A few racy things

The Voice within. Meet NIAA

The Voice that we didn’t know about. Now we know, thanks to Rowan Dean.

This is the National Indigenous Australians Agency. Your taxes at work!

According to the NIAA’s annual report, last year Jody and her team spent nearly 290 million dollars on expenses. That’s a lot of dosh, so they must have been able to achieve a hell of a lot of good stuff for Indigenous Australia with that amount of money. You’ll notice, of course, that 165-odd million of that went on salaries and wages, superannuation, defined benefits, and so on, so hopefully everybody is being well-paid for doing this invaluable work.

As for the total cashload, the NIAA’s total cash from the official public account is just over 2 billion dollars. So that’s good. It’s a lot of money for sure, but, hey, all in a good cause!

Weaponising confected outrage

The other day a brilliant Aboriginal or part-Aboriginal footballer was heckled by a disorderly supporter of the other team. From some reports it would seem that the shock and horror might drive him out of the game and the raucous fan might be banned for life.

The offending words are quite harmless as far as I can see, one is a colour and the other a common-or-garden animal (man’s best friend). Making a mountain out of this mole-hill is a sign of the times and as if on cue, this afternoon an article turned up which illuminates the social and psychological dynamics at work. It is not a short piece, it has a lot to say.

“In this new model of the therapeutic institution, the left-wing diversity bureaucrat [HERE READ THE WOKE SPORTS ADMINISTRATOR] rescues the traumatized and turns his or her personal trauma into a moral and socially significant phenomenon. It is an internal twist on this narrative, and it gives meaning to the diversity bureaucrat as a rescuer, as someone who is involved in protecting the traumatized, protecting the weak.

A glimpse into the abyss of peak wokeness

The Voice

Is someone making a list of the projects that have ground to a halt like this one which is the last in a line that threaten to become very long. Who is going to benefit from this in the long run? And who is going to lose?

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March 13, 2023 11:02 am

Making a mountain out of this mole-hill is a sign of the times

The slur was reportedly made by a child who now faces a life time ban.

Yes, it was unacceptable, but a life time ban?

Remember when progressives believed in the power of education to overcome ignorance?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 13, 2023 11:07 am

5The other day a brilliant Aboriginal or part-Aboriginal footballer was heckled by a disorderly supporter of the other team.

The same footballer, who has reused to join in singing the National Anthem, then got all butt hurt, when some fans turned their backs on “Welcome to Country?”

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
March 13, 2023 11:16 am

The NIAA has funding of $2Billion taxpayer dollars. Yet media seems unaware of its existence. Let’s halve the funding and see what noise this creates.

March 13, 2023 11:21 am

Need to audit where the 2b goes.

How come nobody seems to have heard of this organisation.

March 13, 2023 11:51 am

The same footballer, who has reused to join in singing the National Anthem, then got all butt hurt, when some fans turned their backs on “Welcome to Country?”

Mmm…I don’t believe anybody should be compelled to sing the national anthem (why do they even sing it at sporting fixtures?).

Just the same, nobody should be compelled to participate in ‘Welcome to Country.’

If people get offended…that’s the price we should be prepared to pay for freedom of political speech, which is the only constitutionally guaranteed freedom of speech we have, btw.

March 13, 2023 12:14 pm

I also don’t understand why the (however few) people who listen to ABC Classic FM should be subjected to the ‘acknowledgement of country’ broadcast at 6am every day.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 13, 2023 12:16 pm


Broadcasting the “welcome” at 0600 looks like a bureaucratic technique to be seen to do the “correct” thing as required by the collective, without unnecessarily annoying the audience.

March 13, 2023 12:26 pm

I also don’t understand why the (however few) people who listen to ABC Classic FM should be subjected to the ‘acknowledgement of country’ broadcast at 6am every day.

Yes, there’s been some protests from listeners in these parts on that.

Given the ABC has a declining audience you’d think they’d take note.

Not that they have to worry about ratings, but at a certain point the necessity of the organisation’s services will be called into question, particularly in financially constrained times.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
March 13, 2023 2:13 pm

There are nearly 3000 Aboriginal organisations, all funded by you. You can delve into the websites of any of them and wonder what they actually do. Purely and simply to boost Aboriginal employment figures. They’re all just bureaucracies. All of them.

  1. Similar, shoulder joint rooted after a vigorous … Sleep. I’m going drugs and rest, I suspect tendon or bursitis as…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x