Open Thread – Weekend 12 Nov 2022

The Mansard Roof, Edward Hopper, 1923

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November 15, 2022 11:16 am

How To Eliminate Democrats’ Massive Single Women Electoral Advantage

In the 2022 midterms, single women voted Democrat by 37 points. Marriage detachment needs to be addressed because it’s not going away.

And that’s the other side of the coin. A society is fucked when in its inhabitants are taught to hate it; and young folk and single women are the haters.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 15, 2022 11:16 am

The French disposed of most of these presumptuous impostors in a rather graphic and horrible way when it all got too much.

The French Revolution came out of the Left, as all revolutions do (possible exception: 1776). At the moment the Left controls everything, so the rank and file are supporting the elites rather than tumbrilling them.

Rupert is so old now I think he just wants peace and quiet. Domestically as well as generally. His sons are respectively centre-left and far-left, of the elitist let-them-eat-cake class. That shows in the content we are inflicted with on Fox, Sky, and the Oz.

November 15, 2022 11:19 am

And that’s the other side of the coin. A society is fucked when in its inhabitants are taught to hate it; and young folk and single women are the haters.

Young men are turning their back on society due to being vilified by it…
Shocking I know…

November 15, 2022 11:19 am

How To Eliminate Democrats’ Massive Single Women Electoral Advantage

Nowhere in the article is any specific policy proposed to counter this advantage.

November 15, 2022 11:19 am

I am currently taking Hairy’s Rum cure for the Lurgi.

I had some crappy thing that came back to the Maldives from Mecca. Ended by a couple of sessions of Vicks in a bowl of hot water and a towel over the head.

November 15, 2022 11:22 am

Human beings are capable of believing in anything.

There is ample empirical evidence for that all around us, particularly in today’s culture which has long ago slipped loose from its moorings in Judeao-Christian belief.

An obvious example…

A person who believes that Genesis 2-3, whether intrepreted literally or figuratively, teaches divinely revealed truth about the nature of humankind as created male and female will not fall for po-mo gender nonsense or the normalisation of homosexuality.

That’s not to say that all atheists fall for those agendas; they clearly don’t. But they must base their objections on some purely temporal reasoning which, given their fundamental belief that God doesn’t exist and is not the moral arbiter of humankind, will be open to challenge on other temporal grounds. There is no ultimate groudn fo appeal extra nos, outside ourselves or the universe as we perceive it.

You may say that some Christians support homosexuality or gender bending. I would say that’s because they don’t really believe in the God who speaks to us in holy scripture and has acted in history, but they have rather created an idol in their own image, borrowed from the pagan culture around them. The danger of such idolatry is one of the central messages of scripture.

November 15, 2022 11:23 am

How To Eliminate Democrats’ Massive Single Women Electoral Advantage

Nowhere in the article is any specific policy proposed to counter this advantage.

Easy, welfare recipients don’t get to vote…

Oh wait, that’s the entire Democrat voting base…
Not that elections matter now anyway.

November 15, 2022 11:25 am

Interesting point Roger. I have always found it “funny” that Gerard Henderson and Keith Windshuttle (arguably two of Australia’s greatest minds) are atheist/agnostic…

November 15, 2022 11:27 am

November 15, 2022 at 11:19 am
How To Eliminate Democrats’ Massive Single Women Electoral Advantage

Nowhere in the article is any specific policy proposed to counter this advantage.

But we also have government putting its big fat thumb on the scale against marriage by structurally preferencing work that women tend to do and structurally disadvantaging work that men tend to do. Such artificial preferences for work detached from concrete value to customers can be altered.

Unfair government preferences for work that’s easier for women to do, embarrassing for many men to do because of its obvious wastefulness, and that reduces men’s ability to earn a family wage and therefore attract a wife — these can be abolished.

Of course, that would take long and hard political slogging, but given our family formation crisis, it would be certainly worth it to the nation.

It is, in fact, absolutely mandatory to reverse our national decline. For national decline starts in the home, and American homes at this point barely exist.

