Covid’s variant of Munchausen by proxy

Minding my own business watching TV late the other night. I am assailed by professor Michael Kidd, who is apparently deputy chief medical officer. He warned me that I needed to stop the spread; to wear a mask when inside in crowded situations, to keep my distance from other folk, to wash my hands. Is this a time warp, I query? Groundhog Year. Fated to relive 2020 indefinitely.

Who are these people? Have they nothing better to do? Work on curing cancer or at least prescribe stock standard medicines for routine conditions. There must be something more useful for them to do than flogging a dead horse. No, they can’t let it go. In my view they are mentally disturbed, suffering from a variant of Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

They want us to be sick. They need us to be sick. Quarantined. Restricted to our homes and beds. Masked. Estranged from our fellows. Plied with experimental vaccines. Over Covid, keeping worrying. Long-Covid is waiting to get you. And who knows what deadly strains are on the horizon?

I see no way out of this. Rationality fails when dealing with the mentally deranged; and that has been one unsung side effect of Covid. Some say that time will eventually solve the problem. I don’t know? They (assorted medicos, media hacks, and pollies) will be champing for the next disease to exploit, if this one eventually fails them despite their best efforts to keep us permanently alarmed and housebound.

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November 20, 2022 12:41 pm

Who are these people? Have they nothing better to do?

Exactly the same question I asked out loud when I saw the stupid advertisement.

Is this wasteful stuff pre-paid in prime-time slots? It’s only our money, after all, so no need to be frugal and cancel.

Even my little church’s minister, who has remained sensibly cautious about the politics of covid, came out with it in his sermon this morning – people have been conditioned to fear and it’s unhealthy. These advertisements need to be pulled immediately.

November 20, 2022 12:56 pm

They tell you the latest Omicron variants evade vaccines and in same breath encourage you to take a 3rd or 4th shot that is exactly the same as 1 and 2 and now nearly 2 years out of date.

They are loving it as highlight of their careers and get to tell others what to do.

The experts pushing the Vax now are lowest form of scum.

November 20, 2022 12:56 pm

Until the general populace seriously push back against this bulltish then we will continue to be assailed by these fascist scum.

Anytime someone in my company starts sprouting the virtue etc of COVID mania I call them out and tell them to go back to their cave so they can happily vegetate alone in safety – I don’t want to be in same vicinity of these deranged fear-induced idiots.

Also, albeit it’s not likely (but possible) if that hunchbacked vermin of a Premier in Victoria gets voted out it will send a message that enough people have had enough of this, including payback for 2 years of our lives lost.

I’m still silently seething with anger of what we had inflicting upon us for 2+ years.

November 20, 2022 1:21 pm

They have over egged this pudding , and more and more people are escaping the matrix as a result. Remember that, pre covid, almost everyone believed what ‘ experts’ and government officials told us. Now a significant number have woken up. Once you realise they lied about ONE thing, you realise they lie about EVERYTHING. It’s a one way street- once trust is lost, it doesn’t return.

November 20, 2022 1:28 pm

‘apparently deputy chief medical officer’ and definitely a fearmonger

They won’t let it go; please Goodness more people push back

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
November 20, 2022 1:30 pm

He warned me that I needed to stop the spread; to wear a mask

I’m continually amazed that good professors like Mike don’t understand SI units.

The Covid virus is 0.1 microns in size. A blue paper mask has a pore size about 10 microns. So it’s like throwing a cricket ball at a soccer goal and hoping it’ll hit the post and bounce.

Numerous scientific investigations have shown that masks as normally used do exactly nothing to stop the spread of Covid, which is exactly as you would expect from the relative dimensions.

As for the rest of the stuff, well at least there’s some usefulness in hand washing. But the vaccines are worse than useless as shown by many studies, lockdowns were positively harmful especially for schoolkids (ditto masks for language acquisition) and the amount of secondary issues like delayed cancer diagnoses are building up alarmingly. Plus severe loss of trust in both the medical and pharmacy industries. Which isn’t going to be returning in a hurry.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
November 20, 2022 1:42 pm

1. Thank you Peter Smith.

2. Trust is like virginity, once you’ve lost it, it is gone forever. (I shouldn’t need to say that here)
For duk and Bruce.

