia (named “Sinim” in the Bible) appears to survive as remnants of the House of Israel will return to the land of Israel when Yeshua establishes His rule.

Isaiah 49:12
King James Version

12 Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the west; and these from the land of Sinim.

* The Mishnah identifies two major Messiahs, Messiah means “anointed” and there were many anointed people in the Bible, but there are two major ones in Jewish tradition and thought. These are Messiah son of Joseph and Messiah son of David. The Mishnah teaches that Messiah son of Joseph (HaMashiach ben Yosef) precedes Messiah son of David (HaMashiach ben David), that He comes for the “lost sheep of Israel” (the House of Israel, also referred to as the House of Joseph), and that He dies and is strangely resurrected, does that sound like anyone you’ve heard of?

September 17, 2022 3:07 pm

‘My Carbon’: An approach for inclusive and sustainable cities

COVID-19 was the test of social responsibility – A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world.

World Economic Forum says we’ve been good little children, so we’re allowed to move on to the next phase.

Advances in emerging technologies like AI, blockchain and digitization can enable tracking personal carbon emissions, raise awareness and also provide individual advisories on lower carbon and ethical choices for consumption of product and services.

September 17, 2022 6:16 pm

And if there were no such thing as “conspiracies” we wouldn’t have a word for them

So leprechauns exist, witches exist, Santa Claus exists, Comrade Ogilvy exists ….. etcetera.

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
September 17, 2022 7:05 pm

A lot to be said for your view., Cardi. But this war will be won or lost on the battlefield of language. The individual issues are being lost in the smoke. If the antagonist can label you a conspiracist, you are consigned to the dungeon with the ‘racists’ and ‘transphobes’. There is no wriggle room if there is in fact a conspiracy. The same applies in many other areas. Conservatives seem to accept the dictum that NAZIS are extreme right wingers. The opposite is the case. Extreme right wingers are anarchists (no government). See Dinesh D’Souza on this. Nazis AND communists are extreme left wingers (total government control), While we allow ourselves to be dictated to as to the forms of speech, we handicap ourselves.

September 17, 2022 7:53 pm

Mistakes in Trigger Warming.
p5…this book is not look like other books.
p44…up to another two degrees of degrees of warming.
p50… Tim Balls’ win. Should be Tim Ball’s.
p55…discovered the Arrhnius was wrong. Should be discovered that Arrhnius was wrong.
p67…when it is tilted away is Winter. Should be it is Winter.
p69…balances and failsafe’s. Should be failsafes.
p80…Our of 18,531 references. Should be out of.
p103…to scientists over 3000 responded. Sentence should start with When.
Notes for Chapter V11 are listed under notes for Chapter V1.

September 18, 2022 8:28 am

@ Big Nambas:

““Climate change/global warming” is a massive lie, one of the three biggest lies in history

Wot? I won’t come in your mouth. It’s only a cold sore. And Cloimet choinge?”

And the BIGGEST one of all?

“I’m from the government and I am here to help”

Even KRudd knew that one.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
September 18, 2022 10:32 am

There is not a shred of evidence that CO2 has the capacity to “trap heat” or affect the climate “dangerously”.

I see Cardimona has taken the zero-effort approach to understanding the global warming issue.
He has never searched for an accurate explanation of the hypothesis, or he would not be describing it with the strawman argument of “trapping heat”.
He has never searched for observational evidence of CO2’s effect on radiation (heat), or he would have found it immediately. (e.g. Feldman and Collins, 2015)

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
September 18, 2022 1:52 pm

@Colonels Berka’s own research efforts seem to be some what restricted. We are seeing our kids scared witless with fantasies of runaway warming. Even a cursory investigation into the re-radiative properties of carbon dioxide would have revealed to him that the phenomenon is restricted to an extremely small part of the spectrum. At some level of atmospheric CO2, all the radiation in that band is absorbed and no further absorption/re-radiation can occur. The earth has been hotter with lower levels of CO2 and cooler with higher levels. Back to the drawing board Colonel.

September 18, 2022 3:25 pm

It’s bullshit ‘colonel’ either you’re stupid or you’re lying or both.

September 18, 2022 4:21 pm

That’s why sea levels haven’t risen

Went down to South Beach in Fremantle yesterday to check out the tideline and, yeah, they have. When I moved here, oh, six and a half years ago, high tide was a lot further away from the backbush than now. Not to mention the thriving waterfront businesses of Lagos for one. But I’m sure that’s all fake news.

And now back to Comrade Ogilvy with his Sunday lecture: Victor Orban and Vladimir Putin: The Future Of Liberty.

Doubleplusgood. 🙂

September 19, 2022 8:13 am

As for the West, predictions of the death of the European nation state are premature, and those who have previously led the way towards its dissolution, such as Germany, are in terminal decline as a direct result of their hubristic policies which flew in the face of reality.

Due to their trust in Putin Germans will find out this northern winter that people don’t mind sacrificing some of their ample wealth to virtue signal but all bets are off when real energy scarcity bites them. I expect there will be mass protests over strict power/heat rationing regardless of their sheeplike adherence to the green religion.

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
September 19, 2022 8:52 am

Hmm. Fremantle must be a remarkable place. While fifty years of satellite measurements and countless tide meters all over the world fail to detect any significant sea level increase, in Fremantle, gobsmacking increase can be noticed with the naked eye over a period of six and a half years. Then again the land might be sinking or the beach been eroded. Whatever happened to Occam’s Razor?

September 19, 2022 12:35 pm

Hmm. Fremantle must be a remarkable place. While fifty years of satellite measurements and countless tide meters all over the world fail to detect any significant sea level increase, in Fremantle, gobsmacking increase can be noticed with the naked eye over a period of six and a half years.

We are talking a sand beach here. I live a along this bit of coast and there is no fear for my foundations getting wet; but the beach sand goes in and out like… almost as if it were sand washed away, then washed back. Sheesh.

September 19, 2022 12:57 pm

“He has never searched for observational evidence of CO2’s effect on radiation (heat)…”

Radiation in the troposphere is insignificant compared to advection, convection and latent heat transport – by at least an order of magnitude, if not more. And above the troposphere, CO2 cause additional heat loss, not gain.