Winston Smith
November 15, 2022 11:29 am


November 14, 2022 at 7:41 pm
It is interesting how advice differs from person to person. The advice we give is a window on ourselves and it’s lovely to see how different people relate to their world and how kindly it is.

That makes me quite uneasy, Calli.
Where does that leave me with my “‘But Lysander, there is a cure for brewers droop’ comment?”

November 15, 2022 11:30 am

First belly laugh of the day.

The kid doing vox pops of people in the street for the Jessie Watters show on Fox News asked a random: “What is veteran?”

Bloke in the street: “Someone who looks after animals and kids”.

If you think the Australian school system is busted, America’s is worse.

November 15, 2022 11:32 am

How To Eliminate Democrats’ Massive Single Women Electoral Advantage

Let it burn.

November 15, 2022 11:34 am

Murdoch again proves that the meja is the problem. MSM foad.

Louis Litt
November 15, 2022 11:36 am


The Spender CV is scary – it reads of some one with little or no talent.
The only good economics is the maths economics – statistics and regression and ecconometrics.
The rest of the stuff is like what is this and how do you apply it in the real world.
Unlike accounting where a bank reconciliation is one of the first things you learned and everyoen needs to do one.
Gettting cred for being able to buy into the UK uni’s is the big leverage point for her. How may people could affaord that.
Also these management consultancies – well Its all a bit chummie and clubbie at that level. Its basically people who spend others people money – if hey went in to busienss themselves with their own talents, like a majority of exec’s she would only last 6 months. “I m tired of beibg dicked around” is what they all say.
This highlights the disconect between her and the rest – women seem to be more bedazzled by I went to Cambridge/Oxford then what men are.
I met a guy who runs a consultancy re ESG – No idea how he does this – well it started from governemnt contract, then it expanded to other busiensses – I found out he is heavily involved in the labor party.
Like Terese Rudd – they make their money from HR – social capital etc , first a govt contract then their mates. At the moment the upper hand is labor, unions – these so called busiesses are not really businesses – the money is circlatory – govt payment to business for some thing that really none of us need or is of any use to us – Like the NDIS “businesses” .

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 15, 2022 11:37 am

I don’t think young single women have a great time in Venezuela, Zimbabwe or North Korea.
Maybe if they were taught geography, global affairs and history they might not be so dumb.

(Here’s a repeat of this amazing graph, for context.)

November 15, 2022 11:38 am

Interesting point Roger. I have always found it “funny” that Gerard Henderson and Keith Windshuttle (arguably two of Australia’s greatest minds) are atheist/agnostic…

The temptation for an intellectual will always be to overthink it.

That’s not to say thinking through the objections to God’s existence should be avoided, but to warn that even the greatest of minds is finite in its abilities to understand. Often God has to sneak up on such types and “surprise” them with jhis existence. C.S. Lewis’s biography provides a good example of such an atheist’s conversion.

November 15, 2022 11:39 am

Unfair government preferences for work that’s easier for women to do, embarrassing for many men to do because of its obvious wastefulness, and that reduces men’s ability to earn a family wage and therefore attract a wife — these can be abolished.

What does that mean, though? Don’t speak passively, make a concrete proposal.

None of this will address the real reason that unmarried women abandoned the GOP in droves: Dobbs. But of course none of you want to acknowledge that, do you. That might mean introspection and change. Can’t be having that.

November 15, 2022 11:39 am

Enough theologising! Duty calls.

Winston Smith
November 15, 2022 11:42 am

Milton F:
Musk, in his perpetual brilliance, immediately responded to the idea that he could be threatened for exercising his right to free speech.

“Are you suggesting the Senator will abuse his political power to attack me?” Musk replied, silencing the Bernie dullards.

Arrogant piece of shit.
Elon is providing a communications network for the human race while you sit on your arse judging him.
And you have the gall to talk down to him?
I think Markey has just made a career ending decision of astounding arrogance.