3. I went to the GP for a script.
Want a Covid jab he asks? Fsck off I say.
How about a flu shot then? I just left the place. geez

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
November 20, 2022 1:43 pm

Your government is a drug pusher.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
November 20, 2022 3:19 pm

Yep, seconded Peter. Anyone who couldn’t see that the naked power grab by the Health elite, appointed and facilitated by their fellow travellers in Cathedral .gov, would lead to us mere proles being put through the wringer with Munchausen’s by proxy is… well I’ll just say, if they couldn’t see, they just did not want to see.
A parallel would be the campaign to hystericize the normal and honourable rites of womanhood- menstruation, marriage, childbirth, motherhood-has obviously led to parents enabling so many beautiful girls to lop off their breasts and grow beards and phalluses.
Anther would be the obvious Social Credit System coming to banking, travel, and real estate, shepherded through by Big Brother’s concern for the security of our data.
Unfortunately, say “Munchausen’s Syndrome” to anyone in Australia today- even those who yu’d guess would most likely have a good liberal arts education and an enquiring mind- and you’ll get the same blank look as if you’d mention Milgram’s experiment, Stockholm Syndrome, the Gompertz curve, Milankovich Cycles… 1984… need I go on?
Even for my parallel examples of Lizard People bastardry, try mentioning the tabloid-famous story of Jon-Benet to anyone who’s blase about the LGBTIQAIPP+ sexualization of primary school kids. Or John Money.
Mention Robo-Debt to anyone who is keen to scan their retinas into MyGov’s trusted digital identity.
Mention Checkpoint Charlie to anyone who is blowing the ink dry on their vax visa.
They just don’t want to know.

November 20, 2022 3:34 pm

I am absolutely over the useful idiots in the so-called medical profession trotting around doing the bidding of Big Pharma and bowing and scraping to the “experts” who, clearly, are not even closely related to medical experts.
Pre-covid, if you were sick with an Upper Respiratory Tract Infection, you would be seen by a doctor and treated accordingly. Not any more. I have just recovered from a fairly vile URTI but was refused medical attention at my local clinic. I’ve been a patient there for over 30 years. I was told to bugger off and do a RAT Test and if it was positive, attend the “Covid Room” at the local hospital. I had an obvious URTI – what are the chances of the RAT doing a positive? Pretty high, I expect. There was no bloody way I was falling for the bullshit and in particular, having to walk into a covid infection zone at the hospital whether or not I had the WuBug. I rode the thing out but am monitoring for pneumonia symptoms and at the time of writing, I’m feeling pretty good.
“once trust is lost, it doesn’t return” h/t duk.

November 20, 2022 3:43 pm

Scare tactics still working well out here in Fairfield, NSW, mainly, among the SE Asians .. mask wearing is still up around the 60% mark and quite a few wearing the welding mask variations ….!

Perfidious Albino
Perfidious Albino
November 20, 2022 4:19 pm

This entire farrago has given a life’s mission and such brazenness to so many over qualified doctors of medical bureaucracy, difficult to see how we can get the genie back into its bottle now though…

November 20, 2022 4:43 pm

Perfidious Albino says:
November 20, 2022 at 4:19 pm

This entire farrago has given a life’s mission and such brazenness to so many over qualified doctors of medical bureaucracy, difficult to see how we can get the genie back into its bottle now though…

an Australian Republic will fix it.

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
November 20, 2022 5:38 pm

Premier in Victoria gets voted out it will send a message that enough people have had enough of this, including payback for 2 years of our lives lost.

Voting harder isn’t going to fix this.
I think we know where this is all heading, as history tends to repeat itself.
That said, I expect when it all collapses under its own weight of wickedness and fetid morality we can at least pick up the pieces and recreate society so as not to repeat the sins of those that have lead us in the past (at least for a while until future generations forget those lessons again).

November 20, 2022 6:24 pm

There was one gigantic red flag. That was the indemnity against damage given to the pharmaceutical companies. The brakes were off, and the money train just kept rolling along.

November 20, 2022 6:25 pm

It is all about “conditioning” the “herd”, Pavlov-style.

When stuff like: “…..full vaccination including a “booster” within a 270 day window is a requirement of entry.” goes into action against “travelers”, the cat is out of the bag.