Like so much other rubbish we have to put up with, instead of measuring what is important, what can be measured (and regulated and taxed!) is made important, and cause and effect are reversed – in Australia, it is not high temperatures that cause drought, it is drought that causes high temperatures, as is perfectly obvious if you observe the historical lag (over our entire set of weather records) between precipitation and temperature. Assuming you agree that causes precede effects.

But ignore that – ask instead: how went the predictions? Not well – not well at all. According to Hansen in 1988, by 2020 – if we kept going business as usual – the famous diner from Seinfeld (above which, Hansen’s office is located) would have water lapping at its front door. How many times have we heard “it’s worse than we thought”, yet this prediction is not even close to coming true!

Were we not told “drought is the new normal” and our dams would never fill again? Did we not build a desalination plant in Sydney to “drought proof” our water supply? And how many times has Warragamba released water to prevent catastrophic failure from overfill since then?

And the warnings: in 1988 we had “10 years to change, or it’ll be too late”. Same time frame 10 years later (1998). Same time frame another 10 years later again (2008). Same time frame 10 years later again (2018). So 30 years after we had 10 years or it’ll be too late we still have 10 years, or it’ll be too late.

China is now the worlds largest emitter of CO2, yet it is not constrained and its emissions growth will continue for at least another decade. If we stopping using all fossil fuels in Australia overnight, just the growth from China alone for one year would more than wipe out the “benefits”. India is on a similar path and is also not constrained in CO2 emissions growth.

The True Believers are, of course, totally immune to even noticing such inconvenient facts. Worse, after warning us that the war in Ukraine and the corresponding drop in both food production and fertiliser production would see significant global food shortages, the are pushing their “nitrogen pollution” issues in many places, constraining food production when it is needed the most!

I cannot tell if they are simply ignorant, stupid or just out and out evil – maybe they are all three!

September 19, 2022 1:34 pm

Fremantle must be a remarkable place.

Yes. It is.

While fifty years of satellite measurements and countless tide meters all over the world fail to detect any significant sea level increase


Courtesy of the Stalinists at NASA. And now back to Comrade Ogilvy with his new dissertation: Doubleplusgood Newspeak Refs Change Reality To Suit Yourself.

September 19, 2022 1:46 pm

We are talking a sand beach here.

As opposed to other kinds of beaches.

the beach sand goes in and out like… almost as if it were sand washed away, then washed back. Sheesh.

I’m talking about the tideline doofus.

But never mind. It’s time to get back to the sacred battle for liberty which you guys are doing such a bang up job at fighting. The expose of Australian police agencies illegally accessing private data is wonderful (oh wait! That was The Saturday Paper) and your enthusiasm for Viktor Orlov is superb. What a wonderfully free nation Hungary is. I think you should be concentrating more on cheerleading the freedom of Jair Bolsonaro to declare any election he doesn’t win invalid and beat the crap outta anyone who says otherwise.

September 19, 2022 1:49 pm


Courtesy of the Stalinists at NASA”

Which link says:
“Global sea levels have been rising for decades in response to a warming climate, and that rise appears to be accelerating.”
Only if you are comparing tide gauges to sat measurements – you know, apples to pumpkins because hey, “they’re both fruit!” If you take the same tide gauges as used for most of the 20thC, there is NO acceleration – none! But when you “stick on” the sat data – viola! Acceleration. They also neglect to mention that tide gauge data shows the same increase for centuries, not decades. Bit inconvenient that part, innit?

September 19, 2022 2:25 pm

” I think you should be concentrating more on cheerleading the freedom of Jair Bolsonaro to declare any election he doesn’t win invalid and beat the crap outta anyone who says otherwise.”

Ah ha – so similar to US democrats then, eh? When you win, it’s the “most secure election in history” and anyone who doubts it is an “enemy of democracy!”. But when you lose, it’s “they cheaterered” and they are “illegitimate”.
How about when people complain about these things, you have a look at the evidence and then decide on a case by case basis. And if there are issues, you address them so they don’t come up again.
Oh, sorry – sensible. Against GovCo policy then – obviously.

September 19, 2022 3:28 pm

They also neglect to mention that tide gauge data shows the same increase for centuries, not decades. Bit inconvenient that part, innit?

How true. Obviously true because, like, you said it was. So it must be. And as Comrade Ogilvy reminds us the sun rises in the West and anyone who say otherwise is an agent of Goldstein. Again: The. Sun. Rises. In. The. West!!!!

It is written and therefore true. Thanks for the extensive and irrefutable evidence you’ve provided. Now I’m off to get a Measles vaccine ’cause I wanna be autistic. 🙂

Ah ha – so similar to US democrats then, eh? When you win, it’s the “most secure election in history” and anyone who doubts it is an “enemy of democracy!”. But when you lose, it’s “they cheaterered” and they are “illegitimate”.

yep. It’s the Democrats that say the election was stolen.. Oh wait….

Yep it was the Democrats all right. It’s written. Now I’m gonna go back to preparing the barbecue so we can all watch the sunset. Facing east of course.

you have a look at the evidence

Alex Jones &co isn’t evidence. Twit!

September 19, 2022 4:32 pm

“How true. Obviously true because, like, you said it was. So it must be.”

Easy enough to find tide gauge data if you want to look for yourself.

“yep. It’s the Democrats that say the election was stolen.. Oh wait….”

Yep – Hillary Clinton says 2016 was stolen from her, and in 2019 called Trump “illegitimate”. There is youtube video of both, if you care to look.

I’m not doing your homework for you.

September 19, 2022 6:08 pm

I’m not doing your homework for you.

Ah projection. I looooove projection. It’s sooooo much fun.

I’m asking you to provide evidence for an assertion you made. You have not done so. No. I’m supposed to go find this ‘evidence’. No, sorry; that’s your homework.

Hillary Clinton says 2016 was stolen from her

Which is not the same as saying it was rigged. Something I suspect you full well know. I don’t recall hordes of howling rednecks trying to break into the Capitol building or threating to hang the Vice President or ringing up state governors pressuring them to ‘find’ a few thousand votes. I don’t recall supporters making spurious claims that there was an over 100% turnout in certain counties even though said counties weren’t even located in the states where the election was rigged. I don’t recall her launching a zillion bits of fatuous litigatory adventures trying to overturn the results without so much of a tiny flake off the the faintest skerrick of any basis whatsoever.

You know what I mean. But that doesn’t matter because if you don’t like the facts you think you can find alternatives.

and in 2019 called Trump “illegitimate”.