November 15, 2022 11:45 am

I know you will be waiting with baited breaths for the ACT Australian of the Year. Maggot

November 15, 2022 11:46 am

Just came across this in an article in a recent Spectator.

Honestly, WTF?’s-leadership-role-at-anu

Former political staffer and women’s safety and equality advocate Brittany Higgins has been appointed as the inaugural Visiting Fellow at The Australian National University’s Global Institute for Women’s Leadership (GIWL).

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 15, 2022 11:46 am

I think Markey has just made a career ending decision of astounding arrogance.

Waxman and Markey are notorious.

November 15, 2022 11:52 am

How To Eliminate Democrats’ Massive Single Women Electoral Advantage

Simple. Eliminate mail-out ballots. It wasn’t single women who won the election for the Dems, it was cheating.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 15, 2022 11:52 am

I know you will be waiting with baited breaths for the ACT Australian of the Year.

A female maggot farmer? Ranga that’s hilarious even for the ACT.

November 15, 2022 11:59 am

JD Vance’s piece is entitled “Don’t Blame Trump“, but it contains a sly dig at Trump.

The point is not that Trump is perfect. I personally would have preferred an endorsement of Lou Barletta over Mastriano in the Pennsylvania governor’s race, for example. But any effort to pin blame on Trump, and not on money and turnout, isn’t just wrong. It distracts from the actual issues we need to solve as a party over the long term. Indeed, one of the biggest changes I would like to see from Trump’s political organization—whether he runs for president or not—is to use their incredible small dollar fundraising machine for Trump-aligned candidates, which it appears he has begun doing to assist Herschel Walker in his Senate runoff.

He spends most of the article bemoaning the lack of small-dollar donors to races like his… then points out that Trump has a vast mailing list of such people and has kept it all for himself. Blaming “money and turnout” is actually blaming Trump, despite the headline.

November 15, 2022 12:01 pm

A short but well written article on why climate models can’t work:
One of the issues that is not mentioned here is that the Sun, which is a star, has been assigned a constant value in the climate models as its energy output can’t be calculated. It is a star and its energy output is in constant flux as gasses build up and explode irregularly. So calculating it as a constant is just garbage. And as they say garbage in, garbage out.

Winston Smith
November 15, 2022 12:03 pm


Yep, scam being perpetrated upon employers.

It’s long been said that the economy runs on the vagaries of the invisible hand. But when the Parliament overrules the quality of the decision making, then the entrepreneur must make suboptimimal business decisions that take into account the changed economic environment.
When the governments stop the private sector from operating at the norms it used to establish profitability – i.e. customer density in a restaurant, barriers to employment re vaxxination status, the level of service drops along with profitability. The businesses fail because the government mistook its edicts for the economic price signal, and before you know it – recession and explosion of debt.
Every legislative hindrance emplaced on a business is a burden, and I’ve yet to see one that addresses a social need that actually worked/delivered a positive outcome such as the DV Legislation.

*I actually would like criticisms of my conjectures – one of the reasons I post here. You’re not going to hurt my feelings by poking holes in them.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 15, 2022 12:08 pm

Haha, here’s one for Eyrie.

Study shows full decarbonization of US aviation sector is within grasp (, 14 Nov)

“We demonstrate that it is within reach for the United States to decarbonize the fuel used by commercial aviation, without having to wait for electrification of aircraft propulsion,” said Nazli Uludere Aragon, co-corresponding author on the study and a recent ASU Geography Ph.D. graduate.

“If we are serious about getting to net zero greenhouse gas emissions, we need to deal with emissions from air travel which are expected to grow under a business-as-usual scenario. Finding alternative, more sustainable liquid fuel sources for aviation is key to this.”

She’s apparently female, which fits quite well with earlier discussions of the species.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 15, 2022 12:10 pm

For national decline starts in the home, and American homes at this point barely exist.

I expect a large number (if not the majority) are indistinguishable from the “average” Australian one, whatever that may mean. In most cases you are dealing with extremists at both ends of the curve.