Any “vaccine”, (with multiple boosters), that has a “working life” of less than 270 days is ANYTHING but a “vaccine”. This is all to do with “choking” all travel by the mere peasants, and especially the more “sentient” ones. Watch that figure start popping up on travel document questionnaires and documents. It is also ALL about systematic PROVOCATION.

Yes, I know the sociopaths at the WHO “redefined” the term”vaccine”, but like EVERY other aspect of their performance in this caper, it was just more “creative” political science.

The vibe that I get is that the “timetable” has been “amended” and the terror tactics thus have to be stepped up.

November 20, 2022 6:49 pm

In my view they are mentally disturbed, suffering from a variant of Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

Likewise, Peter, I just can’t understand it. Even by their own standards, experience has shown that their decisive conclusions have been incorrect. The head honcho Fauci has conceded failure to stop transmission by the virus. Various countries (Equatorial Africa, Uttar Pradesh in India & others) have shown that early treatment (especially Ivermectin) prevents serious illness. Lockdowns have been proven to be ineffective, and damaging to society in general.

But still they persist. It its beyond strange. It relates surely to psychological syndromes such as Stockholme Syndrome and others.

Dave of Gold Coast, Aust.
Dave of Gold Coast, Aust.
November 20, 2022 6:59 pm

Over the fear mongering, cannot believe one word from anyone on anything Covid. We have been lied to, locked down, bullied and threatened, thank you Peter for calling this miserable lot for what they are. We have around 15% higher than average death rate in Oz, not one word of explanation from authorities on the horrendous effects of their deadly potions. It’s all business as usual or them. Not buying one word of Omercron deaths this year. My family and I all had it, the sickest was the forced vaccinated by far, mine was a very sore throat, mild fever and cough, have had far worse flu. They cannot help themselves but keep doing the same things over and over, lying, lying and lying!

Fast Bowler
Fast Bowler
November 20, 2022 7:04 pm

Old surgeon’s adage:

If you can’t operate then be a teacher
If you can’t teach then be an administrator
That’s where our health administrators come from.

Bit like Sharne Warne’s comment “can’t bowl, can’t bad and can’t field.”

November 20, 2022 7:45 pm

It’s a one way street- once trust is lost, it doesn’t return.

The problem is that gullible twits still vastly outnumber those with their eyes open.

I find it amazing that many of these health bureaucrats and governments are still pushing the vaccine. Blind Freddy can see it doesn’t work, but much worse than that, it causes injuries particularly to those who are in no harm from the virus. ATAGI approved the vaccine five months before they knew of heart risks, but even now, it is still approved. They have one job. They failed and continue to fail. They, and many others, must be held accountable.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
November 20, 2022 8:26 pm

Maybe “China Virus” is the only way to look at the last three years- both in the origin, and the totalitarian instincts in the ruling class that it brought out…

Anchor What
Anchor What
November 20, 2022 8:51 pm

Until the general populace seriously push back against this bulltish then we will continue to be assailed by these fascist scum.
Easy to say.
Any suggestions about effective action which will not get participants arrested, gaoled, fined or ostracised (aka cancelled)?

November 20, 2022 10:04 pm

Many who work in the health policy area and determine health regulations are caught up in a bubble of politics. I had the experience of being called in as an industry expert to give advise on a project which didn’t in my view stack up in terms of impact or efficiency. I expressed my concerns but later had to fight them to have my name taken off the published endorsements. Consequently no more invites for input or to present papers at conferences. I am off the list.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
November 20, 2022 10:24 pm

Any suggestions about effective action which will not get participants arrested, gaoled, fined or ostracised (aka cancelled)?
Man up. Peeps like Flying Duk have thrown a hell of a lot away to be part of the resistance.

November 21, 2022 10:19 am

For those with the stomach to bear it, head over to the Reddit sub-blog “Coronavirus down under”. A greater collection of pantywaisted bedwetters one would be hard pushed to imagine with the majority of posters proudly declaring their vax/booster status on their avatars. As has been noted, although the numbers are declining, it is still likely that a majority of the Oi Oi Oi sheeple still believe in this absurd narrative. So Prof. Kidd is, regrettably, safe – for the time being.