Yes that was uncalled for. I’m sure Toenail Dump’s parents were married. 🙂 The appropriate phrase is ‘unfit for office’. Which he is, but then, haha, so is she.

There is youtube video of both, if you care to look.

The Great Mind sayeth there’s a video
If ye be willing to look; alas
I’m stoopid and lazy
And prefer readin’ books.

The Master And Margarita I recommend it. Strangely timely as its written by a Ukrainian in Russian and lampoons the toadying, facile, vain and greedy souls who make the rule of the nasty bully possible. Maybe you could look into it after you get thru Run Spot Run.

On second thought you wouldn’t like it.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
September 19, 2022 8:26 pm

Thanks Kneel for the scientific contribution.
I am beginning to peice together absorption theory.
Agree with the comment this war will be won by langauge.

September 20, 2022 8:48 am

“I’m supposed to go find this ‘evidence’. “


As I said, easy to find. For instance:

40 years of mean sea level data for Botany bay (the first one on the list, and nearest to me).
Here’s an extract, showing a few months from 1981 and a few from 2020.
Hardly “alarming” – in fact, hard to see any sort of rise at all.
Nice reference too, for several reasons:
1) it’s local
2) it’s GovCo official data
3) it’s from a geologically stable place

I’ve bolded the “average” for the first six measurement listed for both 1981 and 2020 for you.

Monthly sea levels for Botany Bay – 1981 to 2020

Mth Year Gaps Good Minimum Maximum Mean St Devn
1 1981 744 0
2 1981 672 0
3 1981 744 0
4 1981 625 95 0.470 1.690 1.094 0.315
5 1981 0 744 0.260 2.110 0.994 0.419
6 1981 0 720 0.230 2.100 1.068 0.407
7 1981 260 484 0.150 2.090 1.033 0.435
8 1981 0 744 0.190 1.890 0.959 0.402
9 1981 0 720 0.050 1.820 0.884 0.409
10 1981 0 744 0.060 1.740 0.903 0.400
11 1981 0 720 0.100 2.050 0.900 0.405
12 1981 0 744 0.110 2.090 0.989 0.404
1 1982 0 744 0.020 1.930 0.936 0.401
2 1982 0 672 -0.060 1.830 0.906 0.409
3 1982 106 638 0.100 1.880 0.916 0.417
4 1982 25 695 0.200 1.960 0.953 0.401
5 1982 720 24 0.430 1.550 1.019 0.327
6 1982 0 720 0.160 2.100 1.002 0.403
7 1982 0 744 -0.060 2.000 0.905 0.397
8 1982 101 643 -0.190 1.710 0.786 0.408
9 1982 96 624 -0.090 1.710 0.848 0.414

1 2020 0 744 0.148 1.999 0.980 0.397
2 2020 0 696 0.144 1.987 1.011 0.395
3 2020 0 744 0.047 1.885 0.970 0.386
4 2020 0 720 0.278 2.007 1.061 0.395
5 2020 25 719 0.245 2.115 1.078 0.410
6 2020 0 720 0.282 2.038 1.045 0.409
7 2020 0 744 0.211 1.986 1.045 0.414
8 2020 0 744 0.270 2.095 1.022 0.408
9 2020 0 720 0.063 1.929 0.952 0.405
10 2020 0 744 0.021 1.826 0.923 0.400
11 2020 0 720 0.156 1.981 0.973 0.398
12 2020 0 744 0.076 1.909 0.996 0.406

“Which is not the same as saying it was rigged.”
When you say “It was stolen” and “Russia interfered” and the President is “not my president” and “illegitimate”, it’s pretty clear what you mean.
When you keep saying it even after the FBI and DoJ investigate and find NO collusion AT ALL, despite four plus years of trying, including the FBI lying to the FISA court, continuing to pay someone they know lied to them so they can claim “confidential human source” and hide it, when the FBI doesn’t even search or investigate someone who had an insecure private email server that was hacked while carrying classified materials then deliberately destroyed while under subpoena, but they get a ridiculously wide (maybe even unconstitutionally wide) search warrant for a former president keeping documents on paper in a secure room and with secret service guards, when those documents are only leaked AFTER the DoJ has them and not while the president had them, it’s pretty clear what the “deep state” is up to.
When they claim these were “classified” documents that Trump had “illegally” they MUST know that there is settled SCOTUS case law that the actions of the president are ipso facto proof of any required declassification.
They claim Trump kept “public records”, yet they MUST know that it is settled SCOTUS case law that not only is this a CIVIL matter, not a criminal one, and that it is the President AT THE TIME who has the ultimate right (at law) to decide what is personal and what is a public record.

They do all this, and you think these are the “good guys” and Trump is bad? That “Make America Great Again” is somehow unpatriotic and a “threat to democracy”?

Sure, whatever.

IMO, they thought that Trump MUST have had some skeletons in his closet, just the same as the rest of them all did and do. But he doesn’t – they certainly looked hard enough, and got nothing.

September 20, 2022 12:41 pm

” I don’t recall hordes of howling rednecks trying to break into the Capitol building…”

There were hundreds of Dem supporters banging on the actual chamber doors (so INSIDE the Capitol building they indeed were) in 2017 – no-one got arrested, and they certainly didn’t find themselves in solitary confinement for 18 months with no charges against them. That is a well documented fact.

Neither did any of those “protesters” who broke through security fencing, set a secret service guard post/hut on fire and also set fire to the church across the road from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, and eventually caused the Secret Service to evacuate the President to a secure bunker (which, by the way, was not the President’s choice, nor can he prevent them doing it, so the lefties narrative of Trump being “scared” is BS).

And do you know why there was no National Guard in place in DC on the 6th? Trump authorised them to be there you know. It was the Capitol Police, the Speaker of the House (Pelosi), The House Sargent At Arms and the DC Mayor (Democrats all) who said they didn’t want them because it would “look bad”. Apparently, if you don’t want to make it look bad, you have to install concrete barriers and razor wire topped metal fences when you deploy the National Guard the nations capital in order to “protect” the people’s representatives.

“The appropriate phrase is ‘unfit for office’. Which he is, but then, haha, so is she.”