H B Bear
H B Bear
November 15, 2022 12:14 pm

Brittany! Go grrrl.

November 15, 2022 12:18 pm

Just you would expect from a cesspit like the Anu.

November 15, 2022 12:25 pm

Harvard epidemiologist: “One amnesty I agree with: everyone fired over vacc rehired with back pay”

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 15, 2022 12:29 pm

Birthday suits.

Net-zero in fashion, but clothing giants struggle to cut emissions ( 14 Nov)

The world’s fashion giants have pledged to trim their carbon footprint but that goal remains elusive at a time “fast fashion” is all the rage—a topic in the spotlight at the UN climate summit.

With a chance to strut their climate commitments at COP27 talks, clothing brands and manufacturers discussed global warming—but some admitted that their pledge to halve emissions by 2030 and reach net-zero by mid-century may be a stretch.

It’s a quandary for them since the obvious answer doesn’t cost anything at all. Works better in warm places though.

November 15, 2022 12:35 pm

“Crypto is digital magic beans.”

Distributed crypto (like bitcoin) is fine, and allows you to exchange “value” with people you don’t know or trust without relying on Big Banking to do it. Whether that “value” is worth what you think is up to you, but the same is true of the value of any fiat currency, or foreign exchange.

The big issue is/will be CBDC’s (central bank digital currencies) – these MUST BE OPPOSED at all costs! With these, it could be the case that, for example, you are no longer “allowed” to spend your money on petrol, because you’ve already exceeded for monthly CO2 allowance. Same for meat, dairy, alcohol etc etc as well as “You are not allowed to buy a gun” or “Not allowed to buy ammunition” etc etc.
Or even that the Reserve bank decides to have a negative interest rate, so instantly your available “money” is less than it was (they literally stole it from you).
They will know and control every dollar you get and exactly how you spend it. You won’t be able to pull it out of the bank and stuff it under your mattress, because “cash” won’t exist in physical form, just in digital form and it will only be accepted if it comes from a traceable source.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 15, 2022 12:39 pm

Death before dishonour!

Australia is considering a ban on cyber ransom payments, but it could backfire. Here’s another idea (14 Nov)

Minister for Cyber Security Clare O’Neil has said the government is also considering making ransom payments to cybercriminals illegal. The idea has picked up steam—but would this cure be worse than the disease?

The problems with a ban

However, unlike the Optus and Medibank breaches, many ransoms are paid to unlock encrypted computers. Some ransomware attacks involve the hackers encrypting all of the computers, data and backups a company has. Failing to restore those data can, in many cases, cause the business to collapse.

Yup. Here’s my alternative alternate suggestion: Albo should pay for all the costs since he is responsible for the rule of law in this country. If he fails to maintain justice he can cough up to the victims.

November 15, 2022 12:45 pm

Distributed crypto (like bitcoin) is fine

I still think Bitcoin was a CIA OP to get this idea into peoples heads, laying the ground work for CBDCs. Banning cash is the Overlords wet dream.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
November 15, 2022 12:45 pm

Britnah of the ANU.

Join our heroine as she relentlessly seeks contempt of court prosecution at every turn.
This follows the best selling Britnah of the Bar & Barrister.

November 15, 2022 12:45 pm

Albo should pay for all the costs since he is responsible for the rule of law in this country. If he fails to maintain justice he can cough up to the victims.

Trouble is, Albo doesn’t have any money.
It’s all OUR money, he just gets to spend it.

November 15, 2022 12:46 pm

G. Edward Griffin on Leninism and Fabianism

November 15, 2022 12:50 pm

WA Dept of Health 19/10/22 : “ The clinical significance of these findings following myocarditis after covid 19 vaccination is currently unknown”

Top Ender
Top Ender
November 15, 2022 12:52 pm

Should be amusing at least for Desperate Dan’s seat:

The Premier is facing a battle for his own seat with a Kim Jong-un impersonator, a duck and the man at the centre of “slug gate”.