November 21, 2022 10:22 am

Imagine you are a telephone sanitizer.
All of a sudden there is an outbreak of ear-rot and you are the most important person in the world.

Now the nasty ungrateful public want to take away your status and newfound awesomeness and return you to being just an ordinary person.

Thats our Covid crew in a nutshell.
Empowered by pollies in a panic they have had the bit in their teeth for the last 3 years and have no intention of being relegated back to less than superhero status.

November 21, 2022 10:30 am

November 21, 2022 at 10:22 am

Spot on, mole.

November 21, 2022 11:15 am

For anyone interested in mask effectiveness, this video from the New Hampshire Senate hearing is a must.

Stephen Petty, an industrial hygienist, lays out the utter futility of masks versus covid, (from 2.17.45).

November 21, 2022 12:43 pm

“I find it amazing that many of these health bureaucrats and governments are still pushing the vaccine. “

I don’t.

Politicians have already gone so hard on this that to back down would be seen as “weakness” and they can’t show that. And they can always find someone in the medical-industrial complex to support them in their delusion/trap.

And since the MSM is now part of the “elite”, they don’t care about the plebs, just click-bait and influence peddling. Like the pollies, they have already gone too far, and can’t back down, for fear of looking like fools.

And so it continues.

It will only stop once it becomes clear to the MSM that majority opinion is against them, then they will attempt to hold the pollie-muppets responsible, who will then blame the medico “experts” – “We were only following the experts advice!”

Just look at climate change “action” – it’s clear to anyone who examines it closely that what we are doing does not and cannot work, indeed will likely make things worse not better, but we keep doubling down on it. So it will be with COVID – it will eventually collapse as all such houses of cards do, and someone who is not really to blame for it all will be left holding the bag. The chief rats will have long since deserted the sinking ship.

Slim Cognito
Slim Cognito
November 21, 2022 1:30 pm

The lack of attention paid to general health and boosting your own immune system has been mind boggling.
The focus has all been on masks, social isolation, distancing and vax.

Any suggestion to eat better, exercise and boost immunity with zinc, Vit D and C has all but been drowned out.

The medical profession need people to be sick otherwise they lose customers.

Winston Smith
November 22, 2022 3:55 pm

Peter Smith:

In my view they are mentally disturbed, suffering from a variant of Munchausen syndrome by proxy.
They want us to be sick. They need us to be sick. Quarantined. Restricted to our homes and beds. Masked. Estranged from our fellows. Plied with experimental vaccines. Over Covid, keeping worrying. Long-Covid is waiting to get you. And who knows what deadly strains are on the horizon?

Correct, Peter – these people are emotionally unwell and there’s no way out of it for them.
We are living the verbal equivalent of the Dancing Plagues of Europe.

Winston Smith
November 22, 2022 8:16 pm

Wali Dali:
Regarding the Milgram Experiment.
It’s not often one gets the opportunity to demonstrate a positive outcome to this experiment, but I wasn’t aware our group of Student Nurses were being tested. 1/25 passing rate was a pretty poor ratio in ’83. I didn’t realise the significance of the test at the time, it took several years for the penny to drop.
I think we all did our generations Milgram’s experiment over the 2020 – 2022.
There’s going to be a LOT of resits.

Winston Smith
November 22, 2022 8:19 pm

Guys, I thing NFA is takin’ da piss…

“an Australian Republic will fix it.”

Winston Smith
November 22, 2022 8:23 pm


I expressed my concerns but later had to fight them to have my name taken off the published endorsements. Consequently no more invites for input or to present papers at conferences. I am off the list.

There’s a lot of pride in that statement for you.

November 22, 2022 8:30 pm

The 2020 US Presidential election is still being prosecuted

The 2022 mid term elections are still being counted and disputed

AZ may well have another election and 3 million people are protesting in Brazil.

If Lake becomes governor she is the missile that will destroy the cheating election industrial complex.

November 22, 2022 8:41 pm

The amount of election fraud that has already been captured in the 22 midterms is epic and determinative

  1. Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare February 11, 2025 11:43 pm Here’s Dylan in 1976, Desire album. Black Diamond Bay. A favorite of mine,…

  2. Did it one night in a fit of let’s see, and liked it, it became very shiny and made me…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x