The only reason Trump might be considered “unfit for office” is because “mean tweets” and other things that lack traditional diplomacy. He didn’t start any wars, he had the US economy booming in 2019 (until COVID), had contained Vlad’s desires re Ukraine, pulled Xi in line a bit, created the Abraham Accords, and arranged the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. He gave his presidential salary to charity. He’s the only president in recent history to have a lower net worth at the end of his term than a higher net worth. But he’s a loud-mouthed, opinionated New Yorker and an “outsider”.

Hillary though – “We came, we saw – he died” re Ghadafi. “Pay to play” bribes via hubby and their “charity” that scored them millions. Arranged the sale of US strategic Uranium reserves to Russian company, arranged the transfer of US hypersonic tech to Russia. Aided and abetted the transfer of US industry to China and on and on. The absolute worst of the worst, no redeeming features at all – truly, a “deplorable” if ever there was one.

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
September 20, 2022 5:28 pm

@ Adrien. Very polite response. So the link (with a rather innovative tag) reveals an estimated sea level rise of a massive 3.4mm pa since 1995. This explains why multi millionaire climate panic merchants such as Gore , Flannery and Gates are quite comfortable investing in waterfront properties. No research into isostasy (look it up). Did the Tasmanian aborigines drive to Tasmania in SUVs? Do land levels rise and fall over time? Did the English castle built on the sea suddenly rise up to be now well inland? Are the Pacific islands being flooded by rising seas? Is the amount of water on the planet increasing? Is there evidence that the Viking settlements in Iceland were viable because the climate was much warmer than it is now? Does the discovery of nails from Roman soldiers’ footwear being borne down from glaciers from heights where the legions had obviously marched two thousand years ago mean nothing? Do the ice core records mean nothing? Etc etc ad nauseam

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
September 20, 2022 5:33 pm

Now I’m gonna go back to preparing the barbecue

I’m triggered. There is a meat eater amongst us. I thought this was a safe space.

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
September 20, 2022 5:49 pm

3.4mm pa. Sheesh. At this rate we won’t be discussing raising the wall at Warragamba, we’ll be raising the Sydney Harbour Bridge! Fantasy. Because we won’t have any steel to do it. Some of the knee(l)jerk posts on this thread are prima facie evidence for the total failure of our education system.

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
September 20, 2022 6:11 pm

Another interesting figure for our green cultist visitors. Greens advocate the culling of cattle herds because … greenhouse. The current cattle herd in the United States is around 30 million. In the 1500s prior to European settlement, it is estimated that between 30 and 60 million bison inhabited the plains. What to do? Kill the cattle and bring back the bison? Conundrum eh? Of course we all know the answer, they are not anti-cattle or anti coal or any of the things that they protest about. They are anti-human. Except for their elite selves.

September 20, 2022 7:11 pm

There were hundreds of Dem supporters banging on the actual chamber doors (so INSIDE the Capitol building they indeed were) in 2017 – no-one got arrested, and they certainly didn’t find themselves in solitary confinement for 18 months with no charges against them.

That is a well documented fact.

I’m afraid your ‘well-documented’ fact seems to be submerged under a plethora of mangled prose. Are you suggesting that in 2017 (?) Democrat supporters stormed the Capitol?

September 20, 2022 7:32 pm

I’ve bolded the “average” for the first six measurement listed for both 1981 and 2020 for you.

Gee thanks. You’ve bolded nine figures out of 33 sets of figures which seems desperately random Agent Starling.

Also mean is not the same as average. Interesting that you skip from 1982 to 2020. If you look at the intervening figures – and apologies, I’m time-poor so I looked at April for brevity’s sake – you see that the sea levels have indeed been rising. Cherry-picking Agent Starling, no no no it just won’t do.

I’m triggered. There is a meat eater amongst us. I thought this was a safe space.

You can barbecue vegetables and tofu y’know. That said I’m a meet eater and if you think I’m a subscriber to ‘Wokeism’ or believe that Universities should provide a space where one is safe from ideas than you are mistaken. I think that shite’s a different aspect of the Trumpoid Brand of truth aversion.

Hillary though – “We came, we saw – he died” re Ghadafi. “Pay to play” bribes via hubby and their “charity” that scored them millions.

Yeah I don’t like her either.

Monthly sea levels for Botany Bay – 1981 to 2020

September 20, 2022 7:50 pm

Did the Tasmanian aborigines drive to Tasmania in SUVs?

I expect, the way things are going, that the ‘history’ texts of the future will affirm this alternative fact presently. 🙂

Do land levels rise and fall over time?

Yes. And this can be explained by, say, Milankovitch cycles. Where such does not explain it, and where the phenomenon is happening to fast to be consistent with it….

Did the English castle built on the sea suddenly rise up to be now well inland?

Very pretty. I await the rest of the poem when you’ve finished with the opium provided that dipshit from Porlock doesn’t show up again.

Are the Pacific islands being flooded by rising seas?


Is the amount of water on the planet increasing?

Que? Like um, matter comes in three forms, solid, liquid, gas and….. oh brother!

Is there evidence that the Viking settlements in Iceland were viable because the climate was much warmer than it is now?

WTF does this have to do with anything? Ice core records? What about them? Roman legions’ sandals well I like ancient history so do elaborate. All I can glean from this rant is that various stories of artefacts about archaeological finds left by melting glaciers mean that there were no glaciers or whatever.

This explains why multi millionaire climate panic merchants such as Gore , Flannery and Gates are quite comfortable investing in waterfront properties.

My favourite is the photo of Gore in his home office with a million screens and a fleet of SUVs in the driveway visible through the window. The explanation is old-fashioned human hypocrisy. None of this justifies an assertion that the evidence for anthropocentric climate change is completely baseless.

September 20, 2022 7:53 pm

The only reason Trump might be considered “unfit for office” is….

Well that deserves a considered and well-informed reply so I would like to begin by…..


Sorry I lied. The man is a clown. And I’d make a million dollar bet that when the War of Terror was kicking off you were cheering your arse off.

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
September 20, 2022 7:58 pm

I think that shite’s a different aspect of the Trumpoid Brand of truth aversion.

Very thoughtful. Straight out of the post-modernist playbook. And typically not very scientific. Your shite is not necessarily every one else’s shite. Incidentally, where did you pick up that word? An Irishism to be sure. Commonly used by women who do not wish to seem vulgar by using the obvious original word.
Best desist. You’ve lost this debate.

Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly
September 20, 2022 8:06 pm

when the War of Terror was kicking off you were cheering your arse off.</blockquote.
I assume that you are referring to the IRA. the PLO, Hezbollah, Boko Haram, Al Qa'ida etc.

September 21, 2022 12:24 pm

“Are you suggesting that in 2017 (?) Democrat supporters stormed the Capitol?”

Not suggesting, stating.
While the Electoral Vote count was happening.

September 21, 2022 12:57 pm

“Gee thanks. You’ve bolded nine figures out of 33 sets of figures which seems desperately random Agent Starling.

Also mean is not the same as average.”

Look, I italicised 3 at the start instead of bolding them – sorry. But I did the it at the start and at the end of the data. It’s hardly a cherry pick to compare the start of a data set to the end of it.

Mean is a type of average – the type most people actually think of when you say “average”. Another type of average is median.

“Interesting that you skip from 1982 to 2020. If you look at the intervening figures – and apologies, I’m time-poor so I looked at April for brevity’s sake – you see that the sea levels have indeed been rising. Cherry-picking Agent Starling, no no no it just won’t do. “

I gave you the link to the actual data. If you check tide data, you will see there is a periodicy in it due to where the moon is in it’s orbit relative to any “fixed” ground position. That period is about 60 years IIRC. This is why tides and king tides are variable but also reasonably predictable – sea level air pressure is also relevant when measuring sea level.
You would also need to consider the difference between precision and accuracy – the precision of the data appears to be 1mm, but I highly doubt it has that accuracy.
I did not cherry pick, I showed the first and last year or so of the data as presented by BoM – 40 years worth – and as above, gave you a link to that data as well.

Forgive me for also being time poor, which is why I did a quick google search for data, went to BoM site, had a look at the place closest to me, and showed the comparison between 1981 (start of the data) and 2020 (end of the data). Given the aforementioned periodicy and the fact I didn’t correct for that or any other confounding variable, I would have thought an 80-130mm change (40 years @ 2.0-3.4mm/yr) would have been pretty stand-out, but judging from the variability in just the data that I showed, it doesn’t appear to me to show anything like that. And we were seeing 2mm/yr from when we first started recording sea level several hundred years ago.

Or you could try here:
for a Tasmanian sea level perspective.

September 21, 2022 1:13 pm

“Sorry I lied. The man is a clown.”

I don’t particularly like the man(Trump) myself.
However, I don’t really care how politicians “present” themselves, but rather how well they do the job they were elected to do. And Trump did very well at the job of running the country and protecting it’s interests – much better than Obama or Biden. The economy, immigration and foreign affairs all were objectively better in the US under Trump.
So if he’s rude, crude and says mean things, meh, so what? I suspect that part of that is to keep the focus on him, not those he gets to do things. Call that narcissism if you want, but you have to admit it frees up the people actually doing stuff to, well, do it rather than answer dumb media questions. You know – actually do the “boss” stuff and isolate the “workers” from crap they shouldn’t need to deal with.

September 21, 2022 4:03 pm

The economy, immigration and foreign affairs all were objectively better in the US under Trump.

Really? Market economies aren’t businesses; it isn’t like the government can instantaneously improve the situation. Assuming it can (hahaha) then there will take time. According to world economic figures the economy worldwide (measured in growth) improved during Trump’s time in office. This doesn’t mean he personally did anything. Considering that he spent most of his time in office playing golf, sleeping in, watching television and firing people I’d like to know what he did specifically to improve the economy apart from precipitating near-trade wars with allied countries and exempting his daughter’s business interests from his ‘containment’ of China.

What did he do?

Immigration? Objectively? If you believe that xenophobia is an objective virtue yeah I guess so. Foreign relations? Sure if you think alienating allies and cultivating dictators is objectively virtuous. Certainly. Them pesky kids who got shot up in Myanmar recently for example. They had it coming. Such a danger to the delicate and sensitive military helicopters who’re only trying to save their country from ‘rigged’ elections. Old Trump’s gotta be chewing his toenails off with jealousy for that one. After all they actually managed to lock her up.

Much better objectively speaking.

And you’re right, as long as he does the job well, who cares if he boasts about groping women. Objectively, he’s doing a good thing. If you’re a pig.

September 21, 2022 4:14 pm

It’s hardly a cherry pick to compare the start of a data set to the end of it.

Sea levels fluctuate. You left out the years between 1982 and 2020. If you’d put them in, it would demonstrate that sea levels are rising. Leaving them out implies otherwise. If this was unintentional it makes no difference. It’s still misleading.

and as above, gave you a link to that data as well.

Reallly? Did you? Is that, perchance, why I referred to it?

Mean is a type of average

Which is why the ‘mean’ income and the ‘average’ income are always so close…. oh wait.

the type most people actually think of when you say “average”.

Most people who failed maths.

Most people once believed the Earth was flat and the centre of the universe, the Sun went around it, the Moon was made of cheese, Michael Bolton made good music, mullets were a good look (sadly revived)….

Apparently most people in the UK once thought Fosters was a good beer. 🙂

It’s like when Hitler had 100 ‘Aryan’ physicists repudiate Einstein’s theories. Einstein responded that it would anly take one.

And only if the theories were false, which they aren’t. When it comes to maths and physics it doesn’t matter what most people think. 2 + 2 = 4, always.

September 21, 2022 4:35 pm

Not suggesting, stating.

Are you a liar or delusional? Inquirin’ minds wanna know? (Sorta)

While the Electoral Vote count was happening.

In 2017? Really? There were objections in the Houses but, um, what else? Where? The objections btw were based on Russian interference – true. And the suppression of voters who’re likely to vote for someone other than Trump (ie people who aren’t white) also true. The objections didn’t obstruct the inauguration of the Orange Spam and no mob broke into the Capitol.

Even if they did this would in no way justify the troglodyte activities witnessed on January the 6th. Interesting that whenever this is brought up with Trump’s supporters they never address it. Instead they point to the Clintons’ less than ethical standards as if that makes it okay.

Maybe you should use that next time you’re in court:

Sure yer honour I shot my wife, sold the kids into slavery and served boiled dog to my parents but look over there at Clayfield Bufkin across the road. He shags his goats on full Moon nights so that makes what I did okay.