November 15, 2022 12:53 pm

Marjorie Taylor Greene is warning that if Kevin McCarthy is not returned as House Speaker, the Democrats would install Liz Cheney!

McCarthy also has the support of Greene, a conservative favorite. She’s warning her fellow conservatives that running a challenger against McCarthy would be “very risky” and a “bad strategy,” arguing that doing so could lead to a situation where Democrats cut a deal with a handful of anti-Trump Republicans to elect Rep. Liz Cheney as speaker, even though lost her House re-election bid in Wyoming. Cheney led a group of 10 Republicans who voted to impeach Trump after the Capitol riot and has served as vice chair of the special committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack.

“I’ve been urging my colleagues in House Freedom Caucus that it’s extremely important for us to unify and to support Kevin McCarthy with this thin majority,” Greene said Monday evening, the second time that day she had made that case on Steve Bannon’s podcast “War Room.”

“We’re at risk of allowing the Democrats to be able to elect the speaker of then House even if we have the majority,” Greene added, noting that 20 of the 35 Republicans who voted to form the Jan. 6 committee will be back in Congress next year.

November 15, 2022 1:00 pm

“None of this will address the real reason that unmarried women abandoned the GOP in droves: Dobbs.”

Dems promote “fairness” and “scoial justice” etc etc – feelz, not thought through policies.
Women (in general) are more inclined to support “fairness” and “social justice” and other such things, while men (and married women with kids – also, in general) are more inclined to support well thought out policy that helps them.

That, plus it’s possible it’s just not bad enough over there yet – Rudy Guiliani didn’t win on his first attempt to become governor of NY – it took four more years of 2,000+ murders p.a. before New Yorker’s were prepared to elect him. Once they did, he did as DeSantis just did and won re-election by a large margin, thanks to policy that actually worked to make NY safe from criminals.

It’s also interesting that the GOP got 53% of the house vote. Funny that when DJT got elected, Clinton was complaining that he lost the popular vote, but I guarantee she won’t say boo about a “popular vote” when it comes to the house in 2022!

November 15, 2022 1:25 pm
November 15, 2022 1:26 pm

the real reason that unmarried women abandoned the GOP in droves: Dobbs. But of course none of you want to acknowledge that, do you.

Once you acknowledge you must support partial birth abortion or you are restricting a womans right to choose.
You happy to put your hand up for that atrocity?

Dems run on fear. EVERY repub candidate is Hitler, worse than the last Hitler, every action to enforce the rule of law is ‘the new Jim crow”, every attempt to secure the border is a MegaHitler. Any question about the gerbil worming carpetbagging taking place is a Gigahitler.

Dems love fear, they have used to education system to erect a never ending parade of things for people to be “afeart” of from cradle to grave.

Remember when Romney was Hitler…

Louis Litt
November 15, 2022 1:26 pm

Roger – 11.22am

The way I interpret the Bible is what has worked in human beviour and allowed us to live with one another in hamlets, vilalges, cities, nations and then across the globe.
Many of the lessons from teh Bible are good behaviour which is non harmful and respectful .
Carinal Pell wrote a great expanation of why infanticide was a bad practice. it arrested teh guilt of women to abandon their babies. Orphanges eveolved.
These lesson are circulatory, we are repeating the bad behaviours which is tearing society apart and to which a lot of people do not take notice – except for women . For some reason the abortion issue is about the womens body, the conception is not human and trans is intelelctual.

November 15, 2022 1:29 pm

November 15, 2022 at 1:00 pm
Re your point

It’s also interesting that the GOP got 53% of the house vote.

This published on the Wentworth Report.
There was a red wave: the Republicans won the popular vote by a wide margin, 52-47. By Aaron Kliegman.

Republicans are currently winning the national popular vote for the House in Tuesday’s midterm elections by a large margin, according to the latest data from the Cook Political Report.