Or maybe you should just plead Not Guilty By Reason Of I’m Completely Batshit and take your medication. Ah I wonder what Henry Seward would say about what happened to the Party of Lincoln? Probably the same thing Jefferson would say about his lot.

September 22, 2022 10:22 am

“Mean is a type of average

Which is why the ‘mean’ income and the ‘average’ income are always so close…. oh wait.

the type most people actually think of when you say “average”.

Most people who failed maths. “

I googled “math mean” and the first result is:

How To Find The Mean | What Is Mean In Math – DK Find Out!
https://www.dkfindout.comMath › Averages

and google search result quotes:

“The mean is a type of average. It is the sum (total) of all the values in a set of data, such as numbers or measurements, divided by the number of values on the list.”

The method quoted sure sounds like what most people think of when you say “average”. This method is likely the very first averaging method you are taught, and the method most people would use if you said “average these values”.

The first Sentence in Wikipedia on “Avrerage” says:
In ordinary language, an average is a single number taken as representative of a list of numbers, usually the sum of the numbers divided by how many numbers are in the list (the arithmetic mean).

September 22, 2022 11:00 am

“The objections btw were based on Russian interference – true.”

It’s true that was the claim. But in reality, Russia spent a couple of 100 thousand on Facebook ads, most of which were shown after the election. BTW, most Democrat (and Republican) campaign organisers would happily advise you that you need to spend millions to even make a dent, and it hardly helps if you only show ads after the event.

“And the suppression of voters who’re likely to vote for someone other than Trump (ie people who aren’t white) also true. “

Yet in places like Georgia – which was one place where they claimed such suppression took place – black voter turnout was at record high levels in 2020. How then are they “suppressed” when they turn out in record numbers? How were they “suppressed” in Georgia but not Delaware, when Delaware law (Biden’s home state) has similar ID requirements?
What sort of racist suggests that black people don’t have, or have a hard time compared to whites, getting photo ID like a drivers license?

“Instead they point to the Clintons’ less than ethical standards as if that makes it okay.”

Ah – “that’s what-about-ism”!
Yes, it is.
No, it doesn’t make it OK – in either direction.
It’s interesting though, to compare the sides – most Dems “excuse” bad behaviour like the 2020 riots (the VP even set up a bail fund, and said, of riots, “they will continue – and they should”), while most Repubs called for violent protestors (both 2020 rioters and Jan 6 ones) to be charged (see, eg, Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, Dan Bongino)
So one side accepts anything that supports their goals, while the other side wants objective standards enforced – “whatever it takes” vs “we have rules that apply to everyone”.
And you appear to be defending the “whatever it takes” side, while complaining about “unfairness”.

September 22, 2022 5:11 pm

“In ordinary language, an average is a single number taken as representative of a list of numbers, usually the sum of the numbers divided by how many numbers are in the list (the arithmetic mean).“

Well I’ll call mean median then. Happy? You do know what I mean. But never mind. Can we now abandon this trivium and concern ourselves with the trivium at hand. 🙂

It’s true that was the claim. But in reality, Russia spent a couple of 100 thousand on Facebook ads, most of which were shown after the election. BTW, most Democrat (and Republican) campaign organisers would happily advise you that you need to spend millions to even make a dent, and it hardly helps if you only show ads after the event.

Really? That’s it? Why was the FBI investigating Hilary Clinton in 2020? Something about emails? Who released those emails? Why did Michael Flynn have to resign as NSA? Etc.

Before you start I’m not defending Clinton’s actions.

No, it doesn’t make it OK – in either direction.

So why do it?

Yet in places like Georgia – which was one place where they claimed such suppression took place – black voter turnout was at record high levels in 2020.

We’re not discussing the election in 2020 but the one in 2016. Or maybe we should go back to 2000 where certain folks in, for example Florida, were told they couldn’t vote because they were convicted of a felony even tho’ they hadn’t been. What’s the difference? Oh, yeah – Republicans won the the 2000 and 2016 elections so that makes it okay. What was that you said about “what-about-ism”!

So one side accepts anything that supports their goals, while the other side wants objective standards enforced – “whatever it takes” vs “we have rules that apply to everyone”.

What was that you said about “what-about-ism”!

And you appear to be defending the “whatever it takes” side, while complaining about “unfairness”.

Nonsense! I assume you’re talking about the 2020 race riots in the US which I haven’t alluded to.

eg, Tucker Carlson

I’m sure he did – eventually. After Baron von Rupe realised he’d backed a turkey and instructed Mr Carlson on The Line. What is it with Carlson anyway? He always looks like he’s got a headache from trying to remember how to spell his name or some such. That’s really the principle concern I have with this fraying of America. This is the country that produced H. L. Mencken FFS!

Maybe Rupe should sack Carlson and hire Clayfield Bufkin. That’d make Vladimir Putin happy.

But then judging by the latest post on this blog seems like folks here think that’s fine and dandy. Gets rid of the poufs!

September 23, 2022 12:48 pm

“Why was the FBI investigating Hilary Clinton in 2020? Something about emails?”

I assume you mean 2016.
Because she was hosting classified emails on a private server in her bathroom.
And you will note that unlike Trump, she did NOT have authority to de-classify anything, meaning she was acting illegally.
She then used bleachbit on the server when it was under subpoena – another felony.
Then “forgot” her iPhone password and entered the wrong one 10 times, completely wiping it.
As well as using hammers on several other phones to ensure no data could be recovered.
Comey, the then FBI director, apparently decided it was within his authority to “excuse” her for these felonies, suggesting there was no “intent”, despite “intent” not being mentioned anywhere in the statute, and further then spoke without authority about what a federal prosecutor would or wouldn’t do. IOW, “Well, she didn’t mean it and so I’m not even referring this to the DoJ becasue they wouldn’t prosecute it anyway”.

Most interesting is the claim that that server was the only one she used – meaning that in order to send/receive emails from Obama, someone would have had to add that server and account to the “allowed” list. So unless Obama was incredibly unobservant, he would have known what was going on – and since he is so well connected, it’s likely that was an additional reason the email case against Hilary was dropped.

“Who released those emails?”

Apparently, it was an inside job – there was NO evidence the emails were actually exfiltrated via the internet. So said the DNC/Hilary IT guru under oath to congress. That being said, people “in the know” have suggested the server was extremely insecure and was definitely hackable and hacked. Even were it even mildly insecure, anyone who did get access was extremely likely to be able to remove the evidence (edit logs etc) – which is why you’re not supposed to use “my sisters husband” who has “his own computer shop” but rely on government approved IT gurus to do it.

” Why did Michael Flynn have to resign as NSA? Etc.”

Because the FBI broke it’s own rules and attempted to catch him in a perjury trap – specifically, they didn’t tell Flynn he was the target of their investigation, and they didn’t advise him they already had a call transcript.
But the FBI lied, as per the agents own notes and the call transcript itself – Flynn never mentioned in the call what they said he did.
They also lied to the court by omission – they threatened Flynn’s family with prosecution if he didn’t enter into a plea bargain, but didn’t tell the court or the defense attorney as they were obliged to.

Flynn made the mistake of believing the FBI was non-partisan, and the FBI – as per Comey’s own admission on TV – took advantage of the fact that it was a new administration without procedures in place as yet. Comey even said he wouldn’t have gotten away with what he did in the previous administration, or if he had waited several months in the new administration.

You might want to pay attention to Flynn’s court case on this – he’s suing them (don’t recall what for).

September 23, 2022 1:13 pm

I assume you mean 2016.

Yes. Sorry.

Because she was hosting classified emails on a private server in her bathroom.

Yes. Except the bathroom bit. I don’t know about that and what’s it matter?

And you will note that unlike Trump, she did NOT have authority to de-classify anything, meaning she was acting illegally.

Translation: it’s okay to take a bunch of national secrets home after you get the boot or discuss such with foreign leaders at Mar-A-Lago etc. What’s with the capitalizations? Did Trump declassify all that swag he took back to Tra-la-lago with him? What’s with that anyway? Who wants boxloads of stuff from that job? Who wants that job in the first place? Maybe that’s the key. In future anyone who actually wants political office should be sent to SIberia to clean toilets. 🙂

She then used ….an additional reason the email case against Hilary was dropped.

Yes. Very dodgy.

You really gotta get over the idea that politics is like God v Satan. It’s not a battle between good and evil. Politics is largely a matter of necessary evil and democracy is a device to prevent the sumbitches from getting too much power. I understand this. That’s why I can assert that the orange creamed tub-of-lard known as the 45th present dent of the disUnited States is a shameless shyster, a compulsive liar whose only claim to excellence is as perhaps the World’s Greatest Couch Potato and still think the Clintons are dodgy crooks. Understand? Of course not.

Apparently, it was an inside job – there was NO evidence the emails were actually exfiltrated via the internet.

Bollocks. This attempt to rewrite history is shameless. I notice Baron von Rupe’s minions have been very busy trying to do exactly that. Except Carlson of course. He’s busy getting to the end of Run Spot Run Part II. Should be finished by the end of November. What progress that boy’s made.

Because the FBI broke it’s own rules

Because he was chatting with a Russian spy on the telephone when on the way to becoming National Security Advisor and denied it even tho’, with his background, he should’ve known that the conversation would be recorded and logged as a matter of routine. Not only is he dodgy, he’s stupid as well.

Flynn made the mistake of believing the FBI was non-partisan

Yep. The FBI are Democrat stooges which is why they were very publicly investigating the Democratic candidate during a presidential election.

Oh yeah. They buried it. Well why didn’t they bury it before it hit the headlines? Did they collectively eat one of Flynn’s brain tumours for breakfast?

he’s suing them (don’t recall what for).

Neither does he I’m sure. 🙂

September 23, 2022 1:34 pm

Actually that’s a great Reality TV Show idea. Hill and Don clean toilets in Siberia. Watch while Hill castigates Dump for not doing his part of the job. “I can’t”, says he, “I’ll miss out on The Greatest Hits of Sherriff Lobo”. Watch as Hill tries to rent out the disabled ladies dunny for the Mayor of Yakutsk so he can carry out a little clandestine carnal recreation with one of Boris Stepanovich’s pet pigs.

“Jeez” says she, “I never had this trouble renting the Lincoln Room to Jeffrey Epstein. Sigh! Those were the days.”

“Those were the days” echoes Dump.

Quickly horror fills their faces as they both cry: “Shit! We agree on something! Eeeeeewwww.”

Stand by for episode #2 when Dump clicks the padlock on the ladies’ dunny while Hill attempts to clear the s-bends of pork product.

“Yaay! Finally locked her up!”

Unfortunately none of the padlocks work in Siberia. But the iPhones do and the footage of Boris Stepanovich firing Dump goes viral.

“You’re fired!” says Boris.
Hey! That’s my line” says the Dump and he makes The Call only to realise that showbusiness is worse than dog eat dog. It’s dog doesn’t return dog’s phone call. Not even Sly Stallone who’s too busy stealing the last litre of water in California to hydrate his thirsty cactus.

Oh the Dump! He’s so livid he switches his orange cream for purple especially seeing as Hillary gets promoted to CEO of Boris’s Pighouse. She’s elated. Finally she gets to be president of something. Her first move is to put a dress on the prime pig and call it Monica.

Then she calls her husband.

Stand by for episode #3. It’s a corker.

September 24, 2022 11:54 am

“Translation: it’s okay to take a bunch of national secrets home after you get the boot or discuss such with foreign leaders at Mar-A-Lago etc. “

It’s OK unless you are Donald J Trump:


“…[the letter] reveals that the Obama Foundation not only acknowledged possessing classified documents but also admitted that they kept them in a facility that did not meet NARA standards for the storage of those documents.

This means that, as the debate over the supposedly classified documents at Mar-a-Lago is unfolding, the Obama Foundation is, at this very moment, storing classified documents in unused retail space in the suburbs of Chicago.

Seeing as Mar-a-Lago is Trump’s Florida home, it is protected by Secret Service, making it far more secure than whatever setup they likely had at the former furniture store space. ”

But hey, Orange Man Bad, hmmK?

“Bollocks. This attempt to rewrite history is shameless.”

So citing the DNCs own cyber expert when he testifies to congress is “re-writiing history”?
He claimed they had no evidence data was exfiltrated – none. They assumed it was because it was leaked and there was evidence the server was compromised. Not Hillary’s email server, the DNC server. Hilary’s server was wiped before anyone could look at it. And the DNC never gave the server to the FBI for forensic evaluation, so we have to take their word for it, apparently.