14 Nov: Dems 46.8%, GOP: 51.7%

This support for the GOP appears to fit with what pre-election polling data had suggested heading into Election Day. …

How suspicious:

It’s unclear at this point what explains the glaring incongruity between the GOP’s underwhelming performance in terms of winning seats on one hand and its significant lead in the popular vote on the other. …

In past midterm elections that saw landslide victories, the party that won the most seats also won the popular vote by a significant margin.

In 1994, for example, Republicans famously retook control of the House in a red wave election by gaining 52 seats in the House and eight in the Senate. As for the House popular vote, Republicans received 36,325,809 votes, or 51.5% of the total ballots cast. Democrats received 31,542,823 votes, or 44.7% of the total ballots.

In 2010, another red wave, Republicans gained 63 seats in the House and six in the Senate. As for the House popular vote, Republicans received 44,593,666 votes, or 51.4% of the total ballots cast. Democrats received 38,854,459 votes, or 44.8% of the total ballots.

Very few Australian elections have been won by a wider margin. We would call 52-47 (two party preferred) a landslide.

November 15, 2022 1:36 pm

Rolled Gold: Victorian Meme Alliance

November 15, 2022 1:36 pm

“The businesses fail because the government mistook its edicts for the economic price signal, and before you know it – recession and explosion of debt.”

This is spot on – the proof is from Thatcher, Reagan and Trump. All three reduced taxes and regulation, and all three got business investment and the economy pumping along nicely, despite claims from their detractors that reducing taxation would only help the rich, not the working man, and that reduced regulation would lead to “bad things” for Joe Average (it almost never does). Average weekly earnings increased, lower and middle class disposable income increased, unemployment went down, inflation fell and tax incomes went up in all three cases. Economies went from near basket-cases to the envy of the rest of the world and in very short order – certainly inside of one election cycle. So this is also politically attractive – at least in terms of results.

IMO, if we want a vibrant economy, including local manufacturing, then the answer is simple – if you are a business (sole trader, partnership, private company or public company) and you have documentation of monies paid to an entity that pays tax in Australia, that payment is tax deductible.
“Oh!” they cry, “The fat cats will just have more, and more expensive, company lunches!” – yes, yes indeed they will. Which will require more restaurants, more wait staff, etc etc etc. IE, more jobs and more turnover for other businesses, all the way up the supply chain. It will not be ridiculously so, because it cannot ever be – any business has the need to make a profit at the end of the year, especially the larger, publicly traded ones. You should only pay tax when you “extract” money from the economy – if you are pushing money into the economy, that creates more jobs and more wealth for other people and should be applauded, not taxed.

In short, GovCo needs to get out of the way, and stop sticking their beak into how a business is run. Those businesses that do it “better” will survive, those who do not will fail – that is the market, and as it should be. “Better” may include more pay and better conditions for employees where they act to the improvement of the company. Such “better”s always show up as year-on-year improvements for the business – everyone wins, the owners and employees alike. You just need to let it happen…

November 15, 2022 1:58 pm

Study shows full decarbonization of US aviation sector is within grasp (, 14 Nov)
Last I heard aviation was 2 – 3% of human emissions. Hardly low hanging fruit and a difficult one to reduce.
This is likely better than electrification (more later) but I bet not all the unintended consequences have been taken in to account. I did read about an outfit that reckoned they could make jet fuel for use on an aircraft carrier using seawater and the boat’s nuclear plant. I like that one as they reckon it was comparable to what the USN was paying for jet fuel.
Electric aircraft are clearly possible – just. You can build a viable self launching sailplane that is electric powered and there is a small motorglider derived training aircraft that you can teach aircraft handling and takeoff and landing with not too far from the airport. The battery pack takes a hammering though and it will be interesting to look at total cost of ownership over say 10 years. There have also been a few accidents/incidents where the battery pack has caught fire which considering the small numbers of aircraft in use is concerning.
Overall the article is a good argument for Rabzing ANU.

Top Ender
Top Ender
November 15, 2022 2:04 pm

The Oz reports:

Award for Aboriginal medical service that banned locals

A remote Aboriginal medical service that banned locals from seeing its doctor or receiving vaccinations at the height of the pandemic has been honoured with an award for rural health excellence.

Disputes between the Mawarnkarra Health Service in Roebourne, 1700km north of Perth, and a small group of residents are proving impossible to resolve.

The bans and subsequent complaints to authorities have begun to highlight the most difficult challenges ahead for more than 300 community-run Aboriginal medical services around Australia. They will soon take on significantly more responsibility in the communities they serve as part of the new national agreement on Closing the Gap.

Mawarnkarra GP Seema Basil was named doctor of the year in the WA Rural Health Excellence Awards in October. The health service is acknowledged as highly effective in part because it is managed by a board of Indigenous people with close links to the community it serves. However, those close links are at the heart of some ugly rows with locals who have upset or insulted key members of the health service’s board.

Ngarluma traditional owner Kylie Mowarin said she was treating her thyroid condition with traditional medicine since Mawarnkarra banned her in March 2021 for a Facebook tirade in which she suggested the board should be replaced. “I think a change is needed,” she wrote.

Ms Mowarin said that after she was banned she drove 792km north to Broome to receive her Covid-19 vaccines at its Aboriginal medical service.

“The Board of Directors have been made aware of derogatory comments on social media that was made by yourself against the Board of Directors and staff,” Mawarnkarra chairman Richard Ansey wrote to Ms Mowarin on March 3, 2021.

“We are providing you with notice that you are banned from entering our clinic or any premises of Mawarnkarra Health Service effective from today 03/03/21 indefinitely until further notice.”

Ms Mowarin made her criticisms of Mawarnkarra under a story published on Facebook by local news outlet Ngaarda Media about the death of an unattended dialysis patient. The reporter who worked on the story was banned and eventually so was Ngaarda Media chief executive Tangiora Hinaki.

Hinaki, a Maori woman, said she had been going to the clinic for 16 years when she received a letter from Mr Ansey saying she could no longer attend Mawarnkarra because it was “funded to provide health services and programs to Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people”.

Hinaki believes it is more likely she was banned over the story about the 55-year-old man found dead in the Mawarnkarra clinic on the morning of Monday, February 22, 2021. Hinaki said she was accused of not promptly deleting angry comments from locals posted underneath.

Mawarnkarra has also banned Indigenous woman Leonie Francis, who was found to be aggressive and abusive to staff. Ms Francis said her health issues included a mental health battle and she often struggled to communicate appropriately.

On Monday, the Mawarnkarra board told The Australian it had banned a few people “predominantly due to verbal and online abuse or threats of violence toward our staff”.

“Our top priority has to be the safety and wellbeing of our staff and other clients. We have a zero tolerance approach when it comes to abuse,” the board said in an emailed statement.

November 15, 2022 2:04 pm

The ANUs home to Will Stefan and Manning Clark

November 15, 2022 2:06 pm

Regarding the Dallas warbird mid air: looks to me like the P-63 had the B-17 in his blindspot under the nose the whole time. He was likely also looking to the sides to join up with the other fighters. Might have been an organisational problem with a bunch of single engine fast movers trying to do a formation join up while a slower aircraft flies through. That’s if everyone was where they were meant to be in time and space.
Note that where and aircraft is pointing and where it is going are rarely the same thing. Particularly noticeable on a Head Up Display where the watermark (where the aircraft is pointing) and the velocity vector(where it is going) are both displayed.

November 15, 2022 2:24 pm

So now Dan categorizes menopause as a serious illness? Well no Dan it is a natural phase in a woman’s reproductive life. The grub is over everything spending our money trying to buy favour and votes. Nothing but contempt for him.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
November 15, 2022 7:20 pm

Bloody hell, all those Rug ‘n’Tug attendances by Luigi the Unbelievable haven’t helped him prepare him for the meeting with Emperor Xi.

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Version 1.0.0
Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x