“Because he [Flynn] was chatting with a Russian spy on the telephone when on the way to becoming National Security Advisor and denied it …”

It was a diplomat (IIRC, the Ambassador), he was the incoming NSA and he didn’t deny it – in fact, he didn’t even speak about what the FBI accused him of lying about. His talk with the agents was honest and accurate. If you think otherwise, then by all means post the accusation and the call transcript (yes, they are available) and show where he lied. I’ve read it – I know he didn’t lie to the FBI. That’s why the DoJ wanted to drop the case with prejudice, except the judge didn’t want to let them. Talk about unprecedented – the prosecution says “No, sorry our mistake, we want to drop this case and will not prosecute it later”, defense says “We’re good with that”, judge says “No! You must continue to prosecute. I’ll even appoint my own prosecutor if I have to.” Political much? Flynn knew too much, and the process is the punishment – they sent him broke on a lie to protect their own mis- and malfeasance from being exposed. Pretty disgusting.

“Yep. The FBI are Democrat stooges which is why they were very publicly investigating the Democratic candidate during a presidential election.”

Did you even see the SMS’s between Stzroke (sp?) and Page? The lead investigator and an FBI lawyer, sleeping together and both clearly didn’t want DJT to be president – they had an “insurance policy” against it! But they kept at it, even when they knew the sources they relied on were lying to them, and didn’t disclose to the FISA court the very same exculpatory evidence. They clearly make the point that this was all a “top down” driven investigation – they had the man and were looking for a crime, when the normal process is find a crime then find the man who committed it. They still haven’t had to face any ramifications for that – the deep state could at least make a show of investigating this, but they didn’t even bother doing that.

It’s also interesting that the FBI and DoJ say they won’t prosecute in order to affect an election, yet Mar-a-Lago continues even so, as does the “perp walk” of Steve Bannon and others. This after the DNC pumps money into promoting MAGA candidates (while saying they are all the devil incarnate). Gee, might this be so they can arrest “MAGA people” and then say “Don’t vote for the criminals!”?
Politics is a dirty business, but weaponising the justice system is well beyond the pale and should never be tolerated – ever.

Look, Trump has many faults, and I don’t like everything he does – not by a long shot. But IMO, he’s clearly better at the actual job than either Hillbillary or The Puppet President allegedly in power now – that’s not even a close call. Perhaps you might say “lesser of two evils” – I wouldn’t argue.
Trump was “f*ck off” rich and could have retired to play golf in Florida for the rest of his life and no-one would have begrudged him that. Instead he tried hard to fix the country – right or wrong, he at least tried. And it cost him money. And he’s still doing it, even though it is still costing him money and we are seeing his family persecuted too. He says that is because he is a patriot – you can believe him or not, that’s up to you, but it’s clear that he isn’t profiting in from what he’s doing, unlike the Clinton’s, Obama’s, Bush’s and so on.
I also think a lot of the rage against Trump is fueled by a clearly partisan MSM, who are now, for the most part, a part of the very “elite” they are claiming to “expose” and “protect us” from. And that most of the politicians (here too!) are more concerned with their own well-being and profit, and more concerned with protecting the establishment that gives them wealth and power than they are about everyday “workers” or the country itself. Sad but true – and I’m not even convinced it can be fixed, let alone know how to fix it (short of really bad things happening).

September 24, 2022 2:57 pm

Well that’s quite a rant, And it’s Grand Final so I’ll just say that your Obama nicked classified documents is another red herring. Again if he did, and the sources for that are all propagandistic, that doesn’t excuse Trump doing it. That said riddle me this Batman. If Obama pinched all this secret stuff why did Fox and Friends wait until Tra-La-Lego was raided to release the (bullshit) story?

Clinton’s emails were hacked by the Russians and given to Wikileaks who published them – fact.

Instead he tried hard to fix the country

By rising at the crack of noon and watching TV spots that were about him all day. This comes from his supporters at Fox & Friends.

One of ’em said: “He’s a worker, he watches all the shows.” Que?

Trump is fueled by a clearly partisan MSM, who are now, for the most part, a part of the very “elite” they are claiming to “expose” and “protect us” from.

What is the mainstream media? Is Fox News the mainstream media? It’s clearly partisan. So is MSNBC et al. It’s actually getting quite ridiculous. I started listening to the BBC World Service again recently. It was almost shocking to hear news delivered by people who were sober and moderate. Shockin’!

BTW We all know what Trump is fuelled by.

September 25, 2022 11:39 am

“Obama nicked classified documents is another red herring. Again if he did, and the sources for that are all propagandistic, that doesn’t excuse Trump doing it.”

The point is that they all do it, and it was apparently never an issue until Trump came along.
None of them need an excuse, because it’s all legal – you can argue the morality, but legally there can be no issue, as I explained before. If you bothered to follow the link, you’d see it was a letter from Obama that was FOI’ed – official govco docs, shown at the article for you to read.

“If Obama pinched all this secret stuff why did Fox and Friends wait until Tra-La-Lego was raided to release the (bullshit) story?”

Gee, maybe to show the hypocrisy of the Trump raid?

“Clinton’s emails were hacked by the Russians and given to Wikileaks who published them – fact. “

Wikileaks itself says otherwise, but what would they know?

“What is the mainstream media? Is Fox News the mainstream media? It’s clearly partisan. So is MSNBC et al. It’s actually getting quite ridiculous.”

Agreed. Although I would say that Fox at least doesn’t try to hide it, unlike the others.
The BBC, like the ABC, is pathetically still trying to run on their reputation, oblivious of how badly they’ve already trashed it. Sad. As I said, most of the media think they can control the narrative, that they are the “opinion makers”. Most politicians seem to think so too. Even in the US, where trust in the media is lower than trust in politicians – people are more likely to believe used car salesmen (ouch!)

Fox New’s two best rating shows are watched by a significant number of Dems, BTW – Tucker Carlson, the serious news show by a guy who doesn’t use social media at all and is interested in hearing both sides; and Gutfeld, a comedy show that is actually funny unlike SNL and the rest, in part because they don’t care about being woke or politically correct. Are they partisan? Sure, but they clearly admit it, unlike, say, CNN. The respect they gain from viewers for that is clear in the ratings contrast between the two – no-one really trusts either one 100%, but at least Fox isn’t pissing down your back and telling you it’s raining.

Version 1.0.0
Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x